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单词 Hebrew
1 This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.
2 The blessing was said in Hebrew.
3 Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages.
4 He is a fluent speaker of Hebrew.
5 The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth.
6 Unfortunately most of them are in Hebrew.
7 The synagogue now exhibits Hebrew manuscripts and prints.
8 Uncle Danny intoned the prayer in Hebrew.
9 BRUHche n. From the Hebrew, meaning benediction, blessing.
10 Isha is the feminine meaning of Isaac in Hebrew.
11 Hebrew is written in consonants without vowel indications.
12 I had begun writing in Hebrew,[] then changed over to Yiddish.
13 Writing in an impenetrably mystical Hebrew, Kook tried to disprove the traditionalists' view of Zionism as heresy.
14 Each time I started a Hebrew lesson, we were interrupted.
15 Modern Hebrew, of course, is effective for everything from QQdvertisinQQ to poetry.
16 Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.
17 To interpret his significance they turned to the Hebrew sacred books, the Mosaic law as well as the prophetic writings.
18 The Hebrew school was going to cost over $ 18o, 000.
19 Also the title of a lively Hebrew song popular during the celebration of Passover.
20 And she lost her university part-time lectureship in Hebrew Studies, because she was pregnant.
21 The Hebrew people did not strive to read and write in order to decipher technical instructions.
22 She repeated the Hebrew words I taught her, but promptly forgot them again.
23 All other students take a course in advanced texts from the Hebrew Bible.
24 I was there to speak at an international symposium on freedom of the press, sponsored by Hebrew University.
25 Moses the genealogy and linkage to the Davidic line and fulfilment of the prophecies outlined in the Hebrew Bible.
26 The advertisement hoardings, the posters on the buses, the names above the shops - all were in Hebrew.
27 The congregation was meeting in a former synagogue which still bore a Hebrew inscription over the doors.
28 It is important to bear in mind that there is no absolute dualism in the Hebrew religion.
29 None of the overtones of subordination and all the rest of it would have been present to the Hebrew.
30 An important element in Chasidic tradition is its devotion to Yiddish, even in prayer, which is usually in Hebrew.
1 This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.
2 The blessing was said in Hebrew.
3 The story has points of resemblance to a Hebrew myth.
31 In the morning when I awoke, with my bright new ears I heard her talking urgent Hebrew into the radio.
32 This was one of the great Hebrew festivals and involved a sacrifice of two heifers, one ram and seven one-year-old lambs.
33 Yet as already stated, there is no mention of a virgin in the original Hebrew.
34 The absence of Hebrew graffiti at Abu Simbel is perhaps not sufficient to throw doubt upon Aristeas.
35 The Hebrew scriptures are bound up with the history of a particular society, and that society was patriarchal.
36 The kibbutz, the Hebrew name for a collective settlement, has also proved to be a firm short-term favourite among travellers.
37 It is a fact that the classics of Yiddish literature are also the classics of the modern Hebrew literature.
38 It was originally written in Hebrew, and therefore not for the perusal of the Gentiles.
39 A young fellow strummed on a mandolin and a woman sang a Hebrew song.
40 The fulminations of the Hebrew prophets such as Amos, Hosea and Jeremiah against the betrayal of religion are an example.
41 Study tours to the Holy Land, to learn Modern Hebrew or to visit museums and sites of interest, are encouraged.
42 As with the Hebrew prophets, there were no greys, no subtle shades.http://
43 So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
44 One man was reading a Hebrew magazine and wore eyeglasses with thick lenses.
45 There are some who call Yiddish a dead language, but so was Hebrew called for two thousand years.
46 This is confusing to people who think Hebrew and Yiddish are the same.
47 For the Hebrew studies centre, this exchange of knowledge is also a pathway to better understanding between nations.
48 Alexandra Solomon was a keen student of the Hebrew scriptures and from an early age had shown a deep and committed faith.
49 Modern English; New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew.
50 Enoch's name signified in the Hebrew, Initiate or Initiator.
51 He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.
52 Boaz in Hebrew means: fleetness , strength.
53 The Hebrew graphic character set.
54 The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
55 A vestment worn by ancient Hebrew priests.
56 Giuseppe Verdi. Chorus Of The Hebrew Slaves.
57 The rest were translated from the Hebrew MSS.
58 Jephthah in Hebrew means: opposer.
59 Obadiah in Hebrew means: servant of Jah.
60 These languages include Hebrew, Arabic, Assyrian, and Babylonian.
61 The eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
62 What is it is the Hebrew meaning for manna.
63 Other topics of study include Quechua morphology and grammar, Hebrew, and the geography and culture of biblical Israel.
