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单词 Admission
1, Admission to the concert costs.
2, Udinese have knocked 10% off admission prices.
3, Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.
4, He gained admission into the association.
5, Admission is free for children under 9.
6, Students apply for admission to a particular college.
7, Justine and I got admission at the same time.
8, Is there any charge for admission?
9, He's applied for admission to the local college.
10, Admission is restricted to members only.
11, She has left her admission ticket behind.
12, Admission is obtained by written application.
13, She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.
14, How much is admission?
15, There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
16, Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college.
17, He wept for joy when he received the admission notice.
18, The Senator's admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.
19, Admission by ticket only.
20, Shortly after his admission into hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died.
21, The question was a tacit admission that a mistake had indeed been made.
22, The edges of the admission ticket have been lapped over.
23, By his own admission,(http:///admission.html) he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.
24, Do you think museums should charge for admission?
25, Do they charge for admission?
26, He is a thief by his own admission .
27, Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children.
28, A clever lawyer can cozen the prisoner into an admission of guilt.
29, A clever lawyer should be able to trick the prisoner into an admission of guilt.
30, They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.
1, Admission to the concert costs.
2, Udinese have knocked 10% off admission prices.
3, Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.
4, Admission is free for children under 9.
5, Students apply for admission to a particular college.
6, Justine and I got admission at the same time.
7, Is there any charge for admission?
8, He's applied for admission to the local college.
9, She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.
10, How much is admission?
11, There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.
12, Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college.
13, The Senator's admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.
14, Admission by ticket only.
15, Shortly after his admission into hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died.
16, The question was a tacit admission that a mistake had indeed been made.
17, By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.
18, They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.
19, The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
20, Cases of plant poisoning severe enough to warrant hospital admission are rare.
31, Her resignation amounts to an admission of failure.
32, She had applied for deferred admission to college.
33, The local museum doesn't charge for admission.
34, Admission is £9.95 per adult.
35, The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
36, There's an admission charge of £5.
37, took his silence as an admission of guilt.
38, How much do they charge for admission.
39, Admission tickets are $20 prepaid, $25 at the door.
40, Her silence was taken as an admission of guilt/defeat.
41, Admission to British universities depends on examination results.
42, The admission price is $8 for adults.
43, Women gained admission to the club only recently.
44, as an admission that the Government was wrong.
45, The College Board has retooled the admission exams.
46, The Museum has no admission charge .
47, This is a clear admission that you were wrong.
48, He is a coward by his own admission.
49, No admission after 10 pm.
50, The admission charge/fee is £2.
51, Parents petitioned the school to review its admission policy.
52, Admission prices have been pegged.
53, The admission fee has gone up.
54, How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace?
55, He made an admission that he was the thief.
56, Silence is often interpreted as an admission of guilt.
57, Admission to the exhibition will be by invitation only.
58, Candidates must satisfy the general conditions for admission.
59, The questioner entrapped him into an admission of guilt.
60, Gates open at 10.30am and admission is free.
61, By his own admission, he is not playing well.
62, Admission is free for school parties .
63, The art gallery waives admission charges on Sundays.
64, You have to pay 2 admission.
65, All patients are examined on admission to the hospital.
66, Admission is by invitation only.
67, The cost includes free admission to the casinos.
68, On admission to hospital, you will be examined by a doctor.
69, We don't charge extra for the activities-everything is included in the admission fee.
70, The accommodation package includes admission to the golf course at no extra expense.
71, We were refused entrance/entry/admission.
72, The enemy forces suffered heavy casualties by their own admission.
73, The show will be open to the public at 2pm; admission will be 50p.
74, Her resignation has been widely interpreted as an admission of her guilt.
75, Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement.
76, Application for admission to this course should be made directly to the University.
77, The British media have created a fierce controversy over Oxford's admission procedures and elitism in general.
78, My mind fastened on his admission that he was an agent.
79, The chairman suffered the indignity of being refused admission to the meeting.
