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单词 Ruler
(1) No man can be a good ruler unless he has first been ruled. 
(2) A king is a ruler.
(3) Draw a line with a ruler.
(4) The Queen of England is a hereditary ruler.
(5) The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces.
(6) Can you measure accurately with this ruler?
(7) Align the ruler and the middle of the paper.
(8) This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches.
(9) The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.
(10) He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.
(11) In Greek mythology, Zeus was the ruler of Gods and men.
(12) You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far.
(13) A certain ruler in the Middle Ages was famous for poisoning her guests with chemicals put into their drinks.
(14) All right, who's nicked my ruler?
(15) Is this ruler graduated in centimeters?
(16) A wise ruler is generous in victory.
(17) He ruled the paper with a ruler.
(18) The country was finally united under one ruler.
(19) He thwacked the desk with a ruler.
(20) The savage ruler ordered that the prisoner be executed.
(21) He was once a potent ruler.
(22) Can an absolute ruler do just as he pleases?
(23) He cracked me on the head with a ruler.
(24) Square the page off with your ruler.
(25) The ruler is divided into centimetres.
(26) This ruler has only one scale in centimeters.
(27) He eventually became ruler over the Burgundians.
(28) The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 
(29) A poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler[ ], not a wife. 
(30) At that time the East India Company was the virtual ruler of Bengal.
(1) A king is a ruler.
(2) Draw a line with a ruler.
(3) The Queen of England is a hereditary ruler.
(4) The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces.
(5) This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches.
(6) The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.
(7) He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent.
(8) In Greek mythology, Zeus was the ruler of Gods and men.
(9) At that time the East India Company was the virtual ruler of Bengal.
(10) You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far.
(11) A certain ruler in the Middle Ages was famous for poisoning her guests with chemicals put into their drinks.
(12) He was once a potent ruler.
(31) Charlemagne was respected as a just ruler.
(32) I'm sure that one of them has cabbaged my ruler.
(33) Tamir, one of several sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.
(34) The agricultural surplus was taken over almost in its entirety by the ruler.
(35) The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler.
(36) Her brother is the king, but she is the effective ruler.
(37) This is a ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres.
(38) was a Russian ruler.
(39) The present ruler, Prince Rainier III, succeeded to the throne on 9 May 1949.
(40) She lined the white paper with a pen and a ruler.
(41) The country was without a ruler after the queen died.
(42) This ruler has one scale in centimetres and another in inches.
(43) Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight.
(44) When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies.
(45) Stalin was the unquestioned ruler of the Soviet Union from the late 1920s until his death in 1953.
(46) King Priam was a firm, but just ruler.
(47) I ask to borrow a ruler.
(48) Yet Zeus becomes creator as well as ruler.
(49) She gave my hand a whack with a ruler.
(50) He defeated the military ruler, Gen.
(51) By 1146 Henry had become ruler of Saxony.
(52) Other nations condemned the ruler for repressing dissent.
(53) Rather, the authority of law rested solely on the fact that it was promulgated by the authorized ruler.
(54) Alternatively hold a rod or ruler across the neck while the tail is pulled.
(55) Put briefly, there developed an idea of the pervasive religious and moral responsibility of the ruler.
(56) She took down the figure of Pharaoh the ruler and put up the figure of Pharaoh with his hands over his face.
(57) Initially the city responded well to the change of ruler, and its economic fortunes improved.
(58) Generally, however, they must have been concerned to persuade him to become an amenable ruler.
(59) There was a marvellous audacity about a ruler who had decided to enter the lists and joust against the elements.
(60) In the 1580s an earlier warrior ruler, Hideyoshi, had sought to implement a formal distinction between warriors and farmers.
(61) Beyond these lay the large realms of the Avars, who were Tartar tribes unified under a ruler known as the Chagan.
(62) The ruler continued to enjoy, unless he were unusually vicious or unlucky, a respect which sometimes verged on worship.
(63) Hence self-restraint of the ruler must be reinforced by effective institutions: restraints upon the arbitrary exercise of governmental power.