64 More then that, in Hebraic culture, each alphabet carries a meaning and we shall see now the psalmist expresses his love for the Word of God through the meaning of each Hebrew alphabet.
65 Support for Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu languages. System must first support these languages.
66 Hebrew and Aramaic possess no single word for the whole creation order - the universe.
67 It was in Babylon that the Hebrew people got their history together and evolved their tradition.
68 Graduates are found teaching in colleges and rabbinical schools, engaging in research of Hebrew religion and ethics, or conducting business in the State of Israel.
69 Okay, so there are two designations used for God. Yahweh, which is the sacred Tetragrammaton, it's written with four letters in Hebrew, they don't include vowels.
70 There are 24 books in the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh—and depending upon the denomination, between 66 and 84 more books in Christian Bibles, divided between the Old and New Testaments.
71 The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, with a sprinkling of Aramaic.
72 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
72 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
73 We now find the New Testament in the same book as the Old Testament, as Christians call it; and as Jews call it, the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh.
74 Philo's Logos could be seen as a product of the merging between Greek and Hebrew cultures. His work set a good example for late Christianity in cultural interfusion.
75 Hebrew legends equate the night hag with Adam's first wife, Lilith (More about Lilith).
76 Jacob in Hebrew means: the supplanter, then after an encounter with God, his name was then changed to Israel in Hebrews means: the Prince of God.
77 Interestingly, it is an acrostic poem, using the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet as a framework, and for this reason the thoughts do not flow together as smoothly as in most other psalms.
78 The reader of this book will come to know the Trinitarianism in the Hebrew Scriptures that Yahvists knew.
79 Briah: Representing the creative world, the Archangelic, and thee in the Hebrew Name of God. It corresponds to the Suit of Cups.
80 Software Description: About Hebrew , This screen saver will help you learn the Hebrew alphabet.
81 Sure, it's a Jewish holiday. It begins on the eve of the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev and lasts for eight days.
82 As you move east, you encounter the Cyrillic alphabets, Hebrew and Arabic systems in the Middle East, and several Indic alphabets.
83 So far, I've found Irish and Scottish Gaelic , Welsh, French, Dutch, German, Polish, Spanish, Hebrew, Italian, and English.
84 Hanukkah is an eight-day holiday which begins on the 25th day of Kislev, the ninth month of the Hebrew calendar.
85 It is safe to say that the Judaic religion played an important role in the development of Hebrew medicine.
86 Cabalist studies in the Hebrew scriptures developed in a theosophical mystique and sometimes in a sort of unintended religious magic.
87 You also have these people that come to be called the Hasidim, it's on your hand out, that's from a Hebrew word meaning the holy ones or pious ones or something like that.
88 The electric battery based on boiled potatoes could provide a cheap source of electricity in the developing world, according to the technology transfer company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
89 The unusual square style of writing that formed is still present today and its influence can be witnessed in the form of the Hebrew alphabet of modern times.
90 This means an exegetical study of the text from the original Greek or Hebrew. You have learned the 10 steps of exegesis in your Greek classes.
91 Melchizedek was the King of Salem. Salem in Hebrew means: peace.
92 Of the five chapters, chapters 1, 2, and 4 are each divided into twenty-two stanzas (the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet), and each stanza begins with a different letter of the alphabet.
93 It allowed Hebrew society and Judaism to strengthen for another crucial century—by which time the Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar could banish the Hebrew people but not obliterate them or their faith.
94 John was a Hebrew writing to Hebrews and hiding the information from the Roman overlords.
95 Lilith, according to Hebrew Jewish texts, was the first woman created for Adam.
96 The Hebrew Old Testament was later translated into Greek called the Septuagint.
97 Caleb in Hebrew means : bold, impetuous . Caleb was the son of Jephunneh.
98 The first form of this submission is to believe in Him. Allah is the Arabic name for the One True God and it is very similar to the Hebrew Elohim and the Aramaic Ella.
