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单词 flight
释义  Related topics: Air, Space, Birds, Buildingsflight /flaɪt/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  TTATTStravel 旅行 [countable] a journey in a plane or space vehicle, or the plane or vehicle that is making the journey 〔乘坐飞机或太空飞船的〕飞行,航程;航班,班机 → fly He immediately booked a flight to Toulouse. 他当即就订了去图卢兹的航班。 There are only three flights a day to Logan Airport from Heathrow. 希思罗机场每天只有三趟飞往洛根机场的航班。► see thesaurus at journey2  HBBTTAflying 飞行 [uncountable] when something flies through the air 飞行,飞翔in flight pelicans in flight 展翅飞翔的鹈鹕 In 1968, the first supersonic airliner took flight (=began flying). 1968年,首架超音速客机飞上天空。3  movement through air 空中移动 [uncountable] an object’s or bird’s movement through the air 〔物体或鸟的〕飞行 During its flight, the weapon twists and turns. 这种武器能够在飞行过程中转向。4  TBBstairs 楼梯 [countable] a set of stairs between one floor and the next 〔两个楼层间的〕一段楼梯 Bert lives two flights down from here. 从这儿往下走两层就是伯特的住处。a flight of stairs/steps She fell down a whole flight of stairs. 她从整整一段楼梯上跌落下来。5  escape 逃跑 [uncountable] when you leave a place in order to try and escape from a person or a dangerous situation 〔从某人手中或险境中的〕逃走,逃跑flight from Donald Woods' hasty flight from South Africa early in 1978 1978年初唐纳德•伍德匆忙逃离南非take flight (also take to flight British English) When the alarm sounded, the whole gang took flight. 警报响起,一帮人全逃跑了。put somebody to flight (=make someone run away especially by fighting or threatening them) 迫使某人逃窜6. flight of fancy/imagination/fantasy thoughts, ideas etc that are full of imagination but that are not practical or sensible 奇思怪想,异想天开7  HBBGROUP OF THINGSbirds 鸟类 [countable] a group of birds all flying together 一群飞鸟 SYN flockflight of a flight of swallows 一群飞燕 → in-flight, top-flight COLLOCATIONSverbsbook a flight (=reserve a seat on a particular plane) 预订航班I booked the flight over the Internet. 我在网上预订了航班。get a flight (=book it) 订航班I’ll be there tomorrow morning if I can get a flight. 要是能订到航班的话,我明天早上就能到。catch a flight (=be in time to get on a plane) 赶上飞机They caught a flight that night to Frankfurt. 他们乘上了当晚飞往法兰克福的班机。board a flight (=get on a flight) 登机We arrived at the departure lounge to board the flight to Madrid. 我们到了候机室,等待登机前往马德里。miss a flight (=arrive too late for a flight) 误机Jack overslept and missed his flight. 杰克睡过了头,误了班机。charter a flight (=pay a company for the use of their aircraft) 租用飞机nThe club have chartered a special flight for fans. noperate flights (=make flights available for people to use)The airline operates three flights a day between London and New York.nget on/off a flightShe’d just got off a flight from Buenos Aires.ntravel on a flightPassengers travelling on flight BMI 373 to Zurich should proceed to gate 17.a flight is cancelled (=a flight that was due to go somewhere does not go) 航班取消nAll flights have been cancelled due to fog.a flight is delayed (=it is late leaving) 航班延误nHer flight was delayed and she arrived over an hour flight is diverted (=it is made to change direction and land at a different airport)Our flight was diverted to Manchester because of poor weather.a flight is bound for London/New York etc (=it is going there) 飞往伦敦/纽约等的航班nJohnson boarded a flight bound for Caracas.adjectivesgood/pleasant/comfortable 顺利的/惬意的/舒适的Have a good flight! (飞行)旅途愉快!smooth (=with no problems or sudden movements) 平稳的The flight had been smooth all the way. 飞行一路平稳。bumpy (=uncomfortable because the plane moved up and down a lot) 颠簸的The flight was very bumpy, and we really wondered whether we would make it. 航程很颠簸,我们真怀疑能否撑到底。long/short 长途的/短途的I was very tired after the long flight. 长途飞行后我很疲惫。cheap flights 廉价航班Environmental groups are calling for an end to cheap flights. 环保组织呼吁叫停廉价航班。a direct/non-stop flight (=a flight going straight from one place to another without stopping) 直飞航班the first direct flight to Tokyo 直飞东京航线的首航an international flight (=a flight between one country and another) 国际航班nThe number of international flights increased by over 5% last year.a domestic/internal flight (=a flight within a country) 国内航班nIs there a domestic flight between Havana and Varadero?a long-haul flight (=a flight over a very long distance) 长途航班nYou should wear comfortable clothes on a long-haul flight.a scheduled flight (=a plane service that flies at the same time every day or every week) 定期航班nThere are scheduled flights between the islands.a charter flight (=a plane service that is arranged for a particular group or purpose) 包机The company is operating charter flights to Crete. 