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单词 Depend on
1. Depend on others and you always repent. 
2. Animals depend on plant material for food.
3. I'll be there, depend on it!
4. You can always depend on Michael in a crisis.
5. You can't depend on your parents forever.
6. Half the university research posts depend on outside funding.
7. You may depend on the accuracy of the report.
8. Place allow me to smal proud,because like you depend on.
9. Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions. It is governed by our mental attitude.
10. Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
11. My wife and daughter depend on me for their living.
12. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
13. Most of these conjuring tricks depend on sleight of hand.
14. These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
15. Most of the local population depend on fishing for their income.
16. What is actually paid will depend on the bonus payments made at the end of the policy.
17. The outcome will depend on a number of factors.
18. You can't depend on the train arriving on time.
19. I depend on you to do it.
20. You may depend on him to do it well.
21. Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.
22. You can never depend on his arriving on time.
23. The tides depend on the pull of the moon.
24. Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday?
25. Our fees depend on the value of the trust.
26. Depend on it, our team will certainly win.
27. You may depend on his/him coming.
28. Your pension will depend on your length of employment.
29. I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
30. Please allow me to small proud, because like you depend on.
1. Animals depend on plant material for food.
2. You can always depend on Michael in a crisis.
3. Half the university research posts depend on outside funding.
4. Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
5. The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
6. Most of these conjuring tricks depend on sleight of hand.
7. These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
8. Most of the local population depend on fishing for their income.
9. What is actually paid will depend on the bonus payments made at the end of the policy.
10. This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it.
31. "You can depend on me," Cross assured him.
32. It would depend on the circumstances.
33. You may depend on their support.
34. 50 % of the country's population depend on agriculture.
35. Doctors depend on accurate diagnostic tools.
36. Can I depend on you?
37. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.
38. Lion cubs depend on their mother to feed them.
39. Children depend on their parents.
40. She came to depend on her daughter for support.
41. Does the quality of teaching depend on class size?
42. Ministers depend on civil servants for expert advice .
43. Charities depend on people supporting their activities.
44. We can depend on him for help.
45. You may depend on him.
46. We depend on the radio for news.
47. I depend on my pen for a living.
48. You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. You can depend on her to be late.
49. A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge.
50. You can depend on him to make a sound choice.
51. You can depend on my sister to spoil things .
52. You shouldn't listen to the rumour.You can depend on me.
53. You can depend on it that she'll always look after number one.
54. Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week.
55. How long the journey takes will depend on how long it takes to get through the traffic.
56. Many species of tree depend on the wind for pollination.
57. You may depend on it that he will help you.
58. I haven't got a car, so I have to depend on the buses.
59. The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries.
60. Many adults still depend on their children to work the video.
61. Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial circumstances.
62. The Oxfam shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.
63. He was the sort of person you could depend on.
64. Eggs contain all eight essential amino acids which we depend on for good health.
65. When the chips are down, you've only got yourself to depend on.
66. I haven't a car, I have to depend on the buses.
67. The opportunities available will depend on your previous work experience and qualifications.
68. You can depend on Jane - she always keeps her promises.
69. The outcome seems to depend on the type of soil used.
70. The value of antiques will depend on their condition and rarity.
71. This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it.
71. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72. All living things depend on the sun for their growth.
73. Success doesn't only depend on what you do. What you don't do is equally important.
74. Many women have to depend on their husbands for their state pension.
75. Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.
76. The farmers depend on a casual labour supply at harvest time.
77. You must try to pull yourself together your family depend on you.
78. They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.
79. The factory's opening hours over the holiday period will depend on the availability of manpower.
80. Susan is a devious person and we can't depend on her.
81. The method employed will depend on the nature of the task.
82. You must bear in mind that your parents hope to depend on you to become a good doctor.
83. The amount of sugar you add will depend on personal preference .
84. Can I depend on it that this won't take place again?
85. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.