80, The school can decide which pupils will be given priority of admission, subject to the requirements of the law.
81, He made a steady improvement and was released within 10 days of admission.
82, The woman at the ticket window told me that the admission fee was $17.50.
83, Reese, by his own admission , lacks the necessary experience.
84, Open daily; admission £1.10 with concessions for children and OAPs.
85, The company's silence on the subject has been taken as an admission of guilt.
86, The minister's admission turned out to be a spectacular own goal.
87, By her own admission, she was responsible for the accident.
88, A week after his admission into the army, he fell ill.
89, She saw his leaving the company as an admission of failure.
90, Entry to the gardens is included in the price of admission.
91, selecting students for admission.
92, The minister's resignation was an admission that she had lied.
93, By his own admission he should never have driven so fast.
94, The young men tried to enter a nightclub but were refused admission .
95, Cases of plant poisoning severe enough to warrant hospital admission are rare.
96, There's a notice outside the building which says 'No admission before 12 noon'.
97, She has made no admission of any involvement in the plot.
98, The admission notice he received from the university rejoiced his mother's heart.
99, The police tried to twist his statement into an admission of guilt.
100, Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
101, We attached a condition to his admission to our school.
102, On her own admission(), she was responsible for the accident.
103, Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.
104, By his own admission, Gordon was not in the right frame of mind to win yesterday.
105, The nurses at the admission desk asked her for particulars.
106, Our admission charge rations us to one programme.
107, Admission is free, by appointment only.
107, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
108, Several demographic variables are associated with admission to care.
109, Admission is free but advance reservations are required.
110, They are working on performance-based standards for college admission.
111, The only admission charge is their time.
112, Ember was only my admission price.
113, By his own admission, he was naive.
114, Michaels. General admission, $ 5; members, $ 3. 410-745-2916.
115, Dinner and dance lessons, no admission charge.
116, All levy a nominal admission fee.
117, There would be no admission of guilt.
118, The reason for hospital admission was severe colicky pain in the right upper abdomen for two months.
119, None of them had been treated before admission to hospital, and none had any other medical disorders.
120, Others mentioned the convenience of having a booked admission date and better surroundings and care.
121, Morales added that applying for amnesty is not an admission of guilt and that his clients are innocent.
122, Admission is $5, with proceeds benefiting a local children's charity.
123, The first is that climate swamps structure and lithology, an admission that few geologically trained or biased geomorphologists would make.
124, Two years later he gained admission to Maharaja's College, Mysore, where he wrote his first short stories.
125, When mistakes are made a full apology is often less damaging than a grudging admission that events have not gone as planned.
126, Twenty four hours before admission she had had a transitional mole removed from her back under local anaesthesia in the outpatient department.
127, They were refused admission to a public school attended by white children solely because of their race....
128, Only once, and I had to pay an admission fee.
129, Tickets are $ 50 general admission, $ 20 for students and $ 10 for seniors.
130, Their applications were refused on the grounds that they did not meet the admission criteria.
131, Admission is free to all ticket holders and there is no need to book in advance.
132, Admission Details of the BMus admission procedure and of University and faculty entry requirements may be found in the Admissions section.
133, Please note that admission to some museums is by appointment only.
134, Most charging sites and museums offer teachers free admission for a preview visit.
135, However, many were referred for compulsory admission where they were subsequently not admitted, or admitted informally.
136, Secondly, admission to a psychiatric unit has presumably been the result of distress which in many cases will persist after admission.
137, The admission of a tenant already showing signs of dementia requires very careful consideration in the individual case.
137, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
138, Furthermore, psychiatry has been affected by the general reduction in admission beds.
139, Quahanti made no admission of guilt, and the case was continued for the duration of her probation.
140, The advocacy system gives the child the right to voluntarily admit himself or refuse admission.
141, Hall later returned to the club where Mr Healy was also trying to gain admission.
142, The primary outcome was the occurrence of severe clinical events, defined as death or hospital admission irrespective of the cause.
