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单词 Third party
1 They plumped for a third party ticket.
2 Third party distributors are used to distribute the product in areas where the group does not have offices.
3 You can instruct your bank to allow a third party to remove money from your account.
4 Does third party insurance cover this type of damage?
5 It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work.
6 The assistance of a skilled, sympathetic third party is of great help when marriage conflict gets out of hand.
7 Thirty percent said a third party would make government better, and 23 percent said it would worsen the situation.
8 Personal introductions are commonly executed by a third party rather than through say the medium of a telephone call requesting a meeting.
9 Both companies will meet with a neutral third party to resolve the disagreement.
10 Third party test facilities are another option for manufacturers which do not want to invest in their own facilities.
11 The cheapest price he was offered was £730 third party fire and theft.
12 Like a hockey fight, though, we have a third party jumping in.
13 This is often done through an independent third party, such as a debt collecting agency, to ensure confidentiality.
14 Article 35 requires a third party to accept an obligation in writing.
15 You must sign the document in the presence of an independent third party .
16 The Teamsters do not have the usual grievance-step procedure, ending in a final, binding arbitration by a neutral third party.
17 Therefore, are we not wise in being extremely cautious before we hand over our money supply to a third party?
18 On the other hand, the parties may argue that some third party is under a legal obligation to them.
19 Unfortunately, we did not anticipate the importance of observer bias, and we did not arrange for third party blinded observation.
20 Promissory notes and bills of exchange are often guaranteed or endorsed by a third party of financial standing.
21 The five applications include Xalt Desk - a user interface, which can be used to integrate third party applications.
22 An international organisation or specialised agency may also be an interested third party to a non-constitutive treaty between States.
23 Such clauses have no effect on the primary liability to the third party for the death or personal injury he has suffered.
24 In order to break the chain of causation the third party act must be independent of the breach of duty.
25 It also produces spirits locally, either directly or through third party arrangements.
26 The problem is then transformed into finding a trusted third party to create these certificates.
27 TSMDesk is a Helpdesk management system, linking users and information support staff, and third party support agencies if required.
28 When we have achieved this we will consider applying for third party certification.
29 The tribunal must also determine whether to permit a third party to intrude upon a bilateral, consensual relationship.
30 Since these include the pacta tertiis rule, a precondition of Statehood can not be the acceptance of third party treaty obligations.
1 Third party distributors are used to distribute the product in areas where the group does not have offices.
2 You can instruct your bank to allow a third party to remove money from your account.
31 If the indemnifier is not a natural person, only the situation relating to third party claims can arise.
32 Consultants can get round this problem by acting as a neutral third party.
33 As for talks, they can't take place without some guarantee from an independent third party.
34 Die Gruenen seem poised to step into the third party gap.
35 Instead it was regular practice for a settlor to request a trustee to make property over to a third party.
36 Photographs are also of great benefit when a repudiation of liability is being discussed with third party solicitors.
37 In contrast the precise juridical basis for third party rights under the Convention remains uncertain.
38 Switch from comprehensive to third party motor insurance if your car's value has fallen far enough.
39 A treaty regime affording third party rights can not outweigh a State's inherent right to self-defence.
40 The manufacturer may provide the consumer with a warranty of quality either directly or through a third party.
41 McGregor brought Cargolux into the proceedings as third party and for indemnity.
42 This book analyses the current position of third parties in international law through an examination of third party claims.
43 Q.. Are there reasons to be concerned about allowing a third party to tap into my bank account?
44 He never spoke with a woman except in the presence of a third party or outside the parlour.
45 Also, if you know of a third party who is about to pay your debtor you can similarly arrest that money.
46 Physical movement of inventory items into or out of the warehouse is supervised by an independent third party employed by the lender.
47 The case was, in short, an ordinary case in which third party security had been procured by a debtor.
48 If the chosen third party is an expert, the court can not interfere with the contractual time limit.
49 Third Party Software Leading molecular scientists worldwide have developed effective specialised software programs noted for advancing science.
50 Sharing a film with a third party, it implied, was tantamount to infidelity.
51 Study the grounds of fault outlined by the third party solicitor.
52 The audit is usually performed by a third party, primarily serving the interests of the party who delegated the responsibility.
53 Browne's definition of facilities management is the management, by a third party, of an organisation's information technology infrastructure.
54 Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance, for a premium of £2 a year.
55 These cases illustrate well that treaty reasoning is not dominant in third party situations where there are displacing factors.
56 And in these matters it's often helpful to have a third party present.
57 Third party treaty claims are not limited to States; other participants in the international arena may make similar claims.
58 There is always the risk that some third party will claim, for example, to have copyright in the Vendor's works.
59 With some landowners now looking towards insisting on third party cover for climbers, insurance is increasingly looking indispensable.
