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1. The government should do more to promote sustainable agriculture.
2. We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.
3. An industrial estate will help to promote the business of that city.
4. a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.
5. If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain.
6. The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community.
7. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. We need to do more to promote good race relations.
9. The government's policies will promote the welfare of all citizens.
10. He was in town to promote his new books.
11. Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?
12. The aim is to promote closer economic integration.
13. She's in London to promote her new book.
14. He did this to promote American exports.
15. Promote physical culture and build up the people's health.
16. We must promote commerce with neighbouring countries.
17. The government must promote racial equality.
18. The government seeks to promote non-proliferation and disarmament.
19. The organization works to promote the trade between nations.
20. The Church tries to promote racial harmony.
21. We should promote environmentally aware and responsible science.
22. The organizationworks to promote friendship between nations.
23. We must promote originality and encourage innovation.
24. The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.
25. They wish to promote a real and effectual understanding between the two countries.
26. The aim of the culture festival is to promote friendship between the two countries.
27. Some types of antibiotic are used to promote growth in farm animals.
28. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.
29. Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the spring.
30. Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album.
1. The government should do more to promote sustainable agriculture.
2. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.
3. We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.
4. An industrial estate will help to promote the business of that city.
5. a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.
6. The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community.
7. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. We need to do more to promote good race relations.
9. The government's policies will promote the welfare of all citizens.
10. He was in town to promote his new books.
11. The organization works to promote the trade between nations.
12. A good example serves to promote good manners in the young.
13. Good habits promote longevity.
31. It became difficult to promote excellence without being accused of elitism.
32. She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser".
33. He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.
34. The band are here to promote their latest chart hit.
35. Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
36. He is trying to promote a less stuffy image of the Conservatives.
37. Basketball stars from the United States have helped promote the sport in Italy and Spain.
37. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
38. We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.
39. The Institute is intended to promote an understanding of the politics and culture of the Arab world.
40. The group want to promote their ideas in schools throughout the land.
41. The band are currently touring to promote their new album.
42. It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
43. They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
44. Bonus payments to staff serve to promote commitment to the company.
45. The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all.
46. The company must do more to promote their wares overseas.
47. He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.
48. The government has set up a special economic zone to promote private enterprise.
49. The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe.
50. Politicians are eager to promote their "happy family" image to curry favour with voters.
51. If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you.
52. Whilst claiming to promote positive images of women, advertisers are in fact doing the very opposite.
53. The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist's career.
54. A good example serves to promote good manners in the young.
55. Good habits promote longevity.
56. Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product?
57. Ryan is making the rounds of talk shows to promote her new movie.
58. The Chancellor emphasised his determination to promote openness and transparency in the Government's economic decision-making.
59. The aim of the conference is to promote international friendship.
60. The city is trying to shrug off its industrial image and promote itself as a tourist centre.
61. An uphill battle trying to promote the latest trucks.
62. I think Catholic schools should promote Church teaching.
63. Most entrepreneurial governments promote competition between service providers.
64. They use it to promote conservative views.
65. Henry Cooper used brute strength to promote after-shave.
66. In order to promote general awareness of Sport 2000 we have also prepared a promotional leaflet, a copy of which is enclosed.
67. The Energy Efficiency Office in my Department continues to promote the wider use of the technology under its best practice programme.
67. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
68. Gender-specific issues will also be addressed, along with workshops to develop problem-solving skills and to promote equality for women.
69. Our scheme aims to promote your strengths and help you to become confident in the use of Mathematics in everyday life.
70. An added benefit is that rabbits are commonly raised without the use of hormones or steroids to promote growth.
71. In June 1788 Clarkson proposed that the London committee promote widespread agitation through forming local committees.
72. Legislators are the elected officials who pass laws or amend existing ones in order to remedy problems or to promote certain activities.
73. A textile mill developed natural fibres for special bedding to promote Kim's longevity.
74. Even those who want nothing are still using their deep pockets to promote the party of their choice.
75. Rich countries increasingly use foreign aid as a lever to promote political pluralism and individual freedoms.
76. The analogy of the sales pitch is revealing(), for advertisers do not promote their product merely by providing information about it.
