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单词 Security council
1. The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .
2. Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
3. After two late night sessions, the Security Council has failed to reach agreement.
4. The matter was debated in the Security Council of the United Nations.
5. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities.
6. The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.
7. The Security Council has rejected the latest peace proposal.
8. The Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the crisis.
9. The United Nations Security Council took sanctions against the aggressor country.
10. The UN Security Council met in emergency session to discuss the crisis.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue today.
12. The UN Security Council endorsed the recommendation submitted by the Secretary General.
13. The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.
14. Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door.
15. On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen.
16. Today's Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.
17. The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.
18. The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution asking the two countries to resume peace negotiations.
19. The security council debate could open up sharp differences between the countries.
20. The UN Security Council has demanded free passage for families fleeing from the fighting.
21. Bromley Smith, executive secretary of the National Security Council.
22. Successive Security Council resolutions had failed to produce results.
23. The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.
24. This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
25. The raids have drawn a strong condemnation from the United Nations Security Council.
26. NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation if the UN Security Council asked for it.
27. He should continue to act pursuant to the United Nations Security Council resolutions.
28. His proposal was diluted by the lack of support from the Security Council.
29. The attack took place under the authority of the UN security council.
30. Germany is on its way to becoming a world power with a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
1. The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .
2. The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the UN Security Council.
3. This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
4. After two late night sessions, the Security Council has failed to reach agreement.
5. The matter was debated in the Security Council of the United Nations.
6. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities.
7. The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.
31. If a non-member challenged this obligation, a dispute would arise, which could then be investigated by the Security Council.
32. Moreover, Boyle also demonstrates that the Security Council violated its own charter through the adoption of Resolution 731.
33. National Security Council officials also did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
34. The Security Council must approve the force, to be called Onuca.
35. Unenthusiastic about the entire Gulf episode, he is not thrilled at this unprecedented task but he must obey the Security Council.
36. Mr. Hurd Britain supported Security Council resolution 716, which endorsed the aim of an international meeting.
37. We're prepared to cooperate fully with any security council inquiry.
38. But it is five months since Mr Hussein swallowed his neighbour and was instructed by the Security Council to disgorge it.
39. Established by the National Security Council, the NSCIDs function as top secret bylaws for the intelligence community.
40. There was no consistent pattern in Security Council voting over the crisis.
40. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41. Japan wants a U.N. Security Council seat, to match the country's international standing.
42. I very much welcome the fact that the Security Council authorised the dispatch of a preliminary team.
43. The Security Council plan called for an initial ceasefire followed by phased disarmament.
44. No other permanent security council member is likely to want to get involved.
45. China has threatened to use its veto power in the Security Council.
46. A National Security Council was set up under Gamsakhurdia's chairmanship.
47. The national security council heard calls for resources to be redirected from the elite nuclear forces to beef up conventional arms spending.
48. Time and again action by the Security Council was blocked by the veto power of the Soviet Union and other permanent members.
49. After the Security Council ultimatum was issued, Bush offered to enter into direct negotiations.
50. But developing nations are loath to agree unless they too are given some kind of guaranteed status on the Security Council.
51. A committee on compliance was set up, comprising representatives of all 15 Security Council member countries.
52. President Ford agreed, and the Security Council came back in full support of Argus.
53. The Security Council has wisely ruled out the death penalty, however much it might seem justified as retribution.
54. Yuri Skokov, Secretary of the Security Council, was considered sympathetic to the nationalist cause.
55. Marvin was only thirty-nine, very young to be given such an important post as director of the National Security Council.
56. The United Nations security council has set up a commission of inquiry.
57. The U.N. Security Council has influence with some of the protagonists in the conflict.
58. As such, and as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, she has world responsibilities.
59. The affair has revealed new diplomatic developments outside the security council.
60. I accept that that puts the responsibility on the United Nations secretariat and on the Security Council.
61. It would probably not feel obliged to seek further authorisation from the Security Council.
62. Tourists came and went and the Security Council met as scheduled.
63. Committee members have expressed concerns about possible contacts between donors and officials of the National Security Council.
64. The National Security Council will be giving you detailed briefing about issues and personalities.
65. The security council members took care to meet over the crisis in secret session.
66. The U. N. Security Council will be asked to authorize the force.
67. Military Action Without Security Council Approval Is Illegal.
68. Key United Nations agencies: the United Nations General Assembly, the Security Council, Secretariat, Economic and Social Council, the International Tribunal and the Trusteeship Council.