60 Companies may arrange such loans through a third party - for instance, through the relocation company.
61 Answer guide: A creditor represents an amount owing by an enterprise to a third party.
62 The buy-out advances Nissan's supply chain restructuring and gives Vantec independence to pursue third party business aggressively.
63 The survey measured the availability of preventive services and was validated by a third party, the Medstat Group.
64 Henley has experience of establishing research consortia and also obtaining third party funding for such work.
65 A Mr Ashton had given evidence to the Inquiry and quoted a third party, who appeared to criticise its works.
66 The money is frozen in the hands of a third party and not paid out to either side.
67 The almost certain one is a third party candidacy by Ross Perot or even Pat Buchanan.
68 A range of third party applications is also available, providing analysis capabilities and visual displays.
69 Alternatively, they may employ an independent third party, such as a relocation company, to undertake this task.
70 In most cases the relationship between debtor and third party is that of husband and wife.
71 While there is no third party mechanism for determining this, the breakdown into bilateral relationships will continue.
72 Sell or otherwise distribute for consideration copies of student practice and/or tutorial disks to students or any other third party.
73 Here the husband had given a guarantee to the bank in support of advances by the bank to a third party.
74 Ontos also plans to provide a set of dynamic link library APIs for third party graphical user interfaces.
75 For example, a third party may claim the right to accede to a treaty in accordance with its terms.
76 Where the third party act is negligent, it may or may not break the chain of causation.
77 Within that you can then write what may be a third party account number.
78 Third party suppliers of gas use the same regional transmission and distribution systems.
79 These place the parties in a similar position to an asset sale[], namely needing the consent of a third party.
80 It could be a joint development or a pricey investment by a third party.
81 The third party must be able to claim that its assent is invalid if any of these grounds can be substantiated.
82 Normally, that step is the reference of a dispute to an independent third party.
83 The price paid would include any consideration the employer receives from a third party.
83 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
84 Is it lawful to refer questions of fact and law to a third party to determine in a non-judicial fashion?
85 An international organisation or specialised agency may also be an interested third party to a treaty between States.
86 What makes insurant, underwriter, a third party?
87 All of vehicles for rental in our company have insured motor hull insurance, the third party liability insurance, additional risk and seat insurance for all the time of rental contract.
88 In this case the pro forma invoice is required for a third party.
89 In the retention of title, the recall right the bargainer exercises is a means to fulfill the obligatory right of money, which affects the interest of both the bargainee and the third party.
90 An agent and a third party collude to cause damage are jointly and severally liable therefore.
91 The interlinkage arriving in third party website provides this station only as one kind of convenient service to you.
92 Article 9 The term "minimum lease receipt" shall refer to the minimum lease payments plus the residual values guaranteed to the lessor by a third party independent from the lessor or the lessee.
93 If the landlord return the contents of lead, or a third party, the fourth side, the first N-th power of pregnancy, I would like to tie in with the paternity test done, thank you.
94 The Third Party Tools are components necessary for the compilation of Ambulant.
95 You can now spruce up your handset with number of third party applications.
96 In this paper, a bilateral-authentication cryptographic protocol is proposed. It is a more efficient and secure protocol, which solves the bottleneck problem of the trusted third party.
97 If a third party directly accused the Party A, the Party shall immediately notify Party B, Party B and still bear the legal and economic responsibility.
98 As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the debtor or the third party is the pledgor, the creditor is the pledgee, and the movables delivered are the pledged property.
99 To be specific, as for the general assignment of creditor's rights, the agreement is binding between two parties but invalid to a bona fide third party.
100 The obligation of safety insurance which is based on the quasi contract relation is originated from the avoidance of fault in contracting the treaty and the contract protecting the third party .
101 Since 1760, the name Lloyd's Register has been linked with the integrity of third party assessment.
102 To conduct space software reliability measure by using the third party test data fully, this paper studies the application of walking through data in software reliability measure.
103 For the duration of the residential work period, the artist must be insured for medical and personal liability and damages (third party insurance).
104 Intangibles: pledgor, amount, quantity, third party obligor, attached security interest, etc.
105 Guarantor: a third party who assumes relevant responsibilities on behalf of the Leasee in the event of failure of performance by the Leasee of the obligations agreed in the auto lease contract.
106 The improving ideas mainly include the definition of the third party, reasons for applying, the competent court and procedure selection and legal validity.
107 Do you subcontract any professional services to a third party?
108 The report says government officials offered constructive yet vague assurances but were taken aback by Papuan demands for formal negotiations mediated by an international third party.
