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单词 Northern ireland
1) The U.K. consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2) The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
3) Unemployment in Northern Ireland is twice the national average.
4) He worked undercover in Germany and Northern Ireland.
5) The United kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.
6) Mitchell acted as a special envoy in the Northern Ireland peace talks.
7) These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle.
8) Most areas suffered more rain than usual,[http:///northern ireland.html] with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month.
9) I don't really understand the political situation in Northern Ireland.
10) Northern Ireland weathered the recession better than any other region in the UK.
11) It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in the modern Europe.
12) The development of welfare services in Northern Ireland.
13) But Northern Ireland remains a Labour free zone.
14) Nearer home, Northern Ireland only produced renewed deadlock.
15) Squad has been investigating her activities in Northern Ireland.
16) What in Northern Ireland does routine policing consist of?
17) Strengthen the constitutional rights of individuals within Northern Ireland.
18) He wants to be Northern Ireland secretary.
19) Police powers in Northern Ireland were virtually unlimited.
20) She never ceased to admire the stoical courage of those in Northern Ireland.
21) Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent's David McKittrick.
22) Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.
23) The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
24) The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland.
25) Blackpool remains a firm favourite with holiday makers from Northern Ireland.
26) Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland.
27) The soldiers were returning from a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland.
28) The President has suggested sending a US peace envoy to Northern Ireland.
29) Strictly speaking, Great Britain consists of Scotland, Wales and England, and the United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
30) The soldiers all do a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland.
1) The U.K. consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2) She never ceased to admire the stoical courage of those in Northern Ireland.
3) Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent's David McKittrick.
4) The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
31) He played for Northern Ireland once or twice.
32) Northern Ireland will play Latvia.
33) The policing of Northern Ireland therefore stands at a tense crossroads.
34) His background and knowledge had directed him to the branch of military intelligence centred on Northern Ireland.
35) Moreover[ ], the Labour Party does not seek a mandate for its policies from the Northern Ireland electorate.
36) By the mid-1990s Northern Ireland had the feeling of a country in aspic.
37) When may we expect a statement on the medical services aspects which are so important to the Northern Ireland situation?
38) His company is dedicated to placing Northern Ireland products in world markets by providing a total marketing service.
39) Meanwhile Hughes is hoping to double his strike rate for Northern Ireland.
40) Half way through, the film loses its grip on the day-to-day reality in Northern Ireland.
41) A team from Northern Ireland would only receive one of these awards.
42) I hope that all hon. Members representing Northern Ireland will take the opportunity to invest in the economic future of the Province.
43) And she revealed that first time buyers in Northern Ireland have the most affordable housing in Britain.
44) The additional cost of repairs in mid-Ulster and central Belfast will put severe strain on the Northern Ireland Office budget.
45) Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that the people of Northern Ireland demand equal rights with those on the mainland?
46) And it made us realize how important these peace talks that are happening in Northern Ireland right now are.
47) I am sure that all hon. Members representing Northern Ireland constituencies will welcome the opportunity to debate the orders.
48) A cabinet committee, including the prime minister, existed on Northern Ireland.
49) Northern Ireland Railways has replaced the telephones, and the police, telephone Moira 611222, have appealed for information.
50) And the relevance of Northern Ireland to the subversion of democracy in Britain remains mystified.
51) Another participant pointed out that the Northern Ireland budget over the last five years had only increased in line with inflation.
52) Use has also been made of Russell's work on the teaching of civics in Northern Ireland schools.
53) We finished John's leadership training in September, with 4 weeks of outreach in Northern Ireland.
54) Immediate access without formality to the largest public collection of science literature in Northern Ireland.
55) But if they move to Northern Ireland they will be expelled from the party.
56) The Province Northern Ireland is justly famous for its great natural beauty and the warmth and hospitality of its people.
57) The proposed lignite development in Northern Ireland is strongly in line with Thatcherite ideology.
58) Hunt alert: Huntsmen in Northern Ireland have been alerted by police after letter bombs were sent to two hunt members.
59) Democratic processes are difficult to operate in Northern Ireland for two basic yet related reasons.
60) Attempts by the Northern Ireland secretary, Humphrey Atkins, to promote a representative assembly, proved a complete failure.
61) Ten groups in all were now specifically proscribed in Northern Ireland.
62) Attention was given to materials not easily obtainable in Northern Ireland - pamphlets, monographs, unpublished theses etc.
63) But during her short acting career, Brown was held in high esteem by the theatrical fraternity in Northern Ireland.
64) I agree with everything that the hon. Gentleman has said about the unacceptable level of unemployment in Northern Ireland.
