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单词 Clan
1. The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.
2. The men mustered before their clan chiefs.
3. This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan.
4. The whole clan will be here over Christmas.
5. Is/Are the whole clan coming to visit you for Christmas?
6. Below, left to right: Davey Philips of Clan Skates.
7. Dole and his clan up on the hill.
8. Tallis suddenly understood the eerie silence among the clan.
9. Murphy, Jamie, and the rest of the O'Brien clan will be here for Thanksgiving.
10. Clan members compete side by side against other or individuals.
11. Regular exhibitions, including permanent display of tartans and clan insignia.
12. And I belong to the Kakinishisha clan, the sharp claws.
13. In the spring the clan chief's steward came ashore to find the last surviving woman on the rocky shore.
14. And friendship with Clan Diarmaid, that we've been fighting off and on for five generations!
15. Ken's clan didn't take kindly to that and rounded on the woman, who sought some kind of defence.
16. Time was when the Richardson clan could scare this area witless.
17. The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.
18. All the children and grandchildren are going to my parents' at Christmas for the annual gathering of the clan.
19. It could only make for bad blood between the Li clan and himself and shatter the age-old ties between their families.
20. Lessard tries to show that the sins of Stanford White cast a moral pall over the White clan.
21. Most people want many sons because they carry on the family line and that means our clan can claim more land.
22. Moua was part of the tiny Hmong intelligentsia, an educated son of a clan elder.
23. He unleashed another murderous war in the 1980s, eliminating more than 800 mobsters until the Corleone clan was dominant.
24. Only a small minority broke through the restrictive moulds of clan traditions.
25. He had been turned away from the door of a local clan chief and needed a place to spend the night.
26. It will probably also have to cooperate with the presidential clan and certainly will need military and Republican Guard support.
27. Tell him we will go upriver, to the Cheng clan in the Su Sung Tai.
28. My own family was at once strongly nuclear and part of what can only be called a clan.
29. They are also used to unquestioning deference to their own leaders, be they family, clan or tribe.
30. Optimism and energy, especially in the face of adversity, are defining characteristics of our clan.
1. The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.
2. The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.
31. That is how strongly she felt about her responsibility to produce a male heir to the Kang clan.
32. Art and Flo then proceeded to create their own big clan here in Denver.
33. Soon afterwards, the Tokugawa clan obtained supremacy under the patient and skilful Hideyori or Iyeyasu.
34. Vendettas and clan warfare are part of the culture in Corsica, where political and criminal violence often interact.
35. But clan warfare has severely depleted the amount of food getting through.
36. One looks in vain for any evidence of soul-searching among the legal clan.
37. When birds roosted off the island young men competed to bring an egg back to their clan leader.
38. Supposing the Elders of a Carpet Snake clan decided it was time to sing their song cycle from beginning to end?
39. The basic social unit in ancient Germanic tribes was the clan.
40. Elders, clan leaders and commanders were brought together by the council of churches.
41. The rise of the Carron de Saint-Thomas clan offers a generalized illustration of how the Savoyard administrative elite developed at this time.
42. The massacre has left an indelible stain on the name of Clan Campbell.
43. The scullions sweated and ducked at the spits and bake-ovens built around the exercise ground for the clan to feast.
44. The Hawiye clan, which dominates the rebel group currently threatening Mr Barre, is not thought to be vengeful.
45. The man turned out to be in charge of the Kang clan business office.
46. She is the widow of the head of the clan and so hers is the largest house.
47. Sarah joked dolefully that she and William attracted all the ill luck in the clan.
48. The bloodthirsty Beck clan wants him dead, even if they have to extract their revenge right there in the courtroom.
49. It stirs in the mud of rugby fields and in the mist of recent films that romanticize clan heroes.
50. Chucha was like a nun who had joined the convent of the de Ia Torre clan.
51. They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority; such bad manners would disgrace the clan.
52. Clan Campbell. rightly, have stood condemned for 300 years for having committed the atrocity.
52. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
53. A lucky stalwart might gain the patronage of some powerful upper-hab clan or even of a noble.
54. There was a strong strain of Anglophilia in the Alsop clan, and a consistent devotion to the politics of moderate conservatism.
55. A moid of the whole clan is called in two weeks, at the start of October.
56. The branches of the hierarchical tree hide this secret organisation with its inner clan of unknown lieutenants possessing mythical powers.