77. Automakers say that in their zeal to promote airbags, regulators turned a blind eye to evidence of hazards.
78. He also promised to promote her son, then studying at Cambridge, to appropriate benefices and to make other benefactions.
79. It is often claimed that high blood cholesterol levels promote atherosclerosis and consequent coronary heart disease.
80. The annual award is to promote and encourage imaginative projects and management of wild game conservation and its habitat.
81. The critics argued that for the same money they could promote a lot more lecturers to the middle rank of Reader.
82. Attempts by the Northern Ireland secretary, Humphrey Atkins, to promote a representative assembly, proved a complete failure.
83. Such cases do, however, point to the need for international collaboration to promote competition in global markets.
84. Officials said there was widespread agreement on the need to promote growth by cutting government spending.
85. It may also be possible to promote rest by teaching some specific relaxation technique, e.g. deep breathing, yoga.
86. Manufacturers, through brokers, pay incentives, either cash or products, to stock particular foods or to promote them.
87. In this sense, from the very beginning, photographs were employed to induce desire and promote commodity culture.
88. Business decided to promote him - from the back pages to the front, to join our other regular commentators.
89. Our main aim is to help promote a competitive and efficient labour market.
90. This category was clearly intended to introduce and promote study opportunities in liberal adult education.
91. The company was also legally bound to promote competition in the industry and ensure electricity supplies met standards of supply and quality.
92. I use acupuncture to promote muscle relaxation and reduce inflammation in the back's muscles.
93. The sheer abundance of lawyers tends to promote excessive litigation.
94. Immediately Miss Doris decided to promote her to dance arranger.
95. Participatory democracy does need to be strengthened to promote active citizenship at local and national levels.
96. Membership Promotion During the Winter/Spring 1991/2 an advertising campaign was run to promote membership, generating over 1,000 enquiries.
97. Steering organizations that shop around can even promote experimentation and learn from success.
97. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98. Sportsbridge, a new nonprofit organization designed to promote athleticism for women, had brought the pair together.
99. Equally, the state has helped to maintain the structure of capital markets which promote closer relations between financial and industrial capital.
100. His campaigns to promote photography were typical of the man's belief in photography as an art form.
101. Its aims are to promote awareness of X and provide a forum for the discussion of technical issues.
102. As a result of the increasing acidity, certain acidophilic soil bacteria are then released, which promote further acidification.
103. Objective: to promote international trade, particularly that of developing countries, with a view to accelerating economic development.
104. Indeed, it goes beyond that, so far as is necessary to promote a written constitution based on federal principles.
105. This obviously is not an especially efficient way to promote capital formation.
106. This programme aims to promote economic and social advancement and to encourage reconciliation between the two traditions.
107. The Flax Trust was established in 1977 and works as a registered charity to promote inter-community reconciliation through economic and social development.
108. What this prohibition therefore fails to address or account for(), is the obligation to promote the good of other animals.
109. They came to do what actors in big summer movies do in the springtime: promote.
110. The talks were due to include discussions of measures to reduce tension between the two states and to promote bilateral exchanges.
111. Meanwhile, the Czechoslovak government has allocated a budget to promote its position on the dam abroad.
112. There are three ways in which competition policy might be used to promote the interests of domestic producers.
113. Still, Congress has been slow to take up arms against foolish laws that promote pollution.
114. Woods supported Motown with ample airplay and was rewarded with the exclusive rights to promote the Revue when it reached Philadelphia.
115. Visa and MasterCard charge cards that promote the schools and offer them a share of every purchase made with the cards.
116. Even during the Reformation it was biblical scenes likely to promote superstition and idolatry that came down.
117. Some companies hire college graduates as blue-collar worker supervisors and then promote them.
118. Leslie sums up some of her concerns about the Madison campus: I wish there was some way to promote awareness.
119. Mr Trimble is visiting all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland this week to promote a return to devolution.
120. In countries where banking is small-scale and fragmented there are initiatives to promote larger banking groups.
121. Only with assurances that the navy approved, he told Stark, would his group promote the destroyer deal.
122. Yet throughout this period the Bund contained two tendencies which clashed on major issues but had the means to promote their perspectives.
