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单词 trial
释义  Related topics: Lawtri·al1 /ˈtraɪəl/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  court 法庭 [countable, uncountable]SCTTRIAL a legal process in which a judge and often a jury in a court of law examine information to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime 审判,审理 → try The trial is due to start next week. 审理定于下周开始。on trial (for something) Brady was on trial for assault. 布拉迪因侵犯他人而受审。 → show trial2  test 试验TEST/EXPERIMENT [countable, uncountable] a process of testing to find out whether something works effectively and is safe 试验 a new drug that is undergoing clinical trials 正在接受临床试验的一种新药3  try SB/STH 试用某人/某物TRY something TO SEE IF IT IS GOOD [countable, uncountable] a short period during which you use or do something or employ someone to find out whether they are satisfactory for a particular purpose or job 试用 → tryon trial They let me have the computer on trial for thirty days. 他们让我试用这台电脑30天。 The security system will be reviewed after a three-month trial period. 这套安全系统在3个月试用期后将进行重新评估。 Smith was hired on a six-month trial basis. 史密斯的试用期是6个月。trial separation (=a period of time in which a husband and wife do not live together, to find out whether they want to stay married) (夫妻)试验性分居4  by/through trial and error TRY something TO SEE IF IT IS GOODif you do something by trial and error, you test many different methods of doing something in order to find the best 反复试验〔以得出最佳结果〕 I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error. 我的大部分园艺知识都是通过反复摸索得来的。5  difficulty 困难WORRIED [countable usually plural] something that is difficult to deal with, and that is worrying or annoying 艰难困苦,令人伤脑筋的人[事] → trying the daily trials of living in a poor country 生活在贫穷国家的日常艰辛be a trial (to/for somebody) My brothers and I were always a real trial to my parents. 我和我的兄弟们总是让父母伤透脑筋。 the trials and tribulations of running a business 经营企业的艰辛与困苦6  SPORTS 体育运动trials [plural] British EnglishDS a special sports competition in which people who want to be on a team are tested, so that the best can be chosen 预赛,选拔赛 SYN American English tryouthorse/sheepdog trials (=a sporting competition in which horses or dogs compete) 马匹/牧羊犬选拔赛 COLLOCATIONSverbsbe on trial (=be being judged in a court of law) 正在受审Her son is on trial charged with murder. 她儿子因被控谋杀正在受审。stand/face trial (=be judged in a court of law) 受审Doctors said he was unfit to stand trial. 医生说他不宜受审。go on trial 受审Taylor went on trial accused of fraud. 泰勒因被控诈骗接受了审判。be awaiting/facing trial 等待/面临审判Its managing director is awaiting trial on corruption charges. 其总经理因贪污指控正在候审。put somebody on trial 将某人送上法庭They should never have been put on trial, let alone convicted. 根本就不应该把他们送上法庭受审,更别说给他们定罪了。bring somebody to trial 将某人送交法庭审理nThe people who were responsible for this crime must be brought to sent for trial (also be committed for trial British English) 被交付审判nSmith's lawyer battled to stop him being sent for trial in Britain.a trial is held 进行审判nWe believe the trial will be held sometime next month.a trial opens (=officially begins) 审判开始nThe trial opened 5 weeks ago.a trial is adjourned (=it is officially stopped for several days, weeks, or months) 审判延期nThe trial was adjourned until November.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + triala murder/fraud etc trial 谋杀案/欺诈案等的审判She was a witness in a murder trial. 她在一宗谋杀案审判中做过证人。a fair trial 公正的审判He is entitled to a fair trial. 他有权获得公正的审判。a criminal trial (=for cases involving a crime) 刑事审判nIn a criminal trial, guilt has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt.a civil trial (=for cases dealing with the private affairs of citizens, rather than cases involving a crime) 民事审判nIn civil trials, the jury's decision need not be unanimous. phrasesa case goes/comes to trial 案件提交法庭审理If the case ever went to trial, he would probably lose. 这个案子如果提交法庭审理的话,他很可能会输。nnounsthe trial judgeThe trial judge acquitted the accused on the charge of assault.the trial lawyerHe is regarded as one of the finest trial lawyers in the state.the trial courtThe evidence will be fully tested in the trial court. a trial dateNo trial date has been set because of procedural delays.the trial verdictHis lawyers have said they will appeal the civil trial verdict.Examples from the Corpustrial• He was sentenced to between five and 15 years after a trial which exposed the privileged lifestyle of rich New York youngsters.• Drake is in a federal prison in Houston, awaiting trial on charges of cocaine trafficking.• The drug is being evaluated in clinical trials.• Until now, the drug was only available to people taking part in clinical trials.• People in Russia are exhausted by the daily trials of living.• Results of the drug trial will be available soon.• Perelli faces trial later in the year on corruption and perjury charges.• A federal trial court sided with Lockheed, and threw out the claim.• The organisation planned its first fibre field trials in 1974, and began them in 1977.• At the brothers' first trial, in 1993, Oziel testified about the confessions for the prosecution.