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单词 Conform
1 All students must conform to the rules.
2 There is considerable pressure on teenagers to conform.
3 The building does not conform to safety regulations.
4 He refused to conform to the local customs.
5 The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.
6 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.
7 The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
8 They persecute those who do not conform to their ideas.
9 He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
10 He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
11 This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.
12 At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.
13 Students can be expelled for refusing to conform to school rules.
14 His ideas do not conform with mine.
15 All companies are required to conform to these rules.
16 His designs indicate a reluctance to conform to fashion.
17 Does your electric blanket conform to BS 3456?
18 They want me to conform, to be lily-white.
19 Members must conform to a strict dress code.
20 Her ideas do not conform with mine.
21 There is great pressure on schoolchildren to conform.
22 The packaging does not conform to EU rules.
23 Many children who can't or don't conform are often bullied.
24 He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
25 Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.
26 It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.
27 All new buildings must conform with the regional development plan.
28 A coat must conform to the figure of the wearer.
29 She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her family's way of life.
30 There is a great deal of pressure on young people to conform.
1 There is considerable pressure on teenagers to conform.
2 The building does not conform to safety regulations.
3 He refused to conform to the local customs.
4 The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.
5 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.
6 The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
7 He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
8 He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
9 This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.
10 At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.
11 Students can be expelled for refusing to conform to school rules.
12 Her ideas do not conform with mine.
13 The packaging does not conform to EU rules.
31 Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards could be prosecuted under the Consumers Protection Act, 1987.
32 The couple idea is certainly oversold. There's so much pressure to become a couple that people feel failure if they don't conform.
33 Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.
34 I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another.
35 The novel refuses to conform to the narrative conventions of 19th century realism.
36 Wordsworth changed the ideas of his poem to conform with his later religious and political opinions.
37 Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid down by the police.
38 He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.
39 She doesn't conform to the rules of society.
40 Britain should conform to international standards.
41 Musical notation also did not conform to traditional expectations.
42 Activity has been made to conform to rational pattern.
43 File names must conform to the standard Z88 format.
44 Writing also has to conform to an idea.
45 They do not conform well to national polls.
46 This is an intolerable situation and society has to remove those who will not conform to reasonable standards of behaviour.
47 Furthermore, such modes of discussion are expected to conform also to the rules of professional literacy discourse.
48 They must conform to the pattern and standard size laid down by the Post Office.
49 Most of the time, things will indeed conform to our expectations.
50 And the trouble is that once one person plays the stress card, the pressure to conform is huge.
51 Silver of this period should conform to the Britannia standard but does not always do so.
52 And Brotherhood was the only object one was expected to conform to in becoming a member.
53 Her work became more purely abstract, and yet refused to conform to the Puritan style often associated with abstract art.
54 Exercise for yourself rather than to impress or conform with anyone else.
55 Economic like other social life does not conform to a simple and coherent pattern.
56 She was always the outsider, refusing to conform to traditions[ ], obstinate and impudent.
57 As women get higher and higher in powerful corporate ranks, the pressure to conform increases proportionately.
58 Alterations made by placing the cursor between two such embedded marks will conform with those instructions.
59 Senators who refused to conform to these inherently conservative norms were condemned to ineffectiveness.
60 These were varied in each group to conform to the subject and its natural rate of movement.
61 The chief aesthetic charge against the art works was that their characteristically modernist expressionist distortions failed to conform to a naturalistic realism.
62 However, the shy beauty of Freud's young woman does not conform to the glamourous ideals of the age.
63 The zeal to conform and inform on their neighbours gave the Inquisition many willing helpers.
64 They are a utility like gas, and they conform to the elemental principles of accountancy.
65 And multinationals must conform to national laws and regulations on additives, flavourings, colourings and artificial low-calorie sweeteners.
66 When he considered the twelve-foot window spacings, it became clear that individual office sizes would have to conform to this pattern.
