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单词 Undermine
1. The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
2. Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.
3. He constantly tried to undermine her self-confidence.
4. The constant criticism was beginning to undermine her confidence.
5. A mole can undermine the strongest rampart.
6. These incidents could seriously undermine support for the police.
7. His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.
8. High income tax can undermine work incentives.
9. Nothing can undermine their fast friendship.
10. She tried to undermine our friendship.
11. The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness.
12. Influences from the outside can undermine the values you want to teach your children.
13. The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement.
14. Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government.
15. The President's enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.
16. The Red Army Faction tried to undermine the state by terror tactics .
17. He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.
18. Rivers undermine their banks.
19. Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries.
20. The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company.
21. Too often,[Sentencedict] unnecessary organisational problems undermine the process.
22. Receiving such help can undermine further an already-fragile self-esteem.
23. But the latest research may undermine Sykes's theory.
24. Several weaknesses undermine the Government's position.
25. Moreover, farm subsidies undermine the efforts of developing countries to follow Washington's economic prescriptions.
26. Problems of this sort will quickly undermine the value of a recruitment system, which is designed above all for speed.
27. The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him.
28. Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you're aiming for and don't let others undermine you.
29. In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.
30. They feel that these systems are expensive and unnecessary, especially since they undermine firms' existing facilities for small orders.
1. The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
2. The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him.
3. Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.
4. A mole can undermine the strongest rampart.
5. These incidents could seriously undermine support for the police.
6. Nothing can undermine their fast friendship.
7. She tried to undermine our friendship.
8. The President's enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.
9. Rivers undermine their banks.
31. Anything less than a convincing victory by Graham Taylor's team will undermine their chances of qualifying from Group 2.
32. This ambiguity of voices co-operates with the rhetoric of textual autonomy whereby texts are seen to undermine themselves without intervention.
33. Externally imposed short-term alterations of this kind in the assessment of GRE clearly undermine prudent housekeeping by local government.
34. Cochrane's criticism of the impact of health care has had a lasting influence and is often used to undermine health services.
35. Hume believed that four factors undermine the credibility of reports of miracles.
36. The first rule in choosing a vice-presidential candidate is to pick some one who does not undermine the campaign.
37. When we do this, we undermine the confidence and competence of our citizens and communities.
38. Seizing upon this opportunity, the Santanistas worked night and day to undermine the Herrera administration.
39. Failure to optimise the level of support to the caring team will undermine efforts to distribute annual leave evenly among nurses.
40. Publicizing this may undermine their legitimacy, an outcome they would want to avoid.
41. Even in situations of hardship, government action is undesirable because it can undermine individual initiative and independence.
42. Don't undermine the patient's confidence by accusing him of not trying when he can not fulfil a task.
43. The president faces issues that can catch him off guard and undermine his authority.
44. If desertification continues to spread, the dust bowl will not only undermine the economy but also trigger a huge migration eastward.
44. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
45. When denied, it can undermine any or all of the measures an organization has taken in pursuit of healthy change.
46. But Democrats say the speedup would undermine the work of a commission that is developing standards for a new statewide test.
47. But such concessions would undermine the very principles on which the case for tax reform is based.
48. It would also be an offence to cause suspicion or undermine the confidence of the people.
49. It would wipe out farm profits, undermine rural employment and cause environmental degradation in East Anglia, he says.
50. Knowledge of their relationship would undermine their authority, or so they thought.
51. Contradictions which might seem likely to undermine the system have often the reverse effect.
52. The main concern of Rawls's later work is to argue that this in itself should not undermine the liberal project.
53. What aspects of this narrative would add to, or undermine, your confidence in the writer?
54. This may undermine public service and professional values, substituting commercial ones.
55. Those claimants undermine the claims of genuine asylum seekers, and no one would wish to defend them.
56. Others, convinced that President Ernesto Zedillo is committed to battling drugs, say decertification could undermine his government.
57. Talk of probability waves and eigen values does not undermine the reality of atoms and molecules.
58. To the extent environmental controls undermine our economic base, they threaten our ability to pursue the environmental goals we all share.
59. Did an accumulation of arms contribute to national security or undermine it by encouraging opponents to follow suit?
60. Other writers undermine conventional notion of reality by blurring the frontiers between the real and the imaginary.
61. Instead, you will find hidden agendas and other problems continuing to undermine your collective performance and change.
