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单词 Militia
1. Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
2. The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers.
3. The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut.
4. The militia responded by saying it would retaliate against any attacks.
5. There's a building guarded by the local militia at the corner of the street.
6. Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.
7. He joined the local militia as soon as he was 16.
8. The militia is / are sometimes used for dealing with riots.
9. The government called out the militia to help cope with the rioting.
10. In Czechoslovakia, the People's Militia perform a similar role.
11. The militia dispersed the rioters.
12. It is unclear who is leading the militia squads.
13. He thought they were the local militia.
14. The free Negro militia ingratiated themselves with the white community by offering to assist in military operations against the slaves.
15. Twenty years of litigation followed before militia leader John D.. Lee paid for the massacre with his life.
16. Army commanders were preparing to dislodge the militia from the capital.
17. The two militia leaders had been boycotting the Cabinet for several months.
18. According to the Bolsheviks' own admission, the local militia was incapacitated.
19. Until their dissolution in 1832, the Militia was the most numerous body in the archipelago.
20. Four other militia and Securitate members also received prison sentences.
21. A commander in each county was to have charge of the local militia.
22. It adopted on April 8 a resolution on establishing a Moscow municipal militia.
23. The general demoralization of Soviet society during the Brezhnev period affected the militia also and by the 1980s widespread corruption was reported.
24. To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.
25. You will all be taken into custody and escorted to Burford by the militia.
26. Kamonela was murdered in the deprived Harare suburb of Epworth by the government militia because of his opposition sympathies.
27. Karimov issued a general amnesty, but a rally organized by democratic movements on Aug. 26 was broken up by militia.
28. But among those in the forest, the hold of the militia has begun to loosen after two months of hardship.
29. When the police proved unable to handle them, the militia was called out.
30. In New Orleans in May 1861, disturbances among the slave population were suppressed by the militia.
1. Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
2. There's a building guarded by the local militia at the corner of the street.
31. Local militia had to protect it against enthusiastic souvenir hunters.
32. Rows in the beer tent were quickly suppressed by the militia.
33. The Kamajor militia and other loyal forces have been put in army uniform and brought under its command.
34. The interim government had tried unsuccessfully to separate the factions, by using loyal militia and neutral mujaheddin groups.
35. He wanted to find out if the local militia camp was where the intelligence briefers said it was.
36. The capital has been besieged by the opposition militia for two months now.
37. The militia would temporarily be in the hands of Parliament.
38. Under the protection of the militia, the Metropolitans raided the basement shebeen where Dunne was holed up.
39. He said the warlord's militia controlled less than a square mile of the city.
40. Some of his friends remembered him saying he had been stalked by militia members, and for a while speculation ran rampant.
41. The colonists' principal instrument of slave control was the local militia.
42. His concern about the organization of the militia was timely, but his intended reliance on the longbow was hardly forward-looking.
43. In the Chouf now, the Druze holy colours hang over the militia checkpoints.
44. Human rights activists accuse the United Nations of appeasing the militia.
45. In the surrounding debris of apartment blocks more militia would be crouched, forming the outer defence ring of the beleaguered stronghold.
46. Resistance from left-wing militia forces and loyalist Civil and Assault Guards was intermittently intense but incapable of seriously holding up the advance.
47. Then the militia, or the U. S. Army, in extreme cases, would enforce the injunction.
48. He left in 1803 without taking a degree and spent three years in a Wiltshire militia regiment.
49. No middle-aged man, it seems, ever belonged to an armed militia.
50. The responsibilities of the lord lieutenant for raising the militia only disappeared in 1921.
51. It may be called the state police, state troopers, militia, the rangers or the highway patrol.
52. In the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, the governor of Pennsylvania refused to call out the state militia.
53. Analysts said Mr Muawad faced the task of uniting militia leaders who have been fighting each other for 14 years.
54. The delegates wanted both a stable militia and a stable national standing army, providing the states could prevent uninvited national interference.
55. The governor called out the militia, but it arrived too late.
56. The militia and citizen patrols remained primarily responsible for control of the black population.
57. The adjutant general of Virginia believed that some means of insuring a speedy response from the militia might alleviate the problem.
58. Such resistance has, curiously, made Koresh a hero and martyr among some conservatives and right-wing militia groups.
59. A nationalist militia, the Mai Mai, has also joined battle with both sides.
60. The local militia gathered at their barracks, but their officers were reluctant to hurt any members of the mob.
61. The state environmental bodies and the militia are joining forces to set up mobile anti-poaching units.
62. He could have a militia unit disbanded if he wished.
63. The technical team also visited Kismayo, Baidoa and Beletuen, speaking with relief workers and other militia leaders.
64. It was at this time that the idea of a citizen militia to defend the constitution against its enemies gathered support.
65. Implexion had stood in the mud of the canyon, the pathetic tents being demolished around him by his militia.
66. The militia is really a direct-mail marketing operation for conspiracy theory videos and a busy interchange on the information superhighway.
67. Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise.
68. First came the PLA men, then the people's militia.
69. The strike was called by the Lebanese Forces militia.
70. Militia unit armed with a billhook and little armour.
71. Are you sure this is the right place to recruit for a militia?
72. It is the first day of a major military operation targeting militia faction in the south.
73. The tribunal has recently come under heavy criticism by Hezbollah, amid news reports that members of the Shi'ite militia group and political party might be implicated in the killing.
74. China Public Security License: "China People's Liberation Army and local militia" Peacekeepers, responsible for accounting oversight and financial audit.
75. The age limit for militia cadres may be handled flexibly.
76. "A well-regulated militia" surely implies both long training and long discipline.