65) But a disciplinary hearing of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland was told he sold the product without a prescription.
66) Consequently, on 22 June 1921,[http:///northern ireland.html] the King officially opened the new parliament and Northern Ireland was born.
67) Bet you didn't know Northern Ireland star Michael Hughes was under the knife several weeks ago?
68) Other factors contributing to a negative view of Britain were the royal family, violence in Northern Ireland and racial intolerance.
69) Many scientists are active in such groups in Northern Ireland and a significant proportion of them bring special expertise to their organisations.
70) Mr Clinton has also threatened to intervene in Northern Ireland by sending a peace envoy.
71) In Northern Ireland our work has been warmly received by both communities and their churches.
72) Surprisingly, Northern Ireland has the third highest death rate from skin cancer in the world.
73) The Northern Ireland Office said ten prison officers and three inmates were injured in the all night clashes.
74) Enjoy numerous scenic drives, or walk along coastlines taking in the breathtaking views Northern Ireland has to offer.
75) Only groups involved in violence in Northern Ireland have been prohibited.
76) Both governments agreed to try to restart the political talks on Northern Ireland early in 1993.
77) When the Rent Acts were abolished in Northern Ireland in 1957, 25 percent. of the rented market was private.
78) Then, there is the conspiracy of silence which is part of the legacy of Northern Ireland.
79) The admission charge is 20p and all the proceeds will go to the Northern Ireland Hospice.
80) In Northern Ireland, £7.3m was spent on a cancer programme, including treatment for diseases caused by smoking.
81) The practicalities are being considered by the research councils in the Department of Education in Northern Ireland.
82) It provides a detailed survey of pay, and therefore makes research possible into what determines pay in Northern Ireland.
83) Heath was apprehensive about it as he forced the Stormont government to resign and ended the parliament of Northern Ireland.
84) Senator Mitchell played such a big part in the Northern Ireland peace talks.
85) He opposed the privatisations, yet they are now the two greatest flag carriers in the Northern Ireland economy.
86) The Northern Ireland Office would make no comment until the whole judgment had been studied in detail.
87) The cancer charity expends all its funds within Northern Ireland to support research, prevention, care and rehabilitation services.
88) But Mr Reynolds said that renewed efforts were needed to find a political settlement in Northern Ireland.
89) The meeting began with a minute's silence for those who had died in Northern Ireland in the past 23 years.
90) A Catholic child in Northern Ireland does not have to live such a life.
91) Unemployment was a clear example of Derry's less-favoured status within Northern Ireland.
92) Unionists want methods of legislating for Northern Ireland to be brought into line with those for the rest of the United Kingdom.
93) The sectarian violence of Northern Ireland is a different matter altogether.
94) The secretary of state for Northern Ireland appeared on television to read a special apologia for detention without trial.
95) Furthermore it seeks to highlight the central importance of localities and localism in Northern Ireland.
96) Mr Adams's defeat in the only Northern Ireland seat to change hands was widely welcomed by nationalist and Unionist politicians.
97) It may be that little notice of this was taken in Northern Ireland.
98) The only party in Northern Ireland which supports privatisation is the small Conservative party.
99) Some one pointed out that there was no adult institute for further education in Northern Ireland.
100) This is by far the largest container ship presently calling at any Northern Ireland port.
101) President Bill Clinton paid a two-day visit to Northern Ireland with little expectation of achieving a breakthrough in the beleaguered political process.
102) Prior to Feakle,[Sentencedict] army battalions were able to spend only five months outside Northern Ireland between tours of duty.
103) The Northern Ireland Panel was dissolved in December 1984 after making arrangements for the evaluation and dissemination phase of the research programme.
104) Her hatred towards the Provos who blew up her son in Northern Ireland constantly eats away at her.
105) Loyalist paramilitaries yesterday threatened a new outbreak of bloodshed in republican areas of Northern Ireland.
106) Such factors of course make Northern Ireland a prime site for locating computer operations which can be done discreetly with no eyeballing required.
107) It existed under the old domestic rating system, and still exists for those who do not pay rates in Northern Ireland.
108) The familiar mainland gripe of skill shortages is rarely heard in Northern Ireland.
109) I hope that the people of Northern Ireland will draw significance from that.
110) What can the Minister tell the people of Northern Ireland after a night of carnage in the city of Belfast?
111) None of the dreams of lasting peace in Northern Ireland have yet come true.
112) Northern Ireland is sharing in the economic transformation of the United Kingdom as a result of Conservative policies.
113) Its aim is to undertake original research on the Northern Ireland economy and on related issues in regional economics.
