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单词 On the inside
1. Eventually, you'll learn to cry that on the inside.
2. The gate bolts on the inside.
3. They must have had someone on the inside to help them break in.
4. This door bolts on the inside.
5. He tried to overtake on the inside.
6. That taxi tried to pass me on the inside.
7. The room had been locked from/on the inside.
8. This cup is stained on the inside.
9. I overtook Charlie on the inside.
10. Daley Thomson is coming up on the inside.
11. The apple's rotten on the inside.
12. The door bolts on the inside.
13. She dabbed perfume on the inside of her wrist.
14. The shell is smooth on the inside.
15. Walk on the inside to avoid the traffic fumes.
16. Someone on the inside must have helped with the robbery.
17. Who do we know on the inside who can help us?
18. The story continued with a double-page spread on the inside pages.
19. The thieves must have had someone on the inside helping them.
20. Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally.
21. The driver behind me tried to overtake on the inside.
22. The French runner is coming up fast on the inside.
23. The thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break in.
24. Get rich quick schemes on the inside of matchbooks?
25. The sirloin was moist and tender on the inside.
26. Overtaking on the inside and on a pelican crossing.
27. We are all alike on the inside. Mark Twain 
28. They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on the inside of the van.Sentencedict
29. The hotel looked shabby from the street(), but it was fine on the inside.
30. I was driving up at seventy miles an hour on the inside lane on the motorway.
1. The gate bolts on the inside.
2. They must have had someone on the inside to help them break in.
31. There are initials engraved on the inside.
32. Beads of moisture have formed on the inside of the window.
33. I held her, trying to appear calm and composed on the outside, a shaking wreck on the inside.
34. Now I am getting condensation on the inside glass of both storms.
35. In mid-turn all the weight will be on the inside foot whilst the other remains in the strap.
36. Kevin Lindsay, a farmer in the northwest Iowa town of Correctionville, had frost on the inside of his windows.
37. We had observed a uniformed man standing there, on the inside.
38. The air pressure on the inside of the container is higher than the air pressure on the outside.
39. On the inside, as promised, was a label, printed black on gold, scratched and ink-stained but clearly legible.
40. The glossary of terms on the inside back cover provides definitions of reserves categories.
41. The oilskins grew clammy and soggy on the inside from our condensing sweat.
42. This is cut from cardboard and should be matt black on the inside, at least.
43. He heard a thunk as some one hit the crush bar on the inside of the stage door.
44. He stupidly took off on the outside of a wave when some one else had already established priority on the inside.
45. She scanned the displays set round the visor on the inside of the helmet.
46. Since then, Gingrich has retained power on the inside, but he stopped making high-profile appearances.
47. On the inside, Annie Taylor felt the barrel glide away until it reached the suction of the rapids.
48. This cooling effect can also produce unwanted condensation on the inside of the greenhouse dripping on to plants below.
49. The sick horse, on the inside, floundered among the rocks and deep snow.
50. The sixth hit him high on the inside of his left thigh.
51. The signatures were to appear on the inside of every Macintosh computer.
52. If condensation collects on the inside of the cage, wipe it off with a cloth or tissue.
53. Normal levels in colder conditions - a light film on the inside of the fly but no droplets.
54. It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us...on the inside, looking out. Jonathan Safran Foer 
55. Many general practitioners will know the unpleasant effect that a broken phial of dextrose has on the inside of a medical bag.
56. When a neurotransmitter attaches itself outside, the part on the inside changes its shape.
57. On the inside, be sure to find the fresco of the crucifixion on the front wall.
58. He grabbed his overcoat which hung on the inside of the door.
58. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
59. When air is compressed, it pushes harder on the inside of its container.
60. If you are not on the inside track, then decision are taken over which you have no influence.
61. I want you to form two circles, one inside the other. Boys on the outside, girls on the inside.
62. Condensation: normal levels - a light film on the inside of the fly but no droplets.
63. A woman in her early fifties parted beige curtains on the inside door and peered out at him.
64. To have such accurate information, they must have someone on the inside.
65. Today we will concentrate on the inside hook, the digger.
66. This is the famous Camembert scenario-hard on the outside, soft on the inside.
67. I, personally, have the number of days pasted up on the inside of my locker.
68. If condensation collects on the inside of the window, wipe it off with a clean cloth.
69. The emergency blankets are lined with plastic on the outside and paper on the inside.
70. She opened the bag and got out a powder compact that had a small round mirror on the inside of the lid.
71. On the inside, they are often very different people, with different motivations and aspirations, leading different lives.
72. Insertinch carriage bolts about 7 inches long to accommodate a washer and a nut on the inside of the beam.
73. However, infinitely more entertaining is a gentle stroking on the inside of the upper thigh.
74. Bells hung on the inside which occasionally Ruth, when in residence, would strike.
75. They played Twenty-one; the scores were kept on the inside of a Lyons Green Label tea packet.
76. Instead, he wanted his wingers to beat the defender on the inside and go for goal themselves.
77. Three narrow windows were locked on the inside, shades drawn.
78. To those on the inside, the critique will probably seem unreasonable.
79. Johnson felt a twinge on the inside of his right leg.
80. Then measure the same distance from the outside down, and that will mark where the floor is on the inside.
81. He forced it close enough to the edge to allow the Toyota to creep past on the inside.
82. It was a grotty kettle, choked with lime on the inside and all its shine gone on the outside.
83. Helmets that meet the multisport standard have a yellow Snell sticker on the inside with the number N-94.
84. He put his hands on the inside wall of the coach to steady himself.
85. Consequently, those on the inside recognize each other as one of themselves.
86. The gluteus medius on the outside of the pelvis and the adductor group on the inside of the thigh balance the pelvis from the outside to the inside.