86. The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence .
87. I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.
88. The result described does however depend on strong assumptions.
89. This will depend on where a congregation is.
90. Arrangements will depend on how many computers are available.
91. Answering the second should depend on knowable facts.
92. Each case must, of course, depend on its circumstances.
93. Each case will depend on its own facts.
94. All these power bases depend on perceptions.
95. The Blazers' depend on the knucklehead factor.
96. This would depend on the circumstances.
97. After all, his life might depend on it.
98. Saving and investing success depend on time.
99. Much will depend on the general business climate and the particular business in which the organisation operates.
100. Advantages of fructosamine are that it does not depend on the haemoglobin level and it will probably be considerably cheaper.
101. The results will depend on how each department allocates its resources.
102. The method used for this process will depend on several factors, mainly the number of copies,(http://) the quality and cost.
103. The second approach may have similar weaknesses, but this will depend on how the individual curricula are combined.
104. Does it depend on the statistical probability of a crash?
105. The appropriate method will depend on the business being sold, the confidentiality required, and the anticipated demand from purchasers.
106. The degree to which women take power seems to depend on the extent to which the men are absent.
107. Now those who depend on dial-up lines from public telephone systems can enjoy the benefits of integration as well.
108. Newco's options depend on these factors, as well as on the time available and the financial strength of the vendor.
109. Your choice of exercise must also depend on your general state of health.
110. How should they use it to plan the future of the car industry and those who depend on it?
111. It is assumed that these are linked not to profit maximisation, but depend on the size of the enterprise.
112. Many bookshop owners believe the future of the small bookshop may depend on the outcome of the case.
113. Meanwhile the pharmaceutical companies exploit the beekeepers, who depend on them to control the mites.
114. The extent to which fiduciary duties are modified will depend on what precisely is disclosed and to what the beneficiary has consented.
115. Its importance is that the other parts depend on its results for their complete explanations.
116. Currently grandparents are raising 3. 4 million children; 6 million families depend on grandparents for primary child care.
117. The decision whether or not to sell a product will depend on which ones make a positive contribution.
118. Gaining obedience from children will partly depend on their developmental level and whether they understand and can carry out what is expected.
119. All green plants depend on light to power the chemical processes by which they synthesise their body substances from simple elements.
120. In general the principles depend on cleanliness and appropriateness of animals to their habitats.
121. The salary will depend on rank and experience, and the position is subject to final budgetary approval.
122. This device will depend on the type of Internet account.
123. The balance between additions and cuts will depend on the financial climate and the political complexion of the council.
124. Moreover, contrary to some earlier decisions by masters, an interim award does not depend on need.
125. Llanthony Priory's future could now depend on the new National Lottery.
126. Many people depend on food stamps to feed their families.
127. The issuing of bonds and bills will also depend on the government's monetary policy.
128. Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance. Rabindranath Tagore 
129. Whether such a warning will discharge the duty of care will depend on the age of the entrant.
130. Filtered blood is widely used to treat recurrent non-haemolytic febrile reactions in patients who depend on regular blood transfusions.
131. He proposes unspecified tariffs on imports from Third-World nations that depend on cheap labor.
132. Development can continue, but alongside conservation, so that those who depend on natural resources can continue to do so.
133. But expenditures depend on deposit holdings as well as on currency holdings. 4.
134. Job security will depend on being prepared for the next team assignment when the call is sent out.
135. Get real, face life squarely. Your success in life will depend on how you face the challenges that you meet. Dr Roopleen 
136. The requirements here will depend on the destructive capabilities of the chosen fish species.
137. In essence(), formal systems and procedures depend on local knowledge.
138. Its future will necessarily depend on both suppliers and purchasers.
139. Funding will depend on the sale of extraneous plots for other developments, not an easy matter in the current climate.
140. Any relationship that has to depend on emotional blackmail can't be a healthy one.
141. The great underlying trend in worker psychology is a sense that the only one you can depend on is yourself.
142. Preparing both training and test input files will not depend on historical data sets, which are usually controlled by some one else.
143. The busiest time and peak hours of the reception office will depend on the type of hotel.
144. Even with the advantages of other income sources, studios depend on a few hits to pay for a large number of duds.
145. Employment, the second, and trickiest, component, must depend on a return to sustained economic growth.
146. Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. Dale Carnegie 
147. They depend on assumptions which have been made and on uncertain future events.
148. Much will depend on the ability of the employer to offer you optimum conditions for job satisfaction.
149. Their qualifications depend on their willingness to provide the prescribed curriculum for children in their classes.
