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单词 Emphasis
1. Too much emphasis is placed on research.
2. Morality was the emphasis of his speech.
3. Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.
4. Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.
5. In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
6. You always put too much emphasis on the last syllable.
7. The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years.
8. The emphasis is on the final syllable.
9. Words are sometimes italicized for emphasis.
10. Put the emphasis on the second syllable.
11. Our company puts the emphasis on quality.
12. She repeated the question with emphasis.
13. 'I', he said with great emphasis, 'was the one'.
14. The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.
15. Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image.
16. The company lays great emphasis on customer care.
17. Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.
18. The company places a lot of emphasis on training.
19. The emphasis here is on hard work, not enjoyment.
20. The emphasis should be on the first syllable.
21. The party places great emphasis on family values.
22. The emphasis should be shifted more towards Parliament.
23. The course has a vocational emphasis.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. The emphasis now is on recycling household waste .
25. The course places emphasis on practical work.
26. Great emphasis is placed on education.
27. She placed the emphasis on the word 'soon'.
28. The school puts a lot of emphasis on teaching children to read and write.
29. His slight emphasis on the word "Lady" was definitely mocking.
30. Examine the events leading to the war, with particular emphasis on France's role in them.
1. Too much emphasis is placed on research.
2. Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.
3. In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
4. You always put too much emphasis on the last syllable.
5. Examine the events leading to the war, with particular emphasis on France's role in them.
6. The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years.
7. She lays a lot of emphasis on the usage of prepositions.
31. The emphasis on social integration often served to obscure the real differences within the community.
32. It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak,but spoke with a frightful emphasis.
33. He placed great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties.
34. The emphasis on testing leads to greater stress among students and carries implications of failure.
35. There is a lot of emphasis on maintaining local traditions .
36. His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis.
37. They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects.
38. We provide all types of information, with an emphasis on legal advice.
39. The new policy shifted the emphasis away from fighting inflation.
40. Too much emphasis is placed on the desirability of being thin.
41. Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings.
42. The paper follows an editorial policy that puts great emphasis on foreign news.
43. I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.
44. It is no use merely mentioning the fact in passing; it needs to be driven home by emphasis and repetition.
45. You can never place enough emphasis upon the importance of safety.
46. The new breed of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment, not endurance.
47. She lays a lot of emphasis on the usage of prepositions.
48. 'I might have know it!' Miss Burnett said with emphasis.
49. The emphasis is on the carrot of incentive rather than the stick of taxes.
50. As the political emphasis shifts, Bulgaria will inevitably become more westernized.
51. Schools here put/place/lay great emphasis on written work and grammar.
52. In recent years, the emphasis has moved away from punishing drug addicts towards helping them.
53. In recent years we have seen greater emphasis than heretofore on the voice of the consumer.
54. Officials fear that he might interpret the emphasis on diplomacy as a sign of weakness.
55. Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values.
56. Why the new emphasis on sticks instead of diplomatic carrots?
57. There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries.
58. The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth.
59. Many teachers see an emphasis on written tests as a step backwards .
60. Where do you put the emphasis in the word 'controversy'?
61. The President stressed a favourite campaign theme-greater emphasis on education.
62. He's argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option.
63. The emphasis is on the first syllable of the last word.
64. The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.
65. The emphasis is on keeping fit rather than developing lots of muscles.
66. The emphasis is on developing fitness through exercises and training.
67. Too much emphasis on memorizing facts can inhibit the development of creative thinking.
68. Pay attention to your intonation and emphasis.
69. The emphasis is on personal achievement.
70. The emphasis is on modern and contemporary history.
71. A comprehensive survey with this emphasis is very welcome.
72. Much emphasis is also placed on reading and comprehension.
73. Blaug presented his argument with a rather different emphasis.
74. Bills completed by 1980 laid special emphasis on recycling and energy conversion.
75. However, the proposals for added emphasis paragraphs in respect of disclosures about inherent uncertainties have a number of drawbacks.
76. The incline bench press puts more emphasis on upper pec development and the decline bench press gives more low pec development.
77. Throughout, the emphasis is on constructing multiple alternative models, which can be explored and tested against each other.
78. It has always been bred with an emphasis on good food conversion rates, whether for the production of meat or milk.
79. It includes innate male aggression and, as recognised by some ethologists, an emphasis on instinctive territoriality.
80. To date advanced courses have been designed on an input model with emphasis being on the content.
81. Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
82. The direct analysis approach is only mentioned briefly, with the main emphasis on overcoming heterogeneity effects.
83. The emphasis on them is apparent even on the most casual visit to schools.
84. The sensitivity needed in this area calls for an emphasis on certain points before the more controversial ones are attempted.