143, Interventions exclusively directed towards families whose children are in imminent danger of admission to care. 2.
144, Any which arrive late will result in the student being refused admission to the Examination Centre.
145, Many students who were denied admission, said Mr Salemi, turned to economics as an alternative.
146, He continued to improve and was discharged home 11 days after admission.
147, Competition for entry to these programs is keen, and applicants need above-average grades to gain admission.
148, Admission is $ 7 at the door, $ 6 in advance and $ 5 for Tucson Blues Society members.
149, But after making this admission we must go deeper into the question.
150, The admission that facts can be causes will not much improve our willingness to suppose that universal facts can cause universal beliefs.
151, An if we couldn't afford the price of admission, we found other distractions.
152, He never fails to awe me with his ability to paint a word portrait worthy of a museum that charges admission.
153, The admission charge is 20p and all the proceeds will go to the Northern Ireland Hospice.
154, It was found that only 37% of those applying gained admission.
155, There is a marked gender difference in first admission rates; the rates for women being approximately one-third higher than for males.
156, But your guests will have to buy park admission tickets.
157, The income from admission fees helps the monks finance a lifestyle that might otherwise be impossible in the modern world.
158, In January the firm said that, to lure visitors during winter,() it would cut its admission prices for locals.
159, By his own admission, football and fly moves had to be executed with equal style.
160, The show is included with regular admission to the park.
161, Segregative in both appearance and admission policies, they catered mostly for elderly disabled people.
162, You only married him for his money? What an admission!
163, In too few cases has the reduction been accompanied by an admission that the new base will be more sustainable in future.
164, The new season will also bring admission charge to Museum of Flight, £2 for adults and £1 children and concessions.
165, Within 48 hours of admission, all patients underwent a haemodynamic study during transjugular liver biopsy.
166, Was it possible that the police suspected his involvement with Saunders and were trying to trick him into an admission of guilt?
167, All participants will receive free admission to the museum today, following a post-race breakfast and awards ceremony.
167, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
168, She went to public high school and did well enough to gain admission to Northwestern.
169, Certain immigrant communities have been documented for many years as having higher mental hospital admission rates.
170, Will admission to care management be the only way to access social services' resources?
171, For example, quite often the mood of a patient who is severely depressed on admission will lift remarkably after admission.
172, A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it. Alfred Hitchcock 
173, If the department approves the application, it will recommend the candidate's admission to the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee.
174, Analysts say this trend is even more remarkable because public universities run open admission policies and do not charge tuition.
175, I suspect this is true for the majority of people: to accept help because of infirmity may seem an admission of defeat.
176, I feared enormous crowds at Chawton paying hefty admission fees to file past animated wax figures.
177, She then suffered a cardiac arrest 32 hours after admission.
178, She had bathed and washed her hair during the evening before her admission to hospital.
179, Will my hon. Friend call on the hon. Member for Livingston to make a similar admission of the error of his ways?
180, Oh completing her travels, she applied for admission to the Benedictine convent at Cingoli.
181, It also includes dozens of sights that have admission fees.
182, Although considered in need of assessment or treatment, these women did not require compulsory admission, with the attendant limits on civil liberties.
183, No admission fee is charged but donations given by visitors amount to £180.
184, First, ASWs took responsibility for decisions diverting individuals from compulsory admission.
185, Lower admission prices and the opening of Space Mountain were cited as helping to make the difference.
186, Not for him was the formal ceremony of admission, with its conditional baptism and its awesome recital of categorical promises.
187, Data on admission to hospital is not comprehensive but they suggest that admission rates rise with declining social class.
188, He denied making a verbal admission concerning any transaction between himself and any women.
189, The admission price includes rides on the steam trains and the other attractions.
190, Present this voucher to admit up to 6 people at the discounted admission prices above, any opening day in 1992.
191, She had been advised by her doctor to seek admission to hospital in the event of a severe attack.
192, And, unlike local venues that charge admission and parking fees, the Miramar air show offers free admission and free parking.