62. This could undermine the enterprise economy and lead to a reduction in consumer choice.
63. Democrats contend it would undermine unions by allowing employers, rather than employees, to select workers to include in talks.
64. I accept that political activity in this country could undermine credibility, but it might just confirm credibility.
65. The Prime Minister argued strongly against any form of federalism that would undermine the sovereignty of the nation-state.
66. The consequent noise, fumes and danger will undermine efforts to breathe new life into towns and cities.
67. Craig seems to have been determined to undermine the association's credibility and to brand its members as troublemakers.
68. Diplomatic pressure to remove Karadzic has been increasing in recent weeks out of fear that he could undermine the elections.
69. Lax local authority policies and the undermining of policies of restraint on appeal, severely undermine processes of urban regeneration.
70. Insomnia can severely undermine a person's ability to cope with other problems, including the stress of grieving.
71. But Cooper argues that if major Internet providers go along with the plan, it will undermine the legitimacy of the extremists.
72. Le Matin, La Nation and Al-Jazair al-Yawm were said to have published erroneous information likely to undermine national interests.
73. Lowe wrote claiming that Sutton was trying to undermine him and forge an alliance with the Founders.
74. The main issue: a labor provision that Democrats view as a Republican attempt to undermine labor unions.
75. Economic development programs, it was alleged, undermine the efficient operation of the market.
76. Government policy should not undermine free broadcasting in favor of pay services offered by cable, phone and satellite companies.
77. Sudden and infrequent changes of many inputs clearly undermine stability.
78. Charity knew that to protest any more would only undermine her credibility.
79. The challenge is to develop a mechanism for doing this which does not undermine the role of nation states.
80. One aspect of Britain's opting out of the social charter is that it must surely undermine the single market.
81. The practices of the press were to further undermine its credibility.
82. But potential obstacles can not be allowed to attack the legitimacy or undermine the potential feasibility of a new state.
83. It would imply that Labour was ill-advised in ever tabling the amendment, and in believing it to undermine the opt-out.
84. Stock manipulations and frauds undermine the capitalist system, which requires public investment for capital.
85. Dictators and schoolteachers have tried to control it, fearing its contagious power to undermine authority.
86. This leads to adhoc government intervention which in turn may undermine the consistency and stability of objectives still further.
87. White is invited to create a mammoth pawn centre which Black hopes to undermine by sniping from the flanks.
88. But concern mounted that the fall in the stock market may start to undermine banks' capital adequacy ratios.
89. Case Study Beyond Statistics Statistics have a dangerous capacity to undermine the vividness of many of these issues.
90. These should be laid on the gravel to form a sound base which the fish can not undermine.
91. While assuming a pose of utmost civility and cordiality, Caroline is relentless in her campaign to undermine me.
92. So instead you set out either to strengthen your position or to undermine his.
93. This may need to be supported by actual action likely to undermine public confidence in the exchange.
94. Spreading the benefits too thinly, however, might undermine the viability of the most needy practices.
95. By suggesting this they began quite unwittingly to undermine her confidence in the school and in herself.
96. A shortage of teachers trained in social sciences could undermine attempts to introduce compulsory citizenship lessons into schools, campaigners warn.
97. Unbeknown to you the real motive is to question you in order to undermine your position.
98. It is exactly that willful abuse of discipline that will undermine an otherwise sound principle.
99. We have already seen how the creators of wants, the psychology-manipulators in advertising, had set about trying to undermine it.
100. It is not the present intention to point to inconsistencies, in order to undermine the revolutionary claims.
101. As Trofim Denosovich Lysenko well knew, more than a little bashing is required to undermine the integrity of science.
102. BShields used to undermine her fiction by sounding as if she were inhaling the microphone.
103. It did not want to undermine trust or uncover extraneous information that might damage agents' careers.
104. But trade war fears continued to undermine brewers with Guinness down 6p to 510p.
104. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
105. Thus they will displace those firms that finance the social security systems, and will undermine established safety regulations.
106. Will the West undermine the legitimacy of the regimes it has just saved from the storm?
107. Although the negotiation of rules is a constant process, this does not completely undermine the power of socialisation.
