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单词 applicable
释义 Word family  noun applicant application adjective applicable applied verb apply  ap·plic·a·ble /əˈplɪkəbəl, ˈæplɪkəbəl/ adjective  EFFECT/INFLUENCEif something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them 适合的,适用的 → applyapplicable to The offer is only applicable to bookings for double rooms. 这个报价只适用于预订双人房。where/if/as applicable Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Please delete as applicable. 女士/小姐/太太/先生 请删去不适用项。 —applicability /əˌplɪkəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusapplicable• Corresponding amounts for preceding years should be restated where applicable.• No single method, however, is ever going to be universally applicable.• Where applicable please do so at once.• He had not learned the applicable procedures yet.• So much then for what may be regarded as general principles, applicable to all.• However many of the considerations which apply to small utility boilers are directly applicable to large industrial boilers.• Though our results need replication, this suggests that our results may be applicable to women attempting to conceive naturally.where/if/as applicable• For claims in respect of other sections of the policy an excess per person should be deducted, if applicable.• The claim can then be extended until the maximum number of payments have been made, if applicable.• The issue of Quality Management is global, and the solutions you developed are just as applicable here.• After Completion - the solicitor registers the title and pays stamp duty where applicable on your behalf.• Then you will receive both the hospitalisation benefit and, if applicable, the lump sum benefit for your injuries.• Egan's four-stage problem management model, so essential in basic training, is also regarded as applicable to management problems.• I regard these observations as applicable to the position of a self-regulating organisation.• Send the coupon, and cheque or postal order if applicable to, .ap·plic·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  is Corpus a to person, applicable if something group, particular




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