77. Militia troops armed with a falchion which could be used for slashing and chopping, some falchions also had a point which could be used for thrusting.
78. Upon an exigency, local authorities shall summon militia to guard riverbanks immediately.
79. Turkey has fought Kurdish separatists in the area for 25 years, but this attack has been linked to a local "blood feud" and a pro-Turkish militia.
80. However, Ironside said this is the first time this year that a militia group has voluntarily handed over children from its ranks.
81. Yet Human Rights Watch research has documented the presence and use of Chinese arms by the Sudanese government, the Janjaweed militia, Chadian rebels, and Darfur rebels.
82. Pray, Miss Eliza , are not shire militia removed from Meryton?
83. Superior Bill militia, armed with a billhook and heavy armour.
84. One shot by a jumpy 18-year-old in the ill-trained factory militia or one step too far by an angry marcher – or a Stasi provocation – could have triggered an explosion.
85. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria sold the guns to rebels in Congo, Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers and the Hutu militia, which was responsible for the Rwandan genocide.
86. One day Blacky was ill and didn't show up for militia,[http:///militia.html] practice.
87. I spent three weeks talking to student leaders and members of the Basij (an all-volunteer, quasi-legal militia), to exhausted waiters and urban hipsters.
88. Hizbullah has a militia.
89. " Is the militia really going to be called out?
90. You son of a bitch, they're about to call the militia.
91. The International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) is scheduled to announce Monday if a former Congolese militia leader will face trial on war crimes charges.
92. III. Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today.
93. He warns that a multitude of competing militia and clan-based warlords might reemerge.
94. Maj. Tom Holloway, a British military spokesman, said U.S. jets dropped the two bombs on a militia position in Qarmat Ali shortly before 12:30 p.m.
95. Guns are for those who form part of a well-regulated militia, that is, the armed forces, including the National Guard.
96. The U.S. accuses Iran of funding and arming Shiite militia in Iraq.
97. We have some militia of our own in case we're invaded by a foreign country.
98. Bullet holes mark a door of a small shop in Sadr City, the fiefdom of the Madhi Army militia, loyal to Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
99. They labored beneath the banner of the 115th Virginia Militia, a blue flag bearing a motto in golden letters: "Give me liberty or give me death."
100. Song Jiang : Head of the most influential anti - government militia in the Northern Song ; gang boss.
101. The PLA and our militia went out to clean up the outlying islands.
102. That morning they reviewed the armed forces and the militia.
103. Halberd Militia are townsfolk who have been levied into militia, a type of home guard, to defend and guard their settlement.
104. Mai-Mai Kifuafua militia troops control Rift territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They believe greenery offers magical protection.
105. The execution, carried out last month by Iraq's largest Shiite militia, would have been unexceptional but for one fact: The victim was one of its own.
106. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.
107. The local militia was formed in 1985 by the government to fight against the Kurdish insurgency of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK).
108. Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour.
109. Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia, and the monthly balls of Meryton.
110. When the charr returned under the Flame Legion, they successfully enlisted (and in many cases enslaved) many of the local grawl as militia.
111. There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.
112. A town's own militia stood ready to defend it against threats to its politico-economic autonomy.
113. They formed an exclusive, polygamous community with a militia and territorial ambitions.
114. After escaping from the labor camp through sewers, he joined the semiofficial Polish militia in 1944.
115. The pikeman is a staple of the late Medieval army, and the arms of militia mirror those of professional soldiers.
116. Saracen Militias are richer townsfolk who have been levied into militia to guard their settlements.
116. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
117. Those who survived the landing were mostly killed, after taking fire with the militia below the dormer for a night.
118. They would call for help. And several groups of militia in the area would come to the aid of Harpers Ferry.
119. Gunmen from a Somali militia group raided 2 UN compounds in the Horn of Africa nation, looting emergency communication equipment and vehicles, the UNDP said Tuesday.
120. It's what led a rag - tag militia to face British soldiers at Lexington and Concord.
121. Ironside said it was difficult to persuade the rebels to give up girl combatants, who she said were often kept as sex slaves by the militia leaders.
122. Washington began his pattern of resignations from public office when still a youthful commander of the Virginia militia in the early 1750s.
123. Better equipped than the Eri, these militia spearmen offer some protection from enemy mounted troops and can even hold the front line of battle. For a short time at least!
124. You can unite the forces of Russian princedoms and give battle to the Horde, or gather the Novgorod militia and warmly greet the Order knights on the ice and snow of the northern lands.
125. Many of these militia groups are made up of ethnic Lahu, Akha and Shan from villages in Tachilek District.
126. In Hopei, for example, militia were organized by professors and teachers of North China.
127. The local people's militia should be reorganized in accordance with present conditions.
128. Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese . These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield, and a sword.
129. Bill Militia are commoners handed a billhook and if lucky some armour, then formed into a unit to defend a settlement.
130. " They've got the militia on their side, " he thought. " There isn't anything those men can do. ".
131. Militia leaders had halted overland food convoys in the region.
132. The Militia is falling back, General. Freeport will soon be ours.
133. The Basiji paramilitary force , armed plainclothes militia, were absent for most the day.
133. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
134. Quickly surrounded by militia commanded by Col. Robert E. Lee, Brown's position was overrun, ten of his followers were killed, and Brown himself was wounded and captured.
135. Scarlett tiptoed above the crowd and saw the captain of the militia mounting the orchestra platform.
136. The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army, Ironside told CNN.
137. Did you see by the paper they are going to call out the militia?




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