150. The types of rice grown in a country depend on climatic conditions.
151. The feasibility of providing a demonstration team will obviously depend on what items and people are available in the respective areas.
152. Does it depend on what kind of conversation is in progress?
153. Most existing international agreements depend on governments to enforce rules on companies.
154. Any such majority was now thought likely to depend on formal or informal alliances which might emerge from the current intense negotiations.
155. But neither does it depend on some higher authority or a social contract.
156. Not all silvicultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to afforestation.
157. Many of these firms depend on brisk trading to earn commissions.
158. Its average age will essentially depend on the ambient social structure.
159. The discount price will depend on current short-term rates of interest on comparable investments in other assets.
160. They depend on larger companies for a market niche, and often provide low-paid and insecure jobs.
161. They expressed concerns that decreased military spending can become an economic problem in regions that depend on the armed forces for jobs.
162. Fishing is also of major importance, while around 70 percent of the population depend on subsistence agriculture.
163. The exact relationship between these objectives and reducing crime will depend on the specification of the programme and on the individual participant.
164. The real length of time will depend on the size and ripeness of the fruit.
165. In the former the outcome will depend on the level of sales actually achieved.
166. How quickly kids learn to read will often depend on both their ability and their backgrounds.
167. Its profits will depend on the action chosen and the state of the market, which it has classified into four categories.
168. The consequences of starvation depend on the type of dietary deficiency from which it arises.
169. After that, its introduction will depend on the social acceptability of automatic checkouts.
170. Its success will depend on the active participation of many other bodies, large and small.
171. I can depend on my employees to take care of things.
172. Good relations between partners depend on their sharing equally the work and making their findings freely available to each other.
173. Which corner you choose may also depend on where you want to position the cold water cistern.
174. The men can freelance, depend on their height to make seemingly impossible moves.
175. Liability in this case would depend on why the cooker exploded.
176. Reflection and action need to be combined; the course would depend on students bringing an experience of development.
177. We could turn to the law for justice rather than depend on the mercurial whims of some benevolent or dictatorial boss.
178. They depend on volunteers and have a high turnover following any criticism of their activities or decisions.
179. The ability of the state to resolve these crises would depend on the states ability to raise revenue and mobilise public support.
180. This will depend on the facts of the case and the words used.
181. The decision as to what is best will very much depend on timing.
182. Thus social closure is still real, and tickets to the top depend on property, connections or elite education.
183. They depend on people clicking on the advertising banners that now blanket most commercial sites.
184. In 1978 he came to depend on her almost completely.
185. Many parents dread the thought of having to depend on their children.
186. They may prefer to be left alone and hate having to depend on others who are less capable than themselves.
187. He met management and workers at Swan Hunter's and Vickers, two firms who depend on the defence industry for work.
188. In this volatile atmosphere Thaksin's popularity and freedom of action will depend on his ability to achieve quick results.
189. However, effectiveness does depend on managers' ability to use the power they have to encourage others to join in.
190. So much can depend on the kind of expectation on which an arrangement is entered upon.
191. Even sign languages depend on the left brain, just as do oral languages and reading.
191. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
192. These providers depend on coaxial cable as transport roads and will help determine which broadband applications and services the viewing public prefers.
193. Who has such authority will depend on the nature of the particular business and the way in which it is organised.
194. An estimated 20m households depend on income from coffee to pay for food, clothing and education.
195. It all seemed to depend on the maneuvering skills of the taxi driver and the state of the tides.
196. Yet work organizations depend on shared power in win-win cooperative effort.
197. All meanings, we know, depend on the key of interpretation. George Eliot 
198. The joint venture will depend on Verio for Internet infrastructure requirements.
199. A solution may depend on whether Republican governors can fashion a Medicaid compromise with their Democratic counterparts.
200. The success of any major production overhaul could also depend on the extent to which union agreement is forthcoming.
201. The organizations of the future will increasingly depend on the creativity of their members to survive.
202. We all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives.
203. It seems clear, then(), that the costs of transmitting new technology depend on the basic capabilities of the parties involved.
