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单词 Bigger
1. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. 
2. A thing is bigger for being shared. 
3. A fool always finds a bigger fool to admire him. 
4. Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.
5. I need a bigger desk.
6. The new model has a bigger boot.
7. You're an even bigger fool than I thought.
8. Henry's room is much bigger than mine.
9. The bigger dinghy dragged her moorings.
10. They want a bigger flat.
11. Mine's bigger than yours, so there!
12. African elephants have bigger ears.
13. He wants a bigger share of the pie.
14. The company is growing bigger all the time.
15. Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense.
16. The bigger farms were parcelled out after the revolution in 1973.
17. The bigger children in the neighborhood molested the younger ones.
18. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.
19. No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.
20. A new machine no bigger than a 10p piece could help save babies from cot death.
21. They were about to bring off an even bigger coup.
22. Taishan let the soil, so it can become bigger and bigger; river is not the small streams, so it can be so deep.
23. The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me.
24. The new sofa was bigger than the old one,[/bigger.html] so they had to rearrange the rest of the furniture.
25. He's a strapping lad — already bigger than his father.
26. I pay a higher rent/more rent than the other tenants because my room is bigger.
27. The company does not yet have the global reach of its bigger competitors.
28. The salesman tried to sweet-talk me into buying a bigger car.
29. In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger.
30. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.
1. Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.
2. I need a bigger desk.
3. The new model has a bigger boot.
4. You're an even bigger fool than I thought.
5. Henry's room is much bigger than mine.
6. The bigger dinghy dragged her moorings.
7. Mine's bigger than yours, so there!
8. African elephants have bigger ears.
9. He wants a bigger share of the pie.
10. The company is growing bigger all the time.
11. Buying a bigger car has proved to be well worth the expense.
12. I pay a higher rent/more rent than the other tenants because my room is bigger.
13. The company does not yet have the global reach of its bigger competitors.
14. The bigger farms were parcelled out after the revolution in 1973.
15. The bigger children in the neighborhood molested the younger ones.
16. The salesman tried to sweet-talk me into buying a bigger car.
17. In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger.
18. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.
19. A new machine no bigger than a 10p piece could help save babies from cot death.
20. They were about to bring off an even bigger coup.
21. The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me.
22. The new sofa was bigger than the old one, so they had to rearrange the rest of the furniture.
23. He's a strapping lad — already bigger than his father.
24. I like a big challenge and they don't come much bigger than this.
25. They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.
26. Cities, if unrestricted, tend to coalesce into bigger and bigger conurbations.
27. If you keep a room uncluttered it makes it seem lighter and bigger.
28. The bombs are almost certainly part of a much bigger conspiracy.
29. It would be more economical to buy the bigger size.
30. The elephant's trunk is bigger than other animals '.
31. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words.