67 It would require them to conform to stricter accounting and electoral procedures, and suggests scrutiny by the National Audit Office.
68 And it's a very distinctive shape, which doesn't conform with anything in this room.
69 Abolitionists thus aspired to make their actual metropolitan and colonial societies conform more closely to these underlying ideas of order.
70 Getting everyone on the team to conform has taken a long time.
71 As is so often the case, however, nature refuses to conform to such a convenient theory.
72 Schoolboys are very conventional and quick to gang up on any boy who in behaviour or dress does not conform.
73 It nevertheless refuses to conform to the narrative conventions of nineteenth-century realism.
74 Those women who do not conform to constructed aesthetic ideals are punished and excluded.
75 Quotations conform to the same pattern of assessment and explanation type.
76 ONCE again, we had been let down by the refusal of human beings to conform to expected patterns.
77 Such foreign-controlled labs may help adapt or develop products and/or production processes to better conform to local conditions.
78 These grades have to conform to the normal curve of distribution.
79 Other female psychologists conform to Laws's description of women in academia who take on male-associated traits to mask their gender.
80 Indeed, few files seem in practice to conform to this requirement.
81 This observation did appear to conform with the actual behaviour of money wages in the interwar period, particularly in Britain.
82 Sometimes agreement is apparent rather than real because of the tendency to conform and fall in with majority opinion.
83 He resolutely refused to conform to local customs and made not the slightest effort to understand the people.
84 Conversely, while pupils are expected to conform to certain role images, pupils who exaggerate these are also problematic.
85 The formulation is strange, since it suggests that one can measure a person's ability to conform to the law.
86 These results indicate that index futures appear to conform to a general pattern of leptokurtosis.
87 Failure to conform to Commission requirements within 45 days would lead to their compulsory introduction.
88 Dole spent much of the day trying to demonstrate how he has overhauled his campaign to conform to his populist message.
89 With women especially, there is a great deal of social pressure to conform to a certain physical shape.
90 Leather is strong, abrasion resistant and will conform to the shape of the foot.
91 Where they conform to any lesser standard they will not provide protection.
92 To refuse to conform is to risk threats to national independence.
93 How might the non-fatal offences be reformed soas to conform with the principle of fair labelling?
94 We have refused to repress our desires, in spite of enormous pressure to conform to heterosexual norms.
95 Whether politically right or left, all modern institutions would conform to the needs of industrialism and the logic of its expansion.
96 The Partnership Programmes began to appear in 1978, tending to conform to a standard pattern.
97 Comparative figures Prior year comparative figures have been restated to conform to the current year's presentation where appropriate.
98 Banning books which don't conform to that ideal is another.
99 Reports of inhuman treatment, torture, and public execution for failure to conform with Kimism were rife.
100 I don't need to conform to a prevailing stereotype in the search for distinguished and illustrious positions.
101 Complex protocol demanded that Court dress conform to a set of governing principles.
102 Because certain people do not conform to academic expectations or social abilities of others, this can not place them outside society.
103 All flights in these conditions must conform with published procedures and traffic patterns.
104 The Council argued the proposed change of operating centre on tree nursery land did not conform with rural development in that area.
105 Celie strived not to conform to a stereotyped henpecked housebound wife.
106 The quality assurance scheme will mean the introduction of new procedures which conform to the Institutes' requirements.
107 It is so much easier to conform to arbitrary rules imposed by some one else on the basis of age.
108 The city has few modern buildings in the central area which do not conform to the height or style of their surroundings.
109 Perhaps being gay, they do not feel obliged to conform to traditional male standards.
110 Sitting in one position to observe and record appearances does not conform to the majority of our everyday experience of landscape.
111 The housewife refers to them as external obligations to which she feels a deep need to conform.
112 Illness occurs when these pictures are refused the opportunity to conform with pictures of life as it actually is.
113 Techniques such as object oriented design and structured programming will have to be followed to conform to engineering practice.
