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单词 midst
释义  midst1 /mɪdst/ ●○○ noun  1  in the midst of something a) MIDDLEif you are in the midst of an event or situation, it is happening around you 在某事的进行过程中;正值某事发生的时候 The government is in the midst of a major crisis. 政府正处于重大危机时期。 b) MIDDLEin the middle of a place or a group of things or people 在〔某地〕中部;在〔一堆事物或一群人〕中间 We were sitting in the midst of an elegant and well-dressed audience. 我们坐在一群举止优雅、衣着考究的观众中间。2  in our/their midst formalINCLUDE in a particular group 在我们/他们当中 I fear we have an enemy in our midst. 我担心我们中间有内奸。Examples from the Corpusmidst• Ruin, when you are in its midst, is hard to gauge.• The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and working in our midst.• The best time to nudge children toward functional writing is when they are in the midst of doing purposeful work.• We realise that this is simply a small sacred spot in the midst of environmental carnage.• Here was this skinny man, unafraid, in the midst of all this danger.• In the midst of her burning words her voice broke.• And, into the midst of this crept Jo, trying to escape up to her room without being seen.midst2 preposition old use  INCLUDEMIDDLEsurrounded by people or things 在…中间,在…之中Origin midst (1400-1500) mids “middle” ((13-19 centuries)), from Old English midde ( → MID-)midst1 nounmidst2 prepositionChinese  an are the event you or midst if of Corpus in




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