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单词 mixed up
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatryˌmixed ˈup adjective  1  be/get mixed up in something TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto be involved in an illegal or dishonest activity 被卷入某事,被牵连到某事中 He’s the last person I’d expect to be mixed up in something like this. 他是我最想不到会牵涉进这种事情的人。 I’d have to be crazy to get mixed up in that kind of thing. 我疯了才会卷进那种事情。2  be/get mixed up with somebody TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto be involved with someone who has a bad influence on you 与某人厮混 When he left college he got mixed up with the wrong people. 离开大学后,他结交了一些不三不四的人。3  [not before noun]CONFUSED confused, for example because you have too many different details to remember or think about 困惑的,糊涂的,头脑混乱的 I get all mixed up over the money whenever I travel abroad. 我一出国旅行就在钱的方面搞得晕头转向。4  (also mixed-up) informalMPCONFUSED confused and suffering from emotional problems 情感错乱的,感情迷茫的 SYN screwed up She’s just a crazy mixed-up kid. 她只是一个疯疯癫癫、感情迷茫的孩子。 → mix up at mix1, mix-upExamples from the Corpusmixed up• There was so much paperwork that Brian got mixed up and forgot to sign the check.• a mixed up college kidˌmixed ˈup adjectiveChineseSyllable  activity in illegal an or involved be Corpus dishonest to




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