123. It might help if the impersonal organization were aligned to promote change.
124. The organization advises Fortune 500 companies on ways to retain and promote women.
125. Meditative techniques were designed to eliminate this struggle, to overcome the duality and to promote a more balanced mental condition.
126. All available communication channels should be used to promote these techniques.
127. To tease out their effects, I will begin by briefly outlining the procedural and organisational framework intended to promote interagency co-operation.
127. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
128. When you start a new church, if you begin informatively you promote healthy natural growth among these people.
129. The Government have a comprehensive programme of action to promote equality of opportunity.
130. Hillary Clinton visited Boca Raton Thursday to promote her book at a local bookstore.
131. The company is launching a hard-hitting advertising campaign to promote its PowerBook line of portable computers, Graziano said.
132. Warner Bros. had also chosen to promote the concerts with top rock promoter Ron Delsner to lend the show added cachet.
133. The international aims of the symposia are the following: To promote inter-institutional collaborative research.
134. But some leading shampoos and conditioners contain small amounts of bleaching agents to promote blonde colouring.
135. Demonstration projects promote awareness of new technology to consumers, with a view towards creating a demand for the product.
136. Strategies to promote the nation's health should acknowledge the importance of material and social deprivation more explicitly.
137. The competitive market is advocated because it is held to promote efficiency in resource allocation and the liberty of the individual citizen.
138. There are nevertheless still some school, borough and county choirs which flourish and some music centres which also promote choral singing.
139. This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region.
140. This will promote growth in the buds below your pinch.
141. This rise in body temperature seems to promote a feeling of alertness in the morning.
142. We have neither the resources nor the finance to launch a campaign to promote any particular aspect.
143. Penguin has produced a beer mat to help promote it.
144. Promote effective two-way communication between employees at all levels to understand better the problems and concerns that affect productivity; 7.
145. Rather than helping their children become more in-dependent, parents become overly involved and promote further dependence.
146. Individual and group exercise programmes promote mobility and confidence, helping to diffuse anxiety and aggression.
147. Nor is a duty to promote a sense of national identity and social cohesion universally acknowledged.
148. The use of a campaign book to promote a candidacy is not rare.
149. A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.
150. For the middle classes Britain meant business and they wanted constitutional change to prevent revolution not promote it.
151. These duties seek to regulate the conduct of partners and promote good faith between them.
152. We should choose to promote environmentally aware and responsible science - as well as to prioritise investment in environmental science itself.
153. The first is to promote liberal arts higher education, both at general degree and sub-degree levels.
154. There is no pill of which we are aware that can be relied upon to promote adjustment of the internal clock.
155. Spencer and Gillen photographed and detailed aborigines dressed as animals, emitting animal cries to promote fertility.
156. Bennett and others promote cultural renewal through public sermonizing and support for local initiatives like church programs to teach parental responsibility.
157. And who better to promote such knock-down prices than boxing champion, Chris Eubank.
158. The nurse may help promote sleep by reducing anxieties if possible and generally providing comfort - rearranging pillows or adjusting the backrest.
159. Encourage engineers to speak at public meetings, discussions, seminars and conferences to promote public awareness of risk issues.
160. Our approach is to promote awareness of the duties the Regulations impose.
161. Do you believe in your unique difference enough to promote yourself into a major brand personality?
162. The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
163. It is another opportunity to promote sales and to entertain customers, and bonhomie is the order of the day.
164. Standing To raise awareness, understanding and esteem of the profession and to promote a positive image.
165. On board training is given to enable us to promote staff who show ability and aptitude.
166. The Arts Centre was planning to promote local-based talent and bridge the gap between pub gigs and the 3,000 capacity Hummingbird venue.
167. This product includes Retinyl Palmitate to promote continual rejuvenation.
168. There's a way to actually grind down and prepare the flour, so that you promote the enzymes within the plant to breakdown the cyanide precursors.
169. Additional, those who come to promote is not little also, dozen fold, rake-off, price war is made between intermediary organization, strife openly and secretly, lively and special.
170. This paper mainly expounds how to improve scientific management in colleges and universities so as to promote the cross joint.
