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单词 Confirm
1. Please write to confirm your reservation .
2. He will not confirm or deny the allegations.
3. Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Can you confirm what happened?
5. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
6. Let me confirm my schedule.
7. When do you think the president will confirm you in office?
8. The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports.
9. Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports.
10. We hope that further research will confirm our hypothesis.
11. Your booking will automatically lapse unless you confirm it.
12. These new symptoms tend to confirm my original diagnosis.
13. The President refused to confirm the rumor.
14. Can you write and confirm your booking?
15. My brother will confirm what I have told you.
16. , I will confirm the arrangement.
17. Could you confirm the dates we discussed?
18. Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.
19. I'm calling to confirm my booking .
20. To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria.
21. These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession.
22. Managers have so far refused to confirm or deny reports that up to 200 jobs are to go.
23. To confirm my diagnosis I need to do some tests.
24. Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle.
25. You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing.
26. A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.
27. In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.
28. His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.
29. Further to our letter of February 5 th, we can now confirm that all the spare parts you requested are available.
30. The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.
1. Please write to confirm your reservation .
2. He will not confirm or deny the allegations.
3. Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Can you confirm what happened?
5. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing.
6. Let me confirm my schedule.
7. In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.
8. When do you think the president will confirm you in office?
9. The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports.
10. His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.
11. Further to our letter of February 5 th, we can now confirm that all the spare parts you requested are available.
31. We'll pencil in the dates for the next two meetings and confirm them later.
32. I need to have a second test to confirm the diagnosis.
33. I am writing to confirm a booking for a single room for the night of 6 June.
34. Even if the recovery is under way, it may be some time before the official number crunchers confirm it.
35. The new results confirm what most of us knew already.
36. Earlier reports were unable to confirm that there were any survivors.
37. My employer will confirm that I was there on time.
38. Further to your letter of February 5th, we can confirm your order.
39. We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account.
40. They could neither confirm nor deny reports that the chairperson was to be replaced.
41. The president called a referendum that he hoped would confirm him in power.
42. Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality.
43. His new role could confirm him as one of our leading actors.
44. Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.
45. He may wish to confirm or deny those figures.
46. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.
47. U.S. officials said they could not confirm the report.
48. I confirm what my hon. Friend says.
49. A two-chamber federal parliament would confirm these appointments.
50. However, further research is needed to confirm these impressions.
51. Many recent government reports confirm its continuing presence.
52. Nothing could persuade him to confirm or deny.
53. BAe refused to confirm or deny any interest.
54. Mr Eastwood refused to confirm or deny the rumour.
55. If we guess right, then we confirm his suspicions.
56. Tina called to confirm that you're working on Saturday.
57. I'll call the hotel and confirm our reservations.
58. I'd like a chance to confirm my suspicions.
59. Subsequent evidence may confirm or deny that inference.
60. Have you called to confirm your flight yet?
61. All patients underwent colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy before study entry to confirm the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.
62. Let me just confirm that the money has arrived in your account.
63. Here was her big break, a star role to confirm that all-important credibility.
63. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
64. To confirm this, clip it into place on the camcorder as directed, and switch on.
65. Overall, the statistical results confirm the relationship between economic development and democracy established by the comparative studies in the earlier phase.
66. The victimization which occurred, the loss of trade union membership, and the wage reductions all seemed to confirm this impression.
67. More disturbingly, military statistics seemed to confirm the findings on poverty by Charles Booth and Llewellyn-Smith.
68. The effect of our experience was, as I shall show, to confirm and extend that belief.
69. Arthur went to confirm the booking, and gather furniture for us.
70. Hearing you on the telephone just seemed to confirm my worst fears, and I didn't stop to reason things through.
71. Can my right hon. Friend confirm that what he has said this afternoon is in line with that?
72. Will he confirm that many aspects of social security systems in other countries compare unfavourably with ours?
73. The sedimentation rate is elevated in 90-95 % of these patients and when above 50 Westergren helps confirm the diagnosis.