该公司运营前往克里特岛的包机业务。a connecting flight (=a flight that arrives before another one leaves) 转接班机nWe had to wait for three hours in New York before catching a connecting flight to intercontinental flight (=a flight that goes from one continent to another, for example from Europe to Asia) 洲际航班nPassengers on intercontinental flights can reserve seats with extra legroom.a routine flight (=a normal flight) 常规航班nThey were on a routine flight when their helicopter developed engine trouble nan airline flightdomestic airline flightsa test flight (=a flight to test a new plane) 他当即就订了去图卢兹的航班。nThe aircraft made a successful test flight on June 3rd.a maiden flight (=the first flight of an aircraft) 处女航,首航nThe plane’s maiden flight is scheduled for November.flight + NOUNthe flight time (=how long it takes to fly somewhere) 飞行时间Our estimated flight time is three hours and fifteen minutes. 预计我们的飞行时间为三小时十五分钟。the flight path (=the route taken by an aircraft) 飞行路线nThey lived directly underneath a busy flight path.the flight number 航班号nWrite the flight number on all your luggage flight plan (=the planned route of an aircraft)For some reason the pilot diverged from the flight plan.Examples from the Corpusflight• All flights to Tokyo were delayed because of bad weather.• Incidents between military and civilian flights were also down, from 23 in 1991 to six last year.• But what if a large passenger aircraft has to be fuelled ready for flight?• It's a 7-hour flight to New York.• Each room contains a sink, but the bathroom is one flight up.• It's only an hour's flight to Detroit from here.• The flight from London was delayed, and it was about three in the morning when I finally got to Venice.• The flight up the valley was lower, faster, and much hotter than anything I had yet seen.• United Flight 202 from Denver is now arriving.took flight• As he said the word, the Angel took flight towards the Empyrean.• Thousands of birds took flight at our approach.• Creggan took flight into the air but they made straight for him.• After the move, the Eagles took flight.• But no sooner was Mr Major off his battlebus than a couple of eggs took flight.• Fear took flight, and everything was possible; the Arab world opened up like a flower giddy with its own perfume.• His back spread, his hands came together; the oars took flight.• Ducks, disgruntled among barbed reeds, took flight.• Residents took flight from Dohuk to escape the fighting.• As we watched, some of them took flight and went into their circling display, calling all the time.a flight of stairs/steps• They climbed a flight of stairs and were ushered toward a pair of front-row seats.• So I said I fell down a flight of stairs.• The players file down a flight of stairs to their assigned room.• They took this descent into Hades as casually as she would go down a flight of stairs.• At the back of the hall a flight of stairs led down to the servants' kitchen.• No, but I am aware of them if I pant a lot climbing up in a flight of stairs.• A fence at the bottom of a flight of steps works as an effective safety measure for infirm walkers.• Bedford followed Halsey up a flight of stairs, where Halsey knocked on a door.put somebody to flight• This has been a fairly gritty chapter, all about beating up baddies, causing them pain and putting them to flight.• Within a few weeks they had put Pedro to flight and Henry was crowned king.From Longman Business Dictionaryflightflight /flaɪt/ nounTRAVEL1[countable] a journey by planeThe airline began the regular flights to Santiago less than a year ago.a return flight to Hong Kong2top-flight British English, topflight American English a top-flight manager is one who is in a very high position in an organization and who is very good at the jobIt is worth investing in a selection procedure to find a top-flight sales person.3[singular]ECONOMICS the rapid movement of money, goods etc out of a country or particular type of investmentThe country experienced a flight of capital as investors put their faith in more favourable economic climatesThe flight into gold and dollars has produced a dramatic leap in black-market rates. → capital flightOrigin flight Old English flyhtflight noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  journey Corpus a in Business or space the or plane a vehicle,




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