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单词 pooch
释义  Related topics: Animalspooch /puːtʃ/ noun [countable] informal  HBAa dog – often used humorously 狗〔常为幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpuspooch• We did think of bringing a pooch along to follow the bride, dressed as a bridesmaid.• And if a pooch gets a little paunchy with all this pampering then put him on a health kick.• Taking on a pooch from an animal shelter brings traumas of many kinds.• In snow or rain, wind or sleet, we're out there walking our pooches.• The canine perfume for that problem pooch.• If you mooch round the block with the pooch, do it by power walking in the park.• So far, 57 of these pooches found owners.pooch nounChinese  humorously used often a – dog Corpus




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