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单词 Depicted
1. He was depicted as a traitor.
2. The statistics can be depicted as a graph.
3. The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.
4. The artist depicted them strolling through a park.
5. The artist had depicted her lying naked on a bed.
6. He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light.
7. In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
8. The painter depicted Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.
9. Other animals were depicted on the periphery of the group.
10. Cupid is usually depicted as a winged boy with a bow and arrow.
11. The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.
12. They depicted the thrilling situation to us in great detail.
13. Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem, but not on how it should be interpreted.
14. John Bull is traditionally depicted as a short fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.
15. The god is depicted as a bird with a human head.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. We want to change the way women are depicted in the media.
17. Each of these functional forms is depicted below.
18. The phoenix is also sometimes depicted in Mithraic contexts.
19. This entire processing apparatus is depicted in Figure 10.
20. In particular, both were depicted as multi-headed winged serpents.
21. The 321/2 stamp depicted a woman in silhouette.
22. The forms depicted by Nijinska are far from meaningless.
23. In art, he is often depicted flayed.
24. Cobras are constantly depicted entwined in a double helix.
25. This vision is frequently depicted in her iconography.
26. Critics said the article depicted Latinos negatively.
27. A possible scenario is depicted in Figure 2.3.
28. The videotape graphically depicted the accident.
29. In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
30. I was never convinced by the image of the whiter than white princess depicted in the press.
1. He was depicted as a traitor.
2. The statistics can be depicted as a graph.
3. The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.
4. The artist depicted them strolling through a park.
5. The artist had depicted her lying naked on a bed.
6. He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light.
7. In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
8. Other animals were depicted on the periphery of the group.
9. They depicted the thrilling situation to us in great detail.
10. In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
31. This simple situation is depicted in Figure 7.3.
32. Remember the old days depicted in the old movies?
33. She is depicted as regal, beautiful, smart and successful.
34. Caring is usually depicted as a one-way relationship.
35. It is graphically depicted in Fig. 7.14.
36. Ermold depicted scenes of concord in 826.
37. It is depicted in Figure 1.1.
38. One of these birds is depicted as a magpie.
39. Twelve men were depicted there, in unmistakable configuration.
40. It depicted what he took to be some sort of religious ritual.
41. Figures on sepulchral monuments sporting shrouds in place of customary day dress are not so rare as those depicted on memorial brasses.
42. On folio 4 verso, Siferwas depicted himself presenting the manuscript to Lovell.
43. In 1986, Kent cigarettes launched an ad campaign which depicted two people flying a kite on a page.
44. Minerva, like Athene, was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield.
45. This analysis applies directly to generalization tests for acquired equivalence of the sort depicted in Table 5.1.
46. The arrangement of atoms(http://), molecules or ions in a crystal can be depicted as a crystal lattice.
47. Some of the figures depicted are clearly chiefs, wearing what may be ostrich feathers.
48. We know that New York is sometimes depicted as a cold and heartless city.
49. The heavy pine door of room 301 stood ajar, numerals depicted in hand-painted tiles set flush with the white-stucco wall.
50. This is patently evident from the way he depicted, on occasion, perfectly symbiotic kisses, embraces and bodies.
51. Izvestia said the film depicted soldiers temporarily burying rebel bodies for possible later identification by relatives.
52. Our sum of the parts valuation, depicted below, uses comparable valuations for all four divisions.
53. Some of the rooms depicted within Claverton Manor are considerably older than the house itself.
54. This causal ordering is depicted in the figure with the arrows and the numbering of each variable.
55. Some of the children depicted in the older photos are likely in college by now, or adults with their own children.
56. If the cucullati could be depicted as objects of ridicule, other religious images could have suffered too.
57. The original version of the model is depicted in Figure 8.
58. You were depicted laughing at Mr Edward Heath whom you have defeated at the party leadership elections.
59. This spirit is depicted in Laocoon's face, and not in the face alone, in spite of the most violent sufferings.
60. Cases of equal numbers of additions to each area and all additions concentrated in a few areas are depicted schematically in Fig. 7.9.
61. It was then but an intellectual elision to view abstraction as the purest of all styles, since it depicted nothing at all.
