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单词 triangle
释义  Related topics: Maths, Shapes, patterns, Music, Toolsldoce_341_dtri·an·gle /ˈtraɪæŋɡəl/ ●●● noun [countable]  1. HMa flat shape with three straight sides and three angles 三角形 →5  See picture of equilateral 等边的, scalene 不等边的, isosceles 等腰的, right-angled 直角的2  CFsomething that is shaped like a triangle 三角形物体 a triangle of land 一块三角地3. APMa musical instrument made of metal bent into the shape of a triangle. You hit it with a metal stick to make a ringing sound. 三角铁〔一种打击乐器〕4. American EnglishHM a flat plastic object with three sides that has one angle of 90° and is used for drawing angles 三角板,三角尺 SYN British English set-square →4  See picture of 见图 MATHEMATICSExamples from the Corpustriangle• They represent a triangle of forces, in which the movement of any one point affects the other two.• The Sander Parallelogram distorts the apparent dimensions of an isosceles right angled triangle.• Second, the welfare cost of monopoly is greater than the deadweight burden triangle itself.• He studied the dark triangle between her legs.• Alpha, or Hamal, forms a large triangle with Beta and Gamma Andromedæ.• We had to make chains of triangles which would be connected to chains in other countries.• A woman sells buttons with pink triangles.• Kubota claims performance ratings of between 200,000 and 1.2m shaded triangles per second and 350,000 to 2m three-dimensional vectors per second.• His nose was a small triangle on his wide face.Origin triangle (1300-1400) Latin triangulum, from tri- ( → TRI-) + angulus “angle”tri·an·gle nounChineseSyllable  with shape Corpus a three sides flat straight




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