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单词 Conversation
1. Your conversation is the mirror of your thoughts. 
2. Conversation makes one what he is. 
3. Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 
4. By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. 
5. The art of conversation is highly esteemed in France.
6. They were engaged in conversation.
7. He drags his war stories into every conversation.
8. There was a brief pause in the conversation.
9. Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.
10. Clearly she had no wish for conversation.
11. Anna felt shut out of the conversation.
12. Clare and Phil were deeply immersed in conversation.
13. He slipped out during a pause in the conversation.
14. The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.
15. She completely dominated the conversation.
16. Someone has been listening in on my telephone conversation.
17. He apologized for butting in on our conversation.
18. Draw up a chair, and join the conversation.
19. Derek's terse reply ended the conversation.
20. Drag up a chair and join the conversation.
21. The art of good conversation seems lost.
22. Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
23. She made a desultory attempt at conversation.
24. He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.
25. Matthews was in earnest conversation with a young girl.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Her humour adds salt to her conversation.
27. Conversation with friends soon passes an evening away.
28. He burst in upon our conversation.
29. I had a long conversation with the teacher.
30. Conversation is one of pleasures of life.
1. They were engaged in conversation.
2. Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.
3. Clearly she had no wish for conversation.
4. Anna felt shut out of the conversation.
5. Clare and Phil were deeply immersed in conversation.
6. The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.
7. She completely dominated the conversation.
8. Derek's terse reply ended the conversation.
9. Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
10. She made a desultory attempt at conversation.
11. He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.
12. Matthews was in earnest conversation with a young girl.
13. I had a long conversation with the teacher.
14. I overheard part of their conversation.
15. He nudged the conversation towards the subject of money.
16. It was generally a positive conversation.
17. She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation.
18. We engaged in a long conversation.
19. The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
20. I tried in vain to start a conversation.
21. Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.
22. There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.
23. Barry had obviously come in on the tail-end of the conversation.
24. He's a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him.
25. Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.
27. She had a strange conversation with the bloke who's moved in upstairs.
28. It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.
29. When I looked over, he was in earnest conversation with his father.
30. The conversation was getting a bit technical for me, so I left them to it.
31. I overheard part of their conversation.
32. He nudged the conversation towards the subject of money.
33. It was generally a positive conversation.
34. She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation.
35. We engaged in a long conversation.
36. Duff called me in the course of our conversation.
37. The conversation revolved around childcare problems.
38. I tried in vain to start a conversation.
39. I heard only a fragment of their conversation.
40. She tended to monopolize the conversation.
41. Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.
42. There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.
43. The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.
44. Barry had obviously come in on the tail-end of the conversation.
45. He's a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him.
46. The music was playing at full volume, drowning out conversation.
47. Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.
48. North Americans often hold off a certain distance in conversation, which is about 21 inches apart found by studies.
49. I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.
50. She had a strange conversation with the bloke who's moved in upstairs.
51. It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.
52. When I looked over, he was in earnest conversation with his father.
53. The conversation was getting a bit technical for me, so I left them to it.
54. I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation.
55. She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.
56. She was seen in animated conversation with the singer Yuri Marusin.
57. the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with,never say a word,(http:///conversation.html)and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
58. She sat silently, flinging the odd word into the conversation from time to time.
59. I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation.
60. We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
31. I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation.
32. She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.
33. She was seen in animated conversation with the singer Yuri Marusin.
34. She sat silently, flinging the odd word into the conversation from time to time.
35. I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation.
36. We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
37. By the end of term, girls will have learnt the niceties of dinner party conversation.
38. She steered the conversation to more general topics.
39. The noise interrupted us in our conversation.
40. We immediately struck up a lively conversation.
41. There was a murmur of conversation in the room.
42. A chance conversation led to a brilliant new career for the young catering student.
43. In conversation she exudes wit and self - assurance .
44. Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.
45. This was only a fragment of a long conversation with John.
46. Certain grammatical rules must be followed when describing a conversation in reported speech.
47. Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
48. Shopping - bag ladies are not very communicative and take general conversation as an intrusion.
49. We hear the hum of conversation from the next room.
50. Yuki is working up an in - home phonics program slated for Thursdays , and I'm drilling her on English conversation at dinnertime.
