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单词 Resistance
1. The enemy resistance thinned out as night approached.
2. As with all new ideas it met with resistance.
3. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
4. Mass communication sometimes arouses resistance.
5. resistance was the City Opera House.
6. Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.
7. Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.
8. I had never encountered such resistance before.
9. The defenders put up a strong resistance.
10. His response was one of resistance, not submission.
11. The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.
12. The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance from staff.
13. Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.
14. The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease.
15. There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.
16. Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.
17. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
18. The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops.
19. The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police.
20. Wherever there is oppression(), there is resistance.
21. The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
22. Government troops offered no resistance .
23. Her resistance only fanned his desire.
24. Our troops encountered only token resistance.
25. Her background disinclined her from resistance.
26. Ten years of guerrilla resistance followed the occupation.
27. The resistance movement started a campaign of terror .
28. When he suggested going into business on their own, she put up only a token resistance.
29. Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm.
30. Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor 's arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.
1. As with all new ideas it met with resistance.
2. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
3. Mass communication sometimes arouses resistance.
4. Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.
5. I had never encountered such resistance before.
6. His response was one of resistance, not submission.
7. The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.
8. When he suggested going into business on their own, she put up only a token resistance.
9. The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance from staff.
10. Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.
11. The reduction in white blood cell counts lowers resistance to disease.
12. There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.
13. Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.
14. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
15. The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops.
16. The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
17. They put up stubborn resistance.
18. The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance.
19. They perceived that the enemy was trying to wear down their resistance.
31. They tried to achieve their aims by passive resistance.
32. A cold had lowered her resistance.
33. Her proposal met with resistance from the Left.
34. The attacks did not take place without resistance.
35. The enemy's resistance has stalled by force.
36. The Egyptians offered resolute resistance to the aggressors.
37. Very little resistance was put up by the enemy.
38. Copper has less resistance to electricity than lead.
39. AIDS lowers the body's resistance to infection.
40. Rebel gunmen have put up strong resistance.
41. You need to build up your resistance to colds.
42. The body is stimulated to build up resistance.
43. The idea met with some resistance.
44. There was fierce resistance to the new laws.
45. The rebels have put up fierce resistance.
46. The advancing army met with little resistance.
47. Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.
48. Pockets of opposition/resistance to the new regime still remained.
49. There is lowered pain tolerance,(sentence dictionary) lowered resistance to infection.
50. Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.
51. Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea.
52. The expansion plans will face fierce opposition/resistance from environmentalists.
53. A poor diet lowers one's resistance to illness.
54. The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance.
55. Aids lowers the body's resistance to infection.
56. Taking vitamin C builds up your resistance to infection.
57. This relentless pressure began to wear down their resistance.
58. Invading troops met with obstinate resistance by guerilla forces.
59. The army is reported to be encountering considerable resistance.
60. The troops are encountering stiff resistance.
61. The car's speed was reduced by air/wind resistance.
62. They put up stubborn resistance.
63. Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled.
64. The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.
65. Many people don't make changes because they're following the path of least resistance .
66. This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.
67. The fabric has been specially coated to improve its water resistance.
68. They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance.
69. Local people risked their own lives to shelter resistance fighters from the army.
70. We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change.
71. Troops combed the area to mop up any remaining resistance.
72. I took the path of least resistance and agreed with the others.
73. The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance.
74. There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime.
75. The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.
76. The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance.
77. He was renamed "Liu Shui" during the War of Resistance Against Japan.
78. In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.
79. He was famed for his stubborn resistance and his refusal to accept defeat.
80. They promised that the army would strike with an iron fist at any resistance.
81. After two hours' heavy fighting,(http:///resistance.html)we bore down the enemy's resistance.
82. They would rather take the line of least resistance than become involved in arguments.
83. We came up against a great deal of resistance in dealing with the case.
84. The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag.
85. Of all the events, the piece de resistance will be a gala night at the King's Hall.
86. In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting up any resistance.
87. There has been stiff opposition/resistance to the proposed tax increases.
88. The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology.
89. They offered no resistance.
90. Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers.
