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单词 hammer
释义  Related topics: Tools, Weapons, Sport, Music, Humanham·mer1 /ˈhæmə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  tool 工具 a) TZa tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle, used for hitting nails into wood 榔头,锤子 b) TZa tool like this with a wooden head used to make something flat, make a noise etc 木槌 an auctioneer’s hammer 拍卖人的木槌 →4  See picture of 见图 TOOL →5 see picture at 见图 tool12. come/go under the hammer SELLto be offered for sale at an auction 被拍卖3  hammer blow British English an event that damages something very seriously 沉重的打击hammer blow for The decision is a hammer blow for the coal industry. 这一决定对于煤炭业是一个沉重的打击。4  hammer and tongs informal a) if people go at each other hammer and tongs, they fight or argue very loudly 〔打斗或争吵〕激烈地,闹哄哄地 b) if someone does something hammer and tongs, they do it with all their energy 〔做某事〕全力以赴地ARGUE5. gun 枪炮PMW the part of a gun that hits the explosive charge that fires a bullet 击铁,击锤6. sport 体育DS a heavy metal ball on a wire with a handle at the end, which you throw as far as possible as a sport 链球7. piano 钢琴APM a wooden part of a piano that hits the strings inside to make a musical sound 音槌Examples from the Corpushammer• The Plot John Henry was born with a hammer in his hand and was the strongest baby anybody had ever seen.• Milk, two ice cubes crushed with a hammer between two squares of paper towel, and Maalox.• John Henry threw his hammer and snuffed out the fuse.• Any friction at the hammer pivot will slow down the movement of the hammer, tending to make the action sluggish.• Now move the wooden handle of the hammer gradually over the edge of the table.• The hammers in Stein's vis-à-vis piano action point away from the player.• The hammers in Streicher's down-striking action point towards the player.hammer2 ●○○ verb  1  hit with a hammer 用锤击打 [intransitive, transitive]HIT to hit something with a hammer in order to force it into a particular position or shape 锤击,锤打;把…锤进hammer something in/into something Hammer the nails into the back of the frame. 把钉子锤入框子的背面。hammer away (at something) All afternoon, Martin had been hammering away in the conservatory. 整个下午马丁一直在温室里埋头苦干。 the sound of hammering and sawing 锤打和拉锯的声音► see thesaurus at hit2  hit repeatedly 反复敲打 [intransitive]HIT to hit something many times, especially making a loud noise 〔尤指大声〕反复敲打 SYN pound, banghammer at Daniella hammered at the door. 丹妮拉不停地捶门。 The rain was hammering against the window. 雨点不停地敲打着窗户。3  hurt with problems 因问题受损害 [transitive] to hurt someone or something by causing them a lot of problems 冲击,打击 British industry was being hammered by the recession. 英国工业正受到经济衰退的冲击。4  hit hard 使劲打 [transitive] informalHIT to hit or kick something very hard 猛击;狠踢 Robinson hammered the ball into the goal. 鲁宾逊猛力将球踢进了球门。5  criticize 批评 [transitive] to strongly criticize or attack someone for something they have said or done 猛烈批评[抨击] The president has been hammered for his lack of leadership. 总统因领导无方而受到猛烈抨击。6  hammer something home UNDERSTANDto make sure that people understand something by repeating it many times 〔向人们〕反复说明某事;强调某事 The message must be hammered home that crime doesn’t pay. 这一点必须反复强调犯罪是划不来的。7  heart 心 [intransitive]HBH if your heart hammers, you feel it beating strongly and quickly 猛烈跳动 SYN pound She stood outside the door, her heart hammering. 她站在门外,心怦怦直跳。8  defeat 击败 [transitive] informalBEAT/DEFEAT to defeat someone completely at a sport 〔在体育比赛中〕彻底击败 Arsenal hammered Manchester United 5–0. 阿森纳队以5比0大败曼联队。9 hammer away phrasal verb a) REPEATto keep saying something because you want people to understand or accept it 反复强调 at I keep hammering away at this point because it’s important. 我一直反复强调这一点,因为它很重要。b) WORK HARDto work hard and continuously at something 接连苦干,不懈地努力 at Keep on hammering away at achieving your goals. 为达到目标要坚持不懈。10 hammer something ↔ in (also hammer something into somebody) phrasal verb REPEATto keep saying something until people completely understand it 不断重复使〔某人〕明白〔某事〕,向〔某人〕反复灌输〔某事〕 The coach hammered his message into the team. 教练反复向全队灌输他的意图。11 hammer something ↔ out phrasal verb DISCUSSto decide on an agreement, contract etc after a lot of discussion and disagreement 〔经大量讨论及争议后〕商定〔协议、合同等〕 Leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal. 几大石油生产国试图商定一个协议。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushammer• Her heart hammered against her ribs.• Jane dreamt she was clinging to the edge of a cliff, and her bank manager was hammering at her fingers.• The children hammered at the door to be let in out of the rain.• Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.• Investors have been hammered by a series of dismal economic reports.• If not, the Internal Revenue Service certainly hammered home the message.• White cleared up to the pink with a break of 31 but missed a difficult black which McManus hammered into the yellow pocket.• The men hammering it together had beckoned us, beaming, inviting inspection.• After a weekend of sawing and hammering nails into 2-by-4s, the dog house was finished.• We could hear them coming up the stairs right to our door and then shouting and hammering on it.• Chicago hammered San Diego 13-2.• Until he found his goal in life, hammering spikes into the railroad tracks, he was not fully happy.• Finally he got a job hammering spikes to make the great railroads.hammer away (at something)• Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.• Mrs Clinton began hammering away at the issues during her appearance before Florida Democrats at the Democratic convention.• Often George came in at five o'clock in the morning to hammer away at the pirate ship in the carpenter's shop.• I keep hammering away at this point but it applies to so many areas and it's so rarely done.• All afternoon, Martin had been hammering away in the conservatory.• Thereafter it hammers away with great effect until it has excavated a narrow tunnel as much as three feet long.hammer at• Jane dreamt she was clinging to the edge of a cliff, and her bank manager was hammering at her fingers.• Meanwhile, he hammered at his statements with the small obsession of a woodpecker.• The shock started me hammering at my door again.• But no enemy is hammering at our gates.• Though Demjanjuk was convicted and sentenced to death, Buchanan believed the charges were dubious and hammered at the case.• Seb hammered at the door and tugged at the bell-pull but without anyone answering.• Men poured from both and raced through the cheering crowd, up the steps, to hammer at the door.• Black leaders will refrain from hammering at the issue out of an uneasiness at speaking about intergenerational oppression.From Longman Business Dictionaryhammerham‧mer1 /ˈhæmə-ər/ noun COMMERCE come/go under the hammer to be sold at an AUCTIONThe paintings come under the hammer at Sotheby’s in November.hammerhammer2 verb FINANCE hammer the market to sell a large amount of stocks, shares etc at one time, causing prices to fall → hammer something → out→ See Verb tableOrigin hammer1 Old English hamorham·mer1 nounhammer2 verbChineseSyllable  heavy with part metal a tool Corpus a Business




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