(64) He also instructed those around him in these arts, and was far from being just a powerful military ruler.
(65) He loosened his collar, attempted to put a ruler between his teeth, and failed.
(66) King Henry VIII believed his role as ruler was ordained by God.
(67) By the end of the Old Kingdom the role of Osiris as ruler of the dead began to assume more significance.
(68) To check how much a paragraph is inset move the cursor into that paragraph and look at the ruler line.
(69) The ruler could not on his own initiative build fortresses, hire troops or alter the judicial system.
(70) The chief further allowed that he as ruler visited no one.
(71) But the duchy also required government and administration during the absences of its ruler.
(72) For if a sovereign ruler acknowledged no political superior, was this not also true of the state he governed?
(73) But with ruler Mercury in direct motion from the 1st, you can make headway.
(74) You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler. Denis Waitley 
(75) Adjusting the tiller slightly, Kathy nudged the boat up against the ruler in her head.
(76) Did this mean that Aquitaine was going to be permanently subordinated to the ruler of the Anglo-Norman realm?
(77) The ruler of the nights has always held considerable influence in astrology.
(78) Yet the permanent achievements of her reign were not surpassed by any other ruler of the age.
(79) Why not lay in the line of tempera, holding the brush against a straight edge,[http:///ruler.html] such as a ruler.
(80) In western as in eastern Christendom coronation was a religious rite which began with the anointment of the ruler with holy oil.
(81) Milan challenged the new ruler and for its troubles was razed to the ground in 1162.
(82) He was delighted to do so, with the implication of being regarded as overall ruler of the kingdom.
(83) A new ruler might adopt a policy of drastically cutting back oil production in order to boost prices.
(84) The Emperor was both a temporal and a spiritual ruler.
(85) Boyer was a strong ruler who united the country until his ouster in 1843.
(86) Mr Obasanjo was running the country on that occasion too, but as a military ruler.
(87) The prefects had the power to cane you on the hand with a ruler.
(88) The prosecution alleges Hammond attacked the girl with his hands, fists, a ruler and the flex from an electric kettle.
(89) In 323-4 civil war ended with the elimination of Licinius, and Constantine was at last sole ruler.
(90) He would have felt it demeaning to condemn this world utterly without first paying a visit to the vicinity of its ruler.
(91) The new ruler of the gods owed Prometheus much for helping him conquer the other Titans, but he forgot his debt.
(92) He had been catapulted into the awesome role of negotiator with his country's ruler more by chance than anything else.
(93) She made up for the difficulty by striking their fingers with a ruler when they erred, especially when learning the piano.
(94) When his worship spread to a town where there was already a divine ruler the two were slowly fused into one.
(95) As early as 1196 Henry, a ruler of very considerable foresight, had prepared for the succession.
(96) The benign ruler who took over, Major-General Bantu Holomisa, spoke at the graveside.
(97) The ruler line counts characters in 10s however many characters per inch your printer can produce.
(98) It is clear, therefore, that the Frankish kingdom was not automatically divided between all the sons of the previous ruler.
(99) All the accounts I have examined agree, more or less, that Zeus is the ruler of the cosmos.
(100) Longtime Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin was quick to absorb the lesson.
(101) First, draw two straight lines across the page using a ruler.
(102) Despite his arrogance and cruelty towards opponents, he had been a remarkably enlightened and often liberal and generous ruler.
(103) Ullman the Second, ruler of Crolgaria for thirty years, died unexpectedly in a riding accident yesterday while hunting.
(104) Her eyes were now riveted on the ruler in the nun's hand.
(105) Would a system not be a dictatorship if the ruler is unable to exercise absolute power?
(106) This is easy enough, but measuring along the coastline requires a very long ruler indeed.
(107) Guntiarius appears again as ruler of a Burgundian kingdom in the Rhineland which was destroyed by the Huns in c. 435.
(108) Love is an emotional opium of the mind. Love is the ruler of the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
(109) If this was a kingdom, did Vic imagine himself to be its ruler, Mungo wondered?
