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单词 Too large
1. These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
2. This is too large a helping for me / This helping is too large for me.
3. This coat is too large for me.
4. The jacket is several sizes too large for him.
5. This class is too large, we shall have to divide it.
6. Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.
7. The class is too large, we shall have to divide it.
8. This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.
9. If your new coat is too large, a tailor can alter it to fit you.
10. Quarto volumes are too large to fit on this shelf.
11. If the photo is too large for the frame, cut a bit off the top.
12. Do not be tempted to make too large a frame from cardboard, unless it is very thick indeed.
13. But the explosive charge was too large and the chapel was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down.
14. He was dressed in clothes that were much too large for him, and in his hand he held a small bottle.
15. He felt that property often required a unit too large for all but the largest institutional investor.
16. That bag's too large to take on the plane - I can check it for you.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. But this aim proved to be too large and the northern comprehensive school, as it were, took over my interests.
18. But the mask was too large and heavy and kept slipping down his face.
19. If journals become too large, they may split, in a process called twigging, to produce new specialist journals.
20. It is far too large for one person these days.
21. Her dark eyes, which seemed almost too large for her small features, held an expression of great sadness.
22. It is also too large a mass to be a neutron star.
23. He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large.
24. I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they're too large. Can I change them for a smaller size?
25. What they were saying is this: writers like us are too large for neat containers.
26. Distributions are subject to ordinary income tax, and taking too large a distribution could propel you into a higher tax bracket.
27. This fish feeds readily on larval Artemia, but fully grown adults are too large.
28. Planners must be aware of the less acceptable aspects of bringing people from too large a catchment area.
29. Her eyes seemed too bold, her shorts too tight and her sun-reddened limbs too large.
30. Delores was tall and overweight and wore glasses that were a little too large for her face.
1. These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
2. This is too large a helping for me / This helping is too large for me.
31. Some people see the cup as half empty. Some people see the cup as half full. I see the cup as too large. George Carlin 
32. Claimants will be discouraged from living in accommodation too large for their needs.
33. Your display will be top-heavy if the flowers you choose are too large for the container.
34. To prevent your club becoming too large, restrict its catchment area.
35. Most of these species are too large for the home aquarium, and many are too expensive.
36. Would you believe he had the temerity to suggest that this house is too large for one person?
37. The conclusion can be justified in other ways than simply the prima facie presumption that 45 percent looks too large.
38. In the West, a 160-acre irrigated farm was too large, while a 160-acre unirrigated farm was too small.
39. Police commanders claim the area is too large and their resources too meagre to tackle the crisis effectively.
40. He is too large to be circumvented by means other than outwitting him.
41. Our income are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and trip. Charles Caleb Colton 
42. He was a bony young man with slicked-down hair and a stiff white collar several sizes too large.
43. Most of the fishes of this family are too large to be kept in the home aquarium.
44. His regular features would have been handsome if they had not all been slightly too large.
45. Nowhere should the coat be tight, so it is better to buy a size too large rather than too small.
46. Many of these are major landmarks rising high above surrounding houses, but often they are far too large for present congregations.
46. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
47. Some protein molecules are simply too large for microbes to handle.
48. This is done to prevent the process log becoming too large.
49. Of course Jekyll's clothes were much too large for my body, and I had trouble in climbing into the cab.
50. But after the kids left, the nest was too large.
51. The team would do what the individual could no longer do because the organisation was becoming too large and/or complex.
52. She flipped her mind and the handle came back, a size or two too large.
53. The world's relatively small wealthy population is probably getting too large for it.
54. Too large an increase in personal taxation could lose them votes and deny them further ministerial office.
55. The scientists warn that the deposits of pyrites are too large to neutralize by liming.
56. There are only six permanent legislative committees, whose membership is far too large for any real scrutiny to take place.
57. A right shift operation was too large an amount.
58. Then, ruefully, he decided the sum was too large.
59. Cardinal number is too large.
60. The injection advance angle is too large.
61. Datasheet too large. Try saving data cells only?
62. Value was either too large or too small for an unsigned byte.
63. This is the range check, and it should catch inputs that are too large, negative, or zero.
64. The results show that stress in hollow beam and semi-shaft bush is much less than permissible stress, while joint of suspension frame and axle housing has too large local stress.
65. DiabeticWhen intercurrent heart disease, nephrosis and retinal pathological changes, physical training volume shoulds not be too large, time shoulds not be too long.
66. If a food item is far too large for a tegu to eat, will they take bites out of it?
67. Listing 3.4. A demonstration of putting too large a value in an unsigned integer.
68. He came up the hill at a gallop on his thick- barrelled , long-legged hunter, appearing in the distance like a boy on a too large. Horse.
69. If they are too large, the cooling unit cycles on and off and operates inefficiently.
70. I tried to avoid my usual error of making the head too large and went too far in the other direction, although the lankiness does look kind of spiffy.
71. The quartermaster has only two sizes, too large and too small.
72. In the light of the pickup current of a submersible electric pump being too large when started at full pressure, a new variable frequency control system is developed.
73. The condition that one must avoid is too large a static margin.
74. At the same time, the disadvantage of the ANN scale too large and the speed of classifiable identification too slow and so on are overcome too.
75. The WebSphere Application Server support team prefers to keep the Maximum File Size no larger than 50 MB, as the traces become more difficult to load and read if the file size is too large.