62. The large mural painting above the simple altar depicted war.
63. Opponents of the new law depicted it as tracking writ large.
64. His final model of civil strife is depicted in Figure 5.1.
65. But Night Trap could not be exempted because it depicted violent actions involving realistic images of human beings rather than straight forward computer graphics.
66. Output has fallen and price risen, but not by as much as in the case depicted in Figure 5.2.
67. Hercules is often depicted holding a club and draped with a lion's hide.
68. Dionysius was usually depicted with the flanks of a goat or bull to symbolise his fertility aspect.
69. Shields and helmets, depicted in certain contexts, were also religious symbols.
70. In old Mayan paintings musicians are depicted striking a tortoiseshell with a forked stick.
71. El was usually depicted as a seated figure wearing bull's horns, the symbol of strength and fertility.
72. In some representations, in the Book of the Dead, the phoenix is depicted as arising from him.
73. Behind her, the backdrop depicted some dejected and very limp trees, possibly willows that had practised their weeping rather well.
74. Her early work depicted a dreamy hinterland between landscape and abstraction, like the molten scenes of late Turner.
75. The poem depicted a real-life situation and did so along a straight narrative line.
76. Although rhinos have been depicted as rather vicious stampeding animals they are in fact sedentary and often solitary.
77. The furnace depicted is therefore different from the typical northern furnace.
78. The reaction to numerous business pressures are depicted in Fig. 1. 6.
79. The former depicted the royal coat of arms, texts from the scriptures, the Creed(http:///depicted.html), or the Lord's Prayer.
80. This is depicted in the three-level hierarchical model shown in Fig. 3. 4.
81. With a further approximate 250-fold magnification, we are presented with the spiral depicted in Fig. 3. 5.
82. Consider the original money wage version of the Phillips curve depicted in Figure 6.5.
83. In this new biography she is depicted as a lonely and unhappy woman.
84. The scene has been depicted in many a movie and Western novel, but the fact is, it probably never happened.
85. Nun: primordial deity of the waters of chaos, depicted in human form.
86. Compared to the austerity depicted at the start of the tour, the carved mahogany bed and canopy seem positively indecent.
87. It has also been depicted in its formative period of development as the site of bitter industrial strife.
88. The consequences truly depicted by the conventional wisdom are, it is held, lurking just out of sight.
89. The ravaging giant of Eirena's territory finds counterparts in other figures depicted as monstrous, cruel, degenerate, and corrupt.
90. Several pointed-butt celts are depicted by pecking away the surrounding surface of the stone.
91. Now, women on television are depicted as tough cookies who need a man like a fish needs a trouser press.
92. This painting develops the theme of the model or the object depicted as a subject within the artist's studio.
93. True, it has increased 25 percent in the last generation, but this is hardly the dramatic change commonly depicted.
94. Both maintain that there are symbolic representations of the Ultimate whether the Ultimate be depicted as Truth or as the Holy.
95. It reminded him of the lamb sometimes depicted in church windows.
96. This scene is depicted at Avioth and in other Black Virgin churches.
97. An older historiographical tradition depicted Louis as an impulsive weakling, at the mercy of his overbearing wife.
98. Throughout his long struggle with Giraud, de Gaulle depicted himself as the one who was in touch with the aspirations of the Resistance.
99. Nevertheless, despite such limitations, the rough relationships which are depicted are not without interest.
100. He followed Miss Sadie into her bedroom, where he admired a small, vibrant oil that depicted a party of bathers.
101. As we learned in chapter 8, these results could be depicted in a causal path diagram as shown below.
102. The battlefield between the incoming Home Secretary and the veteran civil servant is vividly depicted in Jenkins's memoirs.
103. Women are simultaneously depicted by such structures as all-powerful and invisible.
104. A disclaimer at the start claims that none of the events depicted ever happened.
105. Firstly, it depicted the life of a mentally handicapped person as being unrewarding, unstimulating and confined.
106. Filmgoers, unfortunately, are subjected to the unnecessary trauma of seeing the brutal crime depicted from arty camera angles.