204. The amount you will get will depend on your income and personal circumstances.
205. Presumably there are factors that control the size, and they depend on the population density.
206. Much will depend on whether the government of Mr Hun Sen can continue to command the loyalty of its troops and bureaucrats.
207. I learned to depend on him for practical advice under fire.
208. The future - the very lives - of these children depend on our ability to reach them with vaccines and health education.
209. That penalty could be a hefty price, considering how many communities depend on federal funds.
210. The simulation process is parallel, since one simulation does not depend on the outcome of a previous one.
211. Moreover the West has developed cheap alternatives for most things they used to depend on the Third World for.
212. And he will depend on a trusted national security adviser to cajole and hammer this collection of heavyweights into a coherent team.
213. Exact positions of the 120 pegs will depend on the state of the beach due to the recent coastal erosion.
214. The highest reaches of love and life depend on trust.
215. As results depend on the assumptions, those chosen for these examples are deliberately modest.
216. External storage is also connectable depend on the capacity.
217. Our desired expenditures depend on our national income.
218. CFD is transacted by using security money. Like stock bartering, the profits or losses depend on your selling and purchasing prices. CFD has many advantages over stock bartering.
219. The neurophysiological effect of the messenger, and possible resultant behavioral change in the organism, depend on whether there is a net receipt or donation of energy by the organism.
220. This paper aims at the new trends of university library's development of public document and information service depend on local library cooperation network in recent years in China.
221. Taxes of any kind are unpopular, and to pass a gasoline tax, the Administration would have to compensate low-income Americans who depend on their cars.
221. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
222. These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature.
223. At any rate, whether to use a function or a class in a given situation can depend on what you're trying to achieve, but in this case writing a generic function may be a better solution.
224. Engine power, fuel consumption and exhaust emission all depend on accuracy of the air fuel ratio.
225. Asia has huge potential for stem-cell research and aims to become the world leader in cloning technologies, but this will depend on collaboration, says a leading South Korean biologist.
226. Soldiers will depend on the injury-free, multi-heap that point, no sense of blood, first offense, and measurements of blood to cobble together a re-think.
227. Depend on these, landscape architects should understand the natural and cultural characters of site more deeply, and then take the constructed nature as the main body of landscape design.
228. Categories of target zone system of exchange rate depend on different intervention of the central bank.
229. How does the satellite navigation system depend on understanding general relativity?
230. Platform (weigh Diaoyutai again) in depend on courtyard and build, tower above courtyard 1 meter, it is clansman formerly the arena in festival day playgoing.
231. Human and ecological wellbeing must supersede economic concerns if only because economies depend on ecosystems.
232. To website and electronic business affairs, more important still depend on, whether offer a few appreciation to serve to make the user arises to the website thereby stronger agglutinant .
233. The sheet resistance, TVIL and color of ITO films depend on the film thickness.
234. Against that, however, it is unclear how robust the logistics networks those companies depend on would be in such a scenario: Why would mailmen venture out to work if everyone else was housebound?
235. Of the 150 million people who live across this string of islands, about 100 million depend on the mangroves and seagrass beds for food and building materials.
236. Justice is realized though law, but analysis it depend on due process.
237. The tension of Doctor-patient Relation is worried, but there are many causes, the improvement of Doctor-patient must depend on all people and the social's actions for a long time.
238. Depend on the graphic art language to realize an aim of dissemination.
239. The prevailing scenario will depend on the success of upland agricultural intensification.
240. You can depend on him for help whenever you're in trouble. He's a true blue.
241. Where to open a new account is depend on the place of payment which doesn't concern the place of remittee.
242. Quasi Delay Insensitive (QDI) Circuits are those whose correct operation does not depend on the delays of operators or wires, except for certain wires that form isochronic forks.
243. The Independent and the London Evening Standard depend on the largesse of foreign investors.
244. The dynamic hysteresis depend on reduced frequency pitching rates and pivot positions.
245. Pedagogical model and navigation model, which depend on domain model and student model, are the key for realizing individual teaching process, and have been set as the system's internal mechanism.
246. We need not get caught in the trap of self-justification, for our standing before God does not depend on our accomplishments.




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