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单词 fallible
释义  fal·li·ble /ˈfæləbəl/ adjective formal  WRONG/INCORRECTable to make mistakes or be wrong 会犯错误的;会做错事的 OPP infallible Humans are fallible. 人孰无过。 These surveys are often a rather fallible guide to public opinion. 这些调查往往会对舆论产生误导。 —fallibility /ˌfæləˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusfallible• Steyer's murder trial showed that the justice system is fallible.• Any computer user soon discovers that sometimes hardware, and more often software, is extremely fallible.• I am not urging that all observation statements should be discarded because they are fallible.• Needless to say, all such anecdotes and surveys are fallible.• The claims of the falsificationist are seriously undermined by the fact that observation statements are theory-dependent and fallible.• For neural nets and genetic algorithms, it is not so much fallible as crude.• There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.• On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy.Origin fallible (1400-1500) Medieval Latin fallibilis, from Latin fallere “to deceive”fal·li·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  or be Corpus mistakes to make able wrong




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