107. In one later incarnation, she is depicted as severe, with a scalpel and a large pair of pincers.
108. Siferwas depicted John Whas, the scribe of the Missal, as a Benedictine.
109. The causes, course and consequences of consumption are depicted by Greenaway with excessive physicality.
110. Arachne's contribution was a woven hanging on which she had depicted the lives and loves of the gods.
111. In most fossil deposits, the later stages of modification depicted in Fig. 1.2 assume greater importance.
112. On memorial brasses chrysom children are depicted in this outfit, with a cross shown on the forehead.
113. His animal was the ram and he is depicted as a ram or a ram-headed man.
114. They are depicted by the media as glamorous, exciting and interesting.
115. The photograph depicted two naked men, engaged in one of the most nauseating of homosexual acts.
116. As we have said, Simon Peter's vicissitudes, as depicted by Anita Mason, can not have been unique.
117. This scene is depicted in bas-relief on the plinth of the Scott memorial, Plymouth.
118. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, as depicted in his tomb effigy.
119. The newer, more reliable tests which have been introduced since publication of the first edition are also described and depicted.
120. For example, in Figure 6.2, two initial disequilibrium states are depicted.
121. Finally, the virtual oscilloscope effect figure was depicted.
122. Chinese Aesthetics in the late 20th century can be depicted by the concept of neo - classicalism.
123. EPROM( Erasable Programming Read Only Memory) programming device is depicted; its system configuration, operation principle, software design and some flow charts are stated accordingly.
124. THE warmongering orcs depicted in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy are evil, unpleasant creatures that leave death and destruction in their wake.
125. Its front page depicted Johnson's Olympic flag waving antics with the headline "Don't drop the baton Boris!"
126. In order to validate WebSphere Application Server topologies, you can set up an isolated network similar to the example architecture depicted in Figure 1.
127. He is depicted as a big-bellied, yellow or red god with four arms and the head of a one- tusked elephant, riding on, or attended to by, a mouse.
128. He is depicted as a supplicant to gods, or in the protective presence of the ram deity Amun, or as a sphinx himself, or in a warrior's posture. Most statues were defaced by his rivals.
129. Articular cartilage, which is composed with a solid phase of collagen fibers and proteoglycan and a pore fluid phase, can be depicted with two-phase porous medium model based on mixture theory.
130. In any case, there was none of the imperial pageantry depicted in Bertolucci's film "The Last Emperor", nor did I notice any giggling concubines in the kitchen.
131. Pterosaurs, like these depicted gliding near an ancient sea, first arose during the Triassic period about 215 million years ago.
132. He finds a severed hand (Solomon's) marked with Masonic symbols, pointing to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god. This is certainly terrible.
133. The cross product returned by the unintentional cross join depicted above.
134. In this paper, the function and composition of thylakoid membrane, and its change under low temperature stress are depicted.
135. The components and ecological characteristics of pteridophyte were depicted and the characteristics of flora were analyzed as well.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
136. According to Poison process model, a general analysis method is established. The analysis result is depicted by exceedance probability curves.
137. With her entirely new color and technique, printmaker Kanaida Etsuko accurately presents the mysterious world depicted in author Hagiwara Sakutaro's representative work, Cat Town.
138. In one sketch, the dwarf Thorin, depicted in battle, wore a surreal helmet that appeared to be sprouting antlers.
139. The main content is depicted as follows:In the first chapter, we introduce the background and the current situation between capital transfer and the economic growth of a dual economic system simply.
140. The 2006 FIFA World Cup final between France and Italy was depicted as a fight between Roman legions and Gaulish villagers in newspapers.
141. This system, depicted in figure 1 - 8 (), is usually referred to as the Apollo Spacecraft.
142. Trees are depicted with blocks of flat colour or shading.
143. Yossarian is one of the low-ranking officers depicted in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, a famous American humorist writer. Sergeant Huogen is a representative of American soldiers in Iraq War.
144. The risk in project financing for CPPP is classified from different aspect and depicted particularly according to its attribute as resources project and infrastructure project.
145. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features.
146. While Pastis had depicted various crocodiles in the strip as early as February 2004, these crocs were relatively competent and spoke normal English in a normal typeface.
147. First painted in October of 2002, the strange organic planet of then-nameless Felucia depicted sun-catching pod-like plants of enormous height, with an AT-TE walker lumbering in the underbrush.
148. This time the side armours were widened along the red line depicted in the left diagram.
149. In the last chapter, the achievements of this thesis were concluded and the prosper foreground of LIF technology applied in bio instruments was depicted.
