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单词 Above all
1 Health and strength is above all gold. 
2 Above all, I love Mark Twain.
3 The tall building towered above all the others.
4 Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
5 He was above all a good and tireless writer.
6 A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.
7 His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh."
8 I could hardly hear myself speak above all the hubbub in the theatre bar.
9 Above all, fishing requires great patience.
10 Above all, chairs should be comfortable.
11 Shakespeare towers above all other Elizabethan dramatists.
12 I value my freedom above all things.
13 Above all else she was seeking love.
14 He longs above all to see his family again.
15 They value their freedom above all else.
16 Above all, I'd like to thank my family.
17 Max is hardworking, cheerful, and above all honest.
18 He continued to place security above all other objectives.
19 One computer manufacturer towers above all the rest.
20 She liked him above all for his effortless charm.
21 Above all, make sure you keep in touch.
22 Above all else I hate the cold.
23 The Romantic writers valued feeling above all else.
24 'We're not saying we're outside and above all this,' he stresses.
25 Above all Amenabar worships the trinity of Hitchcock, Kubrick and Spielberg.
26 He is someone who prizes truth and decency above all things.
27 He prized his new car above all his other possessions.
28 Above all Susie is a great survivor, with a bright,[] indomitable spirit.
29 Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.
30 With these very large passenger payloads one question looms above all others — safety.
1 Above all, I love Mark Twain.
2 Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.
3 A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.
4 His pithy advice to young painters was, "Above all, keep your colours fresh."
5 I could hardly hear myself speak above all the hubbub in the theatre bar.
6 The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
31 The anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives.
32 Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty.
33 But above all, this was a loyal speech.
34 Above all, I want my daughter to be confident.
35 We must, above all, avoid involvement in the war.
36 Disney animators are, above all, actors.
37 Above all, affirmative action assuages white guilt.
38 Above all, it brooked no argument.
39 Above all, I love Tchaikovsky.
40 Above all, I have a fine baby boy.
41 They use cunning, and above all they form alliances.
42 Above all he sought to dismantle the traditional peasant commune.
43 Above all, remember that there is no such thing as a safe bet.
44 Above all try and make it clear that you are enthusiastic about the future project.
45 Above all, each coalition owed as much to a revulsion from old attachments as to the attractions of new ones.
46 The main line is the methyl methacrylate that goes into paints, surface coating resins and, above all, plastics.
47 One is happy as a result of one's own efforts once one knows the necessary ingredients of happiness: simple tastes, a certain degree of courage, self denial to a point, love of work, and above all, a clear conscience. George Sand 
48 In a society that values freedom above all[], the obvious way to celebrate a centenary is just to keep driving.
49 Above all, the meeting hammered out a bill of rights for women.
50 So, above all, the picture is of an administrative reform taking place for new mental health services to be created.
51 But what Yorkshiremen want above all is a winning team.
52 A faintly comical figure, he fears ridicule above all else.
53 But above all ironic amusement at how things had worked out.
54 Nothing, above all, to betray the cosmic anger which invariably surged through his being in the presence of violent death.
55 Above all, you should be aware of an extremely important ceiling on the compensatory award.
56 The weapons listed above all have very different purposes and very different costs per unit.
57 Above all, how would I learn to cope with the sub continental stare?
58 Experience shows that it is above all the last option that was chosen.
59 It is above all a joyous celebration of all who break down barriers between people set up by authority.
60 Above all, the child's wishes and feelings must be ascertained and taken into account in all decisions that are made.
61 Scores are routinely adjusted for personality, wardrobe and, above all, reputation.
62 Tanya insists on moving in many circles and, above all, on thinking for herself.
63 The unit is cheap and cheerful and above all standards-based.
64 What he perceived were human characteristics, above all the truth of the heart.
65 But above all, a synthetic chemical lacks the life-force found only in nature.
66 Above all else, colonial governments were brutal and culturally limited.
67 Above all, Plomer merely touches on the Elizabethan cadence and diction.
68 Some one was beating what sounded like a tambourine, and, high above all this, Robert thought he heard a flute.
69 It is these which, above all, give the children their ability to cope with a large repertoire.
70 Consequently the basic concepts have been division of labour, organisational structure, job descriptions, but above all - hierarchy.
71 Above all, why were these chaps messing around with helium-filled contraptions, in an age of routine rocketry?
72 And above all, why did he couple it with Lefferts's?
73 Above all, there seemed no way out: the State budget was on the brink of bankruptcy.
74 Above all, Seymour sees the monster as an embodiment of Mary's social conscience.
75 Above all, parking must be immediately accessible to functions and must not involve crossing roads or car parks.
76 And above all, it means that the government can not, in private, pre-empt consensus.
77 We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish and perhaps above all, more stupid. Christopher Hitchens 
78 It was, sheer character in any man to retain that particular sentiment above all others.
79 Above all, it requires the steady cultivation of healthy core beliefs that will shore up the organization when setbacks occur.
80 And, above all, provide plenty of cuddles, consolation, and enthusiastic, encouragement for every achievement!
81 Shanti loathed country walks, preferring gift shops, shops of all kinds, parties, and above all - people!
82 Above all, he should persuade Britain that he can champion ideas.
83 Although it is somewhat limited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun.
84 But environmentalists have long claimed that the scheme has been underfunded, badly run and above all exploited by the tourist trade.