171. An IBMer who should remain nameless, but who worked at the AIX division, once admitted to this scribbler - back then just a computer geek - "I will never promote OS/2.
172. Commentators questioned why the poorest region in Spain was paying for a campaign to promote onanism.
173. Dr. Benjamin Rush, also known as the father of American psychiatry, was among the first to promote the notion that alcoholism was a disease.
174. Carry out system innovations to promote development of project management system toward standardization, scientization and internationalization.
175. The government released a system of economic stimulus plan to promote the economic resurgence.
176. At all times to promote a positive image of the hotel in all forms of contact.
177. Conclusion Inhalation of CSOF could promote the lipid peroxidation and result in the inflammation, adenic metaplasia and squamous metaplasia in lung tissue.
178. For the individual, it has a debasing impact on people's originality; for the society, it may promote a tendency toward mechanism ossification.
179. Along with the urban rapid development, the engineering seismic survey's importance also can unceasingly promote.
180. Study suggested that the paying model of global budget and capitation will be helpful to promote health system reform.
181. Recent advances in hydroformylation of olefin catalyzed by metal-N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes especially Rh-NHC complex were reviewed on with an intention to promote relevant research.
182. We must actively develop industry and agriculture and promote the circulation of commodities.
183. Hyperglycemia can affect liquid balance and decrease immune function, and promote inflammation.
184. Environment can promote the development of trade, while the development of trade can be restricted by environment protection policy.
185. Gong Ning Oral Liquid could also enhance NK cell activity, increase the delayed type hypersensitivity reaction under immunosuppressive state and promote production of inhibition of serum hemolysin.
186. At the field level, FAO helps identify, test and promote innovative forest management approaches and techniques, e.g. through support for model and demonstration forests.
187. Developing civilian-run enterprise helps to promote the reform and reorganization of state-owned economy and shift from binary economic structure to monistic structure.
188. After the 9.11 event, America custom came on the Container Security Initiative (CSI) for mainland security and to promote the security of the global floating cargo of world trade in the January 2002.
189. Finally, industrial clusters development policies and advice are pointedly proposed to promote the midland region progress.
190. In a word, The development of Charitable Trusts can promote the development of China's public welfare and make the sociality to be more justice and harmony.
191. To promote the development of a wide place in the road better, we should develop actively in small town, the key supports a batch of a wide place in the road.
191. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
192. In order to promote the development of Chinese cartoons, we here introduce into authors fromthe world.
193. As a dialogue partner of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), China has set up the China-PIF Cooperation Fund to help finance the Pacific Plan designed to promote regional cooperation.
194. Promote balanced development to ensure sound and rapid economic growth.
195. Conclusion The external application with rhubarb mirabilite can prevent the margin fat liquefaction, promote the margin healing, and reduce the margin induration retrogression time.
196. Tax incentives to promote the use of environment friendly cars.
197. Adjust and control accident , promote government good image four respect start with , make the elementary discussion and study to new period government image practice of management.
198. This indicated that Lantana camara had strong allelopathic effects, and would be beneficial to enhance its capacity of interspecific competition and to promote invasion.
199. However , shaking cultivation could promote the anaerobic phosphorus removal because of its helping phosphine release.
200. Conclusion:Weichangshu can stimulate the peristaltic activity of intestine and promote recovery of enteroparalysis.
201. The proceeding of contract management electronization should promote to realize the change of means of contract management.
202. We will promote the centralized purchase and unified distribution of basic drugs.
203. Chile's top constitutional court blocked a government bid to promote the free distribution of the morning-after pill to minors aged 14 and over, dealing a new setback to President Michelle Bachelet.
204. Methods:72 teeth with exposed pulps in crown treated by pulpotomy to conserve the vital pulps and promote the growth of roots of teeth.
205. In the meantime, chemical promoter 4PU-30, Yield precise, humic acid and IAA can promote single spike weight and growth of regeneration bud, which resulted in high spike numbers and high yield.
206. Institutional mechanisms to promote agricultural business innovation, and speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural operation.
207. Thirdly, facing the request of leapfrogging reform in university personnel system, the government should bear the responsibility to promote the university reform powerfully and exteriorly.




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