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单词 Hail
(1) A hail of arrows descended from the tower.
(2) Hail fell shortly after lunch.
(3) The aircraft were met by a hail of gunfire.
(4) Hail fell with such violence that it broke windows.
(5) Hail a taxi, please.
(6) The Prime Minister was greeted with a hail of insults as she arrived at the students' union.
(7) Hail was hammering down onto the roof.
(8) The man went down in a hail of blows.
(9) The hail is lashing down on the roof.
(10) They died in a hail of bullets.
(11) I tried to hail her from across the room.
(12) rain, snow and hail, collectively known as 'precipitation'
(13) The hail melted once the sun came out.
(14) These students hail from all parts of the country.
(15) The proposals met with a hail of criticism.
(16) I hurried away to hail a taxi.
(17) The hotel doorman will hail a cab for you.
(18) Ralph tried to hail a cab .
(19) Where does the ship hail from?
(20) We got caught in the hail.
(21) Rain, snow and hail are collectively known as precipitation.
(22) Hail and sleet are types of precipitation.
(23) The victim was hit by a hail of bullets.
(24) Shall we hail a taxi?
(25) It started to hail, huge great stones.
(26) We drove through hail and snow.
(27) Here comes the new teacher, let's hail him.
(28) There was a hail of angry words.
(29) Let's hail a taxi, shall we?
(30) And where do you hail from?
(1) A hail of arrows descended from the tower.
(2) Hail fell shortly after lunch.
(3) The aircraft were met by a hail of gunfire.
(4) Hail fell with such violence that it broke windows.
(5) Hail a taxi, please.
(6) The Prime Minister was greeted with a hail of insults as she arrived at the students' union.
(31) The soldiers let fly with a hail of machine-gun fire.
(32) He died as any self-respecting gangster should — in a hail of bullets.
(33) I tried to hail a cab but none of them would stop.
(34) The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes.
(35) The gunmen blasted the car with a hail of bullets.
(36) A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.
(37) She conducted me from the hail.
(38) He will not be around to hail victory.
(39) Let's just hail a taxi.
(40) This is a classic hail Mary pass.
(41) She ran him off in a hail of pellets.
(42) Houses collapse, hail shatters windshields, lightning fries golfers.
(43) You can hail a black cab on the companies.
(44) Complaints poured in like windblown hail.
(45) They knew they had entered small-arms range when a hail of bullets crippled the steering.
(46) The Backstreet Boys, who hail from Tampa, sang the National Anthem before the game.
(47) Sandra Mitchley, 35, died immediately in a hail of bullets.
(48) Rain and hail bounced on the tiled roof with such venom that Tom and Willie were quite deafened.
(49) Hail was recorded on eight days, accompanied by thunderstorms on October 15, 23 and 28.
(50) This will get your cavalry into close combat and hopefully out of the hail of missiles fairly quickly.
(51) So hail that cab and don't forget the driver won't know the way, he only lives here.
(52) Many buyers will likely hail from El Centro, about 40 miles to the east.
(53) The man got within twenty yards of the tape before a hail of bullets finally brought him down.
(54) A shower of hail bounced off Granny's pointy hat and Oats's wide brim.
(55) Passing beneath it, Crevecoeur was reminded of a violent storm of hail beating upon his head.
(56) Oliver Stone, operating under a hail of criticism, was finishing a revisionist movie about the Kennedy assassination.
(57) The Steelers were one Hail Mary away from last rites.
(58) After a moment, her knees gave way and she slithered to the floor in a clattering hail of cutlery.
(59) Perhaps ducking behind to avoid the hail of bullets from the five guys who arrived in the TransAm.
(60) Forty acres of corn burns up in July or is flooded out or beaten to a pulp by hail.
(61) His uncle owned the Music Box, an old barn converted to a dance hail on their apple farm just outside Hollybush.
(62) CabCharge customers can phone or hail cabs displaying a distinctive blue decal.
(63) All hail the new spirit of East/West friendship which has delivered the Iron Curtain from state-controlled economies.
(64) Mary and David have travelled extensively and enjoy meeting their guests, who hail from all quarters of the world.
(65) Hail the size of golf balls fell in Andrews, Texas.
(66) She raised her hand to hail a cab but the Paris traffic was zooming by at its usual break-neck pace.
(67) I offer to help hail a cab but Kael prefers the services of the doorman at the neighbouring Algonquin Hotel.
(68) Although they hail from Quebec, the hurdy-gurdy of this ensemble is sure to pass muster with the average colonial.
(69) Inverdarroch: Course its a hail different lifestyle ... Isabel: Och aye, aye it is that, Inverdarroch.
(70) Suddenly young Kettering, who was with me, gave a hail and pointed to starboard.sentence dictionary
(71) They were met by a hail of police bullets, and 142 students lost their lives.
