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单词 Labour force
1. A large proportion of the labour force is unskilled.
2. The labour force in our mine is running down rapidly.
3. The labour force is expected to grow by 2% next year.
4. An increasing percentage of the labour force is now unemployed.
5. It provided employers with a cheap labour force.
6. As the most expensive section of the labour force, middle-aged workers have faced very severe pressures to terminate their employment.
7. The 1993 Labour Force Survey showed that 61 per cent of black women aged 16 to 59 had higher and other qualifications.
8. The agricultural labour force continued its long term decline to just under 27,000, nearly two percent fewer than in 1991.
9. An immigrant labour force would always be needed as a buffer to absorb the shocks of alternating booms and recessions.
10. Economists believe that the boost to the labour force may be worth an additional 1 percent a year in the early 1990s.
11. It creates a cheap labour force, but it's a top-down approach.
12. Both manual and non-manual occupations make up the labour force in service industries.
13. They support people active in the labour force, and provide services which would otherwise fall to the health and social services.
14. This labour force was dispersed by the war with a consequent requirement for increased mechanical handling.
15. By 1986 two-thirds of the labour force worked outside agriculture.
16. The third element is the flexible labour force, part-time and temporary employees who provide expertise and skills in response to changing needs.
17. This was only one of the disadvantages of a slave labour force.
18. Then we showed that increasing the after-tax wage would encourage labour force participation by those not currently in the labour force.
19. Agriculture has also provided the expanding industrial and tertiary sectors with their labour force.
20. The result was that what had been a small-sized cheap labour force became a large well-paid labour force.
21. Under the current system, there is little incentive for firms to increase the skills of their labour force.
22. Success in operation will depend on the goodwill of the labour force as there is a collective rather than personal incentive.
23. Ample evidence is provided to show that the structure of the labour force in post-war United States has shifted towards service employment.
24. Shareholder-driven deals, in short, require no consultation with the labour force whatsoever.
25. At the beginning of the 1980s, about a third of the total labour force was employed in agriculture.sentence dictionary
26. The basis of flexibility is disproportionately shouldered by female patterns of labour force participation.
27. Figures for the proportion of the total population in the labour force are quite revealing.
28. This definition follows from the assumption that half the labour force establish contracts in even periods and half in odd periods.
29. Cutting income tax will increase the supply of labour input, chiefly by attracting new workers into the labour force.
30. Third, social services provide jobs for a large section of the labour force of all socio-economic groupings.
31. The revolution of 1905 had made plain the disruptive power of the industrial labour force.
32. Married women who entered the labour force to supplement the family income tended for example, to display all the traditional self-sacrificing attitudes.
33. The labour force is growing at a rate of 4% a year.
34. These trends have to be placed within the broader framework of changes in the total labour force.
35. Farming businesses rationalise the labour force, or decide not to replace retiring staff.
36. The capital stock, unlike the labour force, will always be fully employed.
37. Firstly, the qualifications and skill mix of the labour force, which might be undermined by outward migration.
38. Factors such as unemployment and the number of young people attending further education also influence labour force participation rates.
39. Needs are always related back to capitalism's demand for the social reproduction of its labour force.
40. Today, the redundancy legislation is used to reduce the labour force because of economic decline.
41. In addition, a large migrant labour force is conducive to prostitution.
42. Motherhood replaced marriage as the occasion for leaving paid work and seldom marked the end of a woman's labour force membership.
43. Apart from farmers, even the old petty bourgeoisie have grown or remained stable as a proportion of the labour force.
44. Since 1951 there has been a significant decrease in the labour force participation of older male workers.
45. Changes in the labour force accounted for 1.53 percent and 1.57 percent respectively.
46. What role does labour force participation play in keeping lone parents out of poverty?
47. The individual and collective rights of the labour force were codified in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
48. Already his labour force is 30-strong, and he plans to take on five more craftsmen.
49. Another part of the economy was stimulated by the need to provide a labour force to grow this flourishing crop.
50. The workplaces embrace factors such as a closed shop environment, a multi-union situation and a predominantly female labour force.
