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单词 hang-glider
释义  Related topics: Airldoce_148_aˈhang-ˌglider noun [countable]  1. TTAa large frame covered with cloth that you hold on to and fly slowly through the air on, without an engine 悬挂式滑翔机 →5  See picture of HANG-GLIDER 悬挂式滑翔机 →4  See picture of 见图 hang-glider2. someone who flies using a hang-glider 悬挂式滑翔机运动员Examples from the Corpushang-glider• A hang-glider hovered high up to my right, sailing in lazy circles toward the beach.• A primary headteacher in Kent is an enthusiastic hang-glider at weekends.• He had adapted the parachute design to produce a homemade hang-glider.• She was clinging desperately to the hang-glider.ˈhang-ˌglider nounChineseSyllable  you a cloth large covered frame Corpus with that




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