(110) It is probably anachronistic to imagine that Offa intended to create a single southern Anglo-Saxon kingdom under one ruler.
(111) They had been imprisoned there by a long dead ruler, Llud.
(112) But, at least in the short term, a new military ruler looks to be the likely outcome.
(113) No earthly ruler dared interfere with the civil life of his church and kingdom.
(114) A poor response from Valencia was easily overcome and within the city there was much murmuring against the new ruler.
(115) They also created a mythical patron, a just ruler who rewarded the good and punished evil doers by unleashing massive snowstorms.
(116) He was quiet and unassuming, an indifferent soldier but an able ruler.
(117) Roussel thereupon encircled the palace at Hue with a thousand troops and demanded an audience with the boy ruler.
(118) These papal letters represent the high point in the campaign for a Church both spiritually and temporally independent of the lay ruler.
(119) No one had taken up Sylvian's work, despite the ominous ruler and ink.
(120) A woman who is ruler of a principality.
(121) A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis.
(122) You can use the ruler to draw a line.
(123) Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire.
(124) A good ruler will not oppress the poor.
(125) Which having no guide, over seer, or ruler.
(126) But he considered himself the true ruler of Egypt as well, the rightful heir to the spiritual traditions practiced by pharaohs such as Ramses II and Thutmose III.
(127) He is not, as is often alleged, a neo-Soviet ruler: there is little trace of communism left in the Kremlin.
(128) The horizontal ruler shows both the default tab stops and any that you have defined.
(129) During that time Pericles was the best - known ruler of Athens.
(130) Train diagram is replacing gradually the old ways of train traffic control, which relies mainly on one diagram, one pen, one triangular rule and one ruler via telephone communications.
(131) Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful , and the good general full of caution.
(132) And no one looms larger in its history than Temujin, who took the title Genghis Khan, or Universal Ruler, after forging the world's largest land empire in the early 1200s.
(133) Soon after the year began, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who had ruled Tunisia since 1987, and Hosni Mubarak, ruler of Egypt since 1981, were rapidly—and almost bloodlessly—forced out of power.
(134) The paper introduces the thinking and steps of drawing the curvilinear, at the same time presents in detail the program of protracting x-coordinate and the skills of ruler labelling.
(135) Theof the gods the ruler of Mount Olympus, and the god of the sky and thunder.
(136) A search party was sent to locate the nation's new ruler.
(137) According to Nilsson, these symbols show that Arsino?'s crown was created for a living queen who was supposed to be a high priestess, a goddess and the ruler of Lower Egypt at the same time.
(138) BCE : India - The Maurya dynasty ends when the last ruler is assassinated by an ambitious army commander.
(138) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(139) The only woman Judge or Ruler of Israel. Also a prophetess.
(140) Guinea's military ruler Captain Moussa Dadis Camara has arrived in Morocco for medical treatment, after being wounded in an assassination attempt Thursday.
(141) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
(142) You can draw a line if you use a ruler.
(143) Emperor of Rome( a. d. 14-37). Chosen by Augustus to be heir to the throne, he was a suspicious, tyrannical ruler.
(144) A portable surveying instrument consisting essentially of a drawing board and a ruler mounted on a tripod and used to sight and map topographical details.
(145) Ivan IV of Russia, also know as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Duke of Muscovy from 1533 to 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar.
(146) He is predicted to be a world - ruler, uniting those who he rules over.
(147) A few hacker websites that sell this poison claim this poison is entrance of Cong Agen the court of a feudal ruler, if buy, still can provide man-to-man operation education.
(148) For quantitative exploration, the simulations have measurement instruments available, such as a ruler, stop-watch, voltmeter and thermometer.
(149) In the eye of the deepened reason, the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty indicated the ruler organized the society defectively.
(150) Your personal colors are the shades of your ruler, the Moon: pearl, silver, and off-white.
(151) In 1753, a palace revolution there placed on the throne a ruler.
(152) Empress Theodora was one of the most influential and powerful women in the Early Middle Ages. She was the wife of Emperor Justinian I and joint ruler of the Byzantine Empire.
