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单词 Disdain
1 Janet looked at him with disdain.
2 He regards the political process with disdain.
3 A great man should disdain flatterers.
4 She watched me with disdain.
5 He turned his head away in disdain.
6 She did not hesitate to express the disdain that she felt.
7 The older musicians disdain the new, rock-influenced music.
8 He replied with haughty disdain.
9 He was treated with disdain.
10 He has an aristocratic disdain for money.
11 He curled his lips in disdain.
12 Why does he treat his father with such disdain?
13 My suggestion was received with disdain.
14 She turned her head away in disdain.
15 Judges sometimes show great disdain for the law.
16 Traditionalists look upon the changes with disdain.
17 She tossed her head in disdain.
18 I would certainly disdain to live in such tiny flats.
19 Some people disdain labour.
20 They expressed disdain for Western pop culture.
21 They greeted Hess's ideas with skepticism or outright disdain.
22 Colleges inculcate a subtle disdain for work, he said.
23 Communist disdain for the environment made matters worse.
24 Imitation jewellery is regarded with disdain.
25 Mr. Rodriguez spoke of his tenants with disdain , blaming them for the poor condition of the apartment.
26 But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.
27 She accepted the kiss with icy disdain, and his misery was complete.
28 Koons has engrossed himself in a world of commercialism that most modern artists disdain.
29 The whole operation was done in a spirit of perfect disdain.
30 In their own way, they were both iconoclasts with a common weakness: a deep-rooted disdain for brutish, clear-cut answers.
1 Janet looked at him with disdain.
2 He regards the political process with disdain.
3 A great man should disdain flatterers.
4 She watched me with disdain.
5 He turned his head away in disdain.
6 She did not hesitate to express the disdain that she felt.
7 He was treated with disdain.
8 I would certainly disdain to live in such tiny flats.
9 Some people disdain labour.
31 Y., congressman made no effort to hide his disdain for almost every type of federal tax.
32 Predictably, the international media circus, with its Olympian disdain for the parochial, has long since moved on.
33 So why should he, the late seventeenth-century undertaker, be treated with such disdain?
34 The disdain spilled over and spread to the other commuters scurrying to their cars.
35 The years following this unsteady inaugural were marked by a deepening mutual disdain.
36 They remained aloof from the front row out of disdain and from the back row out of a sense of responsibility.
37 Pentecostals have endured more than their share of dismissive scholarship, condescending analysis, and popular disdain.
38 With some disdain, almost all expressed the need to manage office politics.
39 Another reason behind the opposition to political patronage is the national disdain for politics and politicians.
40 Hari knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a young maidservant who looked her over in disdain.
41 Even the trendiest of today's celebrity chefs does not disdain to slosh it around.
42 The choice that is left is to go through the motions either with counterfeit conviction, or with subversion and disdain.
43 Natasha gazed at her with an expression in which caution and disdain were perfectly balanced.
44 He was regarding Dexter and the gold-fish bowl with disdain.
45 If his earlier experimental albums were met with disdain by his core audience, this one appalled them.
46 Rangers have shown a delightful disdain for reputation this season.
47 All three express an interest in opera and a disdain for top forty pop.
48 The story goes that, after Wapping, Kinnock treated the Murdoch papers with such disdain that he deserved all he got.
49 His father noticed them too but regarded them with disdain.
50 Even the casual Aranyos did not disdain to make the sign.
51 The priest staggered to his feet and waddled off with an air of drunken disdain.
52 We saw earlier how such explanations of inflation were greeted with pontifical disdain by monetarists.
53 The Shah had sometimes shown disdain for many such people.
54 Used to winning football, I first viewed the Cowboys with disdain.
55 The tufted ducks gathered into a loose raft in mid-water and eyed the intruders with disdain.
56 Short- hold and assured tenancies aimed at enticing owners to let empty homes are looked on with suspicion and disdain.
57 Children of welfare-dependent single-parent families have neither a monopoly on juvenile crime nor a disdain for conventional values.
58 In Leicester, though, they treat those twin impostors, panic and the ticking clock(http://), with disdain.
59 Bach himself did not disdain to transcribe Vivaldi concertos for organ or harpsichord and to borrow fugue-subjects from Legrenzi and Corelli.
