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单词 Grace
1 Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 
2 There but for the grace of God, go I. 
3 Pride and grace dwell never in one place. 
4 How many loved your moments of glad grace.
5 She has the natural grace of a born dancer.
6 Joanna has natural grace and elegance.
7 Lena moved with the grace of a dancer.
8 By the grace of God their lives were spared.
9 Grace pulled her cardigan tightly about herself.
10 Laura glanced at Grace, expecting a cheeky riposte.
11 I can't think why Grace doesn't like me.
12 It was silly of Grace to take offence at our innocent remarks.
13 He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!
14 Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.
15 No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one autumnal face.
16 Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table.
17 How many loved your moments of glad grace. And loved your beauty with love false or true. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
18 You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.
19 Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.
20 I shouldn't look forward too much to seeing Grace at the party; chances are that she won't come anyway.
21 It was only by the grace of God that they survived.
22 She walks with grace.
23 He died in a state of grace.
24 Kevin smiled and accepted his defeat with good grace.
25 He didn't even have the grace to look embarrassed.
26 'Here goes,[]' said Grace and took a deep breath.
27 Ann moved with easy grace.
28 He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.
29 This brings a birthday message especially to say how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.
30 The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.
1 Joanna has natural grace and elegance.
2 Lena moved with the grace of a dancer.
3 Laura glanced at Grace, expecting a cheeky riposte.
4 I can't think why Grace doesn't like me.
5 He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace.
6 It was silly of Grace to take offence at our innocent remarks.
7 Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.
8 Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table.
9 You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.
10 Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.
11 The gymnast performed on the balance beam with an easy grace.
12 It was only by the grace of God that they survived.
13 She walks with grace.
14 She apologized with a bad grace.
15 Brother Luke will say grace.
16 Payment is due today, but I gave her a week's grace.
31 She apologized with bad grace.
32 She took on the extra work with good grace.
33 Grace brought us some flowers from her garden.
34 The film's saving grace is the excellent photography.
35 Grace was flushed with the success of the venture.
36 It was a building of singular grace and beauty.
37 The children always say grace at school.
38 She apologized with a bad grace.
39 She moves with the natural grace of a ballerina.
40 Grace was too terrified to reply.
41 After grace had been said, we commenced eating.
42 Grace was beginning to get his drift.
43 She does everything with style and grace.
44 Grace rowed the boat out to sea again.
45 They accepted their defeat with good grace.
46 Grace had dried her eyes. That boded well.
47 He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.
48 We are saved by God's grace.
49 His sense of humour was his only saving grace.
50 Grace broke off a large piece of the clay.
51 Courage is grace under pressure. Ernest Hemingway 
52 That girl grows in beauty and grace.
53 You must learn to accept defeat with good grace.
54 The subject seems to dance with balletic grace.
55 Brother Luke will say grace.
56 My father said grace .
57 He did not even have the grace to apologise.
58 Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in.
59 He handed over the money with typical bad grace.
60 She had not lost her grace and style.
61 Her sense of humour is her saving grace.
62 Did he die in a state of grace?
63 Ballet classes are important for poise and grace.
64 Durante dances with fluidity and grace.
65 He didn't even have the grace to apologize .
66 Good Morning, Your Grace.
67 We all have the grace to do what you'll ask us to do.
68 Grace ought to be ashamed of herself , hurling herself at that boy so openly.
69 He fell from grace for the first time when he was convicted of drink-driving.
70 The good grace with which they face the latest privations makes the mind boggle.
71 She wanted a couple of days' grace to get the maisonette cleaned before she moved in.
72 They've given me a month's grace to get the money.
73 Your Grace, I have a great favour to ask of you.
74 He gestures, gesticulates, and moves with the grace of a dancer.
75 My disastrous exam results dealt the coup de grace to my university career.
76 How nice of you to grace us with your presence!
77 Many of us do stupid things in our youth, but we should have the good grace to admit them.
78 The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum.
79 All went well at first, and I was in high favour; but presently I fell from grace.
80 He was the head of the intelligence service until his fall from grace.
81 "Well done, Cassandra," Crook said. She blushed, but accepted the compliment with good grace.
82 The hotel maintains traditional standards of elegance, style, and grace.
83 It was only by the grace of God that no one died.
84 The Finance Minister's fall from grace gave the tabloid press great satisfaction.
84 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
85 He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.
86 Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.