150. Koreans and Chinese, on the other hand, are depicted as swarthy, brutish and slit - eyed.
151. We hear about the "obesity epidemic" on the TV news, with footage of people depicted from the waist down shuffling around in XXL sweatpants and carrying supersized sodas.
152. Recognizing 35 years of pioneering work, National Geographic features primatologist Jane Goodall on its cover for the second time since 1965, when she was depicted in an illustration.
153. Preassembly is vividly depicted and directly perceived through the virtual assembly. The validity of this arithmetic is verified.
154. The painting depicted the last of the four battles of the Bergisel - the bicentenary of which is marked this year.
155. Minerva depicted herself with helmed head, her Aegis covering her breast.
156. Defeated in court and depicted by rivals as a corportate Attila the Hun, he seemed bitter and angry.
157. In the first book we have more of the real Socrates, such as he is depicted in the Memorabilia of Xenophon , in the earliest Dialogues of Plato, and in the Apology.
158. Compaq in ads that depicted an empty-headed sales guy in a chain store.
159. Horus, the sun - god was often depicted sitting on a lotus ( like Buddha and Brahma ).
160. Main depicted mathematical modul of national information infrastructure and class base management system of multidimensional information.
161. Historical events are depicted technically accurate and based on first-hand experience.
162. Even creepier is the fact that many of the female characters are scantily clad, and hot (the Little Mermaid wasn't always depicted popping out of a tiny bikini top).
163. The sun god son of Hyperion and Theia depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily.
164. In its place, up went a Norman Rockwell print from Johnnie Cochran's office that depicted a black girl being escorted to school by federal marshals.
165. In his most renowned masterpiece, The Birth of Venus, Early Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli depicted this mythological moment in breathtaking detail.
165. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
166. And the mechanism of the modification was depicted by the three-dimensional structure of HLA antigen.
167. A noise control project for diesel electric generator in small room is depicted in this paper.
168. Such maps depicted paradise as imaginatively and confidently as they did earthly topography.
169. It consists of a Sun orb flanked by two wings. The Egyptians traditionally depicted two serpents on the wings, representing the goddesses protecting Upper and Lower Egypt.
170. Based on the artificial immune net theory, the moving robot path finding and planning algorithm is perfected in the paper. The design ideas and the detail programs are depicted.
171. On sky maps, Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is depicted as holding Serpens the Serpent, which is considered a separate constellation.
172. A new book has claimed that Robin Hood was not as selfless as he is often depicted, suggesting he stole from the rich and lent money to the poor as an early kind of "loan shark".
173. A typical cryogenic liquid cylinder is depicted in Fig . 2.
174. Before Pearl Buck, a great number of western writers had depicted China.
175. You name the passenger(), and he or she is certain to be depicted at some finite number of steps east and south of the diagram's corner.
176. "Stepmom" was distributed by Columbia Tristar Company. The true-life story depicted in this film will greatly impress the audience.
177. In addition, the FPGA design flow and the technique of synchronous circuit design have been depicted.
178. Injuries of the lateral supporting structures, including the fibular collateral ligament, iliotibial band, biceps femoris, and popliteus tendon, also are depicted with MRI.
179. The logical volumes act like a normal disk partition, and are depicted by LV1 - LV6.
180. Next year, the same display space will be given over to a student-designed exhibit on how early-modern instruments and maps were depicted in print.
181. Arthur Max for the art direction, and Crispian Sallis for the set decoration that depicted the glory of the Roman Empire in Gladiator.
182. He is often depicted as a richly robed dog-headed man - a cynocephalus.
183. From Blackbeard to Jack Sparrow, pirates and sailors of old are often depicted wearing earrings.
184. The structure of band pass RAKE receiver and the model of demodulation are depicted.
185. She is the patroness of dentists, and is depicted holding pincers containing her tooth or with a gold tooth on a necklace.
186. It is often depicted as an atomic-scale chicken wire made of carbon atoms and their bonds.
187. In UML 2.0, only three levels of compliance are defined, and those correspond to the hierarchical language unit levels already mentioned and depicted in 0 earlier.
188. In this article, rectangular spline broach of the concentric form and internal diameter centering is introduced; and its design characteristics and advantages of the application are depicted.