32. I like a big challenge and they don't come much bigger than this.
33. They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.
34. Cities, if unrestricted, tend to coalesce into bigger and bigger conurbations.
35. If you keep a room uncluttered it makes it seem lighter and bigger.
36. The bombs are almost certainly part of a much bigger conspiracy.
37. It would be more economical to buy the bigger size.
38. You don't overcome challenges by making them smaller but by making yourself bigger.
39. May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
40. I need a bigger / smaller size.
41. Now even bigger! Ten per cent extra!
42. The factory has spread 5 times bigger than before.
43. They've moved into bigger offices in London.
44. The Irish love a party, the bigger the better.
45. The elephant's trunk is bigger than other animals '.
46. Their ship fell astern of the bigger one.
47. Could I try these shoes in a bigger size?
48. I shouldn'ttangle with Peter -- he's bigger than you.
49. We changed the car for a bigger one.
50. One day we'll get ourselves a new bigger house.
51. The bigger boys started scrapping.
52. That uncertain thing was swelled bigger.
53. He'd be better off working for a bigger company.
54. The firm was merged into a bigger company.
54. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
55. Good posture also helps your bust look bigger.
56. My sister has a much bigger frame than me.
57. That box is bigger than this.
58. They are likely to merge with a bigger firm.
59. A strong wind will favour the bigger boats.
60. The house is rather bigger than we thought.
31. The firm was merged into a bigger company.
32. I shouldn't tangle with Peter, he is bigger than me.
33. He's not interested in reviewing small provincial exhibitions like this one ; he's got much bigger fish to fry.
34. Do you have this dress in a bigger bust size?
61. They can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment.
62. The harbour has been deepened to take bigger boats.
63. A much bigger battle is ahead for the president.
64. The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat.
65. Local taxes are going to be taking a bigger bite out of people's income than they ever have before.
66. The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do.
67. That jacket's too tight - you want a bigger size.
68. One house has a slightly bigger garden, but there's really not much in it.
69. Our house is smaller than yours but I think the kitchen is bigger.
70. If you can saw the branches into equal lengths of wood, we shall make a bigger profit.
71. I know you want a bigger house, but that's neither here nor there, we can't afford it now.
72. As your baby grows bigger, his bones become less pliable.
73. The smaller companies want a bigger share of the pie.
74. I'm going to be surfing bigger waves when I get to Australia!
75. In recent years, the small town has enjoyed a bigger boom than ever.
76. The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that ours are bigger.
77. The right colours can make a small room appear much bigger.
78. I was surprised when I saw the farm. I had imagined it would be much bigger.
79. He has his eye on the bigger apartment next door.
80. I think it's very important for those governments to do whatever they can to get a bigger bang for the buck.
81. I'm thinking of changing my car for a bigger one.
82. A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.
83. As we can't afford a bigger house we must make up our minds to staying here.
84. Their house is very similar to ours, but ours is bigger.
84. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
85. As your plants flourish, you'll need to repot them in bigger pots.
86. The enquiry ruled that the cars should be fitted with bigger bumpers.
87. He hypoed his jeep's power by changing a bigger engine.
88. If the growth gets any bigger they'll have to operate.
89. The male is usually bigger and more brightly coloured than the female.
90. The fire gradually got bigger and bigger. Sparks flew off in all directions.
91. You wait - by next year she'll be wanting a bigger house!
92. You must trim your costs if you want to make bigger profits.
93. Their house is similar to ours, but ours has a bigger garden.
94. We wanted to buy a bigger house than this but it was a case of cutting our coat according to our cloth.
95. It's just a continuation of the bigger river, but called by a different name.
96. Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.
97. The recent decline in the dollar has put a bigger strain on the economic system.
98. All other things being equal, the bigger fighter should win.
99. The population of the US is bigger than that of Britain, France and Germany put together.
100. They want the United Nations to play a bigger role as the world's peacekeeper.
101. We should aim for a bigger share of the market.
102. I shouldn't tangle with Peter, he is bigger than me.
103. The room would look bigger if we rearranged the furniture.
104. We could make a bigger living space by knocking two rooms into one.
105. Our new house is heaps bigger than our last one.
106. He's not interested in reviewing small provincial exhibitions like this one ; he's got much bigger fish to fry.
107. Our house is smaller than yours but I think the garden is bigger.
108. As far as the hard disk is concerned, the bigger the better.
109. Not speaking the language proved to be a bigger handicap than I'd imagined.
110. The manager dangled in front of us the chance of a bigger salary.
111. The chair she had sketched was far bigger than stipulated in the design brief.
112. I'd like to buy a bigger house, but I don't have the wherewithal.
113. He likes getting big presents - the bigger the better as far as he's concerned.
114. Do you have this dress in a bigger bust size?http:///bigger.html
115. As the car rental industry polarizes, business will go to the bigger companies.
116. The more torque an engine has, the bigger the load it can pull in the same gear.
117. These squids are bigger than those I bought last week.
118. Some stars look as tiny as pinheads, but they are even bigger than the sun in fact.
119. One of the cons of buying a bigger car is that it costs more to run.
120. This shirt I bought's too small-I'll have to change it for a bigger one.
121. We wanted to buy a bigger house than this but we had to cut our coat according to our cloth.
122. The bigger the audience, the bigger the advertising revenue.
123. Germany is much bigger than Britain.
124. Clinton has an undeniable economic vision: bigger government.
125. Mods include sportier camshafts and bigger valves.
126. She's got a bigger belly than Natalie.
127. Boys were always bullied by those older and bigger.
128. The bigger buyers don't trust us right away.
129. Bigger discount stores carry name-brand merchandise at low prices.
130. The gum on the back of each of the bigger special issues, such as the Christmas stamps, is worth 14.5 calories.
131. However, the more scary his pronouncements, the bigger his budget became.
132. Individual investors and Wall Street money managers tend to allocate more of their resources to countries with bigger stock markets.
