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单词 Affluent
(1) Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people.
(2) This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.
(3) He is an affluent man.
(4) It's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous.
(5) The diet of the affluent has not changed much over the decades.
(6) Home grills for the newly affluent.
(7) Some weeks, of course, were more affluent than others.
(8) He was then the most affluent.
(9) His parents were very affluent.
(10) Both power and wealth aggregate within the affluent class.
(11) It is vital for the affluent countries to do much more through the United Nations to get support and assistance insitu.
(12) Of 300,000 children of the less affluent social classes, only 3,500 get in to a top 13 university.
(13) The affluent viewers who watch financial news are highly prized by advertisers.
(14) But it will give affluent viewers a foretaste of life with cable television.
(15) But in an affluent society the problem of poverty is fundamentally different from what it is in an underdeveloped economy.
(16) Both came from affluent backgrounds and were educated at Ivy League schools.
(17) Affluent people tend to look upon illiteracy with comfortable detachment.
(18) Of course it seems hard in our affluent times that the poor miner should have to suffer all of these deductions.
(19) Often we produce just the opposite(), because the affluent become the most intense users of the service.
(20) The student government is comprised of affluent, upper-middle-class kids who listen to the blacks and feel guilty.
(21) They were affluent, but they put absolutely no premium on education.
(22) The Strand is one of London's busiest and most affluent streets.
(23) They tend to be more mature, more responsible, and to come from more affluent homes.
(24) This applies especially to the life of the more affluent, most of whom are concentrated in the advanced societies.
(25) They say that the pack reached only the more affluent areas where house prices averaged £150,000.
(26) Here, as also in pages to come, we see the most singular feature of the affluent society taking form.
(27) After graduation from high school, he went to work for his uncle, an affluent rice wholesaler.
(28) Hijras venture out into the streets to demand money from whoever seems affluent enough.
(29) Surprisingly the greatest use had been among children in reasonably affluent neighbourhoods.
(30) Spatial mobility tends to be highest amongst the most affluent groups on the one hand and the most poor on the other.
(1) Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people.
(2) This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.
(3) He is an affluent man.
(31) A few decades ago, the average cruise ship passenger was elderly, affluent, and retired. Not anymore.
(32) At the same time, we all know children from affluent families who are starved for moral and ethical guidance.
(33) A wealthy partner risks money on the prudence of less affluent partners.
(34) I had been guilty of this when my children were small in the early 1960s and living the affluent life.
(35) We have retained a healthy share of middleand upper-class readers, an affluent audience attractive to advertisers.
(36) In Rennes a company of children was recruited from the more affluent middle class.
(37) Black children from middle-class or affluent families, they say, are more apt to adopt what is commonly called black slang.
(38) As a society becomes increasingly affluent, wants are increasingly created by the process by which they are satisfied.
(39) It would be impossible for the affluent to live in peace if conflict after conflict exploded in the third world.
(40) America is a poor financial controller - the prosperous and affluent nation is now the world's leading debtor. Dr T.P.Chia 
(41) Even the most affluent - who can afford private health care and private education - can not buy a clean environment.
(42) The diet companies are targeting new markets outside their traditional client base of fairly affluent, young to middle-aged white women.
(43) The arts tourist is more highly educated, more affluent, and stays longer than the average tourist.
(44) But they are not as affluent as popular stereotypes suggest.
(45) It goes either to local elites or for export to more affluent societies.
(46) It would provide a large affluent open market to which exporting was easy.
(47) The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have. Erich Fromm 
(48) At the time, Dorset was beginning the transition from picturesque dairy country to affluent summer artist colony.
(49) One option might be variations on the kinds of private military schools that more affluent parents who can afford it already utilize.
(50) In general, teenagers from more affluent families are more likely than those from poorer families to terminate their pregnancies.
(51) Now, in the affluent West, that world has possibly gone forever.
(52) It provides perhaps little incentive for most youngsters in today's affluent society.
(53) However, the greatest problem is that those opting out would tend to be the relatively young, affluent, low-risk groups.
(54) But the more affluent wanted to show their clout, so the gold card appeared with its larger credit line.
(55) Their housing situation is not atypical, even for this affluent suburb.
(56) Lisa Tessler is from an affluent suburb of New York.
(57) Presumably, it is because businesses are perceived as active and affluent while families are perceived as passive and poor.
(57) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(58) Leland added: Since none the less the gentry of the vicinity were anything but affluent, the profits may have been largely illusory.
(59) The only computers in many villages are those owned by the teenage boys of the affluent to play their wham-bam games.
(60) Pupils among the less affluent social classes account for half of the population but only 13 % of entry to top universities.
(61) It is a gut reaction to the sense of having been taken over by affluent and alien strangers.
(62) Even affluent blacks are choosing to live together rather than move into predominantly white suburbs.
(63) However, comprehensives in relatively affluent rural and suburban areas will become richer.
(64) The students on his floor came from backgrounds more affluent and permissive than his own.
(65) Washington the landmark is mostly white, affluent, politically connected and frightened by the violence of the home town.