99 The Hebrew word translated "mist" or "stream" can also be translated rain cloud, which will lend much sense to the passage.
100 The Hebrew version contains an entire canticle which does not appear in either the Greek or the Syriac text.
101 Did you know & quot ; HE & quot ; is the 5 th letter of the Hebrew alphabet?
102 He told her about all the Bibles—the Vulgate and the Septuagint, as well as the Vatican, the Sinaiticus, the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek,[sentence dictionary] and Latin Bibles.
103 Why does a prince of Egypt kill the master builder to save a Hebrew?
104 While most of their fellow Hebrews were already knee-deep in compromise and apostasy, these Hebrew boys stood firm and would not compromise.
105 There is no Hebrew or Greek cognate word in the Biblical text to reflect the modern term "same-sex orientation" or "homosexuality."
106 Israelis speak Hebrew which is a quirky, throaty language that takes ages to learn.
107 An ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure, equal to about 38 liters ( 0 U.S. gallons ).
108 I've got two or three other terms that'll be useful along the way, but there's really no need to know Hebrew. I just want you to understand why Tanakh is the word that's used to refer to the Bible.
109 Rev. And they gathered them to the place which in Hebrew is called, Armageddon.
110 It belongs to the Semitic group of languages, which also includes Hebrew and Amharic , the main language of Ethiopia .
111 The utmost that was generally attempted...was to construe five or six of Tully's orations, as many books of Virgil, and part only of the Greek Testament, with some chapters of the Hebrew Psalter.
112 Then, he borrowed the idea of a seven - day week and leap year from the Hebrew calendar.
113 Diabolism has a very long history in the West, and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible.
114 Two featherless chickens peck around in some grass May 22, 2002 at the Hebrew University in Rehovot.
115 An ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure, equal to about 38 liters ( 10 U.S. gallons ).
116 They took her to live in the Temple in Jerusalem when she was three years old, much like Hanna took Samuel to the Tabernacle, as recorded in the Old Testament (Tanakh, Hebrew Bible).
117 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
118 It derived from the Hebrew alphabet, the symbols of which are encoded messages of light - as if in a flame - that spiral and can best viewed holographically .
119 A notable exception is the site of Qumran on the Dead Sea, where the first of the important Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts known as the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered (1947).
120 Expand accessibility to support internationalisation, double - byte characters and Right to - Left support for Arabic and Hebrew languages.
121 The find, thought to be a legal document, contains 15 lines of Hebrew in characters also seen in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient texts.
122 If you remove the Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, Indic, Thai, and Vietnamese language files, you will no longer be able to enter or display text in these languages.
123 The name Thomas comes from the Hebrew while Didymus comes from the Greek.
124 Elohim or Eloah is a Hebrew word related to deity, but whose exact significance is often disputed.
125 Didymus is the Greek word for "twin" and Thomas is from a Semitic word,either Hebrew or Aramaic, or Syriac,which are all three similar languages, "Thomas" would look like in "twin" in those.
126 Now keep your finger there and go all the way to the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible,to 1 Samuel.
127 The Hebrew word is Tehom. It means "deep" And etymologically it's exactly the same word as Tiamat: The "at" ending is just feminine.
128 Did you know "HE" is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet?
129 Moreover, Golgotha (from a Hebrew root meaning "to roll"), which borrows its signification from the rounded or rolling form of the skull, might also have been applied to a skull-shaped hillock.
130 SPOILER: When Warden Samuel Norton opens the Bible where Andy Dufresne hid his rock pick, it opens to the Book of Exodus, which details the redemption of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt.
131 For example, when Hebrew writers gavea genealogy ( that is, afamily tree ) they would sometimes - perhaps quite often - skipa generationor two.
132 This is one of the few stories in all Hassidic literature that deals with Hebrew law.
133 Nimrod a sun worshiper and hunter, see Genesis 11:1-9,[http:///hebrew.html] built a tower to worship the sun and also worshiped the zodiac in a totally different way from the Hebrew system.
134 An ancient Hebrew unit of measure equal to about 2 liters ( 2. quarts ).
135 im The second division of the Bible is referred to as Nevi'im, which is the Hebrew word for "prophets."