133. It was red in colour and had much bigger wheels than the ordinary farm cart.
134. The supermarkets then found that they could charge bigger margins on goods that were peripheral to their core business, processed foods.
135. So I started making a bigger batch, 60 or 80 bottles.
136. In fact, he used to brag to fellow drivers his crashes were bigger and more spectacular than theirs.
137. But now even bigger and more drastic changes are on the horizon.
138. Bigger capacity engines produce more torque as more fuel is burnt per firing stroke, giving a bigger push to the piston.
139. But this face was bigger; swollen and bigger still than the horror in the car.
140. But the pool table proved to be a bigger bone of contention.
141. These interfere with each other, cancelling each other out or reinforcing each other to produce bigger waves.
142. In frightening contrast fitzAlan looked tough and completely immovable, and bigger than ever in the confined space of the alehouse.
143. The hedgerows and pasture where the owls hunt their prey are disappearing as farmers create bigger fields for intensive arable farming.
144. But she looks troubled, unsure of herself - perhaps because her bosom is merely average, one has seen bigger.Sentencedict
145. It's important in small conferences where there are limited numbers moving slowly, but for bigger events it's absolutely crucial.
146. What about central bankers per head of population - supposing, which is not obvious, that bigger countries need bigger banks?
147. The more convincing their smiles and back-patting, the bigger their bankroll became.
148. He kept his disease at bay, changed his diet and actually got bigger and stronger.
149. Revised bodywork and a bigger 17-litre fuel tank complete the picture.
150. That kind of morale booster is infectious and they could well have won by a bigger margin.
151. But the big firms that manage billions of dollars got bigger, through mergers and acquisitions.
152. I was scared of verbal abuse before, when I was bigger; now it's great to feel invisible.
153. The bureaucrats in their Brussels bastion wrongly presumed that bigger is better.
154. Like the Picasso, it has five seats, so why put up with the added weight and bigger fuel bills?
155. But Brandt's were a much bigger concern than Benn's and were aggressively expanding their share of the world market.
156. So much bigger than anything I have ever undertaken, he wrote.
157. First, you must expand your psyche to accommodate the bigger and better.
158. None the less, they hold on because they expect much bigger earnings in the future to eventually fuel dividend payments.
159. Repealers see the Wright amendment as another post-deregulation rule that helps the big airlines get bigger.
160. Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
161. If they compromise in very small amounts they will become a stronger and bigger band.
162. Teacher: If you found a bigger box could we add it to the train for me to sit in?
163. But for the last week or two he's had to use a bigger bag.
164. And it allows the auction company more time to put together items and produce a bigger auction, which attracts more buyers.
165. He poured his energies into study and an ambition for something bigger.
166. The big man has got bigger, and the small man smaller.
167. Yet they can only survive in warm or temperate climes, and it would be to their advantage to grow bigger.
168. The wind got louder and the waves grew bigger and bigger.
169. The game works better if you have a bigger group.
170. You know what, it's not your life, it's life. Life is bigger than you, if you can imagine that. Life isn't something that you possess, it's something that you take part in and witness. Louis C.K. 
171. At the same time the administrative structures overseeing some of the country's bigger concerns would be dismantled.