57. Having delivered an heir to the Kang clan, her place was secure, unlike with my birth.
58. A dwarf clan famous for its wizards suddenly vanishes.
59. Foo Clan Bursary Awards to family members.
60. No huge , clamorous clan wedding for me.
61. Alucard : Of the Belmont clan?
62. He's from the Campbell clan.
63. The Carraways are something of a clan.
64. The hunter killed for the clan, not for himself.
65. The primitive commune is a matriarchal clan society.
66. She ranks as my junior in the clan.
67. And this is caused by the difference of paschal clan system and legal ideology, hierarchical system and religious influence, social system and value orientation between the two countries.
68. It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people, the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy.
69. Is generally believed that the origin of the Chou dynasty clan myth and mythology to the same ethnic origin as well as the concept of totem product conception.
70. Within the clan (or extended family), the power that belongs to senior men, especially those with titles like datuk (or chief), is no more significant than that of senior women, Blackwood said.
71. On the basis of building the ship radiated-noise model,() the mathematical expectation expressions of ship radiated-noise demodulation spectrum harmonic clan feature were educed.
72. There was no other name for the original clan member, whose details had been lost over the years.
73. The Cave Clan, an Australian group, is open to anyone older than eighteen, and has a membership that ranges from tradespeople to government employees.
74. Luciano's predecessor, Giuseppe Masseria, had welcomed non-Sicilians, including Neapolitan Al Capone, into his Mafia clan.
75. Totem: An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor , or guardian.
76. During this process western cultures, especially the Public International Law, had a strong impact on the clan and vassal, and in the end led to the disintegration of the clan and vassal.
77. From his early years as the son of a widow abandoned by her clan, he showed remarkable ability as a charismatic leader and unifier .
78. Genealogy, as an important reference of clan, establishes and strengthens lineage boundaries, consanguine boundaries, geographical border and ethical boundaries.
79. The Warring Age is a fully transformed period as a whole from traditional clan patriciate to bureaucrat society.
80. In British literary history, many writers recall simple and unsophisticated society of patriarchic clan system to seek their dreamed paradise through their own creation.
81. Over- drained clan refers to employees who find themselves running out of new ideas as well as enthusiasm after spending all their time and energy on day-to-day work.
82. Imperial clan is a special class getting together the authority. It gets ascendency and status from the authority, and deeply effects the authority./clan.html
83. Clan men of Masai Mara tribe have dark skin and red grid cap flapping in the wind, awe-inspiring and astounding.
84. To modern people's eyes Throughout the history of human development, human development from the clan tribe, tribal alliance, Chiefdom, country, is constantly integrating their development.
85. This semi - famous , and influential clan enjoyed high social status at that time.
86. Clan departmentalism is a prominent character and it is one of the most important sides to be researched by sociologists in China.
87. Still the devilish soul gobble up mankind's sort, drive the resistibility of mankind to blood clan sorcery for cursing would the nasty play reduce.
88. Hearthguard – a clan of magistrates and administrators, slow and serious.
89. The family discipline clan regulations research was analyzes China ancient times legal polytrophic, the hierarchical and the constitutive characteristic essential link and the content.
90. Chinese culture indicates the essence of self-concern including patriarchal clan system, collectivism, hiding selfishness, personification.
91. Objectives: In the traditional Achang clan society, sex was associated with unchastity, and was regarded as disgraceful or filthy.
92. This was the territory of Ephraim, clan by clan: The boundary of their inheritance went from Ataroth Addar in the east to Upper Beth Horon.
93. The main content of assistance included aid poor clan member and orphan in clan member, and to help bury each other etc.
94. Last year a grandson organised a get-together in Dayi for the extended Liu clan, whose members would once have been terrified of revealing their ties.
95. Mama of, that old demon old woman is one anthropophagi clan Tribal chief!
96. When warring families wanted to make peace and arrange a parley, the Bocchicchio clan was contacted.
97. Their walls are sure to be covered with all their favorite heroes and heroines, the Cullen Clan, Bella Swan, and of course hunky Jacob.
98. North American west indians had developed into patriarchy composed of clan, it still stays in the eastern matriarchy clan society.
99. The symbol of the Bad Moon Clan is a grimacing , yellow moon-face wrapped in a halo of black flames.
100. The head of the clan would handle the initial negotiations and arrange for the necessary hostages.
101. In the complex of slate-gray Ming and Qing houses, inscribed plaques bestowed by emperors hang high in halls, epitomizing the glory and prosperity of the clan during the past century.
102. In addition to the Curie clan, Einstein, Newton and Alan Turing —founder of modern computer science —all were left-handed as well.
103. The concept of his"country folk"was not the one in the patriarchal clan system of enfeoffment of China with the moral principles of Confucian School, but was a kind of primitive civilization.
104. With all its resolutions, new beginnings, and flash-forwards, the finale really seemed to neatly wrap-up the lives of the Fisher clan.