69. How long will it take the United Nations Security Council to answer the Palestinian application for membership in the global organization?
70. "I will chair a session of the Security Council and will speak on behalf of the adoption of a resolution on women, peace and security," she said.
70. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
71. He was a brilliant Harvard professor who now ran the National Security Council staff.
72. Do you think Japan should become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council?
73. We also need a UN Security Council that has higher efficiency, greater capacity for action, and adequate representation of developing countries, especially African countries.
74. He insisted that the security council be reconvened that night to authorise the rapid reaction force.
75. The news was conveyed immediately to the Argentine government and circulated to the security council.
76. The Security Council shall decide what measures shall be taken to restore peace and security.
77. On Thursday the National Security Council held a long and confused session.
78. Its role was to review the options to be presented to the National Security Council.
79. But China and Russia, who have veto power in the Security Council, oppose against Iran.
80. The UN Security Council has been silent on Pakistan, in contrast to the stance it has taken recently over Burma, says the BBC's Laura Trevelyan at the UN.
81. China a permanent member of the Security Council, voted in favor of the tighter sanctions.
82. The heart of the problem is a lack of trust, made worse by what Russia sees as NATO's cynically broad interpretation of the UN Security Council resolution on Libya—a "betrayal", say some Russians.
83. That was a major repudiation of Iran the other day at the Security Council.
84. The United Nations Security Council has the lead responsibility for deciding that an act of aggression has taken place.
85. Although Beijing's and Moscow's recalcitrance means that the UN Security Council is not likely to act, the next best source of legitimacy in the current situation has spoken: the Arab League.
86. S. puppet, and Russian diplomats stormed out of several Security Council meetings in protest. ) From Angola to Afghanistan, nearly every Cold War conflict was a proxy war.
87. China appeals that the international conference on the Middle East issue under the auspice of the UN Security Council should be held as soon as possible.
88. North Korea vowed to get back into the nuclear weapons business Tuesday, in response to what it called a " brigandish " abuse of the United Nations Security Council.
89. France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council.
90. The Security Council aim to ensure compliance by all sides, once an agreement is signed.
91. Mr Abbas made Mr Dahlan, Hamas's nemesis, secretary of a new national security council.
92. Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.
93. Frantic negotiations were conducted through the UN's Emergency Security Council and unofficial channels hair-trigger standoff.
94. Among other tokens of its friendship, Beijing has stoutly and steadfastly resisted India's inclusion in the same Security Council which Nehru's 'pehle aap' politesse ushered China into.
95. United Nations Trusteeship Council, the United Nations, and "a" key element of " the " five permanent members "of" the Security Council for the device.
96. We believe that Japan is well-qualified for permanent membership on the Security Council, and that other nations should be considered, as well.
97. Meeting in a special session September 24, the 15-member Security Council adopted UNSC Resolution 1887 without objection.
98. I moved into positions charged with long-range planning key associates whom I had recruited for the National Security Council staff.
99. "North Korea changed their behavior and words from mid-July, that's the point U.N. Security Council resolution 1874, to be implemented, " Choi said.
100. The latest United Nations Security Council resolution sanctioning North Korea for its May 25 nuclear test has driven Pyongyang to fresh paroxysms of faux fury.
101. With India having got the US's coveted backing for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council,[http:///security council.html] two major aspirants to the high table are fuming.
102. The U.S. President is the Chairman of the National Security Council.
103. N . Security Council resolutions and pose a threat to regional and international security, " he said. "
104. After the six nations agreed on the text it was presented to the entire Security Council.
105. July 26, Serbian President Boris Tadic confirmed that Mladic day war crimes in the Security Council and the Joint Investigation Department arrested.
106. Tommy Vietor, a National Security Council spokesman, and the speechwriter Jon Favreau are competitive, and Mr. McClellan sometimes pits them against Sam Kass, a young White House chef.
107. If a coon EU foreign policy fails, Britain is still on the UN Security Council.
108. The UN security council today condemned North Korea's rocket launch on 5 April, demanding an end to further launches and saying it will expand sanctions against the reclusive communist nation.
109. After the DPRK's nuclear test on May 25, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1874, which forbids the DPRK to test-fire SCUD, medium-range or long-range missiles.