91. Government forces are mopping up the last pockets of resistance.
92. Copper has low resistance.
93. The army encountered stiff resistance from rebels in the hills.
94. They perceived that the enemy was trying to wear down their resistance.
95. Many of the courtiers were upset by the princess's resistance to tradition.
96. They hoped the waiting and the uncertainty would wear down my resistance.
97. The difficulties of outsourcing have been compounded by the increasing resistance of trade unions.
98. Kirk always just takes the line of least resistance .
99. Many Chinese people perished in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
100. They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover.
101. Popular resistance to the measures should give the government pause.
102. How much longer will the resistance fighters be able to hold off the enemy?
103. The city was all burnt down during the the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
104. Very little resistance was put up by the surrounded men.
105. The US wants big cuts in European agri-cultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance.
106. I met the most determined teenage resistance ever.
107. Also discusses resistance to housing clearance by local people.
108. With time, such resistance will doubtless diminish.
109. The resistance movement dismissed the allegations.
110. There will be resistance from many hospital consultants.
111. Resistance was met by beatings, fines or imprisonment.
112. But widespread resistance and protest demonstrations continued.
113. Moreover, the problem of antibiotic resistance is global.
114. She could find no further arguments or resistance.
115. But resistance is a far cry from immunity.
116. Either polyunsaturated fatty acids enhanced mucosal resistance or the oleic acid supplement weakened the defensive mechanisms.
117. Once the purely factual purpose of the system becomes assimilated, resistance to, and fear of, constructive criticism should weaken.
118. Thermistor beads are also often used as the sensitive elements of resistance thermometers.
119. In conclusion, dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids enhance duodenal resistance to acid by potentiation of adaptive cytoprotection.
120. Genes that have great clinical importance include those responsible for antibiotic resistance.
121. Water resistance: coped well with showers and persistent light rain, though some water penetrated in downpours.
122. But with every initiative, they encountered an undercurrent of resistance.
123. They want to flush out the Resistance workers and the guerrillas - as well as the deserters from their own army.
124. Chi Ma Wan inmates have been threatening violent resistance should moves be made to deport them.
125. Overcoming a natural resistance to change is a challenge faced by many companies that want to progress.
126. Internationally, the management of resistance problems will require extensive cooperation.
127. Not impossibly there was a resistance movement in the Fens, as later under William the Conqueror, and ecclesiastics became involved.
128. What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
129. In attempting to implement the new policy via decree, Gordon had encountered strong patient resistance.
130. Not surprisingly, such proposals often meet considerable resistance from those on whom the burden would fall.
131. It offered no resistance and Urquhart was almost thrown off balance when it slipped free.
132. And their reluctance might turn into hardened resistance if you continue to confuse the two phenomena.
133. In a vicious cycle, weight gain increases insulin resistance increases weight gain.
134. Military resistance was organized by Sidonius's brother-in-law, Ecdicius, son of the emperor Avitus.
135. The Resistance firebombed the house and daubed swastikas on the walls in a revenge attack.
136. The success of diamond in cutting silicon is a measure of diamond's extreme resistance to abrasion.
137. No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance.
138. We have a few difficulties at the moment because the fungus does not impart resistance to wear, particularly from heavy armoured vehicles!
139. It is emblematic of the difficulties facing those who attempt definitions in the current age of resistance to overarching defining characteristics.
140. The resistance is buttressed by dim understanding of how a decentralized approach can improve matters.
141. Black opposition leaders are arrested, a press clampdown begins and resistance is strangled.
142. But resistance which is both group-based and informal can be very difficult for management to pin down.
143. But his resistance was doomed to failure as the courtiers' position was confirmed by several royal decrees.
144. But his plan encountered resistance as soon as he got home.
145. We can no longer afford this attitude, in an age of fierce resistance to taxes.
146. The function of the forcing resistance is given more detailed consideration in Chapter 5.
147. The dogmatic resistance to entrenchment would raise its arid and pedantic head.
148. Water resistance: steady rain will penetrate but the fabric holds its own against light drizzle and dries out quickly after showers.
149. In addition to resistance, you will find a mixture of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and of course, unhappiness.
150. As well as these weather-resisting advantages, the cavity wall has greater sound and thermal insulating properties and a greater resistance to overturning.
151. Interestingly, many ecologists are far more concerned about the problem of resistance than they are about horizontal transfer.
152. The argument that acquired immunity may bias the measurement of parasite resistance or limit the progression of those parasites deserves comment.
153. Let us consider animals first. It is conceivable that collective resistance would be individually advantageous.
154. There is recognition of the political resistance at home to waging wars against the colonial revolution in the name of anticommunism.
155. Patients eventually develop a resistance to AIDS drugs, so doctors are obliged to rotate the type of medication.
156. The promotion of women ran into fierce resistance, which led to persistent and quite unacceptable forms of discrimination.
157. Guy tensed the instant she moved, as though bracing himself for resistance.
158. These movements appear as dispersed resistance, but they also are a form of collective action in the face of the crisis.