105. Apella armors can be equipped only by clan members if their class is Baron or higher.
106. A court in Sicily has ruled that a suspected Mafia clan member weighing 210 kg can be put under house arrest because he is too fat for any Italian jail, local newspaper said Wednesday.
107. With that overturned the clan authoritythe authority the authority of the husband all begin to totter.
108. The cultural spirits such as rural affiliation, clan ethics, national attachment, human-centered humanity spirit as well as creative spirit based on reality are clearly displayed in The Book of Songs.
109. The founder of the Clan supposedly wasexiled 1, 500 years ago from Ireland because he was a hothead whom his familydisowned for embroiling them in fights.
110. Residing in their permanent villages, the Kwakiutl developed an extensive ceremonial and artistic life that included the carving of totem poles to represent clan figures.
111. Early in human society, our society is divided into matrilineal and patrilineal clan clan.
112. The most influential systems constructed by Duke Zhou include the patriarchal clan system, feudatory system, hereditary system and legal system.
113. But he had a strong rival, Rory , head of the Clan Murcertach.
114. The fourth lot came out for Issachar, clan by clan.
115. The blood clan of low class uses poisonous or sour sorcery, and takes absorbing blood as for long time rare of the blood clans even the strong black sorcery can also use.
116. The Gentleman and Patriarchal Clan had a closed and mutual relation.
117. In truth, Han spent most of his childhood in the service of Garris Shrike, the leader of a trading clan that used abandoned street urchins as beggars and petty thieves.
118. In Walter Scott's novels the Highland clan lives before our eyes.
119. It tells you on the label 1263 King Alexander III (1241-1286) because this is when Colin Fitzgerald, of the MacKenzie clan, saved the King from a charging stag by spearing it in the forehead.
120. Central to the conflict was the ancient enmity between the MacDonalds and the Campbells, Earls of Argyll, as Clan Donald attempted to reclaim their ancestral lands in Argyll.
121. The clan called the Camorra is thought to be made up of rival clans that often clash in turf wars.
122. The clan has a long, bitter record of public spats, financial battles and abuse allegations.
123. Early Roman society and political organizations in the clan as a unit curia.
124. Chinese culture indicates the essence of self - concern including clan system, collectivism, hiding selfishness, personification.
125. Some may socialize by joining an FPS clan and compete in ladders and tournaments.
126. They sat in silence, honoring the clan Jordache for a moment.
127. Kilrogg Deadeye was a legendary Orc warrior and Chieftain of the powerful Bleeding Hollow Clan . He is so named because he lost his right eye.
128. With the horrific death of their mother, the ornithopod clan faces constant danger searching for a place where they can settle. But life is never sure for plant-eaters in a land of carnivores.
129. In the dominant concept of totemism, the primitive totem that fertility is due to enter the body of women, while death is the return on their own clan totem.
130. Nu Wa, the ancient Chinese are matriarchal society, a well - known tribal leaders hope the clan.
131. Here , too , were many of that old, proscribed, nameless, red - handed clan of the Macgregors.
132. The last name is as distinguish clan specific mark symbol, such as tribal names or tribal leader's name.
133. These were the descendants of Shuthelah: through Eran (), the Eranite clan.
134. The totem of this clan is a blood - red face grinning out of a sunburst.
135. His image is the chief of military democracy in the later stage of patrilineal clan.
136. They were taken to Kagoshima, seat of the Satsuma clan.
137. Three years later, intolerant of the uncheerful and insipid ambience within the household, my mother adopted a little boy from a tribal clan.
138. The newly re-formed SkyClan is thriving under Leafstar's leadership—but strangers are lurking near SkyClan's territory, and Leafstar realizes that her young Clan may be in serious danger soon.
139. The ornament line style in the original ancient painted pottery is the totem and the sign of worships of the original clan.
140. Grimgor returned to the Worlds Edge Mountains in a fury that boded ill for those that stood in his way. As it happened, it was the Skaven of Clan Mors that fell foul of this wrath.
141. Approximately in the Xia Dynasty, Can Cong clan migrated tortuously to Chengdu plain and became the first King of Shu.
142. The Somali Patriotic Movement ( SPM ), drawn mainly from the Ogadeni clan, held the south.
142. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
143. There is little that regular line troops find as disturbing as the sight of a clan bearing down on them, screaming their hate and defiance.
144. The Bad Moon Clan are what passes for a merchant class in Ork society, continuously buying, selling, swapping, and conning to get teeth. Bad Moons are found in almost every Ork tribe.
145. The patriarchal clan that invited wide doubt should be surveyed from a new visual angle.
146. He will know well enough our clan is not to rise.
147. This paper basis on the predecessor research results, To Mongolia clan understanding concerning"life" true meaning made to go deep into more of research.