85. The emphasis is on the development of critical and analytical skills.
86. There is nothing surprising in this continuing emphasis on noble birth and high social rank.
87. Earlier we traced the new emphasis which, by contrast,(/emphasis.html) Liberal Theology laid upon the historical approach to the New Testament.
88. This is the ordinary, all-purpose staccato with no implication of either accent, emphasis or special sharpness.
89. There is also an emphasis on checked fabrics, matched with plain colours.
90. The management prides itself on offering comfortable accommodation in elegant surroundings, and puts an emphasis on providing excellent service.
91. The emphasis is on aromatherapy massage which is one of the finest techniques available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress.
92. It continues to place strong emphasis on tight cost controls and has seen net assets rise 14% to £26.9m.
93. This emphasis on the triumph of masculine order is the context of Book V's final cantos.
94. Msjor areas of emphasis include profitability, liquidity, operating efficiency, and capital structure.
95. The emphasis is on contact and a chance to talk: non-formal activities centring on children, domestic skills and basic literacy.
96. Despite the emphasis on consistency among beliefs, individuals in the elite can support core values that are in conflict.
97. But the policy emphasis was always on job creation stimulated by economic development rather than on direct assistance to the unemployed.
98. I found the Sanctus, though essentially vigorous, perfunctory in its lack of subtlety in emphasis and articulation.
99. So much emphasis is placed on the afterlife that the conditions of the present life are extremely neglected.
100. Greater emphasis would be needed, as Watkinson proposed, on military intervention capability rather than on the existing network of colonial garrisons.
101. Thus, emphasis must be placed upon gradual acceptance rather than the expectation of instant success.
102. Rather than emphasizing individual efforts, emphasis may be placed on group effort to create a climate of helpfulness.
103. The shift of emphasis, from degree of differentiation to cell cycle, is crucial and huge.
104. The training is very comprehensive, with emphasis placed upon legal knowledge and the development of advocacy skills.
105. A shift in emphasis back to the rural areas was manifested by what might be termed an urbanization of the countryside.
106. There is an important emphasis in this set of projects on consumer choice. 1 Projects are special.
107. The Mercantile invests for long-term capital growth with emphasis on emerging companies worldwide.
108. Introduction to nonlinear problems with emphasis on practical modelling, illustrative examples from pure and applied science, and use of computers.
109. The whole emphasis is placed on the terms being negated, thereby reflecting a profound bias towards aggression as the norm.
110. Solar desalination plants, though requiring a great emphasis on cash rather than labour, seem the best long-term bet here.
111. The immediate emphasis will be on cost containment and cash conservation.
112. Our emphasis on biliary cholesterol saturation in the pathogenesis of recurrent stones, therefore, may have been incorrect.
113. The reason is the increasing emphasis on individualism that industrial capitalist society imposes.
114. However,(http:///emphasis.html) the emphasis on structural constraints and formal controls provides only a partial view.
115. Undoubtedly many of the apprehensions about mental handicap stem from the nature of modern society with its emphasis on achieving and competition.
116. Some may find him placing far too much emphasis on the impact of his alcoholic parents and stillborn twin brother, Jesse.
117. There was a general acceptance of the need for further and continuing training with greater emphasis on efficient production as opposed to increased production.
118. Contemporary Marxist urban sociology places much less emphasis on the supposed necessity for the state to be engaged in collective consumption.
119. One is a shift by the government from an emphasis on the adult active citizen to the young novice citizen.
120. Some investment managers may compensate by making a slight switch in emphasis towards capital growth investments and away from high yielding equities.
121. The increasing emphasis on meatless meals in restaurants and in cookbooks also provides inspiration to home cooks minding a budget.
122. The emphasis is less on getting the correct answer and more on being resourceful in finding ways of solving problems.
123. When you make your calls, ensure that you speak clearly and precisely. Pay attention to your intonation and emphasis.
124. This is, however, a magnificent attempt to cover the subject in comprehensive detail, with the emphasis on the individual.
125. Hence the shift in emphasis from the finished work to the actual process of creation of the Action painters and others.
126. I issue a monthly list, with the main emphasis on Roman coins.
127. There, it has not so much been its Calvinism that has been welcome as its emphasis upon the inerrancy of Scripture.
128. But the primary emphasis must remain on gaining competence in a core academic curriculum for everyone.
129. Tatsumi and Hashimoto also said that their banks' excessive emphasis on profit had been an additional factor.
130. Aim: emphasis upon the responsible citizen, and the idea of service.
131. The emphasis will continue to be on prod-ucts that gain the widest appeal and most acceptance within this group.
132. The inclusion of added emphasis paragraphs would also undermine the clarity of audit reporting.
133. Particular emphasis placed on the problems of regulating and supervising financial conglomerates within the existing national regulatory framework.