114) I then want to conclude with an outline of my own personal experiences in this field here in Northern Ireland.
115) The brunette gift wrapped a bomb and handed it to grateful squaddies on point duty in Northern Ireland.
116) In Northern Ireland, last year saw some 5,000 redundancies, while the number claiming dole went up by 3,500.
117) Three of the six theatre companies selected to take part in this year's festival come from Northern Ireland.
118) For many of us it was our first time in Northern Ireland and we were nervous about the Provos and the troubles.
119) Despite these dangers, the right to silence has already been removed in all criminal trials in Northern Ireland.
120) How the return of a Labour government would affect the political calculations in Northern Ireland is difficult to foresee.
121) Soldier shot by sniper A soldier has died after being shot by a sniper whilst on duty in Northern Ireland.
122) There were frequent clashes over the reporting of Northern Ireland, ending with a ban on interviews with members of SinnFein.
123) One of their main demands is for a greater say in policy-making and legislation governing Northern Ireland.
124) While Britain started dismantling its selective system in the 1960s,[] Northern Ireland retained it.
125) I warmly welcome the decision of the Northern Ireland political leaders to start their talks again.
126) Eight maids a-milking Rationalisation is not finished yet in the Northern Ireland dairy industry.
127) There is a difference between Ulster and the troubled political entity of Northern Ireland.
128) A knowledge of, and a commitment to, nature conservation in Northern Ireland is essential.
129) Smith, admitting he had an unreported business relationship with the department store owner, resigned as junior minister for Northern Ireland.
130) Remember the lesson of Northern Ireland, where Protestant and Catholic children have long been taught to hate each other.
131) Too much is at stake to play politics with the policing of Northern Ireland at this late stage.
132) This would immediately reverse the relative positions of majority and minority in Northern Ireland.
133) The income from farming in Northern Ireland in 1992 is estimated to have amounted to £224.2m.
134) It broke the international agreement of 1925 and, in its 1937 constitution, made dejure claim over Northern Ireland.
135) Mitchell shows how the tribal politics of Northern Ireland create both resistance to change and a network of matching relationships.
136) It is by no means clear that the Labour Party would receive little support in Northern Ireland.
137) Mr Trimble is visiting all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland this week to promote a return to devolution.
138) For example this happened in 1972 when the Westminster Parliament reimposed direct rule in Northern Ireland.
139) Any visitors who come to the Province can see the quality of public housing in Northern Ireland.
140) And apologists for Labour's refusal to organise in Northern Ireland can not in all conscience describe themselves as democrats.
141) In Northern Ireland the loyalist ceasefire is under scrutiny after bombs were planted at sports grounds.
142) Since the suspension of Stormont these services are administered by the appropriate department of the Northern Ireland government.
143) Many Northern Ireland companies already have well established exporting links.
144) These included five reported deaths with jaundice in Northern Ireland.
145) It applied the methods of Kent campus to imaginary grievances in a divided, or divisible, community in Northern Ireland.
146) And I also know that certain shops in Northern Ireland refused to display it because of the tricolour so that accusation is quite legitimate.
147) Northern Ireland provides a particularly clear illustration of the sometimes hidden problems involved in majoritarian thinking about democracy.
148) Companies from across Northern Ireland entered four categories-large construction, small construction; residential housing, and civil engineering.
149) The case is unusual because unlike other cases of miscarriage of justice connected with Northern Ireland the convicted men are Protestants.
150) The things that he would particularly like to start worrying about are in Northern Ireland.
151) The introduction of league representative teams at U-14 level this year also was a plus for junior football in Northern Ireland.
152) The helicopter crashed in June 1994 with the loss of all four crew and 25 intelligence officers from Northern Ireland on board.
153) For a time, the Northern Ireland army press office denied that such a force existed.
154) One of the keys to the success of software companies in Northern Ireland is the large local pool of talented labour.
155) In addition, several Departments offer postings to their offices in Northern Ireland.
156) The only slightly sour note entered the proceedings with the president's plan to send a special envoy to Northern Ireland.
157) The Government wish to present our proposals for legislation that will enable the electricity industry in Northern Ireland to be privatised.
158) If the practice of subsidising denominational schools is regrettable, in Northern Ireland it is catastrophic.
159) At the time of his death he was a member of the review team on acute hospital services in Northern Ireland.
160) But the practical effect was to establish the precedent that the future of Northern Ireland was negotiable.
161) When will we have a level playing field in Northern Ireland with fair competition between all ports?
162) Clinton even turned snafus in the Northern Ireland peace process into potential political advantage.