159. There were two startling things about antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
160. With cross-breeding, they improve crop yields and increase resistance to pests and disease.
161. True, bolder challenges to orthodoxy, especially when they touched upon the role played by the party, provoked fierce resistance.
161. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
162. Her hands encountered no resistance, but found no way through the fog.
163. None the less the young couple eventually married, which in the face of so much Glover resistance undoubtedly took some strength and resolve.
164. Their task was to take oaths of allegiance from the various semi-independent cities, and to encourage resistance to Milan.
165. Indeed, a 1990 study by Catalyst found initial resistance to flexible schedules by 41 percent of middle managers.
166. Resistance to control makes Nicky a problem, a deviant, a troublemaker.
167. The last important resistance to modernization was crushed in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877.
168. This might, in part, explain the resistance many home cooks have to making fresh stocks.
169. Such huge improvements in fuel economy have been achieved through greater engine efficiency and reduction of air resistance.
170. This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons.
171. Much more problematic, in practical terms(), is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques.
172. Even men who have been accidentally thrown into primary child care do get over their resistance.
173. Without a strong State, this underclass will erupt into fragmented resistance, indicated in social disorder.
174. This politicization of de Gaulle's message was a critical stage in the evolution towards a unified resistance.
175. The grass blades tore, but their initial resistance sent him stumbling backwards.
176. The current consumption of the stage will be fixed by the load resistance to which the collector is connected.
177. But Hashimoto has also led resistance to economic changes and concessions urged by the Clinton administration.
178. None the less, the employers were intent on fierce resistance.
179. Having a parched nose and throat may lower resistance to colds, croup, sinusitis and respiratory problems.
180. Immunity is acquired slowly and requires exposure over two grazing seasons before a significant resistance to infection develops.
181. Despite recent media attention, Edith Morgan finds continued resistance to change and an urgent need for positive measures.
182. This gives the organization time to absorb the idea, to build consensus and to reduce resistance.
183. Her resistance to Generalissimo Franco's Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.
184. The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
185. The system designer is therefore left to make a compromise choice of forcing resistance according to the application.
186. The resistance record of the Left, compared with collaboration on the Right, was a major factor.
187. Overseen by evangelist monks Charlemagne's conquering Franks meet fierce resistance from Saxon tribesmen.
188. In recent months, Musharraf has narrowed the focus of his sweeping reform agenda as it encountered resistance from various interest groups.
189. But the resistance is pegged to stimulate toning and endurance, not strength, Kraemer said.
190. In fact, the behaviour of the janissaries bred a smouldering resentment which erupted from time to time into acts of armed resistance.
191. I was met by a slow but very solid resistance moving down the far bank.
192. Measures to prevent the competitive liberalization of consumer credit will encounter the heaviest resistance.
193. Objective I-C.. Improve surveillance and rapid laboratory identification to ensure early detection of antimicrobial resistance.
194. Water resistance: they stayed comfortable in a light drizzle,() but wind-driven showers quickly penetrated the fabric.
195. In June 1176 Richard laid siege to Limoges; after a few days resistance Aimar's citadel capitulated.
196. And Fiordiligi puts up more resistance than her sister Dorabella, and her brilliant coloratura arias reflect her emotional torment.
197. Pathogenesis of Hypertension Blood pressure is dependent upon two factors: cardiac output and peripheral resistance.
198. But Charles knows his business, visiting me with exactly the right frequency to keep my juices flowing without hardening my resistance.
199. It is also an example of successful popular resistance to the armed forces.
200. However, combination chemotherapy does protect the artemisinin derivatives from the development of resistance.
201. Grandfather learned that night how Yi desperately needed helpers to raise funds for the resistance.
202. The disparate movements of protest were for a moment united in massive resistance.
203. Secondly, stimulation of capsaicin sensitive neurones in the stomach enhances the resistance of the gastric mucosa against experimentally imposed damage.
204. And many pests have developed resistance to the most commonly used pesticides.
205. But this resistance is weakened in the present context by allegations of misuse of power by the security services.
206. Vidalin was among many who transmitted coded messages to the Resistance.
207. Marta says this is easy to clean and still meets all safety and skid resistance requirements.
208. More limited forms of resistance such as normal trade union activity do not alter the fundamental relationships of class inequality in capitalist society.
209. The absence of resistance in a different country is thus not contradictory to our findings.
210. Viscosity, or resistance to flow, is a property of fluids containing long molecular chains that tangle and intertwine.
211. State law could not provide discipline because it met resistance from consciences.
212. Learning a lesson Resistance to vancomycin already has created a smaller monster of a bug that had been virtually harmless, enterococcus.