134. Particular emphasis will be given to schemes within the priority areas of South Bank, Grangetown and Redcar.
135. She has minimized the revolutionary fervor and emphasis on class struggle that permeate Beaumarchais' original play.
136. He had found that since the chair discouraged emphasis, it also discouraged strong convictions.
137. Settings of the Holy Communion and of canticles are rarely used, however, and the emphasis remains firmly congregational.
138. Feb. 16-18 with an emphasis on modern and contemporary art.
139. For example, the degree in Microelectronics requires emphasis on integrated circuit design, integrated circuit fabrication and systems applications.
140. However, the Commission operates much more like a diplomatic than an administrative authority with a strong emphasis on consultation and conciliation.
141. Excessive quantities of dairy products, refined sugars and raw foods would be best avoided, with the emphasis on excessive.
142. Social semiotics, taking account of questions of interpretation and context, inflects the emphasis specifically towards cultural artefacts and social behaviour.
143. The focus is upon inter-organizational relationships, and changing political and economic circumstances receive insufficient emphasis.
143. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
144. It is quite clear that this thread of non-incrimination is at variance with the recent emphasis on obtaining confession evidence.
145. The emphasis was on self-reliance, with the children free to work out their own solutions without a close-knit family environment.
146. He also placed great emphasis on effective and unfettered communication.
147. I have not placed as much emphasis on the music of the black community as I have on that of the white.
148. Olson's early work laid particular emphasis on individual behaviour and motivation.
149. The emphasis then is on defining that amount which can be consumed without impairing capital.
150. The emphasis here is on securing the compliance of the subordinate through direction and control.
151. The second series really went off the boil because there was much more emphasis on the woman lawyer.
152. Among these, the most prominent is the emphasis cities have placed on programs to develop or attract high-technology industries.
153. But this interruption also blocks the passage of ideas by shifting emphasis away from the signified.
154. The emphasis on the craft of writing is of central importance in the recommendations of my National Curriculum Working Group.
155. This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
156. Wilzcek agreed that the newer, West Coast institutions probably put more emphasis on science than their more traditional East Coast counterparts.
157. They are united in the emphasis they place on the need to avoid all forms of censorship or control over cultural workers.
158. An emphasis on deciding development strategies at local level, in the light of local circumstances.
159. Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
160. The emphasis there is not on staying indoors, but on learning how to enjoy a sunny, beautiful country and survive.
161. It is worth examining briefly some of the possible explanations for this emphasis on remedial law.
162. Winter had wanted to introduce a budgetary control system based on monthly management accounts with the emphasis on key figures.
163. To provide vertical emphasis and break the line of those surrounding walls, pergolas and a rose covered arbour have been introduced.
164. The emphasis on local economic development gained its fullest expression during the Carter administration.
165. These changes in emphasis are welcome but may be too late to reinstate Morrison and Boyd as the brand leader.
166. It also encourages people to become articulate, especially through group discussion, and places great emphasis upon the basic skills.
167. The emphasis is on public acceptance of new technologies as a variable in national economic performance.
168. Emphasis will be given to media training schemes and also to considering the establishment of a public broadcasting system.
169. The situation changed when the recession of the early 1990s led to much fiercer international competition and emphasis on cost-cutting.
170. This emphasis on quantification and categorization occurs in conjunction with the belief that either / or categories must be ranked.
171. Some modern Christians may find the Trinitarian emphasis alien and difficult.
172. It is a hardy colour-sided breed, brick-red on white, and remains dual-purpose but with the emphasis on milk.
173. A mixed group of students would be catered for by placing greater emphasis on electives.
174. The emphasis of action taken in favour of DRAs must be to achieve permanent changes in income earning potential and social cohesion.
175. The emphasis is on the performance appraisal system which identifies employees' training and development needs.
176. Most of these are paraphrases of biblical texts, and like hymns they vary in theological emphasis and musical appropriateness.
177. The emphasis of Rizzoli's spring list is definitely on contemporary art.
178. The Werner Plan placed emphasis on the fixity of exchange rates and complete freedom of capital movements.
179. Particular emphasis on socially oriented topics, such as receiving visitors, making visits, appointments, entertainment and business travel.
180. Level Most public library authorities place a strong emphasis on introductory materials and standard works, rather than on advanced material.