114 Members of the group will come to expect one another to conform to these patterns if they wish to remain members of it.
115 To perform them is to conform to the divine order which governs all human affairs.
116 The solution offered might not conform to the dogma of either political party.
117 Criticism and poetics both constrict the text by making it conform to a meaning or to a model.
118 A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void.
119 He realises that he does not have to conform to the laws which have been set down by his community.
120 His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, for example, represents an attempt to conform to one of them.
121 Girls are supposed to be conformist; but what appealing models are there for them to conform to?
122 Cogelow gouges don't conform to any of the standard shapes or numbering systems.
123 Depending on the strength of identification with the reference groups an individual may conform to its standards and norms.
124 A heavier penny coinage was introduced by Offa to conform with contemporary Carolingian developments.
125 The brothers intend to show that they will not conform to the practices and hypocrisies of high society.
126 The Administration argues that federal law and prison policy conform to this approach for the most part.
127 Our performance appraisal policy is clear: employee ratings have to conform to a normal bell curve.
128 This loco will be almost fully authentic, only differing where it is necessary to conform to modern safety practices.
129 Once such norms have been developed, there are strong pressures on people to conform to them.
130 Individuals should follow an indirect strategy, guiding their action by one standard in order better to conform to another.
131 Electromagnetic theory does not conform to Galilean relativity.
132 We also elaborate the strict technology assessment procedure, persist the technology assessment standard, conform the technology assessment method and initiate the deep level from this ponder.
133 It does not conform with international trade practice not to allow a commission.
134 A firewall will ensure that all communications conform to your security policy.
135 Collectivist cultures (typically East Asian) conform more because nonconformity is more strongly associated with deviance .
136 Now and again scribe control lines conform with the design.
137 The government will also look to change the data protection and patent laws to conform to the internet age.
138 Conclusions:The osmotic pump tablets conform to zero release order in 14 hours, and within the following dose reduction in osmotic pump, The release rate has declined.
139 He is not afraid to go against the grain and never feels the pressure to conform.
140 Education is necessary, it is said, to sustain society as it is, to conform to a pattern set by the so-called establishment, traditional or ultramodern.
141 Now Jeffreys points out that, if a number of observations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that next one will do so whether the law is true or not.
142 The calculated results of finite element simulation conform to the measurement value in situ.
143 If DB2 determines that an XML document does not conform to the specified schema, the entire row associated with that document is rejected.
144 Based on these differences, this thesis points out that tourism translation should conform to the principle of Skopostheorie to fulfill the vocative function.
144 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
145 This paper presents a method using structure information in aircraft type se- lection to make synthetic priority more conform to reality.
146 If does not conform to the requirement, may adjust between the eccentric the included angle.
147 The tenon does not conform to the mortise , so it can not fit into the mortise.
148 We should rationalize the import mix and regulate the import of general goods, especially of high-grade consumer goods by means which conform to international practice.
149 MDH activity changes in muscle and liver quite conform to the tendency of gluconeogenesis , in the muscle enzyme activity gradually lower but increase in the liver.
150 Article13. Each unit shall set up a property inventory system and ensure that the accounting records conform to the physical assets and cash holdings.
151 Life pre enjoinment should conform to the principles of law. It is endowed with legal restraint and serves as useful evidence for the doctor. Hospital a...
152 Thus it is required to canalize waterfront, construct ports, harness water channels, conform to the navigation rules, and protect waterfront ecological environment.
153 Delegates favour reforms that conform to national interests and promote national power.
154 Conclusions:It can prevent anastomotic leakage effectively and resect esophagus widely and conform to the physiological demands.
155 In finished essays any and all references must be cited. Essays must conform to MLA standards.
156 The existing ultrafine grinding equipment can not conform to the request of this degree of wollastonite product and have higher length-diameter ratio until optimize its operational parameter.