76. USES material not qualified. Such as sand, stone, aggregate quality unqualified; In addition[/too large.html], mostly because cement volume expansion rate is too large (stability serious adverse).
77. Data record too large.
78. Emulsion film is sometimes too large or too small to accept the illumination and exposure time is too long or too short, the same amount of exposure does not produce the same photographic effect.
79. Since enquires are too large, I'm afraid that we can only allot you 400 cases.
80. It tends to relegate to government many functions eventually too large, too complex, or too widely dispersed to be performed by government.
81. He came up the hill at a gallop on his thick-barreled, long-legged hunter, appearing in the distance like a boy on a too large horse.
82. As Hon Hai grew too large for one person to manage directly, Mr.
83. Computational mathematics proposes and studies methods for solving mathematical problems that are typically too large for human numerical capacity.
84. When there is an imprint inking too large grey makes the hue image generation.
85. The error of the rudder angle indicator is too large.
86. Although the need to through the freight elevator traffic, but will not be too large.
87. The dinette set is too large for my dining room.
88. You find a young boy wearing a foppish magician's hat and a robe that is much too large for him.
89. If a label backing sheet in less area tensile strength wouldn't be too large.
90. If the variation was too large, then increase the equilibration time to 20 min and repeat the runs.
91. Settings you chose for the left and right marg ins, column spacing, or paragraph indents are too large for the page width in some sections.
92. When the main buffer pools are configured too large, it is possible that they will not fit into the addressable memory space.
93. The result of an assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range of values allowed for that type of variable.
94. It was brownish-grey, with a small head and a large body - not too large, for it was a dove.
95. It's just a bit too large ( small, plain, gaudy, etc ) for me.
96. They are, if you like, the readers of Cheever, a crowd of them too large to be hidden in the woods.
97. It is considered that the immediate cause was the too large pressure of the dextral adjacent rock, but the essential cause was the slope slipping in the construction.
98. Rebar Music now breaks whole notes into smaller durations when the time signature is too large for whole notes.
99. When at night or the load is too large, the storage battery can transmit the power into AC conflux system by the bi-directional inverter.
100. Things that were simply too large for a small team of people to do in their spare time, and therefore could not be created unless they were being sold for money with significant licensing fees.
101. It was too large of a building(), with no validated pilot projects and a total unawareness about how much oxygen the curing cement of the massive foundation would absorb.
102. The Carry flag is set when the result of an unsigned arithmetic operation is too large for the destination operand.
103. It is best employed from a distance, as its ball-shaped cognitive unit is too large and tempting a target for enemy fire.
104. But the task ahead is too large to put a deadline on, and if there is a lag, the market will lose its optimism. If there are no concrete measures, it will draw down market prices.
105. It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.
106. So the system becomes too large. Anglo-American law is conservative to negotiorum gestio, which stipulates analogous negotiorum gestio in the law of restitution.
106. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
107. Some toothbrush shapes will suit some mouths better than others. Make sure that your toothbrush bristles comfortably reach your backmost molars, as some brushes may be too large or wide.
108. The disk is too large to format for the specified file system.
109. He seized his own blue - banded straw hat, some two sizes too large for him.
110. Walnut trees that grow too large make it inconvenient to prune, spray, and harvest.
111. E . The maximum transmission unit ( MTU ) size is too large.
112. If the exhaust air volume is too large, thin shrink strength, trademark bending.
113. When the stroke identification result mislead by the tooth counting error during the crankshaft angular velocity variation is too large, the system will identify the stroke again.
114. NMAKE ran out of memory, including virtual memory, because the makefile was too large or complex.
115. Overtrading means, among other things, trading a size that is too large for you.
116. It is too large to be written in scientific notation and is much larger than a googol, googolplex, and is even larger than Moser's number, another very large number.
117. Where the volt is too large a unit, we use the millivolt or microvolt.
118. It's a bit too large ( small, plain . gaudy etc. ) for me.
119. We show that such a variational state is necessary for obtaining a superconducting condensation energy with reasonable magnitude and for the effective mass of the charge carriers not being too large.
120. " I bought a sweatshirt at your store yesterday, but it's too large for me. "
121. Being too large and all - encompassing is a common defect among state - owned enterprises .
122. Figures announced by the national bureau of statistics show that domestic commercial house investment scale is too large and it's average sale price increases too fast in recent years.
123. The quartermaster [ ix ] has only two sizes: too large and too small.
124. For one thing, if the materials store is too large, it will occupy too much fund and lead to torpidity of turnover fund.
125. The quadratic aperture of the cat's - eye diaphragm is imaged too large.
126. "At present, the cake served to overfed and cash-strapped consumers is too large to be digested, " Mr Muller says.
127. Furthermore, under some conditions, the recorded data is too large that we need high capacity of memory storage, thus the cost of the hardware in the system increases.
128. Farad is too large a unit to be used in radio calculation.
129. But the number of coalition structures is often too large to allow exhaustive search for the optimal one.
130. Either because the credit amount is too large, or because he does not fully trust the opening bank, sometimes the exporter may require a confirmed letter of credit.
131. Dentiform belt wear and down sides of the belt gap is too large or not.
132. A possible fault condition could be a community that becomes too large to fulfill its original purpose.




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