189. Those whom Nature had depicted as merely quaint became grotesque.
190. Algorithm of bidirectional associative memory ( BAM ) is depicted.
191. But the thing is that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they’ve got to realize there’s consequences to that action.
192. Outline view: In this format, the WBS is depicted using different levels of indentation, with an accompanying WBS code number for each element.
193. At Oslo's Holmenkollen Ski Museum, Nansen is depicted as a twin-planked deity in furs, a founding father of Norway's national sport.
194. The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door.
195. In this article, tactical employment of passive jamming technique for shipborne radar is depicted and its development situation summarized.
195. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
196. In cartoons he was soon depicted as a bulldog, hardly the most affable of creatures.
197. The liberal tabloid "LA Weekly", which depicted George W. Bush, the former president, as Dracula on its cover in 2004, denounced the Obama-Joker poster as virulently racist.
198. According to the Daily Mail of November 22, Newsweek magazine depicted President Obama as the Hindu deity Lord Shiva on its recent cover of the same day, which arouses Indian-American group's outrage.
199. For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way.
200. With much vibrato and glissando , she depicted the vocal melodies and with just as much sensitivity and temperament she expressed the poesy of the pieces and her joy of life.
201. Her works include "Niederungen" and "Oppressive Tango, " which depicted life in a small German-speaking village in Romania.
202. The firm's technological and aesthetic savvy has helped visualize much more, including taxi traffic, real-estate values, even crime patterns--all depicted in jarringly gorgeous maps.
203. Then the optimum control is depicted to design the altitude control system for a high altitude airship.
204. From another point of view, this close viewing way enables the depicted object to have very deep illusion and profound sense of mystery.
205. As an early romanticist , he depicted those events in history and real life in an exaggerate way.
206. And then their son, Baal, who is a storm god He's depicted in mythological literature Mot as defeating both the chaotic sea god, Yam, and the god of death, Mot.
207. The structure and working principles of multi-path signal receiver are depicted.
208. For the geometry depicted in Figure 2 - 2 , the lagrange multiplier is positive.
209. They are limbless and often depicted as cobra-like in movement.
210. Its production sequence can be depicted as the current computer program language, and it fully embodied the talent of our ancestors.
211. Before us, many Chinese artists vividly depicted Chinese rivers, mountains, customs, lives and mental imagery , enabling us to have free spiritual travelling in today.
212. A summary of the three food preparation processes in terms of number of times through the temperature danger zone can be depicted in a Danger Zone diagram.
213. They depicted the Black Sun - the godhead's inner light in the form of a cross.
214. By means of concrete instance analysis, the details of the minimalist architecture are depicted.
215. The promotional material depicted turbaned men, but the photos were not well received.
216. This chapter mainly investigated the recent progress in the formation carbon-carbon triple bond, especially depicted and reviewed the propargylation reaction of carbonyl compounds in detail.
217. Most students already likely to be in the terrified pose Munch depicted.
218. RIDs are often depicted as (page number; slot number), or (0;10) in decimal notation, (0;A) in hexadecimal notation.
219. The Greek Chorus seems to have been relatively common in that era, and can be seen depicted on a portion of pottery dating from around 425 BC.
220. The "Ba-bird" is depicted in many different styles and positions, including the familiar "spread-eagle" configuration we recognize in the Faravahar.
221. The dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a gigantic and powerful serpent or other reptile with magical or spiritual qualities.
222. As robust and handsome Tang horses throw back their heads or rear up, their inner strength is depicted in outward appearance.
223. The dilatation process of coal mass is depicted by 3 characteristic quantities , namely, volume compression, steady dilatation and dilatation mutation.
224. The optimum paths for multiplications of 7 and 8 are depicted in Figure 6.17.
225. The skeleton's jade and Spondylus-shell jewelry, for example,() matches that of the Bonampak nobles depicted in Room One of the Temple of Murals.
226. The costumes depicted below can also be found in James Saslow's Medici Wedding 1589: Florentine Festival as Theatrum Mundi and in Roy Strong's Festival designs by Inigo Jones.
227. The envelope of the beat frequency is depicted as the grey areas.
228. The phylogenetic analysis of microarray data generated a minimum spanning tree that depicted the population structure of the 174 strains.