(72) He had always liked the paraphernalia of storms: hail, lightning, darkness, thunder.
(73) At Scott Flat Reservoir in the Sierra foothills, heavy rain with hail.
(74) At 8am police officers, accompanying prison staff, tried to enter the centre but were met by a hail of stones.
(75) The mere appearance of a uniform is often enough to provoke a hail of stones, even a riot.
(76) Only one traditional element was missing: Don and I did not rush off afterward in a hail of rice.
(77) Water drips from the ledges of white hail caught on the straw roofs.
(78) He advanced again, but was driven back by a hail of blows.
(79) Elizabeth lifted the shopping bags from the front doorstep into the hail and then shut the door.
(80) Hail, then, to mischievous tunesmith Todd Rundgren, who served up a splendid evening of time travel.
(81) It was a posh place with high fencing; some kind of old baronial hail.
(82) Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
(83) The Hidatsa rushed eagerly into hail storms and gathered hail stones to cool their tepid Missouri River drinking water.
(84) I hail from Brighton.
(85) A loud hail from across the compound broke into her thoughts.
(86) A distant cousin had once ended up in the hail.
(87) In school we sang Hail to thee, Lake Wobegon, the cradle of our youth.
(88) They waited for the space of one Hail Mary, then ran out into the yard to call for Victorine.
(89) Three West Belfast men died in a hail of bullets.
(90) Margaret had ironed me some shirts and draped them over a clothes-horse in the hail.
(91) Garvey says his machine tends to be a little more heavy-handed with the Hail Marys than your average priest.
(92) Hail to the new champion Bengali D'Albret.
(93) We hail from all corners of the country.
(94) Where exactly do you hail from?
(95) The band hail from Glasgow.
(96) I hail from the hill country.
(97) Is that how you hail them in the Midwest?
(98) Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
(99) They hail from all parts of the country.
(100) Drought, floods, hail, wind, frost[ ], and other meteorological disasters.
(101) What province does he hail from?
(102) The representatives hail from all parts of the country.
(103) Hail was hurling down on the city.
(104) Both my husband and I hail from Harbin.
(105) All hail Abaddon, the Great Devourer.
(106) Is this what they call a hail mary pass?
(107) The hail beat a loud tatoo on the windowpane.
(108) As they smash up neat Georgian barracks, the Russians curse their own poverty and hail their victory in the same breath.
(109) The hail is a kind of in small dimensions of weather phenomenon, take place in the geography complicated mountain area and foothill much.
(110) Then the treacherous North Atlantic struck, with hail, rain, lightning and gusting wind.
(111) The radar echo is used for the third step forecast to predict the time, location and magnitude of hail.
(112) The imperialism is a paper tiger, All Hail the Red!
(113) The next were pestilence, windstorm, frost hail , hailstorm and earthquake.
(114) Throughout the year all possible hail, dragon coil, squall line etc strong convective weather happen.
(115) They said the rare white sea cucumber has come to hail the auspicious event of electing Secretary Kim Jong Il as Party General Secretary.
(116) The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us. Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail.
(117) If you order by the year of sino-japanese war era, military officers and men in the hail of bullets in the history of the forgotten.
(118) I Have Desired to Go by Gerard Manley Hopkins I have desired to go Where springs not fail, To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail, And a few lilies blow.
(119) At the same time, Chinese New Curriculum education has become a focal point of the society with various discussions, among which appraises praise or blame comes as thick as hail.
(120) At last they saw him emerge on the top of an eminence within hail.
(121) The priest absolved him and told him to say ten hail Mary's.
(122) One concerned U. S. expert called the effort "a Hail Mary pass.
(123) Frozen plant of company many invest in, attract consignor thick as hail.
(124) We bellowed our Yuletide toasts over the hail that had started pelting the corrugated iron roof.
(125) Born almost within hail of it, he could remember it from 1860 on.
(126) Our troop advanced wave upon wave undeterred by the hail of fire.
(127) Hail the triumph of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference!
(128) Heavy rain or hail may dislodge many aphids from the plants.
(129) Some education experts hail the change as a step forward from the ideological dark ages.
(130) It is going to snow(hail)tomorrow,[] some measures must betaken to prevent freezing.
(131) In the three types, imploration type and punishment type have changed, but all the three types hail from the same myth antetype.
(132) Mr. Brown and Mr. white are old friends because they both hail from the same town.
(133) The deal would combine the second- and third-largest players in Web search. For Microsoft, it may be something of a Hail Mary pass, a last best attempt to catch Google while it still can.
(134) In tail of the thunders fell pouring storms of sleet and hail.
(135) Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere Black rain, and fire, and hail will Burst : 0 hear!