74. Cleveland Police confirm they are treating both incidents as arson.
75. Our results confirm the relation between birth weight and lung function measurements reported in other studies.
76. When agreement is reached close the deal quickly and immediately confirm the agreed terms in writing in a heads of agreement.
77. Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
78. Last night pressure was mounting on Buckingham Palace to officially confirm or deny the claims.
79. Will my hon. Friend also confirm that 1991 has been a vibrant and exciting year in the North sea?
80. These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population.
81. The developments remain top secret and no-one from the factory or the team would confirm or deny the existence of the kit.
82. Invariably, the discussions that follow the analysis confirm the preliminary findings.
83. If you wish to telephone us, we will endeavour to confirm your booking immediately.
84. I thought at the time it was a crazy thing to agree to and early events seemed to confirm this.
85. He refused to confirm that harsh words had been spoken in the dressing room afterwards but his post-match interview suggested as much.
86. The 33-kiosk Seville network allows users to scan menus, view pictures of a restaurant's interior and make and confirm reservations.
87. Endoscopy was performed at entry to confirm the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease.
88. Cleveland Police could not confirm last night whether or not they were treating the matter as a murder inquiry.
89. When laboratory findings confirm clinical signs of nutrition problems, an interview with a nutritionist is essential.
90. Will my right hon. Friend confirm that he will look equally thoroughly and carefully at any proposals from hospitals in Tayside?
91. Mr. Townsend Will my right hon. Friend confirm that that excellent facility is not supported from the aid budget?
92. In fieldwork, you are really looking for anything that might confirm the existence of a ley.
93. The Prime Minister I can confirm the hon. Gentleman's remarks about the protocol.
93. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
94. Our continuing studies confirm a previous report that spread of individual strains occurs within regional centres.
95. At first blush, this discovery seems to confirm his theory.
96. The data of Jean Ginsburg and Paul Hardiman confirm our findings of declining semen quality.
97. The technique can also be used to confirm or refute current theories.
98. Finally the letter must confirm the agreed date by which the report will be delivered.
99. These matters confirm me in the view already expressed that the disturbance complained of in this case is not actionable.
100. Sure enough, to confirm our worst fears, the wind grew stronger in the evening.
101. Please confirm that you are able to make it to my personal assistant.
102. Mr. Clark I am glad to confirm that an announcement about this order will be made shortly.
103. The chief means of proactive enforcement is routine sampling, which will bring to light or confirm the existence of persistent pollutions.
104. Because Burns refused to discuss intelligence issues, he did not confirm or deny the existence of the intelligence report.
105. A prison department spokeswoman was unable to confirm whether anyone had been hurt.
106. The Prime Minister I can confirm that it was an excellent Commonwealth conference.
107. Figure 6.1 Experiments are needed to confirm that any particular structure of behaviour pattern functions as a signal.
108. Nasal swabs or swabs taken directly from discharging abscesses can be cultured to confirm the presence of the casual bacteria.
109. High-precision calibration curves now exist which confirm the two features apparent in Suess's curve.
110. Other parishioners successfully petitioned the House of Lords in 1643 to confirm his appointment.
111. Doctors can usually hear pneumonia, he says,[] and an X-ray can confirm the diagnosis.
112. Generally, our results confirm some of the findings from invitro studies.
113. But the outburst served to confirm the extent of his alienation from reality.
114. The depression of the late 1920s and chronic unemployment appeared to confirm Malthusian pessimism.
115. The discovery seems to confirm that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.
116. Modern studies of Mars confirm the seasonal variations of the surface brightness, but without biological intervention.
117. Conventional allergists use skin tests to confirm the diagnosis, not to make it.
118. Perhaps I can confirm what he said by reference to one statistic.
119. To confirm the fact was a serious security breach in itself.
120. And I certainly would not be there to confirm or deny it.
121. Which I most certainly am not, as nearest and dearest, and gangs of so-called friends will confirm.
122. A meeting of the club's shareholders is expected to confirm the club will go into liquidation with debts of around £550,000.
