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单词 Apprenticeship
1, There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade. 
2, He served a one-year apprenticeship.
3, He's serving an apprenticeship as a printer.
4, He had served his apprenticeship as a plumber.
5, After he'd served his apprenticeship he found work overseas.
6, He served his apprenticeship with Bob.
7, She was in the second year of her apprenticeship as a carpenter.
8, His apprenticeship was behind him.
9, I braced myself for my apprenticeship to Mr Broadhurst.
10, Thirty years of acting is a long apprenticeship.
11, She had, in fact, a difficult double apprenticeship.
12, Nizan's apprenticeship was a testing time.
13, Chapman's apprenticeship in football management was over.
14, One piece of this preparation is the apprenticeship program.
15, Everything-his whole life was an apprenticeship for this.
16, Petitioning remained a weapon of agitation against the apprenticeship system up to 1838.
17, His brother graduated from the apprenticeship program in 1993 and is employed as a screen printer.
18, For potential solicitors the apprenticeship to an experienced solicitor in the form of articles of clerkship performs the same function.
19, After completing his apprenticeship he suffered a breakdown in health and was compelled to abandon his intended profession.
20, There are exceptions to the rules of party apprenticeship and nepotism.
21, Not for him the path of apprenticeship followed by his two younger brothers - at least,(http:///apprenticeship.html) not quite.
22, A man is either free or he is not. There cannot be any apprenticeship for freedom. 
23, School-to-work systems are striving to create a new form of apprenticeship that combines formal learning in school and at work.
24, Admission to practice requires the completion of three stages of training: the academic stage, the vocational stage and the apprenticeship.
25, Once machines seriously began to replace hand-setting, the argument about apprenticeship would be greatly weakened.
26, Social history Social historians tend to support the view that industrialisation destroyed the apprenticeship system.
27, Far From the Madding Crowd brought this period of literary apprenticeship to a triumphant close.
28, On the basis of their experiences, the Hamiltons have a number of suggestions for creating high-quality apprenticeship programs.
29, A funeral director's licence needed a degree and two year's mortuary service following a one-year apprenticeship.
30, The usual criterion for skilled work is the serving of an apprenticeship.
1, He served his apprenticeship with Bob.
31, But not every student will have the time or inclination to participate in an apprenticeship or even a summer internship.
32, Here he will have to serve a form of apprenticeship before he is accepted or even noticed.
33, He was educated privately in Derby and was taken into apprenticeship with the Midland Railway Company.
34, After an arduous five-year apprenticeship in the disciplines of war the twenty-one-year-old Duke had produced his masterpiece.
35, He renounced his apprenticeship in 1858 and resolved to follow his eldest brother into the ranks of the Geological Survey.
36, There was strong support for the apprenticeship system and concern that it should not be downgraded.
37, The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
38, The performance of the housewife role in adulthood is prefaced by a long period of apprenticeship.
39, Birmingham on 1 and 2 August 1838 saw a celebration to mark the end of apprenticeship.
40, Sometime into his term at the pump works, perhaps early in 1876, he began a second apprenticeship as a machinist.
41, It was a habit which remained a stand-by of abolitionists in the campaigns for emancipation and against apprenticeship.
42, They supplied machinery to Pilkington's of St Helens, where Deacon moved after completing his apprenticeship in the early 1840s.
43, As he'd nearly finished his apprenticeship, he was understandably loathe to pack it in.
44, First of all, it implies an apprenticeship period in which the craftsman learns control so that he can later abandon it.
45, The notion of apprenticeship as an almost religious vocation survives best, oddly, in martial arts movies like Bloodsport on Showtime.
46, From this apprenticeship to nature on tidal flats, I knew the strength of the environment in controlling cycles of marine life.
47, It requires a solid apprenticeship in the breed before you are able to cope with the responsibility of stud dog ownership.
48, John recalled his apprenticeship to a blacksmith in the early years of the Second World War.
49, There are cases where only instrumental technique is rioted,(/apprenticeship.html) implying an apprenticeship with a master who transmits the music orally.
50, In 1992 the chamber created a separate, nonprofit entity to coordinate the apprenticeship program.
51, Housework is not unique in this respect: other occupations also have apprenticeship schemes.
52, After finishing his apprenticeship he set up a business with this uncle, but it failed.
53, A 'Meister' in Germany serves a nine-year apprenticeship before he can run his own shop.
54, He began a technical apprenticeship at the Empress Engineering Works.
55, This Loughborough student, a talented soccer player who declined an apprenticeship with Coventry City, amassed 17 points.
56, A one year period of apprenticeship to an established barrister must be undertaken.
57, Years later, Ogwen apprenticeship having been served, we began to aspire to their routes, knees knocking at our effrontery.
58, Students' work-related experiences are much less intensive than in an apprenticeship program.
59, After completing an apprenticeship under his father in maintenance, moved to Newark for two years before returning to Barton-on-Humber.
60, By the 1995-96 school year, ProTech was substantially larger than Craftsmanship 2000 or any other youth apprenticeship program nationwide.
61, Our 1910 sample did serve its apprenticeship in trade-union organization, and this episode provides the last chapter in the story.
62, Even after this short apprenticeship, it is refreshing to return to daylight and safety.
63, With the premature end of apprenticeship came abolitionist anticipation of a new era of orderly progress in liberty.
64, Many students now choose to complete an apprenticeship and then pursue a university degree to improve their job prospects.
65, This can range from one-hour visits to the classroom to talk about their company to formal apprenticeship programs.