(136) "I didn't realize there were restaurants like this," marveled Spangler to her friends, who hail from Knoxville, Tennessee, and I worked in restaurants for 20 years.
(137) The Nikto hail from Kintan, an ancient planet in the Si'klaata cluster.
(138) Hundreds of people gathered Tuesday evening at the Count-Down Board for 2008 Olympic Games, to hail the 100 days countdown of the Games.
(139) While the battle raged, the bullets flew thick as hail.
(140) Ahoy! Ferry passengers hail a large cruise ship at the Karakoy port, near Istanbul's historic center. Cruise and freight ships are common sights in this water-bound city.
(141) Standing outside a party(), their brief lives ended in a hail of machinegun bullets.
(142) Spring frosts were followed by hail in June, severely affecting grape production throughout the region. Muscadet was particularly badly hit, with up to two-thirds of the crop lost.
(143) Commission ornithologist Karen Rowe said the birds showed physical trauma, and she speculated that "the flock could have been hit by lightning or high-altitude hail."
(144) The blue-coated troops marched steadily forward only to be cut down by an unremitting hail of cannon balls and grapeshot.
(145) The mother kept her children within hail of her voice.
(146) That's not a local accent . Where do you hail from?
(147) After analyzing the seeding function of the improved model and the microphysics processes of seeding ice crystal, as well as its effect in hail suppression.
(148) Adopts floor panel heating with recycled-air system locally in the hail of the main building to reduce energy consumption.
(149) I have found the Hail Mary to be very effective at times of pain or physical discomfort.
(150) Thick as hail order is the biggest joyance that we harvest fall.
(151) Ice, snow and hail are blanketing the midwestern United States, as part of a massive winter storm expected to be one of the biggest in recent years.
(152) The ratio of echo area to the total area has a positive correlation with the month change of hail day and the echo numbers are negatively correlated with month change of hail day.
(153) They, in their own vernacular, had to throw the ball down field. Translation: Hail Mary.
(154) Only in the land of Goshen , where the children of Israel were , was there no hail.
(155) A hail cloud model that is two dimensional elastic non hydrostatic, uses a terrain following coordinate system and includes double parameters for ice phase microphysics, has been developed.
(156) Thus a combined ratio of 100 for crop hail insurance produces no profit for the insurer.
(157) This is a film which seems to hail from the hippie era.
(158) Only in the land of Goshen , where the sons of Israel were, there was no hail.
(159) Unless the geopolitics of global warming change soon, the Hail Mary pass of geoengineering might become our best shot.
(160) On that occasion , holding rare hail,[sentence dictionary] hit the window edge flap has attracted attention of many people watch.
(161) Behold, New China is within sight . Let us all hail her!
(162) During the hail process, the echo intensity increased, and the echo top and VIL (Vertical Integrated Liquid water) decreased quickly.
(163) Some of the more recent date from the French Revolution; the oldest may hail from the Merovingian era, more than 1,200 years ago.
(164) The country people turned out to meet and hail with joy the conquering hero.
(165) Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
(166) "Then on the four small beads say the "Hail Mary", adding after each, "Blessed be the pure, holy and immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
(167) Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that hail will fall all over Egypt-on men and animals and on everything growing in the fields of Egypt."
(168) In the video "Hail Mary" released under the name Makaveli, there is a gravestone that says Makaveli.
(169) The hail fall of the hail cloud which domain of the initial potential temperature perturbation is located in lee slope is 6 times as large as in windward slope.
(170) At the Mind/Body Medical Institute, participants elicit a "relaxation response," repeating a word - anything from "om" to "Hail Mary"--silently as they exhale.
(171) Regional climate variability, often hail, drought, frost and other natural disasters.
(172) A few writers of contemporary renown also hail from this area, as do some sports figures.
(173) With 366 days to go, 2012 being a leap year, until the Olympic flame is lit in east London, organisers, the government and the International Olympic Committee are queuing up to hail progress to date.
(174) From the atmosphere, water molecules fall upon the Earth's surface as rain, snow, hail and sleet.
(175) The evolvement of echo during the formation of hail storm and the relation of echo intensity with its height are analyzed by use of echo data. of the 711 rain radar.
(176) And the farmers , returning with hoes on their shoulders , Hail one another familiarly.
(177) If you can live for one week in Dali, you can perkily hail with people and be hailed by people in ancient wall, just like a half Dali people that have lived here for many years.
(178) " Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with thee.
(179) Football players call this a "Hail Mary" play - when a losing team in the last seconds of the game desperately tosses the ball forward, hoping to score.
(180) Repentance skindeep . Pray at an altar . Hail Mary and Holy Mary.
(181) The gurgling resolved itself into words pronounced with a lingering ghastly quaver. "Hail Mary, Hara Ram, " Gold Teeth said, "the snakes are after me.




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