85 Above all, the Arts and Crafts movement mounted a moral challenge to the modern project.
86 Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world. Che Guevara 
86 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
87 Above all, it is worth bearing in mind that Britton's work has little to say directly about writing development.
88 Eat slowly in convivial surroundings and, above all, enjoy your food.
89 It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
90 I was not to answer the phone; above all I was not to speak to the press.
91 Above all, the Fourth International calls attention to the turn in the pattern of the world revolution.
92 Above all they don't test, assess or measure progress in any way.
93 Above all, are they a reliable basis for believing a school's assurance about quality?
94 He must try to explain to them that Sylvie's suicide was above all an appropriate finale to her life.
95 But above all I shall remember the community spirit that emerged.
96 Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
97 Above all we give thanks to thee for that thou art mighty.
98 Above all the farm worker could establish his reputation as a skilled and knowledgeable craftsman among his fellow workers.
99 He brought to friendship, as to his work, perceptiveness, integrity and above all enjoyment.
100 Remember, above all, that the purpose of the document is that is should convey information quickly and clearly.
101 But above all Fitzgerald envied Hemingway's vigorous worldliness, his swagger and adventurism.
102 Above all, it drove a wedge through the heart of the Conservative coalition.
103 There needs above all to be a consistency in the whole chain linking nature conservation policy with action on the ground.
104 Above all it takes seriously the work done by the pupils on site, and incorporates it into further classwork.
105 Salisbury, with its great military camps on the Plain is, above all others, the Army diocese.
106 But above all we are determined and able to fight battles.
107 And the focus needs to be, above all, on what happens in the classroom.
108 Experience has shown that social goals, such as equal opportunities in education, above all require personal and professional commitment.
109 We all live at the mercy of our emotions. Our motions influence and shape our desires, thoughts and behaviors and above all our destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
110 Above all was the sense of hearing acute.
111 Above all please play It'safe, condoms and lube.
112 Above all, it will astonish them.
113 Above all, it requires clairvoyant souls, without solace.
114 Above all, his gait is coordinated, smooth and effortless.
115 Above all method is compensatory and artificial illuminant.
116 To van Loon, human achievement mattered above all things./above all.html
117 Above all, it was his earnestness that decided her.
118 Above all, smile and hold firm to your principles.
119 We enjoy Beijing and above all Lido.
120 For Puritanism was, above all else, a Bible movement.
121 Above all, the Science museum is free.
122 They are manifest above all in the political sphere.
123 Every baseball player envies him, he is preeminent above all his rivals for pitching.
124 To deal of a country, should know place above all consuetudinary with culture formal.
125 But above all, effective prevention addresses the structural faults that predispose a society to conflict.
126 Above all, avoid the generic cover letter that you get from books.
127 They are egotistical, paranoid and almost always seriously dehydrated. Above all, they are spectacular ing rates.
128 The construction of fairground organs has a deep - rooted tradition above all in France and Germany.
129 Above all, aimless without ideal, aimless do not have pursuit.
130 Above all It'studies structure 、 function and resolvent of IPTV Network Management based on standard of DAVIC.
131 And there is the dread of the unknown, above all , the awful fear of hellfire.
132 Above all is the abnormal phenomenon - uselessness and outcome - throughout the Russian administration process.
133 Above all, they are undeterred by the uncertainty of a self - directed job search.
134 Above all, in the manufacture of dopamine, norepinephrine, the vitamin C is one of important components.
135 Above all: It is searcher is knocked on search engine issued a keyword.
136 Above all, introduce two simply with wear a shoe germane sufficient disease.
137 Above all, agriculture cannot appear absolutely as fundamental industry wander gliding situation.
138 Mr Friedman, who died in 2006, believed companies should prioritise their shareholders above all other stakeholders.
139 A bottle of sparkling wine -- and above all, some flowers.
140 And above all, I wasn't a quitter and got very annoyed by this nonsense.
141 Want to increase the strength that collects forestry fund lawfully above all.
142 Above all , Lactobacillus plantarum ( N 3 ) was a better probiotics production germ.
143 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
144 All above all, the basic and secondary well as its syntactical functions get systematically set forth.
145 Be in agrestic China, relations of production is the relation of farmer and land above all.
146 Above all, said Malraux, China was looking for unity, for glory[http://], and for dignity.
147 Above all, however, Puritans sought to inculcate godly and loving character traits in their children.
148 Above all, from the artistic point of view they have grandeur , majesty , ruggedness, and quaintness.
149 The Boy treasured the teacher's good opinion above all else.
150 In fact, they value it above all other relationships the - female amour said.
151 Jane stands head and shoulders above all the other stuents in the exam.
152 Above all, the therapeutic cloning is of positive value and should be fully supported in ethics.
153 Never had she been seen so busy, so studious, and above all, so active.
154 Above all, the service advantage that wants unturned to increase a business and gather capability.
155 Above all I do not wish to importune or compromise you.
156 For when we are deeply mournful discordant above all others is the voice of mirth.
156 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
157 But doesn't St. Thomas Aquinas praise love above all other virtues?
158 The article analysed the property right foundation of labor - capital relations above all.
159 And above all, when you follow a 2 - hour oration, remember to keep It'short.
160 Party history research is a science above all, also be propagandist tool at the same time.
161 The travail of nationhood required above all economic and social progress.
162 As a policy, we will stick to that mandate and prioritise our service above all else.
163 Above all , says Papert Lercari, it can endow future adults with an appreciation of music.
164 Above all, he seems to move at his own languid pace.
165 We are of all wars above all of dynastic wars.
166 Above all, negative feedback can be corrected a timely manner.
167 We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.
168 The basis for an effective solution of population problems is, above all, socioeconomic transformation.
169 Above all, IDES shows you the possibilities of the integrated applications in the SAP System.
170 After above all, we will mastery the collectivity situation and disquisition about the piano checking – grade.
171 Above all, he sees Europe as it is: a fractious collection of 27 members.
172 Prometheus bestowed on his creation the gift of fire, which raised man above all animals.
173 Above all, results suggest that we must notice the follow - up , the postnatal development of LBWI especially.
174 Should sow sunshine asperse in others heart, there must be sun in him heart above all.




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