87. More than 210,000 people have watched the black-haired baby licking and attempting to chew on the inside of the massive watermelon which is perched on a chair.
88. With the development of high sci-tech economy[/on the inside.html], many businesses suffer from great losses when technicians or employees on the inside pluralize or resign.
89. On the inside covers of the book, for quick reference and easy access, we have listed dermatologic conditions affecting athletes, first by sport and then by specific skin condition.
90. Loquats are of the rose family. The fruit of the loquat is soft pulp on the inside with succulent, sweet to subacid or acid flavor. It is rich in various nutrients the body needs.
91. It is difficult to scale off the tartar on the inside of one's teeth.
92. John was on the inside track for the position because he had the best marks.
93. Rambutan is an odd fruit that looks like a furry strawberry from the outside, and much like a lychee on the inside.
94. Backplate : A plate on the inside of a door through which the cylinder connecting screws and tailpiece is passed.
95. The present of scale and rust on the inside tube wall led to the pits and penetration of the tubed wall due to corrosion beneath scale.
96. On the inside a sprinkling of metallic inserts and two-tone leather mark the R - Design out.
97. This paper analyzes reasons for salt incrustation on the inside wall of EV-302 flash evaporator in the facility of co-production of salt and Glauber's salt and proposes prevention measures.
98. In form and function the Flame ring is a ball race with the ball bearings either on the inside or outside of the ring.
99. On June 28, 1973, a cross-shaped wound appeared on the inside left hand of Sr. Agnes.
100. Today's phone world is all about the power on the inside and yes, as Kim completely understands, the flawlessness on the outside.
101. My left eye started with a tear on the inside track.
102. The laces cross over on the outside and run vertically on the inside, forming a "bow-tie" outline.
103. Peking duck is charred on the outside and tender on the inside.
104. In Sweden bread is hard on the outside and soft on the inside.
105. A black horse was on the inside track ---- the race.
106. There are also medial posts, which are basically pieces of plastic placed on the inside of the heels to slow pronation.
107. He was identified only by the engraving on the inside of his wedding band.
108. Driving to a Mariners game, Duane Innes saw a pickup ahead of him drift across lanes of traffic, sideswipe a concrete barrier and continue forward on the inside shoulder at about 40 mph.
109. Inside my office as a stove, and I grilled on the inside.
110. It was an ancient alley door, low, vaulted, narrow, solid, entirely of oak, lined on the inside with a sheet of iron and iron stays, a genuine prison postern.
111. Otherwise, operating pressure causes the labeling color to rub off on the inside of the key.
112. White on the outside, black as tar on the inside.
113. The tarnish lay thick on the inside of the ring.
114. Epsilon Eridani is surrounded by not one but two asteroid belts, a possible sign that other, more Earth-like planets could be nearby on the inside of that belt, as Earth is in our solar system.
115. The phosphorescent coating on the inside of the screen of a cathode-ray tube.
116. If the heel is worn more on the inside, you're a pronator.
117. This application is done on the inside of the footboard so nothing shows from the outside.
118. There is a layer of slime , called mucus, on the inside of the large intestine ( colon ) .
119. On the inside of the door the figures 52 had been traced with a couple of strokes of a brush dipped in ink, and above the scantling the same hand had daubed the number 50, so that one hesitated.
120. Narcissists may seem cocky and self-centered, but on the inside they feel worthless and ashamed.
121. There is silicone-based lubricant on the inside of the condom, but additional lubrication can be used. The condom does not contain spermicide .
122. Imagine the 2-dimensional image of a "Eckasha Symbol Code", as if the image is drawn on a black background on the inside of your forehead.
123. At a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet, pressure outside of the plane is about two and a half times lower than what passengers experience on the inside.
124. By poisonous, the Slow Loris produces a toxin on the inside of its elbows through a gland, which if eaten, would give you quite an extreme case of stomach pain.
124. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
125. It a gold locket on the inside an inscription. Destiny.
126. Someone else who's stronger on the inside will look at your problems and say, "You're letting that stop you??? What a wuss!
127. The fungi are bowl-shaped, dark on the outside, reddish yellow on the inside, and a few centimeters across.
128. An electron emitter is situated on the inside surface of the outer wall, while a target film is situated on the outside surface of the inner wall.
129. I also found bits of wood and metal filings on the inside of the cover plate.
130. The lack of support of the flip-flop also causes pain in the tendons on the inside of the foot and lower leg. It can also lead to shin splints.
131. This book has a address label partially removed on the inside cover page.
132. It is about the transmutation work that you are doing on the inside.
133. The aroma of stinky tofu wafted around me as I walked past the vendor towards the young man who sells the flat pancakes which are baked on the inside wall of a drum-shaped oven.
134. If the tank is not filling all the way (there should be a fill line on the inside of the tank), carefully bend the bulb of the float valve up a bit and see if the tank will fill.
135. Through tracing the change of the stress on the horizontal and slantwise paths, the influence and scopes of the excavation effect on the inside stress field of the slope are put forward.




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