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单词 uncooperative
释义 Word family  noun cooperation cooperative adjective cooperative ≠ uncooperative verb cooperate adverb cooperatively ≠ uncooperatively noun operation cooperation operative cooperative operator adjective operational operative cooperative ≠ uncooperative verb operate cooperate adverb operationally cooperatively  un·co·op·er·a·tive /ˌʌnkəʊˈɒpərətɪv◂ $ -koʊˈɑːp-/ adjective  HELPnot willing to work with or help someone 不愿合作的,不配合的Examples from the Corpusuncooperative• Police say the boyfriend of the missing woman has been uncooperative.• Medical help is likely to be sought only when hypoglycaemia is severe and the patient is unconscious, agitated, or uncooperative.• Many of the older patients are uncooperative and difficult for the nurses to handle.• More potent still was the dismay which gripped Washington whenever it contemplated the implications of a permanently weakened or uncooperative Britain.• His body was uncooperative enough without further restricting it.• Professionals respond to reluctant, uncooperative or culturally different patients by unconsciously spending less time with them.• When at last he succeeded the man was sullen and uncooperative, repeatedly demanding why we had come to Bahdu.• The President greeted me cordially, but formally-the way he did heads of uncooperative states.• For four days, authorities struggled with uncooperative weather conditions that kept divers idle and with equipment problems.• Hubbel has been a very uncooperative witness.un·co·op·er·a·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  with help work someone to willing Corpus or not




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