108. This kind of cop-out is also likely to undermine the parents' credibility and the trust put in them.
109. The inclusion of added emphasis paragraphs would also undermine the clarity of audit reporting.
110. We begin with the argument that the evidence for a Deity might be so strong as to undermine faith.
111. It does not wholly undermine the principle though it does leave it somewhat tarnished.
112. It should be surprising but liberating: and undermine the other ads in the commercial break.
113. Is the competition among elites so limited that it does not undermine their overall cooperation?
114. Current levels of traffic seriously undermine the quality of life in our cities.
115. A lack of trust in the parents because of a worrying secret can undermine the child's sense of security at home.
116. This may only serve to aggravate matters further and undermine your role as a neutral.
117. The number of leaks is beginning to undermine the credibility of those who claim emails can be made secure.
118. Victoria used every trick in the book to undermine Patsy in order to get the new job colleagues knew Patsy had earned.
119. Talk of molecules does not undermine the reality of consciously apprehended beauty and meaning.
120. They argue that this will seriously undermine the adoption of the Biosafety Protocol developed under the Convention on Biodiversity.
121. This will undermine the idea that the dollar needs to stay cheap.
122. His falsity and hollowness are not just the opposite of the true and the wholesome, but threaten to undermine it.
123. Weeping willow roots undermine the foundations of concrete pools and their leaves pollute the water with a toxic chemical akin to aspirin.
124. The introduction of local income tax would allow local authorities to undermine the budgetary plans of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
125. My guess was that they would find their way into the press and would undermine our efforts to settle the health dispute.
126. Opponents of this interpretation had to stress the discontinuity of the development in order to undermine the plausibility of evolutionism.
127. Similarly, the increasing use of urban development corporations ind Whitehall grants in inner cities would further undermine local authorities.
128. Dwyer also wanted to ensure that conflicting political and business factions did not undermine the regeneration strategy.
129. The Bible's miracles, so far from supporting its claim to supernatural authority, served rather to undermine its credibility.
130. This was compared with the situation where capitalist methods of production were used to further undermine pre-capitalist methods of production.
131. It removes opportunities for praise and support and therefore serves to undermine confidence about the success or otherwise of one's efforts.
132. Attempts to force equality are unacceptable also because they directly undermine individual liberty, a value of far greater importance.
133. Paradoxically, it has not even been able to undermine the relative economic stability of the imperialist countries.
134. Some inherent dilemmas in boss-subordinate relationships can undermine their capacity to foster development.sentencedict .com
135. This would further undermine his position both with his colleagues and with the public.
136. The granting of universal suffrage in 1931 did not immediately undermine their position.
137. Second, the developing study of the biblical documents themselves began to undermine the rather monolithic orthodox understanding of it.
138. To be sure, a large-enough drop in heating oil demand could undermine a rebound in prices, analysts said.
139. Alex, however, subscribes to the standard conspiracy theory that the authorities undermine anyone investigating these sensitive areas.
140. But several features of television undermine whatever efforts journalists may make to give sense to the world.
141. He argues that protest produces instability and even violence, but in the long run it does not undermine democracy.
142. That disappointment can undermine the share value of some biotechnology companies, who lack earnings or revenue from other products.
143. After this encounter Einstein gave up his specific attempts to undermine the uncertainty principle.
144. Western officials had also worried that it would undermine their efforts to build a joint state.
145. Exclusion of relevant evidence because of non-conformity to some legal rule can also undermine the factual quality of acquittals.
146. Even this singular lack of results did not undermine him.
147. In so far as leaks advertise unhappiness about a line of policy they undermine the principle of collective responsibility, as well as the confidentiality of proceedings.
148. These usually project unpleasant images of older people which subtly undermine their personal value and worth.
149. Carroll first ingeniously sets in place, and then begins to undermine, his creation.
150. One is to sort out anomalies that, as Mr Large concedes, undermine the effectiveness of his two-tier system.
151. It was no longer believed to be a sad tale of the power of fortune to undermine love.
152. Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism.
153. Only a theory that is completely certain should be allowed to undermine this moral sense.
154. Men think it would undermine their position at work to deviate from the usual schedule.
155. Do not punish yourself by wasting your time. Do not undermine yourself by surrendering to your negative habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
156. A test ban that could not inspire confidence would undermine stability and might even provoke a new arms race.
157. It had no jurisdiction to undermine the jury verdict in this way.
158. It was received without malice by the women themselves, but it served to undermine them.
159. Such duplication could cause juristic confusion and undermine the very values intended to be protected.
160. Closer inspection tends to undermine this position, which is obviously a comfortable one for the well paid.
161. However, the coup was also in response to what leading factions within the army perceived as attempts by Chatichai to undermine their influence.
