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单词 Cover-up
1 She denied there had been any cover-up.
2 Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.
3 Claims of a cover-up were dismissed.
4 Military leaders were involved in a major cover-up.
5 General Schwarzkopf denied there'd been any cover-up.
6 Government sources denied there had been a deliberate cover-up.
7 Today's announcement smacks of a government cover-up.
8 Senior government figures must have acquired in the cover-up.
9 He accused the government of a cover-up.
10 The opposition accused the government of a cover-up.
11 Today's announcement smacks strongly of a government cover-up.
12 Three police officers are implicated in the cover-up.
13 To me,[] the whole thing smacks of a cover-up.
14 The careers of officers complicit in the cover-up were ruined.
15 Allegations of a cover-up of the effects of industrial pollution have been strongly denied by the Environment Minister.
16 The President was implicated in the cover-up and forced to resign.
17 If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government.
18 The Watergate cover-up eventually led to Nixon's resignation.
19 Conspiracy and cover-up theories still abound.
20 The techniques of cover-up are old and familiar.
21 Suspicions of a government cover-up are entirely unfounded.
22 There is nothing less than a cultural cover-up about depression in men.
23 Soon there was a cover-up of the cover-up, because senior officers by then knew too much.
24 The cover-up lasts to this day, but its genesis is now unravelling.
25 But the whole thing smacks of a cover-up to conceal the truth about falling standards in our schools.
26 They claim the expulsions were a cover-up bid after they tried to expose a slush fund run by crooked officials.
27 The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire.
28 She said nothing was stolen, but that's just a cover-up.
29 Some people suspect that government officials were involved in a cover-up of the incident.
30 Pretoria refuses demands for judicial inquiry into assassination squads De Klerk reformist image suffers as cover-up feared.
1 She denied there had been any cover-up.
31 No answer was immediately forthcoming to the delicate question but investigations will now doubtless continue amid fears of a Government cover-up.
32 People would suspect a cover-up if public hearings aren't held.
33 If they were implicated in the cover-up it seemed inconceivable that the President had been unaware of what was going on.
34 She started to strip off,[] all hell broke loose and he bolted while plain-clothes officers moved in to stage a cover-up.
35 Now, to his delight, the suspicions of an attempted cover-up have grown.
36 It looks suspiciously like a cover-up for other senior managers who had many opportunities to learn about the deal.
37 In Congress there have been bipartisan allegations of a Pentagon cover-up.
38 Guilt is not a true emotion; it is a cover-up for other feelings which we feel we shouldn't have.
39 It was the Mirror too which exposed the massive government cover-up last year over the poisonous waste being dumped on our beaches.
40 Do you really have the ultimate overview - or is your confidence a cover-up for fundamental uncertainty?
41 The bow theme is used to cover-up the nail and string holding the picture.
42 The police investigation was a joke. A total cover-up.
43 Several officers were complicit in the cover-up.
44 Unique and cover-up design for mechanical locking head.
45 Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, then-rookie reporters with the Washington Post, did stories about the break-in and subsequent cover-up.
46 "Together, " which was submitted to censors, avoids mentioning the government's long cover-up of H.I.V. and AIDS in China.
47 Yet Chinese officials' reflexive response to more serious cases remains the cover-up. The pet-food case saw a classic hash of a government PR job.
48 We have hinted that there are more things pending, which will discombobulate the establishment and put rips in the cover-up.
49 Indeed, the Lijiawa mine tragedy might still be an official non-event, but one brave soul reported the cover-up in September on an Internet chat site.
50 Starting from the change of employing patterns caused by economic globalization, the causes for the cover-up of occupational accidents in Japan are analyzed.
51 Prime Minister Gordon Brown said earlier there was "no cover-up, no double-dealing, no deal on oil" linked to the bomber's early release last month.
52 Mr. Brown insisted in a speech on Wednesday that there had been "no conspiracy no cover-up no double-dealing no deal on oil" involved in Mr. Megrahi's release.
53 A rapid government cover-up removed nearly all public traces of the wrecked A-12—pictured publicly for the first time in this gallery, thanks to the CIA's recent declassification of the images.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:12:53