• Event-related potentials require many trials for the averaging procedure to work.• It makes extensive use of mock trials, simulations, and role-playing to reconstruct historical events.• On Tuesday, a judge rejected requests to televise the murder trial of Robert Caine.• What if William and the Watch went down together in some nautical disaster on the next trial?• A man was due to go on trial at Liverpool Crown Court later today accused of murdering his wife.• A man from Seattle is on trial for the murder.• Bedworth's trial, expected to last three weeks, continues.• Probert is overseeing the trials of the new explosives.• The trial is due to take place next month at Wood Green Crown Court.on trial (for something)• Five police officers, including a general, are on trial for accepting the alleged bribes from Fininvest.• Kriho may not have been on trial for her beliefs.• Manager Peter Reid wanted him on trial but Ghent will not let their man leave on approval.• In each case it is the woman and her conduct that the man's lawyers will try to put on trial.• In Denver, only Tim McVeigh was on trial.• Blonde, 21-year-old Elizabeth Dugan, who comes from a respectable family, went on trial yesterday for attempted murder.• Rodriguez has spent the past year in prison while on trial for murder.clinical trials• The online journal of current clinical trials, a scientific electronic journal, is to be launched this month.• The company will fund clinical trials necessary for the compounds to be shuttled through the federal drug approval process.• One of these diagnostic agents is now in clinical trials.• These agents are now being tested in clinical trials with people at risk. 6.• The high cost of clinical trials and animal tests has forced Beecham to hold back products that looked promising in research.• The team is now seeking approval to carry out clinical trials at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.• But no large, long-range clinical trials have been completed.• Insurers have everything to gain by supporting clinical trials.trial period• And they have warned they are only prepared to leave services as they are for a trial period.• Sort of a trial period to get acquainted.• Children have been taken on by the Institute and given trial periods.• The unusually long incubation period for this disease dictates an unusually long trial period.• After a successful trial period, tickets timed at half-hour intervals will now be required to visit the Washington Monument year-round.• Therefore, if your daughter truly has scoliosis, the trial period you asked is not warranted.• The redundancy payments legislation allows employees a four-week trial period in which to make up their minds.• These markets should be deregulated initially for a three-year trial period, said the a trial (to/for somebody)• This arbitrary divorce releases covert tensions yet makes possible the performance of Antigone s trial and punishment.• He concentrated on representing non-Protestant immigrants and was a trial lawyer during Prohibition days.• Learning to live with blindness was a major trial for the young girl.• It was a trial by deposition conducted across the four corners of the nation.• Learning to practice law in Miami was a trial by fire in the mid to late 1970s.• There was a trial in early May this year, to determine whether Hughes was guilty of reckless driving.• But they are trials we have tested, and they have worked.• At the time, what Lissa and I did was supposed to be a trial separation.• Building works are a trial, as anyone who ever undertakes them will agree.trial2 verb (trialled, trialling) [transitive] British English  TRY something TO SEE IF IT IS GOODto thoroughly test something to see if it works correctly or is effective 〔全面彻底地〕测试,试验,试用 SYN try out These techniques were trialled by teachers in 300 schools. 这些方法经过了300所学校老师的试用。→ See Verb tableFrom Longman Business Dictionarytrialtri‧al /ˈtraɪəl/ noun [countable]1LAWa legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crimeThree former brokers were ordered tostand trial for securities fraud.2a process of testing a product to see whether it is safe, effective etcThe company expectsclinical trials (=scientific tests on a drug to see if it is safe before it is sold) to continue for two years. —trial verb [transitive]The language awareness course has been trialled with encouraging results. —trialling noun [uncountable]the development, trialling and pre-testing of materials → acceptance trial → field trial3by/through trial and error if you do something by or through trial and error, you try several different ways of doing it to get the result you wantI got these machine settings right purely by trial and error.Origin trial (1400-1500) Anglo-French trier; → TRY1tri·al1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1trial2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  legal Business which judge Corpus in a a process




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