193, He was discharged three weeks after admission, having recovered fully.
194, Mr Honecker is up a pole and all the ladders offered him to climb down would be an admission of failure.
195, For sheer lack of space and resources he is having to turn away drug-addicts who are begging for admission.
196, The ad includes video of Clinton speaking at a Houston fund-raiser, where he made the admission about the taxes.
197, This will help you to work in any type of authority following your admission as a solicitor.
198, It is a clear admission that you are sexually active,() and parents may find this hard to deal with.
199, Tickets are $ 5. 50, with free admission to children under age 16.
200, By his own admission, Rough is one of football's midnight runners.
201, Dolan, by his own admission, is addicted to the action.
202, To lower admission standards would be, in effect, to devalue the currency in which their diploma had been issued.
203, Counselling and psychotherapy Psychotherapy commences during hospital admission and continues long after discharge.
204, Three days after admission ultrasonic appearances in the abdomen were normal.
205, Among children who survived for at least five days arterial oxygen saturation on admission ranged from 41% to 98%.
206, These tests were repeated 12 hours after admission and every 24 hours thereafter.
207, Although a normal ultrasonagraphy was not one of the original admission criteria, it became one in 1982-83.
208, Where compulsory admission was necessary, three types of admission orders were defined.
209, It implies a tacit admission of equality which can be almost priceless.
210, The day before admission he developed an unsteady gait with slight alterations in mood and behaviour.
211, In 1916 Pierre Nizan's efforts to gain full admission to the bourgeoisie were finally dashed.
212, When the man was interviewed he made a full admission.
213, The local authority's decision to agree to his application was an admission that they had been wrong all the time.
214, This is particularly true in encouraging the admission of mature students, among whom local applicants are viewed especially sympathetically.
215, Values of packed cell count, haemoglobin, urea, glucose, creatinine, and electrolytes were obtained at admission.
216, There will also be a tea-room and a small admission charge.
217, If this can not be assured, then the person may require admission to a psychiatric unit.
218, Admission and discharge dates and visits by relatives together with court appearances will also at time increase the anxieties of residents.
219, Tuition was free, and admission was open to anyone who qualified.
220, All their recipes had been borrowed - by their own admission - from earlier works and their style is charmless.
221, Tickets are $ 10 general admission(), $ 8 for seniors and $ 5 for children under 5.
222, If the hospital refuses admission, the ambulance takes the case to Nirmal Hriday.
223, In the restaurant business, it is simply the price of admission to offer good food and drink in a good location.
224, Shannon Faulkner, its first female cadet, had won court-ordered admission last August but dropped out after less than a week.
225, Mr Portillo's decision, which follows his admission last year to homosexual experiences as a young man, surprised Conservative headquarters.
226, The exhibition is free, but there is an admission charge to the Castle.
227, No specific treatment was given and her symptoms subsided spontaneously. Before this admission she had taken no drugs.
227, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
228, On admission he was unable to swallow anything but liquids and mashed solids.
229, Eventually he gained admission to the company and became a director and sometime governor.
230, But there again, by his own admission Jenkins is having the best both worlds.
231, This was so not withstanding that the field could be closed at any time and that certain people could be refused admission.
232, His enemies imply that his resignation is a tacit admission of guilt.
233, Very few colleges these days refuse admission on grounds of age alone.
234, Agriculture minister Nick Brown made this admission in a letter to shadow farm minister Tim Yeo.
235, Opening times and admission charges have not yet been published.
236, Two days before admission he noted abdominal distension and began to hiccup.
237, Precipitating the shouting match at Lindale was a 25-cent increase in the $ 1 admission fee.
238, The court may assume that your silence is an admission of guilt.
239, New Mental Health Tribunals were set up in each health region to deal with any complaints arising from compulsory admission procedures.
240, Visitors please note no admission fees is required for entry to the gift shop alone, which is open all year round.