162. Do your cases support Cohn's point, or undermine it?
163. This cannot and will not undermine the socialist economy.
164. Will undermine your aspirations and sense of direction.
164. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
165. The decay reaches into the dentin, where it can spread and undermine the enamel.
166. Hilary Clinton has some of the key attributes of a good secretary of state — stature and toughness, but her status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine an traditional trump card.
167. Many states still are experiencing stable or rising foster care populations. And child-welfare advocates worry that budget cuts may undermine some of the promising new policies.
168. The shooting was the salvo by insurgents determined to undermine the country's post war reconstruction.
169. "Failing to raise the debt ceiling would do irreparable harm to our credit standing, would undermine our ability to lead on global economic issues and would damage our economy," he said.
170. The Islamists in the Brotherhood do not support the military as much as they want to undermine the revolutionary groups, liberals, and secularist parties that they oppose.
171. Some US politicians try hard to undermine Sino - US relations by fabricating lies, which is really dishonorable.
172. Provoking to disunite the country and undermine the state unity.
173. For example, Bazin montage undermine the film is the wrong view of reality.
174. The HSE documents also undermine claims by the major oil companies that last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers was unlikely to ever happen to them.
175. In the wide scheme of things, these behavioral deficits could, in the long term, undermine the ability of a species such as the deer mouse to reproduce in the wild.
176. Economists say such high interest costs won't undermine Italy's solvency quickly, since it still pays a relatively low average interest rate on its roughly EUR1.9 trillion of total debt.
177. Republicans try to undermine the president at every turn and offer their nostrum of tax-cuts-will-solve-everything — without ever specifying what services they'll give up to pay for them.
178. Moreover, such misrepresentation can undermine the public's confidence in condoms, thereby leading to nonuse and to further spread of STIs and HIV.
179. And child-welfare advocates worry that budget cuts may undermine some of the promising new policies.
180. A deteriorating security situation will jeopardise its prosperity—and undermine democracy throughout the region.
181. This seems to undermine the "investigatory-reflex" account for why EMDR works: the idea that eye movements activate an innate investigatory reflex that inhibits fear and provokes relaxation.
182. Floods and droughts associated with global climate change could undermine health in other ways as well.
183. Be prepared. If you shrink from the full message, or if your unrehearsed, off-the-cuff remarks sound disrespectful, then you'll undermine your case.
184. I would say then the root of the problems that undermine and derange the Chinese society is the overarching metaphor characteristic of our patriarchal society: managing a country is managing a family.
185. Rowling, has proved a controversial figure in Russia where some Russian Orthodox priests have said the Harry Potter stories encourage satanism and undermine Christianity.
186. Will upending the old way of searching for the Dalai Lama's incarnation, in which priests search for omens, portents and meteorological signs, undermine the legitimacy of his successor?
187. "Explain how Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict." And "Evaluate efforts by global organizations to undermine U.S. sovereignty.
188. But, by widening the choices for marketing and consumption, they helped undermine the economies of many small towns dependent on local trade.
189. In fact, even very small amounts of sleep deprivation significantly undermine capacity for focus, analytic thinking and creativity.
190. Everyday, mundane energies dictate that you let go of dishonest or negative relationships, especially those that undermine you, or draw forth your lower self.
191. This wastefulness can undermine the health system as a whole by draining funds needed for other essential services.
192. Paul wrote to warn about the subtle arguments and false teachings that threatened to undermine the Colossian 's faith.
193. Exploiting Lebanon's fractiousness, Syria pushed its allies to undermine the pro-Western coalition that won Lebanon's general election in 2005.
194. In the containment stage, central banks need to lend quickly, to avoid a liquidity crisis that will undermine sound institutions.
195. This will lower the returns to all existing sellers and perhaps undermine the prise structure altogether.
196. To do so, we must ensure that the flexibilities provided for in NAMA and agriculture do not undermine substantially improved market access.
197. However, cobaltous acetate of relatively high concentration in sol-gel coatings might undermine both the stability and the corrosion resistance performance of the coatings after immersion.
198. "We are strengthening our cooperation with partners in key regions to undermine al-Qaida's attempts to tap into and to co-opt regional networks for their own strategic purpose," she said.
199. Anyone who wishes to make it with Leo must never undermine the leonine dignity, or they will surely suffer the claws of the cat.