229. The true-life story depicted in this film will greatly impress the audience.
230. In this text, I will try to outline the topology of this secret that originates in the nonreciprocal love depicted in In the Mood for Love, and which constitutes the core of 2046's plot.
231. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic plane wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
232. In accordance with Islamic law, the prophet will not actually be depicted on screen.
233. I sighed in astonishment - the utter desolation depicted in that rude scrawl was overpowering.
234. The current situation of harmonic problem in electrified railways is depicted. Several schemes are proposed for the solution of harmonic interference of traction line with active filter.
235. The length distribution of liquid slug liquid slug can be depicted by log-normal distribution at three locations of the pipe such as 25D, 55D, 100D.
236. The divine origin of the written law is emphasized by a bas-relief in which the king is depicted receiving the code from the sun god, Shamash .
237. Though not depicted in Figure 6, this last port is used for an EJB client initial request to the Location Service Daemon (LSD) running in the Node Agent.
238. Not the exotic back - stabbers and dabblers in high finance you see depicted on TV.
239. Also depicted is the selection of winding type, winding arrangement, decoupling, shield as well as structure design in combination with the main transformer for "Blue Arrow".
240. A hash index is often implemented using an array where each element in the array is a hash bucket with a fixed size, as is depicted in Figure 1.
241. Often depicted wearing a tall black stovepipe hat, 16th president of the United States Abraham Lincoln carried letters, bills, and notes in his hat.
242. As for the fuzzy controller, the rule is depicted with analytic form and changed through self-regulating correction factor on line, so that it adapts the system dynamic process.
243. Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch, is depicted as an ape-like man who inhabits forest areas of the pacific north-west and parts of the Canadian province of British Columbia.
244. This is often depicted as the "sensory homunculus", a distorted image of a man stretched across the brain, with his genitals lying next to his feet ( click here).
245. The Dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities.
246. These cards were made of cloth and depicted motifs from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc.
247. Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train.
248. But eagle-eyed observers have spotted clues as to the painting's provenance in some of the people depicted, and some people guess the painter may be Chinese.
249. They are yet to undergo hell-like training tailored for Marines similar to that depicted in Full Metal Jacket.
250. In the past, the process of listening and understanding during interpreting is largely depicted in descriptive language and from a macro perspective.
251. Philippe Noiret, the sagacious French veteran, plays the mentor Alfredo in this life story of Salvatore "Toto" Di Vitto, a director manque' depicted as a child by Salvatore Cascio.
252. The developing prospect of the DEA also depicted according to the research effort.
253. Penny Marshall brought the story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League to mainstream audiences and made heroes out of the players depicted on the big screen.
254. Artemis was often depicted carrying a bow and arrows and the deer was sacred to her.
255. Kim the younger is instead often depicted by the blood - red Kimjongilia begonia.
256. Netherlandish still lifes often depicted skulls, candles, and hourglasses as allegories of mortality, or flowers and fruits to symbolize nature's cycle.
257. In fact the Kraken was first described in a manuscript about a thousand years ago; Scandinavian mythology depicted the Kraken as so large that its body appeared as several small islands.
258. Halley's Comet is likely the most famous comet in the world, even depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry that chronicled the Battle of Hastings of 1066.
259. Because she came out of the sea, she was also the protectress of sailors, and she was often depicted sitting on a giant seashell.
260. As depicted in a poem (written) by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not only a mother but a judge, having jurisdiction over and doing justice to all creatures.
261. Tree structure view: In this format, the WBS is depicted using a tree structure with each child element connected to the parent element through a line.
262. The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in 1805.
263. The test case designing of black - box test is depicted in detail.
264. In those stories, life and death are usually depicted as extremely painful and horrible, thus loading to the link between Poe and Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy.
264. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
265. An annular model for chemostat was depicted by a group of ODE(ordinary differential equation) to imitate the ecosystem which included competition and predator-prey relations in nature.
266. Men want to look like the idealized men depicted in advertisements.
267. It depicted mostly sad feelings reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks.
268. She made a point, however, to say she does not support censoring artists who are critical of Mao - other works have depicted him wearing lipstick or submerged in a blood-filled lake.
269. The show depicted the Cartwrights, a father and three sons who made a new kind of life ranching at their homestead, the Ponderosa, on Lake Tahoe in Nevada.




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