66, It exists only in use and may be imparted and acquired through apprenticeship and practice.
67, Fellini lacked any formal training in cinematography and developed his personal style only after a long apprenticeship as a scriptwriter.
68, In 1936 he began his apprenticeship in accountancy in the City, but the outbreak of war interrupted his career.
69, Withdrawn, solemn, feeling like a shadow, I took up the shoemaker's apprenticeship my parents negotiated for me.
70, When he was older, Taylor did serve an apprenticeship and did work as a laborer and machinist.
71, He went to Glasgow and began an apprenticeship in the engineering department of Randolph Elder, shipbuilders of Govan.
72, Only 12 of the 268 men who became free through completing an apprenticeship or by purchase were born in York.
73, Business and labour history; Social history Social historians tend to support the view that industrialisation destroyed the apprenticeship system.
74, Yet just then, amid industrial calamity, Taylor landed his apprenticeship.
75, Stanley's government proposals on emancipation in mid-May provoked hostility amongst delegates on the grounds of compensation and the apprenticeship scheme.
76, But the 1870s were not the 1370s, and amid rapid industrialization, apprenticeship was nothing like it once was.
77, It has created formal internship and apprenticeship programs for students and enabled them to shadow employees on the job.
78, In this unremarkable suburban community, Siemens has created a showcase apprenticeship program for electronics technicians.
79, I served an apprenticeship, worked hard and now I am in the wrong and it is not my fault.
80, During their mid teens many adolescents left home to enter farm service or to begin an apprenticeship.
81, In October 1731, shortly after completing his apprenticeship, he married Sarah Barker of Debenham.
82, We served our apprenticeship in skinning, levelling, cutting and throwing.
83, At sixteen, his father encouraged him to take an apprenticeship in the local handmade furniture shop.
84, Siemens also has used the lessons learned in its apprenticeship programs to reap much broader cost savings.
85, "Master system" comes from medieval crafts apprenticeship system.
86, Relevant qualifications and training, including special training and apprenticeship.
87, He is not yet out of his apprenticeship.
88, He is serving his apprenticeship.
89, What an apprenticeship, I had!
90, Apprenticeship is the most traditional way of vocational education.
91, Zhao Benshan orphaned at age 6, starting with di ( blind ) apprenticeship.
92, During the past ages, the apprenticeship system experienced origination and decline of traditional apprenticeship system and the remaking of modern apprenticeship.
93, Simon nodded glumly. He had hoped an apprenticeship might start on a more auspicious note.
94, He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch.
95, The study attributed that in part to "a rather successful apprenticeship system that ensures a relatively smooth transition from school to work for most youth."
96, The interest led to an apprenticeship in an art dealer's firm , Groupil's , in the Hague.
97, With rapid technological change, economic globalization, reconstruction of industrial structure and occupational structure, the apprenticeship system will be abundant in meaning and connotation.
98, Apprenticeship system is an ancient system vocational education in Britain.
99, After serving his apprenticeship as a toolmaker, he became a manager.
100, Schools should manage new teachers scientifically and improve the apprenticeship system.
101, This paper studys the apprenticeship system of fine arts education to be infonned ofthe long history of fine arts education since ancient times.
102, However, the resourceful imp manages to finagle an apprenticeship out of the sympathetic Alfredo, whose adages come mostly from the pens of Hollywood screenwriters.
103, In "Now You See It," Ms. Davidson cites the elite Socratic system of questions and answers, the agrarian method of problem-solving and the apprenticeship program of imitating a master.
104, It may mean a low-paying apprenticeship in your off-hours; it may mean volunteer work . . .
105, It was this painstaking apprenticeship that gave Van Gogh mastery of painting.
106, Has had several accidents, most serious one time, the duty first day came to finish an apprenticeship disadvantageously.
107, Germany has the lowest ratio (1.3), largely thanks to its successful apprenticeship system.
107, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
108, Chapter II introducing classical music of India's ancient system of apprenticeship tradition, combing their traditional transmission mode characteristics five aspects .
109, Tay contends the apprenticeship approach produces precisely those kinds of people.
110, Mrs Wang's son is serving his apprenticeship as a carpenter.
111, Benjamin was bred a silk dyer an apprenticeship in London.
112, But according to the claimed accounts apprenticeship group, the alignment abaft today's move, agents don't consistently get the advice they need.
113, The old apprenticeship system in Britain today attracts students with its unique glamour.
114, Mr. Shibata has been making this semi-sweet chocolate and banana signature cake since his apprenticeship and it has become a favourite of both adults and children.
115, The fuel - cell division prospered only after a long and costly apprenticeship, bleeding money for 17 years.
116, A few states require a short period of apprenticeship in addition to a law degree.
117, Service Medal yen sold off a bag, apprenticeship, and 11-piece set epaulet.
118, Maybe there was something to apprenticeship in the Middle Ages.
119, Twain first published Chapters 4–17, describing his apprenticeship as a riverboat pilot, in 1875.
120, After I served my apprenticeship, I still lived in misery.
121, After getting out of school at 15 , he started apprenticeship at Goupil & Cie .
122, After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime.
123, Bill Clinton's school-to-work initiative, a nod to the apprenticeship system, was derided as second-rate education.
124, After a 6 year apprenticeship I became a journeyman at 19.
125, Apprenticeship programs must be fully documented and applicable local laws.
126, The Asian Apprenticeship Training Program assists low-income, recent immigrants to gain skills enabling them to obtain construction industry apprenticeships that can lead to permanent employment.




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