110. China is a permanent member of the Security Council, with veto power.
111. North Korea defied the U.N. Security Council today by firing off a barrage of ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan.
112. About 150 students representing diplomats of different countries took part in the simulated UN Security Council, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Council.
113. Before that, the Security Council will adjourn for 4 days starting Thursday.
114. A senior member of President Bush's National Security Council says the administration to jump to conclusions.
115. The Security Council, the Assembly stated, should consider effective, comprehensive sanctions against South Africa.
116. As news of the missile launch was still being digested across the world, the 15-member UN security council met in closed session in New York to discuss a global response.
117. The security council imposed sanctions after a ballistic missile launch and a nuclear test in 2006.
118. In New York the UN Security Council denounced the North Korean test.
119. Then, at the conclusion of the Gulf War, the Security Council adopted Resolution 687.
120. Once a truce is in place, the Security Council can deploy a peacekeeping operation to help the parties carry out their agreements.
121. The Security Council voted with 3 pros, 1 cons and I abstention.
122. Gates spent eight years as a junior analyst and an Air Force intelligence officer, then joined Nixon's National Security Council staff in 1974.
123. Last month, it pushed adoption of a Security Council resolution that imposed a range of diplomatic, military and financial sanctions on Pyongyang.
124. The General Assembly, Security Council and ECOSOC should all make good use of their respective advantages to support the work of PBC.
125. The Security Council resolution we introduce will encourage Iraq's Governing Council to submit a plan and a timetable for the drafting of a constitution and for free elections.
126. The Security Council commits to ensure that any frozen assets will be made available to benefit the people of Libya.
127. The National Security Council has met to discuss ways of preventing a military conflict.
128. Security Council. If that fails, the Palestinians may appeal directly to the General Assembly for status as a nonmember state observer, the same status held by the Holy See.
129. Sooner or later the UN Security Council will again vote for a NO-FLY ZONE over Jammu and Kashmir- well it will be too late for India to react!
130. The Obama Administration's Security Council Resolution 1887 calls on all parties not signatories of the NPT to accede as non-nuclear weapons states – an action India would surely not take.
130. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
131. The challenge is to bind these powers into a progressive security council.Take Libya.Britain, America and France should never again elide the responsibility to protect populations with regime change.
132. We believe that the advisory opinion is no obstacle to a proper settlement to the issue through negotiation between the parties concerned on the basis of relevant Security Council resolutions.
133. The United Nations Security Council speedily condemned the nuclear effrontery.
134. Both sides exchanged opinions on such issues as the situation in the Transcaucasia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and the reform of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN).
135. The Security Council has been united on the need for Iran to suspend its enrichment activities, Wolff said.
136. But the new administration has committed to be a full participant in nuclear contacts with Iran by the P5 Plus One, the five permanent U.N. Security Council member countries and Germany.
137. The U . N . Security Council held emergency consultations on the escalation in Gaza.
138. The most prominent among the military's channels of influence was the Milli Guvenlik Kurulu, or National Security Council, (known by its Turkish initials, MGK).
139. The six nations pressing Iran to suspend its nuclear program are the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France -- and Germany.
140. For years it had used the threat of its veto to keep North Korean adventurism off the Security Council’s agenda.
141. The Chinese Government has firmly opposed the military strike launched by the US-led NATO against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a move bypassing the United Nations Security Council.
142. SPLM-North wants the UN Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan and Darfur.
143. But the new administration has committed to be a full participant in nuclear contacts with Iran by the P5 Plus One, the 5 permanent U. N. Security Council member countries and Germany.
144. The leaders all 15 Security Council member nations voted for the the U.S. - drafted resolution.
145. As peacekeeping operation established under Security Council authorization, there is no certain standard can be followed and all depending on Security Council authorized content.
146. I want the whole National Security Council, including the President and Veep, to hear it.
147. Security Council, hoping that pressure from key European allies, Russia and the International Atomic Energy Agency will persuade Tehran to change course.
148. It was in this congenial atmosphere that the National Security Council considered the State Department's proposal.
149. The security council imposed sanctions a ballistic missile launch a nuclear test in 2006.
150. IT TOOK quite literally a bomb to shift the big powers into concerted action at the United Nations Security Council against a long-defiant, boastfully nuclear-capable North Korea.




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