213. Slowly an underground resistance movement grew, catering for discriminating customers.
214. Nor do fans see themselves as engaging in a kind of working-class resistance to the commercialization of football in any straight forward sense.
215. There was no resistance from government forces, most of whom had already allied themselves with Masud.
216. The development of antimicrobial resistance is a dynamic process requiring continual surveillance of organism susceptibility over time.
217. Make sure that the level of the arms stays constant and that you apply some extra resistance as you squeeze.
218. He circulated them to black churches and initially got some resistance because of his history as a blues artist.
219. Only through unity and collective resistance can these people stand up to the powerful interests that seek to control their lives.
220. Wind resistance: I had no complaints even on blustery days with snow underfoot.
221. But when he approached the canal company,() he met a wall of resistance.
222. However, Wainwright offered stubborn resistance, and responded with some hard hitting from the baseline to level the score at 6-6.
223. The programme's emphasis on a mixed economy also met little resistance.
224. One character is in the Resistance, another witnesses Hiroshima, another goes to a concentration camp, others stay at home.
225. Most of the younger resistance fighters lived with other families who treated them like their sons.
226. His attempts to link reductions in working hours to more flexible work practices, for example, have run into powerful union resistance.
227. When m 0.6, the input resistance remains close to for frequencies up to 85% of the critical frequency.
228. Wells were coated as indicated and bound virus was detected by transfer of puromycin resistance to NIH3T3 cells.
229. Hogan ably dissects the issues driving the various manifestations of resistance.
230. Yet reform could spell disaster for a regime whose very fundamentals rested on a resistance to change.
231. It was the Livsey century that had finally broken the Warwickshire resistance - Jeeves to the rescue once more.
232. This should help slow the rate at which bacteria develop antibiotic resistance.
233. He swept her resistance aside as if it were a cobweb.
234. The rebels have put up fierce resistance with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.
235. Resistance has been confirmed in most counties where blackgrass is a problem, and is causing increasing concern.
236. The site of increased resistance in patients with acute liver failure has not been clearly established.
237. A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.
238. Any inability to carry the weight on the hind-legs will trigger off resistance in the mouth.
239. Farmers employ mixed cropping systems and plant local cultivars with some resistance to pests.
240. This is a mechanism of drug resistance distinct from amplification and multidrug-resistance described previously.
241. Hence, we postulated that adaptive cytoprotection maintains a physiological equilibrium between duodenal mucosal resistance and luminal acidity.
242. Nylon was chosen for its strength and its resistance to extremes of temperature and atmospheric pollution.
243. Hence the fierce resistance among the professionals to limited liability.Sentence dictionary
244. Nor was this resistance to diminish in the post-war period, as will be seen in the next chapter.
245. Slowly we pull it up through the resistance and find it filled with a light, savory chicken liver mousse.
246. The priesthood built itself and if we help it along we are only following the line of least resistance.
247. By staying calm, you increase your resistance against any kind of storms. Mehmet Murat ildan 
248. At the same time he was capable of strong resistance to conformity.
249. Clearly, too, the resistance and sabotage mentioned in official documents were the exception, not the rule.
250. Claude has suggested that there is an exponential relationship between the number of tight junctional strands and transepithelial resistance.
251. Its strength and abrasion resistance have made it ideal for shoe cleaning cloths, as provided by most hotel chains.
252. The problems of employee resistance to change were discussed in the earlier chapter on conflict, stress and change.
253. Prenatal and post - natal nutrition, adequate rest to build up resistance.
254. By turning re-selection test, masson pine provenances Guangdong 5 from 40 selected provenances, both resistance to pine wilt disease (PWD), but also to maturation feeding by the adults of M.
255. The results showed that the enhancement of activities of CarE and GSTs would be the main metabolic mechanism in the resistance of A. gossypii to imidacloprid.
256. In the method, control equations for the crack resistance capacity of the normal section are established, thus the area of prestressed steel tension member may be calculated.
257. The influence of carbon in martensitic matrix (by use different austenizing temperature) on two body abrasive and impact-abrasive wear resistance of ductile iron is studied.
258. This paper introduces the contrast test of wear resistance of hot rolled low - carbon high strength bainite steel plate to ordinary steel plate on QLK800.32 bucket wheel reclaimer.
259. At last, influences of the suit thermal resistance and impermeability index to body hot load ware analyzed with the modal built above.
260. You can force them, but nature prefers configurations that follow the path of least resistance.
261. High - performance synthetic rubber , anti - high temperature , low temperature resistance , corrosion resistance.
262. Objective To survey the antimicrobial resistance and plasmid profiles of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated from a hospital.




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