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单词 Tiny
1. Push the tiny lever on the lock.
2. The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
3. We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.
4. Their cars are shoehorned into tiny spaces.
5. The baby put his tiny hand in mine.
6. Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture.
7. Each individual flower is tiny.
8. The tiny window was the only source of light.
9. She learned to swim when she was really tiny.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Snip a tiny hole in the paper.
11. Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance.
12. A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.
13. These are good strong toys for tiny tots.
14. We could see shoals of tiny fish darting about.
15. Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true.
16. He lived in a tiny cottage.
17. I felt a bit claustrophobic in the tiny room.
18. The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
19. He lives in a tiny student bedsit.
20. The living room is tiny.
21. In battery farms, chickens are kept in tiny cages.
22. She had a tiny mole on her cheek.
23. The tiny village was overrun by tourists.
24. He felt a tiny tremor of excitement as he glimpsed the city lights.
25. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
26. Why I must be a tiny part of others' life though I am such a nice person?
27. Clouds are formations of tiny drops of water in the sky.
28. His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.
29. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.
30. Please accept my small gift for your birthday.It is a tiny token of thoughts and friendship.A very,very happy birthday!
1. Push the tiny lever on the lock.
2. The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
3. We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.
4. Their cars are shoehorned into tiny spaces.
5. Each individual flower is tiny.
6. The tiny window was the only source of light.
7. She learned to swim when she was really tiny.
8. Snip a tiny hole in the paper.
9. Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. These are good strong toys for tiny tots.
11. We could see shoals of tiny fish darting about.
12. He lived in a tiny cottage.
13. I felt a bit claustrophobic in the tiny room.
14. The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
15. He lives in a tiny student bedsit.
16. The living room is tiny.
17. In battery farms, chickens are kept in tiny cages.
18. She had a tiny mole on her cheek.
19. The tiny village was overrun by tourists.
20. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.
21. He felt a tiny tremor of excitement as he glimpsed the city lights.
22. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
23. Clouds are formations of tiny drops of water in the sky.
24. His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.
25. An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.
26. The earrings were tiny.
27. The bed and the toilet were the only furnishings in the tiny cell.
28. Sailing the Atlantic in such a tiny boat wasn't so much brave as foolhardy.
29. It's ridiculous - we have a tiny disagreement and you blow the whole thing out of proportion!
30. We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle.
31. Each of these eggs hatches out into a tiny grub.
32. If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of good luck, all your dreams can come true.
33. This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you.
34. An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.
35. The earrings were tiny.
36. The bed and the toilet were the only furnishings in the tiny cell.
37. Sailing the Atlantic in such a tiny boat wasn't so much brave as foolhardy.
38. It's ridiculous - we have a tiny disagreement and you blow the whole thing out of proportion!
39. We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle.
40. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.
41. The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
42. Wheat color skin to a healthy sense of vitality, wearing Nike a complete set of pure white pink edge sportswear, the tiny curly brown hair tied in a relaxed and lively braids(/tiny.html), always the confidence of cute expressions.
43. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.
44. Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers.
45. It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
46. The plate hit the floor, and shattered into tiny bits.
47. Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes.
48. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.
49. They had to eke out a living on a tiny income.
50. This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.
51. He felt tiny bits of grit and sand peppering his knees.
52. Fluid flows back into the tiny blood vessels by osmosis.
53. Gaelic is still spoken in Ireland by a tiny minority.
54. The Fortune is a tiny gem of a theatre.
55. Bad teachers are a tiny minority .
56. Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.
57. My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase.
58. She's so tiny she makes me feel elephantine.
59. She looked round her tiny bare room.
60. I feel a tiny bit better today.
31. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.
32. The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
33. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.
34. Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers.
35. It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
36. The plate hit the floor, and shattered into tiny bits.
37. This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.
38. He felt tiny bits of grit and sand peppering his knees.
39. Fluid flows back into the tiny blood vessels by osmosis.
40. Gaelic is still spoken in Ireland by a tiny minority.
41. My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase.
42. It was easy to believe that the tiny hamlet held some great mystery.
43. Only a tiny patch of blue was visible in the cloudy sky.
44. A whole tankful of gasolene dropped away because of the tiny leak.
45. I would certainly disdain to live in such tiny flats.
46. They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny beds.
47. Don't be a cry baby. That tiny scratch can hardly hurt at all.
61. Strong fingers encircled her tiny wrists.
62. That tiny radiator doesn't give off much heat.
63. A tea bag is full of tiny perforations.
64. The tree produces tiny white blossoms.
65. Seen from above the cars looked tiny.
66. We're struggling along on a tiny income.
67. The only ventilation comes from tiny sliding windows.
68. The children seemed tiny beside him.
69. Tiny boats bobbed up and down in the harbour.
70. He was cooped up in a tiny room.
71. She can't wait for the patter of tiny feet.
72. She was taking tiny jumps in her excitement.
73. A tiny mark flawed the otherwise perfect silk shirt.
74. Rain ran in tiny rivulets down the window.
75. He uses a magnifying glass to read tiny print.
76. Somehow they contrived to live on her tiny income.
77. Look at his little tiny fingers. Aren't they sweet?
78. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.
