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单词 fire department
释义  Related topics: Organizationsˈfire deˌpartment noun [countable] American English  SSOthe organization that works to prevent fires and stop them burning 消防署;消防队 SYN British English fire serviceExamples from the Corpusfire department• Other story ideas come from the police and fire department radio reports of crimes, fires, and accidents.• Your customer service representatives calm heated situations faster than the New York City fire department.• When that happens and some one falls in a channel, the city and county fire department swift-water rescue teams must respond quickly.• The police, fire department, hotel, stock brokers, lawyers and gay leagues are among these indie leagues.• The move follows a visit to the fire department in St Petersburg by a group of firemen from the county.ˈfire deˌpartment nounChineseSyllable  to prevent Corpus fires that and the organization works stop




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