(66) It is more difficult to understand the senseless vandalism that goes on in comparatively affluent areas.
(67) Quite affluent, the newcomers entertained, although Mr Thompson managed to get away at nights, robbing houses across London.
(68) If you happen to be among the more affluent yourself, ask yourself if you have any relatives in the military.
(69) Average working people subsidize the affluent to play golf and tennis or moor their boats.
(70) While kids in the affluent sixties could afford to drop out, things were very different ten years later.
(71) It is appropriate to contrast the modesty of his home with those of more affluent politicians.
(72) You depict rare occurrences - like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country - as a major problem.
(73) Some government policies seem designed to achieve greater income equality by redistributing income from more affluent to poorer groups.
(74) All you need is enthusiastic, if affluent, friends to split the £3,150 cost for the day.
(75) Only the affluent could afford to take vacations or to travel abroad because holidays with pay were not mandatory in the 1920s.
(76) As a result, Jesuit parishes are frequently magnets for well-educated and affluent Catholics who might otherwise worship in diocesan churches.
(77) While some of these funds were earmarked for South Phoenix, others were allocated to more affluent areas of the city.
(78) But that functioning is marginal to the lives of most people in affluent societies.
(79) Consumer goods are a symbol of prestige in an affluent society.
(80) Other companies are turning to television, which offers access to a much broader but less affluent market.
(81) Moreover, even these poor areas do, in fact, contain substantial numbers of moderately affluent people.
(82) Midhurst and Petworth were actually less affluent than their respective market areas.
(83) As a similar percentage of the population, Norfolk priests were very much more affluent.
(84) Inside a decade it grew into a national organization with an affluent governing board and a Washington lobbying of lice.
(85) We drove through affluent suburbs with large houses and tree-lined streets.
(86) Is a lot of it still sitting on shelves and end tables in some of Dallas' more affluent homes?
(87) There is no trace of litter,(http:///affluent.html) despite the hundreds of affluent shoppers who ebb and flow along these consumerist highways.
(88) The result is a sort of upscale Hemingway-esque story about affluent, pampered men testing their mettle.
(89) They are, therefore, a prime target for advertisers trying to reach an affluent market.
(90) During the Reagan administration, income was redistributed away from lower-income families and individuals-particularly the poorest-and towards the most affluent.
(91) This strategy in effect shifts blame from the affluent and powerful to the poor and powerless.
(92) As people become more affluent, so their standard and style of living improves.
(93) Be affluent in warehouse operation.
(94) The land is affluent in natural resources.
(95) He disliked their affluent way of life.
(96) He was affluent in worldly goods.
(97) He hails from an affluent background.
(98) We live in an affluent society.
(99) Poverty still exists even in affluent society.
(100) He was born to an affluent family.
(101) Declassification of the "affluent poverty" in western rural China should be established on the basis of excavation, cultivation and development of characteristic agricultural resources.
(102) The study of nutritional ingredients in pumpkin seed varieties was affluent in food component database and offered theoretical basis for pumpkin quality improvement.
(103) These designer items let the less affluent know that they've outclassed.
(104) Aquarelle is affluent and sprightly so that it is so suitable to express the lights, shadows, and colors of atmosphere with ample and transparent layers, which other materials cannot compare to.
(105) I've heard you can buy passports from less affluent countries like Belize and Tonga.
(106) It is affluent in lipoxygenase null mutants in the soybean germplasm from Yangtze River and its south region, and the absence frequency is 18.48%, and most of the null mutants are single gene absence.
(107) But that's only true for affluent, white-collar workers — the people who need Social Security least.
(108) LVMH opened five stores in China in 2004 and plans to open two to three every year to take advantage of blossoming demand by newly affluent Chinese for handbags, jewellery, and ready-to-wear fashion.
(109) Although she was born to an affluent family , her stepdaughter status made her feel insecure.
(110) These publications target the affluent customer who appreciates and purchases fine - quality outerwear.
(111) For most people, private car emblematize affluent, however this opinion has been out today.
(112) The toil and resources of the poorer nations pay for the prosperity of the affluent peoples.
(113) Some poor parents sell the children to affluent Haitians as indentured servants, or restaveks—from rester avec.
(114) Musa lived in an affluent neighborhood of Guatemala City, and Marjorie often drove him from their factory, on the outskirts of the capital, home for lunch.
(115) We expect to have a more affluent life-style, we are driven by unrealistic ideas of what we need ("I need the latest ipod!!"), and we have unrealistic ideas about relationships and appearance.
(116) Among his best - known books is " The Affluent Society, " from nineteen fifty - eight.
(117) Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families.
(118) Then the writer applies a programmable chip named EPROM instead of MC33035 and endues affluent and dexterous functions on the control system. It is excellent for high-power dynamoelectric cars.
(119) Yet many parts of Girard's life seem to reflect that of any affluent 70 - year - old bachelor.
(120) International packaged goods companies have been falling over each other pitching products to affluent Chinese consumers.