157 To convince and conform others really, you have to speak of unprejudiced word so as to reach the nature realm.
158 The necessity that he shall conform, that he shall cohere, is not one - sided.
159 The general definition of the line of electric force and the universal properties drawn from the chart of the line of electric force conform to any types of electrostatic field.
160 Successful editing activity is depended on whether editor can follow editing law, conform with the era tideway, be good for collocating and utilizing all kinds of resources and condition.
161 It is before Cuba revolution victory, have 4 haven railroad, conform through channel of Florida of train ferry over or across and American railroad.
162 Their technical specifications conform to the standard of the enterprise.
163 The distributions of the values of fluctuating pressure conform to the law of normal distribution; and the dominant frequency is low frequency.
164 Kinetics of the deacetylation of Portunus Trituberculatus Chitin in heterogeneous alkaline solution are studied. The results show that they conform to a pseudo first order.
165 In addition, the minimodels conform to the material requirements of innocuity, high temperature resistance, indissolvableness and no effect on taste.
166 We can conform the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.
167 The paper describes how steam turbines can be made to conform with quality requirements by stringent control during manufacture and thereby improve operational reliability and economy.
168 If the temperature depends only upon two coordinates the conform figure can be applied.
169 Building city sewage disposal plant involves Us technological plan's selection. which much conform to the treatment.
170 In DB2 UDB, user and group accounts must conform to naming rules described in Tables 1 and 2.
171 Analytic Hierarchy Process to conform the weighting coefficient of all the indicators in the analysis system.
172 I'm sorry, Chief. I found there's one platform container where packages on the container load list do not conform to those on the inward manifest.
173 Restructured warehouse and work order release scheme to conform to MRP demand schedule.
174 The areas of greater rainfall conform roughly with these forested areas.
175 Moreover just the problems of impartial incomes become the inducing factor to social unstableness . We need to improve the institution[http://], conform to the orders and implement the measures of the inc...
176 This kind of materials can be also used to make the model materials of embankments which conform with the similarity criterion in the centrifugal model tests.
177 This dissertation attempted to apply the theory and technology of task analysis to physics teaching in China to enable physics teaching to conform further to the law of learning and teaching.
178 It is crucial to conform the formation circumstance and lithology characters of marine source rock.
179 The gradient of the earth - retaining wall doesn't conform to construction regulations.
180 For a time people may change their graphic symbols to conform with changes in pronunciation.
181 The Electrolytic Copper Cathodes shall conform to LME ( BS 6017 ) Standards and Specifications in Appendix hereto.
182 The plant design should conform to the requirements of the prevention of dust explosion, according to Antiknock design, a sufficient number of explosion-proof pressure relief area.
183 The software includes pre-defined tests that conform to the individual technology standard, as well as a design verification environment where users can easily configure or modify these tests.
184 When we make Relaxed Riders, we cut our material on a curve to conform to the natural contours of your body.
185 I consent that if registered, I will conform to Statutes and Regulations of Benedictine College.
186 However, Mao Tsetung didn't realize the Cultural Revolution was completely erroneous. He thought this movement did conform to Marxism and this was where the tragedy happened.
187 Shenzhen benefit McNair Internet shopping mall conform to the trend of development of e - business establishment.
188 Collection of anti-dumping duty shall conform to the public interests.
189 The judgement of connection intensity of drug and adverse reactions must conform to the role of previous cause and after effect.
190 Global transactions are also known as distributed transactions and a participating resource adapter must conform to the X/Open XA transaction protocol.
191 Valves are available in both flanged and butt welding ends. All conform to ASME specifications.
192 A few days ago, "Conform the world, green action " is pulled open in Beijing prelusive.
193 Has the authority to stop non conform products in Finishing department.
194 For example, when the astronomer Copernicus proposed a heliocentric view of the world(), it was rejected because it did not conform to established religious doctrine.
195 The shipment which is verified to conform with the manifest by warehouseman and eligible in random inspection which is carried out by QC can be unloaded to storage.




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