136 The revisions more accurately reflect translations of ancient Hebrew and Greek versions of the Old Testament and the constant evolution of modern-day language, Sperry said.
137 Hebrew is not an Indo-European language. It along with Arabic and a number of other languages fall into a category now called Afro-Asiatic languages.
138 "We'll have text orientation, vertical text layouts, bidirectional text layouts for Chinese / Hebrew / Arabic [languages] and support for complex script and ligatures".
139 But he never forgot. He taught himself Hebrew in readiness for his aliyah, or formal return to Israel.
140 Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion but I converted to narcissism.
141 Briah: Representing the creative world, the Archangelic, and thee in the Hebrew Name of God.
142 According to the Book of Exodus, he was born in Egypt to Hebrew parents, who set him afloat on the Nile in a reed basket to save him from an edict calling for the death of all newborn Hebrew males.
143 Why do not archeologists theorize Hebrew or Egyptian linkages or influences in Mesoamerica?
144 Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to about a bushel.
145 A notable champion of early monasticism was St. Jerome, who translated into Latin both Old and New Testaments from the Hebrew and Greek originals.
146 These days, many in Kaifeng turn to Timothy Lerner, who was born Jewish but believes in Christ as the Messiah, to learn Hebrew and Jewish customs.
147 Other stones he found bore the Hebrew letters YHVH, for Jehovah, or God.
148 Studies include the literature of the Bible, early Jewish mysticism, Scripture commentary, and modern Hebrew literature.
149 They worked hard, but it was worth it: At age 14, Jenny led her own Bat Mitzvah service in English and Hebrew, accomplishing the same goal as the students who did not have a disability.
150 Deuteronomic Movement was an important reform in ancient Hebrew history and it was of profound significance in the development of Hebrew history.
151 It has been suggested that he may have been an Egyptian nobleman or prince influenced by the religion of Aten, or simply sympathetic to Hebrew culture.
152 Four Hebrew letters usually transliterated as YHWH (Yahweh or JHVH signifying the Hebrew name for God (which the Jews regarded as too holy to pronounce).
153 He's actually is quoting them from the Greek Bible, ; he probably doesn't read Hebrew; he's quoting them from Greek translations of Hebrew scripture.
154 The King James Bible, then, was not just the matrix of the American language, but the means of transmitting Jewish history, and the morality of the Hebrew Bible, to the American people.
155 Sid Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissism.
156 The reassuring news for Jews is that the scrolls, comprising versions of the Hebrew scriptures in use about 2, 000 years ago, are mostly pretty close to the later Masoretic version.
157 I have two thoughts, one is that in Hebrew the word yare, both the word for fear and the word for awe.
158 These programs develop students' understanding of Hebrew Scripture and its commentary tradition, Jewish philosophy and ethics, liturgical traditions, counseling, and homiletics.
159 You know I am a Hebrew, and the God of the Hebrews came to me.
160 Students of Hebrew study the linguistics and literature of biblical Hebrew as well as modern Hebrew.
161 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks .
162 Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.
163 Hebrew legend tells of the golem ,[] a clay statue animated by Kabbalistic magic.
164 The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical system of thought.
165 Because Lotus Forms also supports bidirectional languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, by setting these locales, the options on the screen read from right to left rather than from left to right.
166 The Hebrew prophets developed the concept of one God, a national deity.
167 Some copies of the Septuagint contain some books not included in the Hebrew canon but accepted in the early Christian canon.
168 It is not found in the Hebrew Bible and is included in the Apocrypha by Protestants.
169 I remain to this day fluent in Hebrew, while my Arabic is atrocious.
170 Whenever you see "Lord" in small caps in your English translation of the Hebrew Bible that means that the tetragrammaton, the four letters of God's name are in the Hebrew.
171 In Phoenician as in Hebrew, "aleph" means ox, and "bet" means house; the Greek "alpha" and "beta" are meaningless.
172 Jacob (Hebrew the supplanter), then after an encounter with God, his name was then changed to Israel the Prince of God.
173 but it's called Ecclesiastes because that means "the preacher," that's the translation from the Hebrew word, qoheleth So Ecclesiastes means the preacher.
174 Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion, but I converted to narcissi.
175 And we know that the scrolls contain some of the most ancient documents of the Hebraic, ancient Hebrew traditions...




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