87 The chances are even that Grace will come to the party.
88 He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour.
89 Payment is due today, but I gave her a week's grace.
90 Jane's affair was the coup de grace to her disintegrating marriage.
91 I got a few days' grace to finish my essay.
92 I was a little nervous when I announced my engagement to Grace, but I needn't have worried.
93 How long has Grace been involved with that red-haired boy?
94 He had been the king's favourite, and his sudden fall from grace surprised everyone.
95 By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.
96 She is a beautiful girl with the grace and poise.
97 He accepted the decision with good grace, and wished me the very best of luck.
98 Though she was pretty, she fell from grace at last.
99 If you're wondering whether Grace will come to the party, I think the chances are against it.
100 With typical bad grace, they refused to come to the party.
101 Ah so you've decided to grace us with your presence!
102 Grace sighed so heavily that Trish could hear it in the next room.
103 With appallingly bad grace I packed up and we drove north.
104 We have only a few hours' grace before the soldiers come.
105 They withdrew their objections with as good a grace as they could manage.
106 The biography explains the circumstances surrounding her fall from grace.
107 Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness.
108 She danced with a grace and lightness that were breathtaking.
109 The priest always preaches on grace to a large congregation.
110 Who'll say grace today?
111 The exams have been postponed, so the students have a few days' grace before they start.
112 Having lapsed from grace, he tried every means to win back favour again.
113 Good morning, Your Grace!
114 All is grace[ ], froth and flow.
115 She walks with feline grace.
116 What did our long-suffering paragon of good grace do?
117 A Latino in an abbreviated muscle-alone with uninhibited grace.
118 Grace was asleep, lightly sedated.
119 Leo, will you say grace?
120 It may rain again, Your Grace.
121 The princess always handled herself with grace and dignity.
122 She moves with feline grace.
123 She performed her dive with effortless grace.
124 They accept his habitual interruptions with good grace.
125 I asked one pupil if he ever said Grace.
126 Grace quickly rowed the boat out to sea again.
127 Daddy fell from grace, poor dear.
128 Unfortunately, we may not have such a grace period.
129 Why do we know? by grace.
130 Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
131 Before we eat, I'd just like to say grace.
132 Today, with grace restored, it welcomes visitors with aplomb.
133 Seidman has conducted himself with extraordinary grace and ability.
134 She dances with effortless grace.
135 I think he was my saving grace.
136 Of course we accept his apologies with every grace.
137 Finally came relief through the gift of grace.
138 And, eventually, Pirenne capitulated with ill grace.
139 Is there a grace period for late payment?
140 This is country style with a grace and lightness that makes a welcome change from the usual heavy stripped pine.
141 I have a six-month grace period before I have to begin paying back my student loans.
142 A Presbyterian evangelist converted Sarah, but left her with more feelings of guilt than of grace.
143 Government-backed loans would be repaid over 15 years, including an eight-year grace period.
144 I hear the thump of the cat flap as Cat O'Fun tumbles through it without the feline grace of his fellows.
145 His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic.
146 This achievement is an art of the battlefield-exhibiting all that grace under pressure that is the glory of the cornered male.
147 Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. Denis Waitley 
148 Repayment was to be over 10 years, with a six-year grace period.
149 The story of the universe is a mythic drama of creativity, allurement, relation, and grace.
150 Many other sports, with a greater stress on grace and timing, require much less physical or hormonal deformation.
151 The industry has had 26 years grace for other forms of advertising.
152 I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us. Oprah Winfrey 
153 And its spectacular fall from grace should serve as a warning.
154 Only on the very last day did an anticyclone grace our shores.
155 After a short time in Johannesburg, Grace and Herbert started living apart.
156 Now, more than twenty years later, the Breton presbyter had lost none of his grace or his repose.
157 Mr Macmillan was, according to colleagues, prepared to give way with good grace when he could not carry the Cabinet.
158 Jackson's fall from grace came in the fourth game, when he struck out three times in a row.
159 Peter Cameron tells sad stories with tender grace and understatement, as if his work were composed of panels of watercolor.
160 This must come by the delicate interaction of her own willed effort and the creative understanding which Hilton calls grace.
161 The resulting combination of grace and dynamism distinguished Kelly for the rest of his career.
162 He moved forward, with leopard-like grace, and stood on the edge of a rock.
163 But he fell from grace for the first time in 1985 when he was convicted of drink-driving at Weymouth, Dorset.
164 Sibylle Alexander describes her experience as a protagonist in this story with grace and eloquence.
165 With the smallest fall from grace, it is quickly turned into badness.
166 She had the same tall grace and was equally good looking in a gentler way with great soulful eyes.
167 Mirren, possibly the best working actress today, imbues this movie with grace and assurance.
168 It was a spectacular fall from grace that took them all down-a major public humiliation.
169 If my foster-son be still held there, by the grace of heaven I will take him out of his captivity.
170 He unfolds it there as the antithesis between sin and grace.
171 Grace paid Price Waterhouse $ 7. 2 million in consulting and audit fees last year.
172 Much of the presumption that surrounds Ratner's fall from grace is baseless.
173 He had an uncharacteristic fall from grace in his match against Connell.
174 Below decks, Grace was shipshape,[sentencedict .com] but after calling on Lord Jim Nenna always felt impelled to start cleaning the bright-work.