79. Linda's hair sparkled with tiny ice crystals .
80. He wanted to curl into a tiny ball.
81. He feels boxed in, living in that tiny flat.
82. This tiny restaurant is shoehorned between two major banks.
83. Don't worry about tiny fluctuations in your weight.
84. She spoke in a tiny cutesy voice.
85. The motorcycle was driven by a tiny bald man.
86. All six of us packed into the tiny car.
87. The only bathroom was a tiny oblong.
88. Her dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.
89. The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.
90. I was held prisoner in a tiny attic room.
91. The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.
92. Rather gingerly, George picked up the tiny bundle.
93. She always felt a tiny bit sad.
94. Father folded the tiny child in his arms.
95. Only a tiny minority of holidays are affected.
96. Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely legible.
97. Tiny white flowers patterned the ground like confetti.
98. He looked highly comical wearing that tiny hat.
99. A tiny spark of rebellion flared within her.
99. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
100. He walked past her into a tiny, shabby room.
101. We all bundled into the tiny car.
102. She tore the letter into tiny pieces.
103. It's such a tiny mark, it hardly shows.
104. Sue ripped his photo up into tiny bits.
105. Pauline wore a tiny gold cross.
106. The artist has used tiny brush strokes.
107. There was just a tiny blot on his happiness.
108. I live in a tiny cottage.
109. Her tiny hands gently touched my face.
110. 'Coward!' a tiny inner voice insisted.
111. The cottage is tiny(), but it's charming.
112. You will feel a tiny prick in your arm.
113. I could just make out the tiny points of a car's headlights far away.
114. The tiny fox cubs drink nothing but their mother's milk .
115. A group of tiny brick houses is tucked away behind the factory.
116. It's a tiny country that most people have never heard of.
117. Her suitcase was precariously balanced on the tiny luggage rack above her head.
118. In clearer water, one encounters shoals of tiny fish, which dart hither and thither like flights of arrows.
119. There's no need to make a song and dance about a tiny scratch on the car.
120. Are you telling me we're going to be hearing the patter of tiny feet?
121. As we walked along the seashore we saw several different sorts of seaweed and lots of tiny crabs.
122. The tiny boat was ill-equipped for the buffeting it got from the wind and the rain.
123. A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
124. The egg cracked open and out popped a tiny head.
125. It's such a tiny kitchen that I don't have to do much to keep it clean.
126. I first knew him as an impecunious student living in a tiny bedsit.
127. The tiny error didn't escape the eagle eye of her boss.
128. His work received only a tiny mention in the journal; he deserves better.
129. We can't wait to hear the patter of tiny feet.
129. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
130. The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.
131. Every inch of space in the tiny shop was crammed with goods.
132. She's not particularly interested in having children, but her husband longs for the patter of tiny feet.
133. You're lending them money? You must be out of your tiny mind!
134. Her tiny attic room had poor ventilation and in summer it became unbearably stuffy.
135. It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference(), a tiny brain.
136. Elaine looked up at the black, velvety sky studded with tiny, twinkling stars.
137. It was easy to believe that the tiny hamlet held some great mystery.
138. As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her tiny fingers stroked my skin.
139. She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York's East Village.
140. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns are placed into the water when the festival is over.
141. We found a tiny hotel in a heavenly spot with a beautiful bay.
142. They are privileging a tiny number to the disadvantage of the rest.
143. He cradled the baby in his arms, his hands cupping her tiny skull.
144. Tired of being a tiny cog in a vast machine, he handed in his resignation.
145. She enjoyed living alone, but felt a tiny pang of regret for her mother's cooking.
146. She lives in a tiny cottage with a pocket-handkerchief garden.
147. One tiny mistake when you're climbing could mean the difference between life and death.
148. He lives in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere.
149. You can't crush twenty people into such a tiny room.
150. Reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.
151. Because of the housing shortage, many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment.
152. Although sexual and violent crimes have increased by 10%, they remain only a tiny/small fraction of the total number of crimes committed each year.
153. From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter.
154. It's such a tiny office - don't you ever feel cooped up here?
155. We might look for a tiny wobble in the position of a star.
156. The tiny toilet compartment gives you hardly any elbow room.
157. A tiny movement of her arm had telegraphed her intention to hit out.
158. Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed, most people who have bad moods also have very good moods.
159. Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.
159. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
160. 'Here we are now,' Beth said, as the train clanked into a tiny station.
161. He's tiny, he doesn't even come up to my chest!
162. They were kept prisoner for eight months in a tiny flat.
163. Even as a tiny baby, she had a thick head of hair.
164. There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road.
165. Only a tiny patch of blue was visible in the cloudy sky.
166. She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin.
167. A few weeks in a tiny damp room soon shattered his illusions about university life.
168. The shirt had a tiny monogram embroidered on the pocket.
169. The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers.
170. A whole tankful of gasolene dropped away because of the tiny leak.
171. This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence.
172. A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen.
173. We were worried that one tiny jolt could worsen her injuries.
174. The tiny cottage with its leaded windows and thatched roof was as pretty as a picture.
175. They observed how the tiny wings were fitted to the body.
176. She's tiny but she can really pack away the biscuits.
177. Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.
178. The two tiny fishing boats drifted apart in the storm.
179. I would certainly disdain to live in such tiny flats.
180. The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels.
181. They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny beds.
182. There were tiny lines radiating from the corners of her eyes.
183. Nature gave these tiny creatures the ability to reproduce quickly when food is abundant.
184. Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.
185. He handed round a plate of tiny sandwiches, daintily arranged in rings.
186. Ella looked at the tiny face poking out of the blanket.
187. I've never seen a man with such tiny hands - they're minute!
188. They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny bedroom.
189. Her busy hands had transformed the tiny room into a work of art.
189. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. The path down to the beach was a precarious one, tiny steps hewn out of the sheer rock face.
191. Oil was trickling from a tiny hole in the tank.
192. Are we going to hear the patter of tiny feet?
193. The old man cradled the tiny baby in his arms.
194. An individual is only a tiny grain in the vast sea;it is the masses of people that are the boundless ocean.
195. If we mark him up a tiny bit, he'll just get through.
196. The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew.
197. Dot the suncream on your face in tiny quantities and rub it in well.
198. Don't be a cry baby. That tiny scratch can hardly hurt at all.
199. As we walked along the seashore we saw lots of tiny crabs.
200. Frances took the tiny music box from her trunk and wound it up.
201. For fifteen francs a month she found a tiny six-floor room.
202. Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.
203. While he was studying, Nick had to slum it in a tiny room.
204. Prison inmates are kept in tiny cells, with the bare minimum of furniture.
205. The goldfish swam round and round in their tiny bowls.
206. Finally he remembered the tiny detail that had eluded him the night before.
207. She married young , and was divorced when her children were tiny.
208. The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin.
209. Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.
210. At the twiddle of a knob the operators can focus on a tiny amount of airspace or scan the whole area.
211. Most residents live in tiny apartments and pay over the odds for them too.
212. I lost my way in the network of tiny alleys.
213. A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart.
214. The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample.
215. The job turned out to be harder than we thought.:The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.
216. Only a very delicate thermometer can measure such tiny changes in temperature.
217. Some stars look as tiny as pinheads, but they are even bigger than the sun in fact.
218. Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.
219. This tiny capsule contains two types of effective painkilling ingredients.
220. The house had a tiny kitchen with an uninspiring view.
221. His new luxury mansion was a world away from the tiny house where he was born.
222. Doctors believe only a tiny number of people are at risk.
223. The margin of error for a racing driver is tiny.
224. Emily scraped away the dead leaves to reveal the tiny shoot of a new plant.
225. Profits have picked up this year but the return on capital remains tiny.
226. The wind came in tiny puffs that hardly stirred the surface of the water.
227. We were all living on top of each other in that tiny apartment.
228. During surgery, doctors sometimes use a laser beam to vaporize tiny blood vessels.
229. He cut his paper up into tiny squares, and he numbered each one.
230. Tiny wisps of ash floated up.
231. Fannie and Laura share a tiny loft apartment.
232. A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow. Richard Bach 
233. Riot police stood guard even in tiny back alleys.
234. This is a tiny little one-bedroom apartment, Bernie.
235. As you can see from Table 16.2, they account for a tiny fraction of total assets.
236. He dresses conservatively-black shoes and all-the only hint at aristocracy being a tiny monogram on the shirt pocket.
237. After all, the Literary Digest Poll for the 1932 election came within a tiny margin of the actual result.
238. At a place called Morro Chico there was a tiny inn where we sat around the stove ourselves.
239. We have tiny apartments and kids and computers that eat up our spare time and money, for goodness' sakes.
240. A tiny, wood and straw stilt hut, it stands close to the ground to allow easy access for amputees.
241. When her calluses turned raw, she requested another work station and was assigned to inspecting tiny numbers on color-coated wires.
242. The child was sound asleep now, his tiny eyelashes resting on rounded cheeks.
243. Tiny producers, for example, have little incentive to invest large sums in artificial insemination in order to breed better cattle.