(121) John Osborne's kitchen sink classic, 'Look Back in Anger', which we think of as epitomising post-war austerity, is really about the emergence from that era into a more affluent, complex world.
(122) It's a shame that even in our affluent society, charities have to cry out for funds.
(123) I opened up an old copy of the classic work by the late John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society, which challenged the classical economic theory of "consumer sovereignty."
(124) Shortly before Thanksgiving The New York Times reported that criminal charges have been filed against 20 students in an affluent Long Island community for allegedly cheating on the SAT.
(125) To the casual observer, the Norwegian capital is a study in frictionless living: clean, well-ordered, civic-minded, affluent yet essentially egalitarian in spirit.
(126) As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at road level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.
(127) And then, virtually in the next breath, they declare that we must preserve tax cuts for the very affluent, at a budget cost of $700 billion over the next decade.
(128) Golf is for the affluent , baseball for the lowerincome groups.
(129) To build an affluent society, the areas, agriculture, and peasants are both the keystones and difficulties.
(130) Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of monocot plants. China is very affluent in orchid resources. China is one of its most important centers of diversity.
(131) We will enhance harmony between man and nature to push the whole society onto a path to civilized development featuring the growth of production, an affluent life and a sound ecosystem.
(132) Economic prosperity has allowed a rising number of Chinese to live an affluent lifestyle.
(133) In addition to an immigrant-heavy working class, the capital has a lot of affluent professionals, who may be unusually keen to steer their children away from mind-altering chemicals.
(134) Earning $144, 000 in Newport Beach may be affluent in many towns in the U.S.. But it probably counts as middle-class or lower-affluent in Newport Beach.
(135) In the affluent society no useful distinction be made between luxuries and necessaries.
(136) America has been discribed by Glbraith as " the affluent society ".
(137) There were some sobering stats out this morning from a new consumer survey of the affluent.
(138) And a calculation method of affluent gas is provided for weighing the gas resource and promoting the coal gas balance.
(139) American Ambassador had been giving him special instruction in the affluent society.
(140) In theory, it is affluent in quantitative analysis of ecological security evaluation, consummate and enrich of system info of silvics.
(141) Located in Highland park, Texas, an affluent township within the city of Dallas, this was a pool and cabana addition to an existing house.
(142) His affluent clients like shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman and often request a trip to the Woodbury Common outlet in Central Valley, N.Y.
(143) Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one.
(144) Results There is fine contrast and affluent image layer in this type of X-ray photograph compare to the traditional means.
(145) As in Manhattan, affluent Chinese fight to gain entrance to top schools from kindergarten onward.
(146) Her unconventional attitude and charismatic joie de vivre made her an attractive companion for affluent young playboys.
(147) Besides, Villani also recorded diligently the relative situation of the areas beyond Florence,(http://) which had broken the limit of autochthonic history and had been more affluent of content.
(148) Chengbei area, northeast of the subaquatic delta of the Yellow River, reserves affluent oil-gas resources and is the main exploitation of Shengli Oilfield.
(149) The card will be issued for clients with an annual income of at least $300,000, targeting a thin layer of affluent consumers in a vast nation where the average monthly wage is about $500.
(150) Chrysler was weak in the sunbelt, with its younger and more affluent drivers.
(151) As you approach, the distinctive signature brownstone style town-homes at street level are shaded by tall palm groves enhancing the affluent and intimate neighborhood ambiance.
(152) The sites -- essentially MySpace for millionaires -- promise safe havens for the affluent where they can flirt, swap advice, plan parties and find new pals without mixing with hoi polloi.
(153) Citi Private Bank says more of its affluent private jumbo borrowers have been requesting cash out refinancing since last year.
(154) In most affluent countries, the number of family physicians and primary care doctors continues to decline.
(155) The study of nutritional ingredients in pumpkin varieties was affluent in food component database and offered theoretical basis for pumpkin quality improvement.
(156) The South is now only a shade behind the rest of the affluent United States.
(157) a very affluent neighbourhood.
(158) Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD ) is one of the most common liver diseases in affluent countries.
(159) More affluent old people would pay higher premiums for their health - insurance coverage.
(159) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(160) Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city's multiethnic society.
(161) A car and a house are considered as necessities in an affluent society.
(162) The research method and study achievement will be affluent in the content of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Examination, Medical Geography, Environmental Medicine and Physiology.
(163) Cirila Baltazar Cruz comes from the mountainous southern state of Oaxaca, a region of Mexico that makes Appalachia look affluent.
(164) Developing recycling economy helps to push the whole society along a path to civilization featuring the growth of production, an affluent life and a sound ecosystem.
(165) In the affluent society, the authorities are hardly forced to justify their dominion.
(166) Home for the Washingtons and their year-old daughter, Valentina, is a 1, 250-square-foot two-bedroom apartment in San Benito, an affluent neighborhood in western San Salvador, the country's capital.
(167) That doesn't mean the schools should fall all over themselves to raise cash, but a policy emphasizing help for the less affluent, modesty and restraint makes sense.
(168) Particularly for children of upper-middle-class and affluent families there's no perspective on value.




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