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单词 Formal definition
1 Furthermore, a formal definition of open object is proposed.
2 What is its formal definition?
3 This paper reinforces the formal definition of context lattice, provides some properties of formal contexts, and proves that a context lattice is a complete lattice.
4 In doing so,[] a formal definition of the service can be extended to support policies based upon endpoint definitions.
5 Before we get into a formal definition of a realization, let's step back and ask, "What really is a use case?
6 In a more formal definition, topic specialization starts with the containing element and works from the top down.
7 Application assets are increasingly using a more formal definition to describe their behavior, and this makes them ideally suited to be stored in a registry.
8 For example, the Council of Logistics Management's formal definition of a 3PL is: "A firm which provides multiple logistics services for use by customers.
9 Let me first give you the formal definition of gravitational potential energy.
10 There is no formal definition of complicated grief, but researchers describe it as an acute form persisting more than six months, at least six months after a death.
11 The formal definition is that the gravitational potential energy at a point P is the work that I, Walter Lewin, have to do to bring that mass from infinity to that point P.
12 The logical or formal definition is the dictionary definition which is rigid in form. It is often used in clarifying meanings of concrete or non-controversial terms.
13 The more formal definition for a role is a "database object that may group together one or more privileges or database authorities, and may be granted to users, groups, PUBLIC, or other roles."
14 The formal definition of coevolution runs something like this: "Coevolution is reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species," says John Thompson in Interaction and Coevolution.
15 They gave the formal definition of Turing reduction in terms of oracle Turing machine ( OTM ).
16 Part of this second step is the formal definition of the trace between a specific business process activity and the corresponding identified business use case.
17 Too often there is a significant lack of formal definition around data entities even within a single system.
18 It also suffers from the lack of an authoritative formal definition, resulting in successive "add on" clarifications that have patched some of the holes in the original specification document.
19 Most nonprofessionals have a pretty good sense of what narcissism means, but the formal definition is more precise than the dictionary meaning of the term.
20 Once the service has been developed and the service interface is complete, you should capture the service WSDL and use it as the formal definition of the interface.
21 The correctness of relationships among use case descriptions and semantic equivalence between use case descriptions can be analyzed based on the formal definition.
22 The use of a descriptive language to capture information gathered in interviews has some negative impacts on the formal definition of the needs and interfaces for the system(s) and product(s).
23 Combined with the types of the misrepresentation such as False Recordation, Mislead Statement, Serious Omission and Irregular Revelation, the paper gives a formal definition for Material.
24 Another common example uses the notion of a wrapped operation, which has become widely accepted within the industry despite the fact that there is no formal definition for the pattern.
25 Consistent with that interpretation is The Open Group SOA Work Group formal definition of "service" as a "logical representation of a repeatable activity that has a specified outcome."




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