241, Admission is $ 3. 75, skates are $ 1. 75, and a full snack bar is available.
242, Admission is $ 4 at the door, leaving plenty of pocket change for amorous pursuits.
243, Accepted students will be informed in admission letters of the maximum amount required, which may be payable on enrolment.
244, I looked for signs telling me where to park and what the admission price might be.
245, This has proved so popular that arrangements have been made for this to be included in the admission price to the Centre.
246, Nineteen of the children who died were hypoxaemic on admission with arterial oxygen saturations ranging from 88% to 40%.
247, Tickets are $ 12 at the door, with free admission for children under age 12.
248, His medical history was unremarkable until the day before admission.
249, Fearful of punitive damages, companies will avoid doing anything that might later be seen as an admission of guilt.
250, He had seats for forty thousand, who paid a minimum admission of twenty-five cents but more for reserved space.
251, The students might not have done well enough to preserve the 80 average that guaranteed senior college admission.
252, Residential institutions were doubly punished: admission to care was bad enough, but admission to residential care was even worse.
253, On the first evening the young men got drunk and tried to get into a nightclub but were refused admission.
254, Admission to the museum and parking are free, but advance parking reservations are required.
255, Patients experience high anxiety levels at time of admission to hospital.
256, Eight hours after admission he suddenly deteriorated, with severe respiratory distress and increasing left chest signs.
257, Section 2 involves admission for assessment,(http:///admission.html) section 4 for emergency admission for assessment and section 3 for admission for treatment.
258, Death and Dishonour A seventy-five year old lady was refused admission to four hospitals after suffering a heart attack recently.
259, This is followed closely by discounted admission to racecourses and greyhound tracks.
260, If more, then the consumer will be willing to pay for the admission ticket.
261, Disease was measured by first hospital admission rates since endometriosis can be diagnosed with accuracy only at laparotomy or laparoscopy.
262, Tickets, available at the box office, are $ 10 general admission, $ 7 for students and seniors.
263, It turns out, by his own admission, that this was not his first time with a hooker.
264, This carefully-worded document rehearsed the arguments for making the joint award, while carefully avoiding any admission of the original mistake.
265, An applicant may apply for admission from 1 January, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October in any year.
266, It is based on the hope that the fieldworker will provide continuity of care for the young people before and after admission.
267, The trip includes airfare, accommodation, car rental and admission tickets to the golf course for all practice and match days.
268, Methods Patients with active Crohn's disease requiring hospital admission were considered for entry into the study.
269, Nevertheless, by his own admission, he failed to translate that energy into performance and change.
270, The father, so angered by the compulsory admission, became threatening and abusive to residential staff.
271, This study showed that the anticipation and the worry had as much effect as the actual admission procedure.
272, At the end of your training contract you may apply for admission as a solicitor.
273, Referral for compulsory admission is clearly an issue of power.
274, USAir Vacations has two-night packages beginning at $ 434 a person and also include free admission to various attractions.
274, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
275, Thrilled to the core by his admission that she disturbed and aroused him, she was at the same time terrified.
276, Parents generally have a two-month period in which to apply for admission.
277, The second Tuesday of every month offers free admission. 4700 Western Heritage Way.
278, But once in the park, she could not afford the separate admission fees for the parks within the park.
279, For many patients, irrespective of age, admission to an acute hospital constitutes only one phase of their medical career.
280, Preventive action beyond the point of a child's admission to care is seen as a fourth level of prevention.
281, Followed by the sheepish admission of truth. this heralds a period of deeper intimacy.
282, Patient Chang had little pain on admission, so he refused operation steadfastly.
283, He also argued strenuously ( against the prevailing opinion ) for the free admission of immigrants.
284, Secondarily school is also the period where purpose is defined as fierce competition for university admission.
285, Z : Frankly speaking, I've got an admission notification from Stanford University.
286, Admission to ROWAN UNIVERSITY is competitive and is based primarily on academic performance.
287, He nailed up sign over the door which said: " No admission. "




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