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单词 Smallholder
1. Possibly the most variable factor is you, the smallholder.
2. Much as you might like to, no smallholder can escape the clerical and book-keeping side of the business.
3. In the countryside of North Armagh the smallholder was dominant and most of the smallholders were handloom weavers.
4. As a commercial smallholder you will relate all your enterprises to the market, which assumes a dominant influence over your choice.
5. Smallholder agriculture has led to the concentration of people being three times that that would support shifting cultivation in some areas.
6. For the smallholder kale is a rather laborious crop to feed.
7. An unskilled smallholder is likely to lurch from crisis to crisis.
8. This could be a godsend to the smallholder, especially on poor, cold land.
9. Once, he will to the smallholder of nancy abandon, see she smokes desperately with self - restrained pipe.
10. This network is applying participatory approaches to improve smallholder crop-livestock systems for poor farmers in the Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, among others.
11. Smallholder farmers, for example, also use the cut stems of poplar for cultivating mushrooms in their greenhouses.
12. Mixed farming is the main system for smallholder farmers in many developing countries.
13. Hooligan rascal consciousness, has centuries-old sparkplug generational feudal smallholder economic base, has vasty colony base and long thought base, and that reflect auctorial intention.
14. We must work with smallholder farmers to create an ecological approach to boosting production and conserving resources.
15. However, smallholder and its economy and consciousness are a fetters and handcuffs to current society modernization.
16. In view of their limited adaptive capacity, smallholder farmers, pastoralists and artisanal fishers in SSA are among the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change.
17. Poplar cultivation has become popular in smallholder and agro-forestry plantings in other regions of China.
18. Dry warm days and long light evenings drive on the smallholder to even greater feats of energy and determination.
19. The former system could still be used by a smallholder on suitable land, the latter would be disastrous.
20. So, in the short term I see little hope for the newcomer or success for the organic smallholder.
21. In other regions of China, investors have embraced innovative ways to cultivate poplars in smallholder and agro-forestry plantings.
22. Immediate activities include distribution of seeds, fertilizer, animal feed and other farming tools and supplies to smallholder farmers.
23. These include constructing small reservoirs and using groundwater systems sustainably, including artificial groundwater recharge and rainwater harvesting for smallholder vegetable gardens.
24. Also opposing the introduction of the modified vegetable is Potatoes South Africa, an organisation representing commercial and smallholder potato farmers.
25. The world is confronting population growth, while supply and production is constrained by climate change, water scarcity and lack of technology, especially among smallholder farmers.
26. The focus is on enhancing skills and capacity building in the smallholder sector through improving and upgrading small-scale meat production and processing techniques.
27. But this effort goes beyond governments – in fact, it rests on steadfast participation of civil society organisations to give smallholder farmers a stronger voice in this effort.
28. It is a common sight in rural areas of Kenya and South Sudan, as most smallholder farmers are women.
29. Coffee is the world's most valuable tropical agricultural export — produced by about 20 million smallholder families — so these are important questions.
30. FAO promotes greater investment in agriculture and rural development and has assisted governments to establish National Programmes for Food Security aimed at smallholder farmers.
31. Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape.
32. The drought also posed a threat to the immediate future of thousands of smallholder farmers.
33. In regions with extremely scattered smallholder field property, implementation of buffer stripes may not be possible.




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