175 Even by Washington standards, Gingrich has quickly fallen from grace.
176 She stood patiently waiting until, with exceedingly bad grace, he got to his feet and followed her homewards.
177 Blazer's forelegs cut through the air almost with grace as if he were swimming.
178 The great avenues of live oaks meant to grace their approaches now just cast a damp shade.
179 When he moved he had the supple, easy grace of a big cat.
180 This period of grace has in normal market conditions given the house owner adequate time in which to find a buyer.
181 This must have irritated Griffiths; but he did have the grace to be amused as well.
182 On the dance floor, his shape blew away in the secure grace of his dancing.
183 Now, as Pope fell from grace, McClellan came to the fore again.
184 Fans admire Dupond for his good looks, grace, and acting ability.
185 Those in authority need to share the problems of those by whose grace that authority is exercised.
186 I am sorry that the right hon. Member for Yeovil did not have the grace to accept that.
187 Much of his hatred and contempt of Bella must have stemmed from her involvement in Johnny's fall from grace.
188 Daniel prefaces his interpretation with a review of Nebuchadnezzar's prideful fall from grace and Beishazzar's own lack of humility.
189 Sport only thrives if both parties play by the rules, and accept the results with good grace.
190 You are saved by grace alone, not by good works.
191 Ridicule is a decidedly more entertaining version of the genre with the grace to flash us some intelligence and self-consciousness.
192 This was the most important feature of the breed's decline from grace, since it was bred solely for work.
193 It seemed a physical impossibility, her massive body bounding with the grace of a ballerina.
194 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will have the grace to acknowledge that progress and those achievements.
195 Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear. Rumi 
196 One must know not just how to accept a gift, but with what grace to share it. Aristotle 
197 Grace said it expects to close the deal in the quarter beginning July 1.
198 The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances. Aristotle 
199 When they fell from grace, George Best fell from a greater height.
200 She was a forceful personality who did not suffer fools gladly, but her sternness was accompanied by grace and Victorian courtesy.
201 The only saving grace was Robert Downey Junior's performance as the comic genius they said.
202 The tail of the whale is a thing of beauty, grace and enormous power, Ishmael says.
203 The payment had originally been due on April 1 but the Toronto-based company had a grace period which expired on Thursday.
204 Baxter had offered to pay up to $ 100 million,[http://] with Grace assuming responsibility for the remainder.
205 How thankful I am, how thankful we all must be, for the women in our lives. God bless them. May His great love distill upon them and crown them with luster and beauty, grace and faith. Gordon B. Hinckley 
206 It is a truism of Catholic thinking that grace builds on nature.
207 Loan terms incorporate details on grace periods, repayment and prepayment.
208 There is efficacy and grace in the process alone and the subtle differences come only with experience.
209 Grace sets us free to be sons and daughters of the Father.
210 It is a manifestation of his grace, his gift to those who will receive it.
211 Female tennis players often display great feminine grace and appeal and bring a different dimension to the game.
212 Grace finished her drink quickly, and changed out of her wet clothes.
213 Swifts jinked and swooped in the enclosed space with the grace of dolphins.
214 Admit temporary defeat with good grace, retreat, reconsider and wait.
215 Johnstone has confronted his fall from grace with the kind of honest self-awareness that is rare in habitual drinkers.
216 Redemption and grace stop the flow of cause-and-effect in our parenting.
217 Life is very crude, and bonnie Princes Street a dream, but we soldier on with a good grace.
218 Ignatius of Antioch Church in Manhattan for a funeral service that was his final lesson in classicism, grace and humility.
219 This must have been irksome for them, but Mrs Webster accepted it as her war work with good grace.
220 Certainly the grace and old-world tradition of nut trees are an asset to any garden.
221 The competition was soon simplified with the fall from grace of William Craig.
222 Mocking illusions and treacherous visions of grace did not depart with the falling of the leaves.
223 She accepted his expressions of sympathy and gratitude for seeing him, with sweet womanly grace.
224 He threw himself with good grace into everything, even this.
225 The term is used to describe grace periods that often go into effect when new geographic area codes are set up.
226 A large, lumbering man, who fumbled through the ankle-deep water without grace.
227 He began to run about in front of her, to turn, to perform grotesque dance movements that were not without some grace.
228 An opera company was formed to grace the new Civic Theatre under construction.
229 She held her head proudly and, even before she moved, conveyed a feline quality of grace and languor.
230 It ended in the fare being paid with a very bad grace.
231 But Grace wouldn't need them to go out to sea on the ebb tide.
232 We ate them with cheer in the grace of confinement.
233 Through either grace or happenstance, the architecture of the 140-year-old building embodies the spirit of the contemporary parish.