123. Confirm delivery date and make sure you send written confirmation of all the details.
124. These results confirm that transcripts of genes not implicated in deletion attained identical steady-state levels in the two strains.
125. Mrs. Peacock Will my right hon. and learned Friend confirm that in the 1980s manufacturing output rose by31 percent?
126. The disappearance of symptoms during elimination and reappearance on challenge confirm the diagnosis.
127. Neither Sheffield,(Sentencedict) his attorney nor Phoenix police could confirm if a restraining order had been obtained.
128. In our second study we sought to confirm our findings that group and individual cognitive therapy were equally effective.
129. He explained that the purpose of Confirmation was to confirm the promises made by our godparents at our baptism.
130. Denver said, waiting for air traffic controllers to confirm they could trace his signal.
131. Oesophageal radionuclide transit was evaluated in 15 patients and a barium meal was performed in five cases to confirm endoscopical findings.
132. His loss remained-to confirm my rejection of patriotism and war over which we had argued often during his brief career.
133. Will my hon. Friend confirm that, unlike the Labour group on Norfolk county council, he believes in small primary schools?
134. Our results confirm that alcoholic ascites contains plasminogen activating activity.
135. Clark then wrote up the experiment, which appeared to confirm his initial brainwave, and submitted it to Nature.
136. To confirm the booking, you will be required to sign the completed Booking Form and pay the appropriate deposit.
137. They will confirm the booking by sending you an invoice and detailed joining instructions.
138. Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
139. By contrast, it is easier to confirm an academic skill weakness through the use of standardized achievement tests.
140. Other operators Owners Abroad and Airtours confirm they anticipate a more buoyant market post-election.
141. They confirm our impression that, following his traumatic encounter with the Czech police, he becomes considerably less talkative.
142. It was the medium through which he perceived his own soul, the formula through which he could confirm his own existence.
143. During the 5 minute hearing Mr Yates spoke twice, to confirm his name and date of birth.
144. If county officials confirm that 28, 084 are those of registered voters, a referendum will be held around May 1.
145. Trivers is a legend in biology, as he is the first ingenuously to confirm.
146. Will he further confirm that the 11 percent. increase in the autumn statement is bound to be helpful?
147. Writers reached for a means suasion and began to use emotion to confirm beliefs.
148. Analise financial report to find out and confirm abnormality.
149. I'd like to confirm on the 7:00 p.m. flight for Chicago.
150. Objective: To identify the sonographic normal values and influencing factor of human vocal cord and false vocal cord and to confirm the value of high-frequency ultrasound applying to the larynx.
151. If he funks it, he will confirm the impression of cowardice given by his recent letter.
152. Objective To study the preventive effect of honey milk tea on stress gastric ulcer, and to confirm the value of honey milk tea used as an alimentotherapy.
153. If any mail is ever returned to us as undeliverable , we make every effort to contact the account holder to confirm what address the check should be sent to and resend it at our cost.
154. The paper expatiated the COST model method and arithmetic, and how to confirm the parameters.
155. At first, We should confirm that some kinds of tumor seeking agent into the special cell lines and measured the experimental data by flameless atom absorption spectrophotometry.
156. Purchasing order issue and release, confirm the delivery schedule with supplier.
157. After verification, double confirm in accordance with quality, spec and supplemental conditions on the Purchase Order.
158. If treatment is started prior to the lumbar puncture it may be difficult to grow the bacteria from the spinal fluid and confirm the diagnosis.
159. Please confirm and I will send you the shipping instruction later.
160. Ultrasonography is also useful to confirm the diagnosis of postural wry neck, and it helps to reduce the false negative rate of detecting the muscular type torticollis .
161. In short, Wong and Perdue's findings are reassuring because the "price data generally confirm the outlines of the export trade based on qualitative information."
162. After the migration is complete, I confirm that the bootlist is set to the nst_rootvg disk.
163. The simulations confirm that cross-contamination routes result from normal operation and random failure conditions, including system surcharge and trap depletion due to, for example, poor maintenance.
164. Hotly anticipated are results from other neutrino detectors, including T2K in Japan and MINOS at Fermilab in Illinois, which will run similar experiments and confirm the results or rule them out.