60 Now the carbon-dioxide snow gleamed white beneath the icy disdain of the stars.
61 She used to disdain the habit and the implication of underclothes.
62 Chutra, naturally, boasted all afternoon and treated my Kutchi friends with barely concealed disdain.
63 The most obvious: His expressed concern for the environment and his disdain for technology.
64 The contrast between the enthusiasm for the Wehrmacht and the disdain for the Party was striking.
65 She curled her lips in disdain.
66 There was disdain in his smile.
67 Allende showed his disdain for the Congressional action.
68 to treat sb with disdain.
69 We disdain a man for his snobbishness.
70 I disdain to answer such an attack.
71 We disdain a dishonest act.
72 The Mongol emperors were brushed off with disdain.
73 She was treated with disdain.
74 I disdain to chronicle such victories.
75 She shared her daughter's disdain for her fellow countrymen.
76 A good man should disdain flatterers.
77 The language joss-stick heaves eyebrow, a disdain, the milli- ignores.
78 But broadcast and print art critic Waldemar Januszczak could scarcely hide his disdain. "What should be big, firm and erect is a bit of a flop, " he said.
79 You didn't have to share Tom Wolfe's "tiny mummies" disdain for the New Yorker's heritage to feel that the times demanded madder humor and stronger stimulants.
80 I disdain the pervasive secularization and degeneration of humanity in my own life style.
81 Like an insecure teenager, we shout obscenities, mistaking disdain for interest.
82 It is wrong to disdain a man merely becuse he is poor.
83 Behind closed doors he showed disdain for just about everybody.
84 I have great disdain for the recent "PROS" of MPD or DID.
85 The face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips seemed to be twisted with disdain.
86 How evil he looked? The face was saturnine and swarthy , and the sensual lips seemed to be twisted with disdain .
87 In the long period of his preparation, he must betray often an ignorance and shiftlessness in popular arts, incurring the disdain of the able who shoulder him aside.
88 Mr. Baldwin's performance in the House of Commons was viewed among us all with disdain.
89 But if the Chinese disdain the cheeses enjoyed by Europeans, they themselves adore some stinky foods that would appal many foreigners.
90 The boatman nodded towards the north of the bay with some disdain.
91 The satirical magazine Spy threw darts at all the puffery of the era, and was especially fast to disdain the gaudy arrivistes in favor of dandruff- flecked Old Money.
92 Just as doctors once avoided Cadillac because it sent the wrong message to patients and neighbors, today's Buick prospects may very well disdain "Master of the Universe" or Wall St. status.
93 Disdain for pain control is also a byproduct of Japan's medical system.
94 The seeming disdain shows for customers and users is what one might expect from a monopolist.
95 Second Daughter - in - law and Third Daughter - in - law exchanged secret looks of disdain.
96 I hope it won't cause you consuming discontentment and disdain.
97 The Bible goes to great lengths to confirm God's disdain for society's self - ruling ecumenical pursuits.
98 Waller: Disgust and disdain for yourself that you did it?
99 Sometimes the play, with its disdain for characterisation and its endless catalogue of horrors, seems to be struggling under the weight of its own self-importance.
100 Vladimir Putin rests his legs next to a sprawled-out Mike Tyson,[] while Margaret Thatcher -- clutching her handbag -- looks on with disdain.
101 A few. But their work almost inevitably treated with disdain by the jaded reviewers.
102 Hemingway's pen.Mr.Knight also seems to disdain Brett Ashley, the book's femme fatale who is 'central to everything,' but 'had nothing endearing about her except her beauty.
103 The receptionist looked at me with disdain when I walked into Suffolk College asking to enrol.
104 American and British value - maximizes reserved particular disdain for the stakeholder capitalism practised in continental Europe.
105 Travers expressed disdain for folk-rock, telling the Chicago Daily News in 1966 that "it's so badly written."
106 The knee-jerk disdain so many of his critics have for him can be traced largely to his worldliness: He's a man who, of necessity, was brought up not to be Joe the Plumber but a citizen of the planet.
107 The faint disdain of her smile seemed to lift her high above her antagonist's reach.
108 So, you are a fox, a people disdain of Arctic fox.
109 From the height of her disdain she summed him up for the thousandth time.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 9:47:07