200. Other facets of Mr Bush's personality mixed with his vaulting ambition to undermine his presidency.
201. Caviar must not contact with metal containers, because the metal would seriously undermine the aroma of caviar, the general consumption is a crystal plate, when accompanied by shell spoon.
202. The American Civil Liberties Union said that a regrettable reversal under political pressure will strike a blow to American values and the rule of law and will undermine America's credibility.
203. As with many young people when they learn they have such a difficult disease, it threatened to undermine his self-identity and sense of independence.
204. Will it undermine our Party's prestige if we criticize our own subjectivism, bureaucracy and sectarianism?
205. That would undermine government efforts to deflate red - hot property prices, and threaten a stock market bubble.
206. First, it will undermine the trust your baby has for nighttime comfort.
207. We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.
208. They competed against a well-financed Soviet-backed Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) that sought to undermine public support for the Marshall Plan.
209. In many places, migrant workers on temporary contracts are used by employers to undermine working terms and conditions, and union organization of permanent workers.
210. Do the "performances" in the comic play or novel, its visual, choreographic, or other special effects, work to heighten or undermine its plot and meaning?
211. He may hard to resist a return to centre stage, and that would only undermine Ra ú l.
212. Ms. added,'This fact alone will undermine China's bargaining power in any resource - related negotiations.
213. This biased organization seeks to undermine the achievement of a vital national security interest that more than one thousand Americans have already given their lives to safeguard.
214. Morales later kicked out the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, accusing it of espionage and of funding "criminal groups" seeking to undermine his government.
215. Voluminous facts indicate that the essence of this report is fan anti - China feeling and undermine - US relations.
216. Mismatching what is expected of individuals and what they are rewarded for — financially, professionally and institutionally — can undermine effective collaboration.
217. Mr. Boehner, knowing that a rejection could undermine his speakership, then joined other House GOP leaders in trying to pressure party members to reconsider their opposition.
218. Entanglement, like many quantum effects, violates some of our deepest intuitions about the world. It may also undermine Einstein's special theory of relativity.
219. Firstly, the US implements hegemony policy, uses its unrivaled strength and unilateralist policy to undermine the authority of international law.
220. This time, by contrast, the prospect of a two-speed Europe is bound to undermine Europe's political cohesion – and thus its ability, when necessary, to act in unison.
221. They also suggest that Iran's pursuit of the nuclear fuel cycle likely will undermine foreign investment in its entire energy sector and dampen Iran's international trade prospects.
222. The poshest hotels and some of the most prominent watering holes for tourists and the rich became charnel houses in massacres that threatened to undermine India's astonishing economic growth.
223. Rigid application of the probable cause standard could undermine the quality of agency policymaking.
224. Hunter and his team are not going to intentionally undermine the negotiating power of those players to appease an ownership group that desperately wants to get its cost structure in line.
225. UPI critics say a universal health-care ID system will only undermine trust further, but I would argue the opposite is true.
226. Hilary Clinton's status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine the traditional trump card of a secretary of state.
227. I feel that the director was trying to sneakingly undermine the heroic image the exile hoped to establish while claiming?his preference for "neutrality".
228. We resolutely oppose such and practices that contravene facts and undermine China - US relations.
229. Their justification is that Cuba is in a midst of undeclared war with the shameless US administration which is determined to undermine the Cuban revolution.
230. Low wages and repeated or prolonged unemployment frequently interact to undermine the capacity for self-support.
231. Gompers himself believed strongly that a test of a man's worth was his ability to support a family, and that women in the work force would undermine men's positions as heads of their families.
232. They believed that these life of menial work for granted, will not undermine the dignity.
233. But, sooner or later the overhang of monetary liabilities would undermine confidence in the key currency.
234. In addition, in a bid to use them to undermine British rule in the Middle East, Himmler drafted the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to oversee these divisions' religious practices.
235. But the solution would represent such a dramatic reversal of age-old Catholic doctrine as to undermine any pretense of papal infallibility.
236. This week's atrocity in its economic capital should not undermine its progress.
237. The North's shrillness may also be an attempt to undermine the South as the North seeks a warming of relations with America as part of the talks over nuclear weapons.
238. Coalition trainers report that episodes of cruelty by the Afghan police undermine the effort to build a credible security force to take over when the allies leave.
239. As the disease progresses, the mucosal erosions coalesce to linear ulcers that undermine remaining mucosa.
240. After leaving IBM to form his own IT company, Amdahl claimed he suffered attacks by IBM sales staff attempting to undermine his new venture.




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