109 The pledgor shall bear civil liability for the consequent loss of pledgee or the third party.
110 In the crime of accepting bribe indirectly, the relationship between the duties of the bribee and the third party is the effect of the duty of the bribee on the third party .
111 It is actually recommended that when moving to a new release you start with an empty file and only add tunables required by third party applications.
112 To some extent, we can also prevent the third party to garble the transmission message through this scheme. The security of the algorithm is built upon the difficulty of big integer factorization.
113 Article 18 Any individual, legal entity or organization or anyone whom an administrative action is issued to as well a third party with interest at stake may file an administrative appeal.
113 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
114 At some point, you are likely to need to call a blocking function: many functions in third party libraries will have long running blocking functions.
115 The payment methods can be classified into three categories according to different types of short message services: the called party paying, the SP paying and the third party paying.
116 No third party support, the security sub - class of each control technologies are written in assembly code.
117 LDG trading account holder only. LDG may not make or receive payment via third party.
118 The problem of whether there should be a third party in arbitration is controversial inlaw circle.
119 Impartial third party status is a non-profit public welfare institutions.
120 Also at last, some feasible advice, especially the healthy Industrial Culture in the basis of construction of Credit Institution, is brought forward in the practice of Third Party Logistics.
121 A green card can serve as easily recognizable proof of third party insurance, for example in the case of an accident, when traveling abroad.
122 Not surprisingly, marriage counselors find that a common cause of Chinese divorces is marital infidelity, euphemistically referred to as "di san zhe, " or "a third party."
123 Even paying a third party to host your application isn't fool-proof: what happens if the app's popularity skyrockets and it suddenly gets a lot of hits?
124 C. C. I. proves that the holder has Third Party Insurance up to 1,650.00 EUR.
125 Furthermore, the parties and their candidates tend to adapt electoral strategies to co-opt the message of third party and independent candidates who demonstrate wide appeal.
126 The consequence of enforcement is that a contract contain the equal condition in the purchase and sale contract between lessor and the third party is formed.
127 You agree that SYM Stationary shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Services.
128 Quebec's Charter of Rights gives citizens a "duty to rescue:" individuals must assist anyone in jeopardy, unless there is reasonable evidence that it would cause danger to himself or a third party.
129 The promisee shall not transfer all or part of obligations to any third party without prior written agreement of the Organizing Committee.
130 Examiner interviews are not permitted the and either the the third party requester.
131 This independent third party certifier provides assurance that products and materials are regularly tested to comply with ASTM and ANSI Standards.
132 OFM trading account holder only . OFM may not make or receive payment via third party.
133 The roles that the Third Party plays: To offer the professional know-ledge, true experiences, and information as references to each com- munity group, and plays the coordinators to solve conflicts.
134 Second is to set up the system of entitative execution remedy in objection action of the obligor and the third party.
135 The law of our country should give the articles of incorporation dual-division, and endow the articles with validity of counterwork to the third party.
136 Did you receive a liability notice or claim form from a third party?
137 It also emerged on Tuesday that actress Sienna Miller had obtained a court ruling ordering phone operator Vodafone to disclose data relating to other users - so-called third party disclosure.
138 According to the facts above -discussed about, the factum juridicum of a third party is readjusted by morality is a more suitable choice.
139 Dipa Ma's abbilities in this regard were once tested by a third party.
140 German law adopts the contract and quasi-contract approach which is more useful to balance the interests between the expert and the third party.
141 The scanner module's unique open system architecture allows LV11 to accept third party and custom plug-ins, giving the LV11 virtually unlimited application flexibility.
142 Coverage Highlights: Foreign Commercial General Liability Limits of Coverage: $1 million per occurrence This policy provides coverage for third party bodily injury and property damage claims.
143 Third Party Articel By Aaron Boone - Aaron Boone is a professional golfer who almost gave up playing golf.
144 Using the theories of the nature of the CPAs' civil liability of other countries for reference, CPAs undertake contractual liability to the client and tort liability to the third party.
145 After the third party has borne the suretyship, he shall have the right of recourse against the debtor.
146 The suit of the third party discharging the judgment is a system that aims to safeguard the legal rights of the third parties affected disadvantageously by the judgment force.
147 The Merchandise Manufacturer must complete a pre-audit questionnaire and submit their response to third party auditing firm and to TCCC.
148 Even though a malicious third party could steal a message, it cannot re-send it to some party unless it can break the SSL client/server authentication.
149 This becomes even worse if the third party is supplying a cross platform development tool.
150 It is a more efficient and secure protocol, which solves the bottleneck problem of trusted third party.
151 If it failed to do so within a year, the ministry can appoint a trustee to sell 100 per cent of Lucite China to a third party.
152 Any liability to a third party may be incurred by the owner of, or other person interested in or responsible for, insurable property, by reason of maritime perils.
