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单词 flaming
释义  flam·ing /ˈfleɪmɪŋ/ adjective [only before noun]  1  a flaming row/temper ANGRYa very angry argument or temper 激烈的争吵/火暴的脾气 They seem to have a flaming row at least once a week. 他们好像每周至少大吵一次。2  BURNcovered with flames 燃烧着的,被火焰吞噬的 Residents panicked as flaming petrol poured down the street. 燃烧的汽油沿街流淌,居民惊慌失措。3  British English informalANNOY used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you feel annoyed 十足的,该死的〔尤用于不耐烦时加强语气〕 You flaming idiot! 你这十足的笨蛋!4  orange or bright red in colour 橘红色的;火红的 flaming red hair 火焰般的红头发Examples from the Corpusflaming• My chest was a flaming cavern of agony.• Some use ionization detectors, which tend to react a little faster to flaming fires.• In a matter of minutes, the flaming liquid was flowing through the corridors of the fort.• As the fumes spread, they were ignited by the flaming rag and exploded.• She had flaming red hair.• the flaming wreckage of the helicopterflam·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  temper a or argument Corpus very angry




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