163) Northern Ireland has established a reputation as a centre of excellence in the international software industry.
164) Excise officers in the Republic are co-operating with their colleagues in Northern Ireland to halt the trade.
165) S.-brokered peace efforts in the Middle East and Northern Ireland.
166) A massive 3,324, working days were lost because of depressive illnesses between and in Northern Ireland alone.
167) The ordinary people of Northern Ireland can not allow that to happen.
168) In 1949, cross-border influences were felt in the Northern Ireland elections.
169) Northern Ireland Conservatives might expect to be treated as equals.
170) The well was dry and shortly thereafter the Marathon licences in Northern Ireland were relinquished.
171) Secondly, the Ulster Unionist party felt that supplies of natural gas should be obtained for Northern Ireland.
172) By Thursday, an embittered and outraged Northern Ireland seemed headed again toward sectarian combat.
173) Moreover most close observers of nationalist communities in Northern Ireland believe the issue to be irrelevant.
174) Limitation on employment, property ownership and the right to vote were a surefire recipe for disaster in Northern Ireland.
175) Northern Ireland has a readily available and continuing supply of highly educated school-leavers and graduates essential to your company's growth.
176) All who are constitutional politicians in Northern Ireland have a responsibility towards the political development process.
177) Soldier dies after Armagh bomb A soldier has died after a triple bomb attack in Northern Ireland.
178) The Northern Ireland Court of Appeal overturned his conviction for wounding one of the teenagers, who later died.
179) The writer Tony Geraghty was similarly charged last year for disclosing information about mass surveillance by the army in Northern Ireland.
180) While Britain has borne the brunt of the economic crisis, Northern Ireland has been cushioned from the worst effects.
181) The continuing problems of Northern Ireland demonstrate the futility of responding to a deeply ingrained political problem with a law-and-order response.
182) Perhaps when we stopped asking what it meant to be fighting a war in Northern Ireland.
183) Mr. Needham All the statutory agencies in Northern Ireland do whatever they can to boost investment.
184) For more information about holidays in Northern Ireland ring the tourist board on 071-439 0601.
185) Nationalist and feminist women in Northern Ireland were organizing around basic issues of survival.
186) Northern Ireland will have continuous and heavy rain but gradually become more showery with thunder likely.
187) Down by way of Lisburn,[http:///northern ireland.html] the town with the large army base and Northern Ireland army headquarters.
188) The Good Friday agreement leaves the final say to the people of Northern Ireland in a referendum.
189) Mr. Brooke I was asked specifically about tourism in Northern Ireland.
190) An analysis of the results should shed light on the workings of the Northern Ireland labour market.
191) It is understood there are up to 500 peregrine falcons in Northern Ireland.
192) As was noted earlier, elections in Northern Ireland itself have always produced clear majorities in favour of Unionist government.
193) A London based international construction company closed down all its operations in Northern Ireland rather than pay the protection money required.
194) A day later, she was in Parliament, determined to participate in a debate on Northern Ireland.
195) This question is of particular interest in a region like Northern Ireland, where unemployment is now over 20%.
196) As the national economy moves out of recession, Northern Ireland is therefore well placed to take advantage of the economic upturn.
197) He was sent to Northern Ireland to cover the peace talks.
198) Regional selective assistance is equal wherever it is applied for in Great Britain, although the limits for Northern Ireland are higher.
199) The aggressive style of mainland cabaret comedy is only now reaching Northern Ireland.
200) There will also be in-depth discussion on Northern Ireland and the Mr Clinton's plan to send a fact-finding mission.
201) Many felt that a grand gesture of statesmanship was required in relation to Northern Ireland.
202) The argument that Labour should not organise in Northern Ireland because there would be little support for it is particularly unprincipled.
203) It was instructed to recommend improvements in procedures used by the police when holding suspects in custody in Northern Ireland.
204) In the two months before he assumes power, Clinton must familiarise himself with what is really going on in Northern Ireland.
205) People resident in Northern Ireland will be governed by the Labour Party when it comes to power.
206) Still not getting anywhere in Northern Ireland, but then, who is?
207) The study of policing in Northern Ireland is benefited by the fact that conversation and social context are so interrelated.
208) The administration's distancing from Northern Ireland is part of a conscious pattern of diplomatic retrenchment.
209) I was glad to hear the accent, for it reminded me of my exciting days in Northern Ireland, recounted elsewhere.
210) Of course we should not endlessly meddle and interfere with the electricity industry in Northern Ireland.
211) In Northern Ireland we have embarked on a major programme of investment covering all sectors of the region's transportation system.