148. At the same time, influenced by patriarchal clan systems, middlebrow and other factors, the Chinese legal system has these facts such as clear scale, shame and injury penalties and so on.
149. For instance , Borsk Fey'lya is of the clan Alya.
150. While most dads look forward to passing along the family heritage, I'm keen to effectively replant the family tree—to recast what it means to be a man in the Dokoupil clan.
151. The essay discusses several forms of the west Fujian's Hakkas' action of making their clan more cog national, which include the guildhall, the countrymen organization and the sodality.
152. In Pakistan, your primary loyalty is to your biraderi, an untranslatable word, something like clan, but more visceral and entailing greater responsibility and connection.
153. One such warrior is the leader of Half - Tribe of the Bloodied Axe Clan : Mogul Kahn.
154. Secondly, the ideology of Sufi clan were influenced by the Buddhism, and they were used prayer beads to cultivate themselves according to the Moslem doctorine.
155. For instance if you have a Spanish cooking clan, then you could share coupons and recipes for various dishes. Maybe save the next time you buy chorizo.
156. We can understand the isomorphous relationship among clan identity, ethnic identity and national identity from genealogies.
157. I think I will head north —to that clan in Denali.
158. The Wagner clan, he writes, inherited " a glorious but poisoned legacy ".
159. Yuanzuo system outlines a correspondent penal code system based on the patriarchal clan network.
160. All the higher - grade engineers have formed a little clan of their own.
161. Peasants had more clan and localist ideology than consciousness of class and revolution. Localism and clannishness infiltrated the grass - root organizations oft he Party.
162. Secondly , patriarchal clan was the foundation and core of Guan Dong magnates.
163. Wang Jia is door, brothers in clan many in the fighter effect, Nie matchless eldest brother Nie clear Gu although the juniority becomes prominent(), the juniority eventually runs minister.
164. Three years I spent in that hellhole, three years a prisoner of war to that damnable frostwolf clan.
165. In this paper, the author digs out the cultural value thereof from the clan concept, commercial activities, the fusion of nationality, political ideas, seeking elegancy and religious beliefs, etc.
166. The third part explore the relationship between ancestress temple and the clan manners.
167. In 1995, Stevens Oka clan elders should be asked to give up a good life, with his wife and children to return to his father martyrdom of the tribe.
168. Fey'lya, of the Bothan Alya clan, was born on Kothlis , a Bothan colony world.
169. After the Cold War, the clan conflict problem of Black Africa became the focus in academia. Scholars have analysed the causes of conflicts from the perspective of economy, society, and culture.
170. To the American public, though, he was best known as the last surviving son of America's most glamorous political family, the eulogist of a clan shattered again and again by tragedy.
171. one of a growing clan of stars who have left Hollywood.
172. In the Han ethnic clan system, Traditional genealogy is patrilineal descent as the axis, Almost all of the records have "no record" of something, woman is one of them.
173. E ...... insect clan the blast-off come out of the plasma ball enlarges for a while, again this jets process of the speed become slowly.
174. However, Madoran Bronzebeard ultimately led his clan to a decisive victory over Thaurissan's sorcerous army.
175. The Chinese feudal society was a grade society of patriarchal clan system.
176. Since primitive society, the people the reason that can mesozoic save down in the so bad natural environment, is based on the clan member interior close cooperation.
177. Much time in the clan society, there have been special places of worship of Vulcan.
178. As for as the study of the revival of contemporary clan, the study on clan and village self-government got excellent achievements.
179. Salisbury women's festivals are butterfly-shaped hair-style, because butterflies are the ancient worship of the totem clan Baiyue, then Huian Baiyue female and ancient ethnic constituency?
180. This weapon is usually stuffed down a long, lace - up combat boot. True to the tradition of the clan, the Blood Axe Orks do not wipe the blood off the blade after a battle .
181. Kilrogg Deadeye was a legendary Orc warrior and Chieftain of the powerful Bleeding Hollow Clan.
182. Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan managed to evade capture, Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan were rounded up and placed in the internment camps in Lordaeron.
183. Totemism is a so-called on the clan with a variety of animals, plants, and some even among the non-biological relatives of supernatural concepts.
184. The Manchu Dynasty takes full clan as ruling political power organization, the customs and habits of Manchu influenced large China region at that time.
185. But this behest of old Mrs. Mingott's roused him to a sense of what the clan thought they had the right to exact from a prospective son-in-law; and he chafed at the role.
186. Have finally had belonging to self circle along happy event clan!
187. Other two clan Tlingit and Haida custom of intelligent, well-informed person of North America fully embody similar properties too.




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