(153) The great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, he took the name Augustus on becoming sole ruler in 27BC after the civil wars that followed Julius Caesar's assassination.
(154) He took a ruler and laid it across the neck of the lidless pot.
(155) A fatuous and self - indulgent ruler wouldn't spend much time reading and replying to memorials.
(156) Speculation has centred on Dubai Holding -- owned by the emirate's ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum -- which has about $10 billion in outstanding debt.
(157) Then when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler, she was filled with anger.
(158) That the triune God is the Creator, the Sustainer and Ruler of the Creation, but is prior to, and distinct from the Creation.
(159) Hawass said there is an "overwhelming amount of statuary" depicting the ruler, who was the father of Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten.
(160) Zhaojun Tomb is the tomb of Wang Zhaojun, a Han Dynasty palace lady-in-waiting who became the consort of a Xiongnu ruler.
(161) The ruler shaped his course to accelerate agriculture and handcraft industry.
(162) The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble.
(163) Herod became the ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 74 B.C.
(164) This kind besotted, fatuous manner, was precisely Dickens must the bourgeoisie ruler then take warning.
(165) The scale mark and measure figure on the ruler should be printed completely, neat writing, legible line and even thickness.
(166) This full moon will conjoin your ruler, Neptune, the planet that inspires a rich imagination.
(167) A pencil is not to be compared with a ruler.
(168) The set square is moved up and down when drawing parallel lines,[http:///ruler.html] and the set square and the ruler can be independently used.
(169) Please repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a coin, a pencil and a rubber eraser.
(170) Genghis Khan, whose name means "Universal Ruler, "conquered as much for the sheer fun of it as for the spoils. He rode ahorse and slept in a tent.
(171) Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.
(172) Peter I became sole ruler of Russia in 1696 at the age of 23 and lost no time in setting about a far-reaching programme of reform that transformed his country by opening it up to western influences.
(173) The utility model provides a baiting unit for a steel pipe bend, comprising an angle meter, a ruler bar and fasteners.
(174) The grating ruler support plate is connected to the grating ruler. The grating reading head is connected to the reading head stent and the electrical apparatus box.
(175) Put them in an arena, live coverage, president vs. prime minister, king vs. emperor, dictator vs. puppet ruler. It'll be like Unreal Tournament, except more fun.
(176) An intricate knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia and cut by Alexander the Great with his sword after hearing an oracle promise that whoever could undo it would be the next ruler of Asia.
(177) The butcher knife was ruler over the long man of polished, with the thumb on the edge of metal transfer to try, a good skin itching feeling, this feeling is sweet.
(178) The arbitrary angle arbitrarily bisector is composed of an involute board (3), a T-shaped line ruler (2), three equal division angle parts of an evenly divided line plate (1), and an auxiliary part.
(179) The Egyptian deification of time went further, to the point where almost every moment had its own presiding ruler based upon the stars and constellations.
(180) With Mercury, your ruler, orbiting close to Saturn in early October, you'll be deep in thought and mulling over a major relationship decision.
(181) God will one day bring to an end the unnatural rule of Satan and begin His righteous reign as the rightful Ruler of the universe.
(182) It chronicles the journey and ascent to power of Severian, a disgraced journeyman torturer who rises to the position of Autarch, the one ruler of the free world.
(183) The utility model discloses a collapsible ruler, which is formed by the combination of two rulers glidingly assembled into integration; the two rulers face each other and are parallel mutually.
(184) The Spanish killed the reigning ruler, Montezuma in June 1520 and lay siege to the city, destroying it 1521.
(185) Italy, the former colonial ruler in Libya, which played an active role in the foreign military intervention, has been off to a fast start to resume business activities in Libya.
(186) The Aztec ruler Montezuma was believed to drink fifty cups of chocolate every day.
(187) Click and drag on a ruler to place a guide on an image.
(188) Compared with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) ruler, the brake effect of the the jet–pattern magnetic field on the flow discharged from the nozzle and the flow at the meniscus are the better.
(189) Vascular caliber with operating microscope eyepiece scale of measurement, the length and distribution of blood vessels using a ruler and measurement of sub-regulation.