212) It will be a major shock if Northern Ireland, despite losing skipper Alan McDonald, do not achieve a comfortable win.
213) Late last year the Northern Ireland sentence review board recommended that Adair be freed from Maghaberry.
214) The strong integrationist call dominates two-thirds of the 37 resolutions on Northern Ireland affairs submitted for next month's Tory conference.
215) The staff of the centre will known Northern Ireland business and the issues likely to affect it.
216) About one-eighth of secondary pupils in Northern Ireland attend grammar secondary schools,[http:///northern ireland.html] the remainder attending secondary intermediate schools.
217) I commend the politicians of Northern Ireland for doing that.
218) Over 850 people throughout Northern Ireland hold sports licences for the vehicles which allow them to compete in events.
219) This is yet another Northern Ireland example of self help in a very needy situation.
220) The joint report shows that 49 percent of nurses in Northern Ireland say there are empty posts in their workplaces.
221) I pay tribute to the Home Office for the way in which it dealt with immigrants who came to Northern Ireland.
222) In Northern Ireland(), a detailed gravity survey was made in the Cushendall area.
223) In Northern Ireland, the police, in common with the other security services, are controlled directly by central government.
224) James Callaghan, the home secretary, said that the idea was absurd and that the Northern Ireland government would dislike it.
225) Major discoveries of Tertiary lignite have recently been made in Northern Ireland.
226) We are not yet fully resourced in Northern Ireland.
227) David Cotter grew up in Northern Ireland and Canada.
228) The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
229) Both Scotland and Northern Ireland had made last-minute substitutions.
230) A common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Northern Ireland.
231) It quickly became clear that places like Radio One's Newsbeat and Newsline in Northern Ireland had the answer.
232) St Andrew's Day in Scotland, St Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland and St David's Day in Wales, for instance.
233) No 10 is braced for "one or two resignations" after Stewart Jackson, PPS to the Northern Ireland secretary Owen Paterson, said he wanted to support the backbench motion calling for a referendum.
234) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast.
235) To the outsider the prosperity of Northern Ireland is baffling.
236) Announcer: Scotland and Northern Ireland will probably have sunshine all day.
237) The NSC team became convinced that Adams favored an end to IRA violence, full participation by Sinn Fein in the peace process, and a democratic future for Northern Ireland.
238) The police in Northern Ireland knew that dissident republicans posed a threat, and they were concerned.
239) Their two children were immigrants to Northern Ireland from Pennsylvania.
240) Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, on the River Lagan , at its entrance to Belfast Lough.
241) France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council.
242) Media focus on the Province's death tally has tended to overshadow other statistics of Northern Ireland.
243) Belfast:The capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, in the eastern part of the country on Belfast Lough, an inlet of the North Channel of the Irish Sea.
244) Sectarianism lingers on in Northern Ireland, bits of Scotland and some English cities like Liverpool.
245) An administrative district of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, usually composed of several densely populated communities, resembling a borough but lacking a borough charter.
246) Elizabeth the second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
247) Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
248) Christadelphians today are found for the most part in Belfast in Northern Ireland, and Dublin , Waterford and Galway in the Republic of Ireland.
249) The capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, in the eastern part of the country on Belfast Lough, an inlet of the North Channel of the Irish Sea.
250) Furthermore, the attitude of the Labor Party is committed to a united Ireland, and most long-wool Tory Northern Ireland Protestants not to the unity of the party as their alliance.
251) An urban district of southern Northern Ireland. Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Catholic and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 2,700.
252) A dissident Irish republican group, known as The Real IRA , has said it was behind an attack on Saturday night at an army base in Northern Ireland, in which two British soldiers were shot dead.
253) The Northern Ireland international also broke his duck at second-string level with both goals in the 2-0 win and was a little unlucky not to claim a remarkable hat-trick.
254) Joseph clams up when questioned about his army experiences in Northern Ireland.
255) Britain, London: St. Paul's Cathedral held in Northern Ireland in commemoration of the guard of honor.
256) A violent breakaway group, similar to the Real IRA in Northern Ireland, could emerge.
257) Lough Neagh is the largest lake in Britain which is located in Northern Ireland.
258) The reference was presumably to the British role in Northern Ireland.
258) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
259) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Scotland of Lothian Region in city of Edinburgh!
260) The United Kongdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.
261) Sir Nigel Rodley, a panellist who is a former rapporteur to the UN on torture, likened the situation to Northern Ireland.
262) A municipal borough of northern Ireland on Sligo Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. There are megalithic ruins nearby. Population, 17, 232.
263) The lace design incorporated rose, thistle, daffodil and shamrock — the emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.




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