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单词 recreation room
释义  Related topics: Leisure, Houserecreˈation ˌroom noun [countable]  1. DLa public room, for example in a hospital, used for social activities or games 〔医院等处的〕娱乐[活动]室2. American EnglishDHH a room in a private house, where you can relax, play games etc 〔家中的〕娱乐室 SYN British English games roomExamples from the Corpusrecreation room• No chapel, no school, no recreation room, no pub, no social life of any kind really.• About mid-February there was a lull in the bombing, and the recreation room could be used.• Children and adults can enjoy the recreation room with snooker, table tennis and darts facilities as well as the croquet lawn outside.• She was sitting at a table in the recreation room with her relatives round her.• Naptime was from four to five, and then he watched the evening news on television in the recreation room.• The recreation room was reminiscent of the dole office.• Sometimes this would be a church hall, sometimes a Territorial Army drill hall, occasionally even a London Transport recreation room.recreˈation ˌroom nounChineseSyllable  hospital, room, public for in used a example Corpus for a




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