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单词 fair play
释义  ˌfair ˈplay noun [uncountable]  1  HONESTplaying according to the rules of a game without cheating 〔按规则进行的〕公平比赛 rules designed to ensure fair play 旨在确保比赛公平的规则2  FAIRfair treatment of people without cheating or being dishonest 公正处理;公平对待 the British tradition of fair play 英国人待人处世公平的传统 This kind of behavior violates many people’s sense of fair play. 这种行为有违许多人的公平意识。3  fair play to somebody British English spoken used to say that you think what someone did was right 某人做得对 He has to earn money somehow, so fair play to him. 他必须想办法赚钱,这没有错。 → turnabout is fair play at turnaboutExamples from the Corpusfair play• Curiosity alone kept me there, and fair play.• It doesn't feel like fair play, but I have to forgive them.• Aladdin was very good-natured and had a sense of fair play.• Only in a secure Britain can we break down barriers and give people a real sense of fair play.• Claiming credit for other people's work violates our society's sense of fair play.• First Kennedy, then Johnson, had placed themselves firmly on the side of fair play and integration.• These clubs did not necessarily take their sport in the spirit of fair play.• There are still people out there who teach and practice fair play, sportsmanship, and competition.• The intention is noble, I suppose: Teach them sportsmanship, fair play and all that.sense of fair play• Aladdin was very good-natured and had a sense of fair play.• Only in a secure Britain can we break down barriers and give people a real sense of fair play.• It violates their sense of fair play.ˌfair ˈplay nounChineseSyllable  rules playing Corpus to according of a game the




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