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单词 recrimination
释义  re·crim·i·na·tion /rɪˌkrɪməˈneɪʃən/ noun [countable usually plural, uncountable]  BLAMEwhen you blame or criticize someone for something that has happened 指责;批评 Bitter accusations and recriminations followed the disaster. 灾难过后,严厉的指责和批评随之而来。Examples from the Corpusrecrimination• The discovery of unfaithfulness is followed by anger and recriminations, anguish and uncertainty.• And so began a chain of events, of misunderstandings, laughter, anger, and bitter recrimination.• The confessions, recriminations and bubbling bile of this long night's drinking into dawn make for increasingly compulsive viewing.• When he struggled to find winners at the start of the season, the cries of gleeful recrimination reached a crescendo.• In January and February 1985 it collapsed amidst tremendous local recriminations, directed primarily and almost entirely at strikebreakers.• She brought Pilade into their bed and refused to send him out and the night was passed in mutual recriminations.• This is because it is so good at avoiding runs of mutual recrimination.• We promised each other there would be no recriminations if it didn't work out.Origin recrimination (1600-1700) Medieval Latin recriminatio, from recriminare, from Latin criminari “to accuse”re·crim·i·na·tion nounChineseSyllable  you something has or blame Corpus when for someone criticize that




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