153 A third party that performs outsourced storage, order packing, shipment and tracking activities for the original manufacturer or distributor.
154 The third party company possibly propagandizes their product or the service in the morning paper website.
155 Rro. Tanaka: The donor safety is very important process, the donor selection should be done by third party, except for the transplant team, including hepatologist, psychiatrist and coordinator.
156 In order to ensure the smooth progress of block trade, our guarantee company can provide goods mortgage and certification service of third party for the quality and price of the aquatic product.
157 This third party, the eavesdropper if you like, is commonly known as Eve among cryptographers .
158 A mortgage contract should be concluded in writing. Mortgagor, mortgagee and the third party who set up the right of mortgage on his own property are all in different circulation of interest.
159 Why should execute compulsory insurance of liability of motor vehicle a third party?
160 Postal contract is a kind of civil contract with the characteristic of style-required contract, onerous contract, bilateral contract and related to the third party.
161 Investment decisions are driven by specific internal analysis combined with objective third party research inputs.
162 Under wantage insurance, when the loss is caused by a third party, the insurer gains the indemnity-recovering right of subrogation therefrom, provided that the insurer executed its duty of indemnity.
163 The third party intervention in the WTO disputes settlement runs through negotiation, panel and ap- pealing stages.
164 Can provide testing and CARB third party certifier services for your account compliance.
165 The first beneficiary of the L/C is the agent who asks the bank to transfer the full or partial amount of the L/C to a third party, the second beneficiary who is the real manufacturer.
166 This audit should be done by an independent third party, in the same manner that public companies are audited.
167 A third party that is to bear civil liability as judged by the peoples court shall have the litigation rights of a party.
168 A transaction between two parties shouldn 't operate to the disadvantage of a third party.
169 Both parties, without prior written agreement, shall not disclose to any third party the terms of this Agreement, especially the agreed rate by both parties.
170 The third party can exercise the dual priority to the corporation to be formed and the promoters that bear the several and joint liabilities of sequence.
171 Similar to Totlol, entertainment community Redux offers a community where users aggregate niche video content from third party sites.
172 Article 19. If the insured property sustains a loss within the scope of cover for which a third party shall be held liable, the Insured shall file a claim with such third party.
173 The introduction of a third party interests contract varies in civil law and common law systems.
174 Force majeure, fault of the victim, intention of third party, contentment of the victim are contestable causes to quote by the liability body.
175 The sale of the verdict is that the verdict is to be transferred to the third party other than the one involved in a legal proceeding.
176 Implementation of a commercial ELN is not exempt from such challenges, and working with a third party supplier offers both advantages and additional challenges.
177 Article 32 The co?trustees who incur debts to a third party in the course of handling mist business shall bear joint and several responsibilities for clearing the debts.
178 Licensee shall not disclose or divulge Know-how to any third party without prior written consent of Licensor.
179 The recipient side guarantees not to transfer to a third party the dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies from China.
180 The promisee shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of the Organizing Committee or any third party through the creation of an entry.
181 Third Party Sourced Cisco Product means any genuine Cisco Product that Partner purchases from any party other than an Authorized Source.
182 For example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the Program.
183 Thirdly debtor can use the rights of counterplea derived from the contract to oppose the third party.
184 In my experience, it will usually be a particular inner or nested loop, or a call to some third party library methods, which is the main culprit for running the program slow.
185 Yes, but the third party must be Scottrade customer. In addition, the third party must complete a Letter of Authorization form.
186 Indeed the case officer sought information from a third party my education provider.
187 Composable They can be assembled using services exposed from ISV, legacy, third party, or custom assets to represent a business process.
188 Subrogation right is the right that an insurer acquires to proceed against the third party. It is a legal assignment of creditor's rights.
189 Article 32 The co-trustees who incur debts to a third party in the course of handling trust business shall bear joint and several responsibilities for clearing the debts.
190 This software does not contain any Adware, Spyware or third party programs.
191 Sender Score is a third party program, administered by Return Path.
192 Any vicegerent, contractor, or the third party that provide us with administration, telecommunication, computer, payment or other service related to our company's operation.
193 Suppose you wish to end the SIP call session between Agent 1 and Agent 2; you can issue an endCall(CallIdentifier) function call on the Third Party Call Web service.
194 In fact, the one thing we were concerned about in the Wall Street Journal list was that PopCap Games’ Bejewelled 2 for iPhone apparently sends your phone number to a third party.
195 Customers' re-purchasing intention is positively related with their direct complaint, negatively related with their private complaint, and insignificantly related with their third party complaint.
196 Trust Account is operated by a third party Trust Agent, normally a bank appointed by RERA.




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