244. Vitamins and minerals are only needed in tiny amounts for good health.
245. Sioux medicine men collected tiny, glistening pebbles from anthills and used them in medicine rattles.
246. Tiny, energetic, imaginative, she drove advertising sales to ever-new heights and kept the business departments running smoothly.
247. She was still trembling, tiny aftershocks of excitement tingling inside her.
248. He had taken long strides and I had trotted after him with my tiny steps.
249. A shower of debris including tiny amounts of blood from torn retinal vessels causes floaters.
249. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
250. They represent only a tiny proportion of the people who get housing assistance from Washington.
251. Well, it's true that I have been hurt in my life. Quite a bit. But it's also true that I have loved, and been loved. And that carries a weight of its own. A greater weight, in my opinion. It's like that pie chart we talked about earlier. In the end, I'll look back on my life, and see that the greatest piece of it was love. The problems, the divorces, the sadness... those will be there too, but just smaller slivers, tiny pieces. Sarah Dessen 
252. An hour and there was a speck of yellow on the horizon as tiny as an aphid.
253. At last he reached a field of apple trees whose flowers were just becoming tiny knots of fruit.
254. Because those organs are moving, the frequency of the reflected radiation is Doppler shifted by a tiny amount.
255. It is not at all clear that such absurdly tiny scales have any physical meaning whatever.
256. Hales lived in a tiny, airless room with one small window that wouldn't open.
257. You will find a tiny amount will go a long way.
258. Maidstone rented a tiny apartment at the top of a very dilapidated building in the Vomero.
259. He put tiny brine shrimp and brine algae in an everlasting cosmos.
260. In cases of asphyxia the blood pressure rises to such an extent that the tiny blood vessels in the teeth burst.
261. She plays Beth, a transplanted Los Angeles teen trying to adjust to her new life in a tiny Washington state hamlet.
262. Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he or she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. Robert F. Kennedy 
263. Tiny though she was compared with her assailant, she fought like a wildcat.
264. They caught the sparks that showered from my own tiny anvil and I failed to think it odd.
265. Our tiny apartment, it is true, is barely suited for two people, and certainly not for four.
266. Most employees labor in tiny cubicles within a culture that craves anonymity and silence.
267. A tiny amount laced in a letter can be lethal.
268. In this form of diabetes, the pancreas stops making insulin or makes only a tiny amount.
269. I flew with her into the bush, to land on a tiny crushed-pumice airstrip laid along a mountain ridge.
270. He is sitting in the living room in our tiny apartment in Nigawa.
271. If you dislike the aroma, you have only wasted a tiny amount of essential oil.
272. The nave has gone and the tiny church in the former choir was adapted by Carlo Lurago in 1640-50.
273. Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking. Dave Barry 
274. The doctor attached a tiny monitor to the baby's head.
275. It seemed almost impossible to many people that such tiny things as micro-organisms could have been fossilised at all.
276. It also acted as the catalyst to form fossil fuels from tiny animals millions of years ago.
277. I fought my way through the crowd and there's these kids playing electric guitars through this tiny amp.
278. He takes the bottle from Julio, holds it close to his eyes and examines the tiny amount of rum remaining.
279. Garlic, for example, must only be used in tiny amounts or it will blister the skin.
280. The Metropolitan Police will not hesitate to take firm action to free communities from this tiny minority.
281. She was a homeless wanderer until tiny Delos alone of all places on earth consented to receive her.
282. Years later I found it, a tiny pub tucked into a cobbled alley beside a large inn.
283. The box has 10 tiny apertures through which viewers can see 3-D images.
284. An acorn is tiny compared to its parent, but a kiwi lays an egg a quarter her own weight.
285. No more than thirty to forty feet away, at the head of the narrow aisle, was the tiny altar.
286. She got up and crossed to a little antique rosewood desk with pigeonholes and tiny drawers along the top.
287. After the stale fug in the tiny cabin, she gulped down the clean sea air, the car window wide open.
288. All her images of a tiny waif locked in the attic seemed suddenly foolish and fantastic.
289. Mr Roche was a tiny man who lived in a bungalow behind the apartment building.
290. New energy and resolve erupted from the simple act of moving their tiny toys out of doors!
291. Perched on the bench was the tiny instrument known as a diamond anvil.
292. Some have hearing which is so acute that they can detect insects as tiny as a midge up to 60 feet away.
293. However, in the tiny political pond of Shetland, important issues can be affected by seemingly trivial considerations.
294. She appealed for the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
295. When lava solidifies, its tiny ferrous particles align themselves, like magnetic needles, with the earth's magnetic field.
296. And thanks to two recent advances, researchers had hopes of probing these tiny anomalies.




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更新时间:2024/9/30 17:22:50