(190) This paper give an advice that we can realize closed cycle control of feeding shaft by proportional valve and linear grid ruler instead of servo amplifier and servo motor.
(191) To poor college students, student loans are credit loan which is a authoritative ruler to test the credit recognition of college students.
(192) King Pyrrhus of Epirus was an ambitious ruler whose aim was to revive the empire of his second cousin, Alexander the Great.
(193) In truth, though, the king was a spent force, and the real ruler of the land was Prince Edward, later Edward III.
(194) After he died, all the citizens agreed to make the one-hundredth prince their next ruler. Because of his goodness, they crowned him King Gamani the Righteous.
(195) It is an all-in-one program that provides full-featured screen capture tool, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair and even whiteboard.
(196) The key problems when designing a raster ruler data acquisition card were pulses frequency multiplication and counting.
(197) In young woman Li Qiyan, a ruler is friendly, is zealous, although his status is low, is uncouthly, but Li Qi nearly has fallen in love with him.
(198) Multi - purpose ruler. Used for lapel , elbow, skirt, slack , trouser, or anywhere a special contour is needed.
(198) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(199) A ruler may use his prerogative of mercy towards a criminal.
(200) Bongo, ruler since 1967 of the west African country, had been receiving treatment for cancer for more than a month.
(201) If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.
(202) Emperor Guangwu, being a wise and great ruler, did not get angry, but openly acknowledged his mistakes and presented the guard with a hundred bolts of cloth to reward him for his dutifulness .
(203) Mirabell Palace, whose existence is closely associated with Archbishop, the ruler of Salzburg.
(204) The second part discussed about the reason why ruler suppressed the legal pettifogger and the public despised them.
(205) Puyi was installed by the Japanese Manchukuo government as a puppet ruler in Changchun.
(206) Poseidon was ruler of the sea, And Hades, king of the lower world, had no seat in the committee.
(207) China has little interest in preserving its former ruler of Manchuria.
(208) Ever since your ruler, Jupiter, entered Aries in January, you've been a real self-starter and very eager to march to the beat of your own drum.
(209) SKY replaced after the NC system, with grating ruler, add with CNC dividing head, has been successfully used in many 4 to good effect.
(210) In particular style products, picturesque writing boards, Choi clay sculpture shell packaging, students with plastic ruler, Dart matching plastic parts, children's educational toys and so on.
(211) The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
(212) A digitized ruler with absolute code is adopted as the reference of the system, and the ruler is read by the reading system which is composed of optical system, CCD camera and computer.
(213) According to Xun Zi's utopia all under heaven submits to one ruler.
(214) Venice's chief ruler was called the doge, which comes from the Latin word dux, or " leader . "
(215) The small arrows on the ruler are used for indenting paragraphs.
(216) Aim To make a ruler for application program in software development.
(217) The paper explains three types of evolute of cone curve, and introduces curvature center on top of cone curve and drawing way with compasses and ruler of curvature circle.
(218) Richard, Duke of York, defeated the Lancaster forces and captured Henry VI. Richard then made himself the ruler of England.
(219) With the ending of matriarchy and the establishment of man's dominance in the society, women's role, known as the "second sex", changed from the ruler of society into the subjugated object of men.
(220) Installing aim at ruler, raising loads membrane speed, reducing the photosensitive membrane wastes.
(221) TWO images serve as bookends to the four-decades-old rule of Libya's ruler, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.
(222) 'We will not go to a low price market. There is a lot of demand for our gas elsewhere, ' said Ibrahim al-Ibrahim, adviser to the ruler of the tiny Arab Gulf state,[] according to Reuters.
(223) Rollo (c. 860 - c. 932) was the founder and first ruler of the Viking principality in what soon became known as Normandy.
(224) Then put the ruler on the surface of part's convexity and measure the arc length also with the numerical reading microscope.
(225) The rectangular which likes a ruler, is the streetscape public square of the open - air theater.
(226) Venier caliper, metallic ruler, measuring tape, square, center punch, felt point marker pen.




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