165. Wedding is a kind of rite promulgation to society when a female and male confirm the hymeneal relations between both of them.
166. The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.
167. Assist Accountant to confirm AR, AP, Fixed Assets, Inventory records etc.
168. Another study should be done to confirm these results on soldiers going on holidays from ... providing a continuous record of timing of presumptive doses.
169. This appears to confirm Napier and Jost's contention that right wing political beliefs can guard against the potentially upsetting effects of inequality.
170. Press top key of the volume button to confirm the hard reset.
171. Studies confirm that mothers with PPD do significantly reduce parenting efforts and often have thoughts of harming their baby.
172. Objective To confirm melamine and cyanuric acid was the infectious agent of kidney damage of rats and to explore the renal toxicity of melamine.
173. This paper is meant to confirm the philosophical implications of Zhuang Zi's ideal of "making all things equal" through conducting a contextual analysis of the text of Zhuang Zi.
174. In order to confirm the actual temperature of the kindling point simply and truly, the new method for confirm the temperature of the kindling point is puts forward.
175. Typical lab tests can take hours (if not days) to analyze, process, and confirm a specific biological agent, and that's only if the lab knows exactly what antigen it's looking for.
176. So the current question is whether we can confirm the cluster number directly, not using any assumptions.
177. Please confirm the above orders and state the exact date of delivery.
178. "The European Commission can confirm that Microsoft has proposed a consumer ballot screen as a solution to the pending antitrust case, " it said in a statement.
179. Trends in age-specific violent arrest rates for homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault confirm the patterns found in homicide statistics.
180. "We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas, but simply to control them" ( Claude Bernard).
181. Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates.
182. If designer confirm to participate in the consultation activity upon letter of invitation is received, the designer shall fax a confirmation sheet.
183. We confirm having purchased from you and a confirmation order is enclosed for your reference.
184. Objective To confirm whether one-time deployment of bromadiolone is effective in seaport rodent control.
185. The structural appraisement of a used grade separation railroad bridge is studied in this paper as a important reference in order to confirm the reuse of grade separation railroad bridge.
186. However, they confirm a picture of Pakistani double-dealing that has been building for years.
187. I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.
188. Through his magic lantern,() Logray was able to peer into the Gorax's cave and confirm that Jeremitt and Caterine were still alive.
189. In the checking upon delivery, must be holded of the confirm in choice books and material quality.
190. Globo TV's G1 website reported that three more people died in a mudslide in Bahia state, south of the main zone of devastation, but authorities did not immediately confirm the deaths.
191. The entire life cycle cost management is used not only in the stage of cost confirm but also in the stage of cost control of the engineering project.
192. Whether the skipper will return for the Boxing Day game, his manager was unable to confirm.
193. If you would like to re-order again please confirm dates for shipment. We also need to know if the stickers will be the same as your last order?
194. Greenwich slow time. it also confirm universal time and ZULU time by a accessional hour hand at 24 hour work.
195. Change to the new target directory and confirm that you are in the right place (see Listing 3).
196. Therefore(Sentence dictionary), here lies the difference between Daoists and theoreticians . Daoists perceive the tangibility of things directly with awareness while theoreticians confirm it with demonstrated theories.
197. We are XXX Co. , Ltd. legally represented by Mr. XX with full corporate and responsibility authority under penalty of perjury , confirm to be ready.
198. Then, the reliability analysis of horn diaphragm is done, obtain the maximum distortion and confirm the main factors affecting the maximum stress.
199. Three of Lafferty's colleagues confirm the story, as do letters, memorandums, and other documents.
200. How can I confirm that related deferred income tax, as well as how to determine the income statement should be recognized on the income tax costs are the focus of this article.
201. Theoretical analysis and simulation results confirm the high practicality and accuracy of the proposed channel estimation algorithms in the cooperative communication system.
202. The outcome of the Seoul summit seemed to confirm a conventional wisdom: the US can no longer get its way in a bust-up with China.




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