51. We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without being asked.
52. Her witty remarks added a little salt to the conversation.
61. Extrovert prefer lively conversation to brood on the meaning of life.
62. Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life.
63. By the end of term, girls will have learnt the niceties of dinner party conversation.
64. Her loud voice totally dominated the conversation.
65. I see no point in continuing this conversation.
66. The conversation became strained and eventually petered out.
67. Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.
68. I couldn't hear their conversation through the wall.
69. His name just cropped up in conversation.
70. The conversation was disagreeable to him.
71. The conversation trailed off into absurdity.
72. I broke off the conversation and answered the phone.
73. She tried desperately to engage him in conversation.
74. The weather forms the staple of their conversation.
75. She's always dragging sex into the conversation.
76. The room filled with the hum of conversation.
77. The next ten minutes passed in general conversation.
78. They were deep in conversation , relaxed and smiling.
79. She cut into our conversation several times.
80. Throughout the conversation he remained silent and aloof.
81. You can't just come barging into our conversation!
82. I wish the conversation will dry up.
83. I was courteous but didn't encourage conversation.
84. Conversation with friends soon passed an evening away.
85. He found the subject of their conversation very distasteful.
86. His name came up in the conversation.
87. The weather is a stock subject of conversation.
88. He was bored with their conversation.
89. I waited for her to finish a telephone conversation.
90. Their conversation had been largely to do with work.
91. I tried to bring the conversation to a close.
92. She could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion.
93. I could follow the general gist of their conversation.
94. Television is ruining the art of conversation.
95. She had overheard a private conversation between two MPs.
96. Her conversation is always spiced with humour.
97. May I butt in on your conversation?
98. I only caught the tail end of the conversation.
99. She fell into conversation with her neighbour.
100. There was no time for a proper conversation.
101. When did this conversation take place?
102. A little of the conversation was about politics.
103. We couldn't even have a civilized conversation any more.
104. We had a long conversation about old cars.
105. Her conversation was laced with witty asides.
106. Pollard opened the conversation with some small talk.
107. Johnson, as usual, monopolized the conversation.
108. Their intimate conversation made me feel de trop.
109. Carrie was only half interested in the conversation.
110. The conversation degenerated to a personal attack.
111. Lucy was only half listening to their conversation.
112. The conversation drifted from on topic to another.
113. I hate having to make polite conversation.
114. They all relaxed and conversation flowed freely.
115. His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.
115. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116. Think of prayer as a two-way conversation.
117. Yul listened to their sophisticated, rapid-fire conversation.
118. His main topic of conversation is football.
119. She completely monopolized the conversation at lunch.
120. The conversation had begun to stray into dangerous territory.
121. As usual, the conversation turned back to her children.
122. Everyone was relaxed and the conversation flowed freely .
123. This short novel was stuffed out with silly conversation.
124. The noise interrupted us in our conversation.
125. I got into conversation with an Italian student.
126. He kept off the subject throughout our conversation.
127. Their conversation was punctuated by uncomfortable silences.
128. As usual, she completely monopolized the conversation.
129. They tried to engage him in conversation.
130. We immediately struck up a lively conversation.
131. The memory of their conversation still vexed him.
132. As the programme ended, their conversation was faded out.
133. I only caught snatches of the conversation.
134. She kept cutting in on/cutting into our conversation.
135. An interview should be a conversation between equals.
136. I grew weary of his bantering style of conversation.
137. He related the gist of his conversation to Naseby.
138. I have no interest in continuing this conversation.
139. She tried to engage him in conversation.
140. The project came up in their conversation.
141. I felt starved of intelligent conversation.
142. Television has ruined the art of conversation.
143. Their conversation ranged over two topics.
144. The conversation went off at a tangent.
145. I only heard the tail-end of their conversation.
146. He answered all her attempts at conversation with monosyllables.
147. The affair was a hot topic of conversation.
148. Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.
