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单词 forte
释义  Related topics: Musicfor·te1 /ˈfɔːteɪ $ fɔːrt/ noun  1  be somebody’s forte GOOD ATto be something that you do well or are skilled at 是某人的专长 He found that running long distances was not his forte. 他发现长跑并不是他的强项。 As a writer, her forte is comedy. 作为作家,她的专长是写喜剧。2. [countable]APM a note or line of music played or sung loudly 强音;用强音演奏[唱出]的一段乐曲Examples from the Corpusforte• Massages are a forte of the Waves staff.• Fine lines and shading are not our cultural forte.• Her forte is recreating historical scenes, characters and lives.• Boxing and rugby are his forte.• His forte had been the media sound bite.• I had never been good with pistols, rifles being my forte.• But goat glands were by no means his only forte.Related topics: Musicfor·te2 /ˈfɔːteɪ $ ˈfɔːr-/ adjective, adverb technical  APMplayed or sung loudly 用强音的[地];响亮的[地] OPP pianoOrigin forte1 (1600-1700) French fort (influenced by → FORTE1); → FORTfor·te1 nounfor·te2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  something do well Corpus that to be or you




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