51. Moreover, much of the growing industrial labour force was not of urban origin.
52. Initially the flow out of the labour force and into retirement was concentrated among men within three years of pension age.
53. We shutdown the old plant and start afresh somewhere else with a new labour force.
54. The emphasis is on flexibility - in terms of response to the market and in terms of the labour force.
55. Almost three-quarters of the male labour force were manual workers and most of the non-manual workers were shopkeepers and publicans.
56. Mr. McLeish Is the Secretary of State aware that the labour force survey was published today?
57. Steam-power meant a new and intense concentration of large-scale industry and of the labour force to man it.
58. The Government must be reminded that the average age of the labour force in the coal mining industry is about 30 years.
59. In fact,(http://) the Labour Force Survey underestimates the extent of this discrimination.
60. Since little corn was grown in the county a big labour force was not needed.
61. This encourages parents to have more children, increasing population growth, impoverishing families and preventing women from joining the labour force.
62. In free capitalism, forestall capitalism, socialism primary level, labour force is commodity.
63. United Kingdom:Official estimates before 1992, Labour Force Survey after 1992.
64. It is a practical meaning that forecast intelligently and statistics quickly data in the electric material system to save money and economize labour force by the technology of the Data Mining.
65. However I wonder if this confidence in the employment market is going to take a big hit next week with the release of the Household Labour Force Survey and unemployment rate.
66. The development of agro-mechanization ensures the transfer of surplus labour force.
67. It may not feel like that, as we in the US now hemorrhage jobs and have about one-sixth of the labour force officially unemployed or underemployed.
68. Workers in rural areas, who still make up about half the total labour force, never had much coverage of any kind anyway.
69. The wealth that the rest of its labour force creates slave general partly is total free ground gives slave owner.
70. Turn the question upside down, and the pattern still appears. When the British Labour Force Survey asks people whether they are depressed, the U-bend becomes an arc, peaking at 46.
71. Third, China should build a compound distribution system unifying distribution according to capital and labour force value.
72. The rise took the jobless total to 2.38 million, the highest level since 1995, on the broadest Labour Force Survey measure of unemployment by the Office for National Statistics.
73. The welfare benefits and retirement security of the labour force shall be protected by law.
74. Still have to socialistic labour force demesne the cognizance of attribute, having important real sense.
75. China is a country with a typical dualistic structure and large surplus country labour force needing to be transferred to industry.
76. In many countries immigrants have been tilling such gaps in the labour force as have already emerged (and remember that the real storage is still around ten years off).
77. Increasingly, an educated and skilled labour force is in tight supply the world over.
78. Unemployment in Britain rose to 8.1% of the labour force.
79. Sriracaki of the UN's Internstional Labour Organiztion points out that, in the next ten years, the total labour force of the worker exporting countries should grow by about a third.
80. Spells out of the labour force will become less a mark of female exceptionalism.
81. Unemployment is labour force in the gross on supply and demand and structural unbalance.
82. Seeing from the space, there are regional difference about shifts in labour force, and space current and rural discontinuity.
83. A report by the US department of health and human services last month said the success of birth control measures means the growth of China's labour force may soon cease.
84. Over time, as laid-off workers have found jobs or left the labour force, the distortion will have shrunk.
85. With nearly 10% of the US labour force jobless, the new proposals will provide a temporary reduction in loan repayments for unemployed borrowers.
86. Why is labour force of our country agriculture met many and superfluous?
87. The space that causing fluctuant main reason is labour force of ab extra population distributings difference.
88. But at this point in the business cycle, labour force growth is a positive sign.
89. Labour Force Participation Rate.
90. Since the 2001 recession , however , the labour force has not grown as robustly as after previous downturns.
91. They can raise the retirement age, open the doors to immigration and tempt more people into the labour force.
92. The August Labour Force Survey shows that 63% of new jobs created in the last quarter were part-time. By 2015, 30% of all jobs could be part-time.




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