149. She fell into a conversation with a man at the bar.
150. I managed to bring the conversation round to why they were leaving.
151. I was surprised by the abrupt ending to the conversation.
152. The main topic of conversation was the big football match.
153. I sweated out the conversation with him for 2 hours.
154. Don was in close conversation with the girl on his right.
155. His flippancy makes it difficult to have a decent conversation with him.
156. A chance conversation led to a brilliant new career for the young catering student.
157. After a while I led the conversation around to her job.
158. She longed to break in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude.
159. It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise.
160. When they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation.
161. I had a conversation of sorts with a very drunk man at the bus stop.
162. He found it hard to concentrate on conversation so far removed from his present preoccupations.
163. There are certain topics of conversation that are impermissible in polite society.
164. Why does the conversation have to revert to money every five minutes?
165. In conversation she exudes wit and self - assurance .
166. I tried to lead the conversation back to the subject of money.
167. Once Mrs Kirkpatrick engages you in conversation, you're stuck with her for half an hour.
168. He finally sickened of the endless round of parties and idle conversation.
169. He was quite willing to get into conversation with her.
170. The conversation was carried on in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.
171. Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.
172. When she told us her son was in prison, it was a real conversation stopper.
173. It's impossible to carry on a conversation with all this noise in the background.
174. It's not a subject that often crops up in casual conversation.
175. I didn't let on to the staff what my conversation was.
176. I wish I'd been a fly on the wall during that conversation.
177. I fell into conversation with some guys from New York.
178. After they'd all had a drink or two,(sentence dictionary) the conversation began to flow.
179. It can be difficult to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.
180. She broke off from the conversation to answer the telephone.
181. The buzz of conversation suddenly stopped when she came into the room.
182. After a while, the conversation turned to a friend's coming wedding.
183. There was never much conversation at the dinner table in my family.
184. You can be sure she'll always add salt to the conversation!
185. I was treated to a verbatim report of every conversation she's taken part in over the past week.
186. We were enjoying a pleasant conversation, until she sailed in with her unpleasant remarks.
187. I can see no useful purpose in continuing this conversation.
188. Can I please have this conversation on the phone without interruptions?
189. Who's that guy Ally's been engrossed in conversation with all night?
190. She was content to let the conversation wash over her.
191. His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.
192. Certain grammatical rules must be followed when describing a conversation in reported speech.
193. All of the background noise made it difficult to have a phone conversation.
194. The partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly.
195. I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train.
196. It's difficult to have a conversation with her because she skips from one topic to another.
197. Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
198. Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop.
199. Then the conversation branched off into a discussion about movies.
200. Our hostess did her best to keep the conversation going.
201. He was silent, no matter how hard Sofia tried to engage him in conversation .
202. The conversation had ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs.
203. He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.
204. He hesitates before leaving, almost as though he had been hoping for conversation.
205. It wasn't a very suitable conversation for the dinner table.
206. The book includes a long and circumstantial account of Empson's conversation with the Queen.
207. Her attitude turned from politely interested to enthusiastic during the course of our conversation.
208. Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation .
209. Their conversation contained a number of derogatory racial remarks .
210. I had a long conversation with her the other day.
211. The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
212. The conversation got into the murky waters of jealousy and relationships.
213. fragments of conversation. It can also be used with countable nouns to mean a small part of something:a fragment of the story.
214. Her witty remarks added a little salt to the conversation.
215. We struck up a conversation, in the course of which it emerged that he was a sailing man.
216. While they ate, they made polite conversation about the weather.
217. The tone of her voice was designed to stamp on this topic of conversation once and for all.
218. I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her.
219. I listened with half an ear to the conversation at the next table.
220. In the programme tonight we hear Dr Chris Toole in conversation with the artist Mary Witherspoon.
221. During the course of conversation,[] it emerged that Sheila had lived in Nigeria.
222. Clare and Phil were immersed in conversation in the corner.
223. I was keen to strike up a conversation with him.
224. David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask Joe his question.
225. He could hear snatches of conversation from across the room.
226. This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation.
227. He completely monopolized the conversation last night; Mary and I couldn't get a word in edgeways.
228. She had been dreaming and had not followed the conversation.
229. When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams.
230. You can't have a real conversation with him-he just talks at you all the time.
231. Father always fetches the conversation round to his favourite subject.
232. As I was going to the shops,this man fell in beside me,()trying to make conversation.
233. She tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of marriage.




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