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单词 flesh
释义  Related topics: Biology, Plantsflesh1 /fleʃ/ ●●○ W3 noun [uncountable]  1  HBthe soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones 〔人或动物的〕肉 a freshwater fish with firm white flesh 一种肉色雪白、肉质紧实的淡水鱼2  the skin of the human body 〔人体的〕皮肤 His flesh was red and covered in sores. 他的皮肤发红,上面全是疮。3  HBPthe soft part of a fruit or vegetable that can be eaten 果肉;蔬菜的可食部分 Cut the melon in half and scoop out the flesh. 把瓜切成两半,然后挖出瓜瓤。 →4  See picture of 见图 FRUIT →5 see picture at 见图 fruit14  in the flesh PERSONALLY/YOURSELFif you see someone in the flesh, you see someone who you previously had only seen in pictures, films etc 本人,活生生地 He looked much shorter in the flesh than on television. 他本人看上去要比在电视上矮得多。5  make somebody’s flesh creep/crawl FRIGHTENEDto make someone feel frightened, nervous, or uncomfortable 使某人毛骨悚然 [胆战心惊] The way he stared at her made her flesh creep. 他盯着她看的那副神情令她毛骨悚然。6  your own flesh and blood FAMILYsomeone who is part of your family 亲人,亲骨肉 How can he treat his own flesh and blood that way? 他怎么能那样对待自己的至亲骨肉?7  the flesh literaryBODY the physical human body, as opposed to the mind or spirit 肉体〔相对于思想或灵魂〕the pleasures/desires/temptations of the flesh (=things such as drinking, eating a lot, or having sex) 肉体的享受/欲望/诱惑8  put flesh on something DETAILto give more details about something to make it clear, more interesting etc 充实某事物,加细节于某事物 SYN flesh something ↔ out I’ll try to put some flesh on the plan Margaret has outlined. 我来具体说说玛格丽特刚才概述的这个计划。9. go the way of all flesh literaryDIE to die 去世 → get your pound of flesh at pound1(5), → press the flesh at press2(14), → the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak at spirit1(16)Examples from the Corpusflesh• This father and his two sons knew the smell of their own decaying flesh.• She had unscrewed them, simply turned them through her flesh.• And this was an edifice that would house the greatest mystery of all: wine into blood, bread into flesh.• But I must stop, for I am turning Word into numbers not into flesh.• The fingers squeezed my flesh gently.• Charles Tekeyan believed that this feeling is solely a matter of continued excellence in the flesh.• Stephen felt Weir's fingers digging into the flesh between his ribs.• They showed a mercy to house and land which they denied to flesh and blood.flesh2 verb  1 flesh something ↔ out phrasal verb DETAILto add more details to something in order to make it clear, more interesting etc 使充实,使具体 SYN put flesh on something You need to flesh out your argument with a few more examples. 你需要再举几个例子来充实你的论点。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusflesh• Nobody bothered to flesh out the story with others.• Thus he and other researchers are gradually fleshing out the Supercontinent Cycle.• They provide a sort of skeleton grammar for me to flesh out.• The new cabin is supposed to flesh the strategy out.Origin flesh1 Old English flæscflesh1 nounflesh2 verbChinese  soft the person or part Corpus body the a animal of of




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