172. His face was small and his head no bigger than his Adam's apple.
173. When she decided to buy a bigger house, she approached a financial adviser about a self-certified mortgage.
174. And they knew about much bigger people who had started out like this.
174. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
175. But the Phillips pick was a bigger risk than the football world likes to admit.
176. There were no houses, no people, no hills, and not a rock bigger than a cricket ball.
177. Ike and New Hope were building an even bigger church next door to the old new one.
178. In 1987 an even bigger slice of the budget was apportioned to training, in recognition of its importance.
179. I have one little complaint with the younger generation. They always look at the present as very shrunken and defective. It’s no good. The older generation may live in its past, in nostalgia. The streets were small, then. The homes were small. Life itself was small. Society was small. Nothing was open like it is today. Today is much bigger. Gulzar 
180. When a herring meets its end, it is usually in the mouth of a bigger fish or a in a net.
181. Robodyne Systems has already demonstrated the basic principle, albeit on a much bigger physical scale.
182. Their age too, was a bigger barrier than either ever thought.
183. Making more cotton candy requires buying a new, bigger machine.
184. Or a bigger Bio2 with many more bugs and birds and berries?
185. With bigger fish in serious decline, mackerel, sardines and anchovies are now the main targets.
186. The boys, who were bigger than the Brownies, ran full-tilt into them.
187. To attract bigger audiences was not just a bonus, it was part of the whole logic of the industry.
188. For the yellow menace.was even bigger and more terrible than they knew.
189. Its volunteer staff of 750, 000 is even bigger than the Manpower workforce.
190. At certain times, banks may decide that it is prudent to hold a bigger proportion of liquid assets.
191. The speech marked Ventura's decision to withdraw into Minnesota politics following his unsuccessful flirtations with bigger ambitions.
192. With that knowledge researchers could approach even bigger questions, like the origin of these anti-continents.
193. Surprisingly in view of its much bigger budget, Notting Hill seems a more personal film than Four Weddings.
194. Maria went to the University of Krakow Business School and ended up making an even bigger pile of money.
195. They may believe that a smaller share of a larger cake is absolutely bigger than a larger share of a smaller cake.
196. A bigger difficulty is that the premature announcement of merger talks may tempt other firms into bidding for one or both.
197. A BID to ease mortgage misery by asking for a bigger share of Government cash has suffered a setback.
198. All my young ferrets get a similar introduction to give them the necessary experience for bigger operations within major burrow systems.
199. Voice over Unlike Jackie(), Bouncer's bark was probably bigger than his bite.
200. But changes in product-liability laws, a much bigger undertaking, remain stalled.
201. If that is the case you need to take bigger bites or steps.
202. In the tropics, for example, malaria is by far a bigger killer.
203. Glascoed has been steadily gearing up its operations in bigger ways, too.
204. Enclosed in plastic casing of muddy beige, it was slightly bigger than a shoebox on end, about fourteen inches high.
205. I have imagined him bravely making himself walk down the steps and face the hoarse shouts and attacks of the bigger boys.
206. Brokers said they see an even bigger trading year for 1996 as foreign investment rises.
207. Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance. Osho 
208. The troll again asked his question and learned that an even bigger goat would soon cross his bridge.
209. Bob Dole, the indisputable Republican front-runner, had an even bigger day.
210. They should make a bit more profit than they used to with the old, oversized pans they made from bigger oil cans.
211. The way he sees it, each town is like a neighborhood in a much bigger community.
212. Yet bigger men than them have learned to their cost that no one can behave like that.
213. But Arnold Thomas smelled a bigger profit from the up-and-coming developers who were looking to build back-to-backs for the mill-workers.
214. But I had to make a bigger adjustment to studying.
215. The shape of the skull began to retain more juvenile shape into adulthood, with a bigger brain and a smaller jaw.
216. Soon even bigger money began to flow-and not just to leading banks in Britain and the United States.
217. The most successful, Susan Faludi's Backlash, achieved a much bigger multiple, selling 40,000 copies.
218. The agency has recently outlined some ambitious plans[http://], including a bigger budget for the Ames laboratory to carry out more experiments.
219. I say bigger brother, but the 880 is only really comparable with the 990 for resolution and performance.
220. There's a bigger doubt though, over Martin Ling, who's got a calf strain.
221. Cluster flies are bristly gray insects, about five times bigger than the ordinary housefly, Musca domestica.
222. I am sure it will but I also think that it will take sales away from the bigger, but less attractive 5-Series.
223. Then he went on to say that he intended to make a third, yet bigger, batch of Recipe 179.
224. You're just being greedy, you lot, she shouted, your eyes are bigger than your bellies.




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