181. The emphasis on analytical methods in these final chapters is also out of date.
182. From these statements it is clear where the emphasis of the Conservative government lies.
183. Emphasis should be placed on strict adherence to a policy of changing into protective clothing before conducting a post-mortem examination.
184. More emphasis should be placed on this conjuncture of forces than on the strike record.
185. The emphasis was no longer placed on male domination, but rather on women's equal but different attributes.
186. They laid great emphasis on the value of a high level of participation by members of the lesbian and gay communities.
187. I put much emphasis on free-and-easy-going.
188. In chapter 3, emphasis is put on timing recovery.
189. Amerimine, through its subsidiary AUI, intends to enter the forestry business in China, with emphasis on plantation forestry.
190. A proper warm-up and stretching of all major muscle groups is necessary, with emphasis towards the entire hip girdle and shoulder girdle , including the pecs.
191. Compared with George H. W. Bush and Clinton, the George Walker Bush administration put more emphasis on precaution and containment when cooperating with China.
192. Lam, who was also the firm's Beijing managing partner, practices in all areas of contentious and non-contentious IP, with a particular emphasis on consumer electronics and telecommunications.
193. After all, if for four centuries the emphasis has been on gaining wealth by mining depletable resources, how can we hope to redirect our thinking overnight to the exact opposite?
194. For micro dimension, it focuses on firm and establishes knowledge flow network for MNC, also, the influential factors and emphasis in current researches are discussed.
195. Combining water- steady construction experience in the river, put great emphasis to states the mechanisation construction's method to steady gravel with water.
196. Instead they used the designation":war between the states, " which seemed to justify the southern emphasis on states' rights and local autonomy.
197. Considering the different of PTA grain size, using different process control emphasis and depressurize operation, the problem of high DEG content was solved.
198. Further, structures of thin film transistors are different between a circuit in which emphasis is placed on the speed of operation, such as a logic circuit, and a matrix circuit.
199. Prerequisite: STAT 250. Emphasis on applications. Topics include analysis of variance, multiple regression, and nonparametric inference. A statistical computer package is used for data analysis.
200. The major emphasis of this review will be CO and its effects on the cardiovascular system.
201. When we have an educational system which lays emphasis on instilling the right tools for our future generations with them learning only all provincial languages, Arabic but also Chinese.
202. Because Pala and Al's emphasis is on Tantra in relationships, both beginners and skilled Tantric practitioners will find value here.
203. Emphasis should also be laid on moral practicing so that it can be parallel to the research on moral education.
204. It analyzes the objects, modules design, developing ways and skills of the logistics information system of enterprise based on ERP in emphasis.
205. In this paper, emphasis is placed on the effect of raw material and process on the performances of the products, raw material formula and process parameters are recommended herein for reference.
206. In recent twenty years, the reform of real property tax systems has been paid great attention and emphasis internationally.
207. In the paper, we put emphasis on the discussion of the decomposition manner of simulation event list.
208. Objective To compare the healing process of skin incisions repaired by laser welding, intradermic suture and interrupted suture with emphasis on the advantages of laser welding method.
209. There are two positions toward this question:one is nationalism that it emphasis the nationality, and taking it as the basic for syncretizing the comment rules of internationality.
210. This paper puts the emphasis upon the array processing of the angular-spread signal which is called the generalized directional signal and aims to match this signal model in the energy sense.
211. The emphasis of this paper is but on the finance restriction which is demonstrated clearly by the great gap between the capital demand and capital supply.
212. The declining naionwide tax incidence is closely related to the emphasis on efficiency, so economic growth a...
213. In your desire to be rich, this means that the entire emphasis is placed on the moment you reach a particular income.
214. Female, as a social vulnerable masses is the protected object on which law lays particular emphasis on.
215. This paper emphasis on analyzing the part of coal gasification and boiler burning, the analysis of process of gas and heat co-product.
216. Emphasis will be on to bring life, attitude and personality to the female creations.
217. Emphasis is normally an unconscious process and even if you try to fake this, the patterns are not the same and can be detected.
217. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
218. Putting an emphasis on the navigation system of the open hypermedia system, the paper establishes a structural map.
219. How to assess and test the capability of peak-load shifting of cool storage air- conditioning is always the emphasis of the government and industry concerns.
220. He said there must be an emphasis on national reconciliation and bolstering the young Iraqi government.
221. The emphasis is how to cany out the realistic moral education of school.
222. Methods of predicting machine life has systematically summarized with the emphasis on those which use theoretical analysis to substitute large scale prototype experiments.




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