234 She was poised and full of grace, and he was rooting for her.
234 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
235 So we opt for cheap grace, and easy targets, instead.
236 Holmes came with rather bad grace, but I was glad of his presence.
237 Bormann followed the simple principle of always remaining in the closest proximity to the source of all grace and favor.
238 Costly grace is the only pure grace, which really forgives sins and gives freedom to the sinner.
239 Somewhere in the middle of this dilemma are the sunscreen manufacturers with their high protection sunscreens - skin's saving grace.
240 Pelletreau, after 30 years in the Foreign Service, stepped aside with a mix of grace and glee.
241 In the air, they introduced an element of beauty and grace.
242 She can be power or grace, depending on the mood and the setting.
243 Life is not a race, but we still continue the chase and try to be an ace. It's time to get out of this maze and truly live with grace. RVM 
244 The memorial at the bomb site featured mournful bagpipes played Amazing Grace after Marine Capt.
245 A novel of international intrigue in which Grace goes to Stockholm in response to a cryptic message from her sister, Willa.
246 Observant readers will also notice a new look to the columnists who grace the back end of our editorial pages.
247 Even young writers decide on form and genre; they write and revise for clarity and for grace.
248 The future holds unlimited possibilities for those who will accept divine guidance and grace.
249 With Lord Jim and Grace both on his books, Pinkie felt doubtful about his chance of selling either.
250 That in itself was a sign that Norris' fall from grace had begun.
251 Labour currently exists as government by grace of two coalition partners.
252 On this night, he is coaching first base for Grace Builders, an adult team managed by his grandson.
253 Even with all the lace, you can't be an ace without god's grace. RVM 
254 Hardly by design or even desire, I soon discover I can no longer eat without grace on my lips.
255 For him the sight of the empty flat in Grace Drive was a vision of evermore.
256 But then, grace under pressure is a valued trait among the pastoralists.
257 The elegance and grace of riding side-saddle is reiterated in the dress code.
258 Without such works of grace the world would rush even more rapidly towards the abyss.
259 The saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs which are needed in the area.
260 The means of grace are therefore for all of us, deaf, dumb, or destitute.
261 But he tucked his manuscript away with a good grace.
262 For Vestel, of course, those unsecured loans are a saving grace, preserving its assets from hungry creditors.
263 Grant at least had the grace to look thoroughly embarrassed.
264 They are the lessons of steadfastness and trust, honor and humor and, above all,[] grace under pressure.
265 My wineglass was empty and she was bringing me a refill with unheard-of good grace.
266 He asked that she be given six months' grace at Althorp so she could adapt to life without him.
267 But if Mrs Longhill felt better that her servant had fallen from grace in distant Barnswick, then let her think it.
268 At the centre of the picture, Angels Margarit moves with an easy grace.
269 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
270 At least he had the grace to admit he was wrong.
271 Young girls, before they reach adolescence, have an instinctive grace in their movements.
272 They would have said that their obsession was with divine grace.
273 The bus jolts into slow forward movement, and Grace guides Allen unsteadily back on to his seat.
274 It did so with a stunning range of creativity and a solidly audacious grace.
275 I have touched them with my grace, let them share in the mystery of my godlike powers.
276 Majestic grace is matched with brute strength ... Each horse is hand-picked for its temperament and skill.
277 Besides, Grace said,[http://] many experienced gang prosecutors said the office could win the case.
278 Tropical waterlilies normally hold their blooms well above the water surface adding to the grace and elegance of this group of plants.
279 As she descended the stairs, she appreciated for the first time how far she had fallen from grace.
280 The Ramblers pass a soccer ball back and forth, a display of agility and grace.
281 Grace Barber suffered from a heart condition but detectives believe the incident played a part in her death.
282 Mayne was not at all happy about this, but he agreed with as good a grace as possible.
283 But officials are hoping that the yearlong grace period tacked on last year will mean no last-minute crush this year.
284 The humans were astounded by the grace and majesty of Elf civilisation and well-pleased with the commerce that went on there.
285 Hanging about a foot from attached wall mounts(), these sturdy steel bells would grace any garden.
286 But there are also stories of the saving grace of innocence and the love of a violin.
287 The physicality of sport, its speed and grace, along with the emotional intensity of victory and defeat are supremely visual.
288 She is the most gifted player to ever grace the Centre Court and also best wishes to Chris Evert.
289 A number of people associated with the excesses of the past have already fallen from grace.
290 Bartholomew had moved with the grace of a dancer, his sword a silver hissing snake.
291 Perhaps the most dramatic fall from grace was the case of Hu Yaobang.
292 Yet if the current scientific consensus is correct, it has to be, and that may be its saving grace.




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