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单词 Static
1. Civilization does not remian static, but changes constantly.
2. The population remained more or less static.
3. Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.
4. The locomotive is normally kept on static display in the National Railway Museum.
5. Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.
6. House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.
7. The economy is fairly static at the moment.
8. Her hair was full of static.
9. His promotion has caused a lot of static.
10. For some months the share price remained fairly static.
11. The balance sheet provides a static picture of the financial position at a point in time.
12. There's so much static on this radio I can't hear what they're saying.
13. Film divides motion up into a series of static images.
14. Prices on the stock market, which have been static, are now rising again.
15. The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen.
16. My hair gets full of static when I brush it.
17. There was too much static to hear their message clearly.
18. His radio crackles back with nothing but static.
19. Something was filtered out, some obscuring, personal static.
20. There's a lot of static on the line.
21. The static over the intercom was terrible.
22. The resulting market power will generate static welfare losses.
23. To start with it's interactive not static.
24. There was a crackle of static electricity.
25. All but the last two tested static models.
26. Again there was static, a warped sound.
27. Unfortunately, the high divorce rate remains static.
28. It is never dull or static.
29. They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.
30. The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased.
1. Civilization does not remian static, but changes constantly.
2. The population remained more or less static.
3. Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.
4. They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.
5. The locomotive is normally kept on static display in the National Railway Museum.
6. Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.
31. The relatively static lattice in a diamond ensures that the scattering is at a minimum and the thermal conductivity is exceptionally good.
32. Very commonly, people see static landscapes, moving faces or a sequence of pictures or geometric shapes.
33. Knowledge is never static, but successive generations of nurses fail to implement the findings of research.
34. Cotton sheets breathe, absorb moisture, and create less static electricity, which gives you a more comfortable rest.
35. The verb is spontaneous, fluid and not repeatable; the adjective is calculated, static and repeatable.
36. The comparative static propositions listed above can be tested with respect to these particular optimal values.
37. Above all the setting from within which family care might be provided is not a static one.
38. They thought of the world as essentially static and unchanging.
39. During the whole of this period, arts figures remained more or less static at 43-4 percent.
40. The social scientist tends to study events soas to draw conclusions of a more general and rather static kind.
41. Literary texts are not some static crystalline structure in which we may glimpse a captured immobile past.
42. It would nevertheless be a mistake to regard the agrarian economy of Savoy as completely static and unmoving.
43. There has never been a time in economic history when comparative advantage was less static.
44. But in order to keep the argument as clear as possible we presented a fairly static picture of the class structure.
45. When his hand touched the elevator signal it touched off the tiniest spark of static electricity.
46. Deception and intrigue add interest to an otherwise boring and static work environment.
47. Dave's verdict: an ideal tent for two people to take on backpacking trips,(Sentence dictionary) and for use on static camps.
48. I curled up in the shade of the parasol and tuned in to the natural static.
49. Consequently, at room temperature diamond is a relatively static crystal.
50. They must be portable, and so they must be dynamic rather dean static.
51. Accurate load positioning: static torque characteristics 3.1 Introduction Most stepping motor applications involve accurate positioning of a mechanical load.
52. Because: In order to be at one with the Static Cosmos, one must achieve a state of supreme stillness.
53. To enhance shine and eliminate static on a timeless, one-length bob, apply Protein Protective Spray to damp hair. 2.
54. In continental plate tectonics what seems static, the surface of the earth, is in reality in constant flux.
55. Ask yourself: does yours have the capacity to override the terrestrial static that interferes with radio reception sometimes?
56. The uncertain nature of Internet connections still results in a fair bit of static at times.
57. He presented the earth as an essentially static(), harmonious system that was being torn apart by human greed.
58. The entire interwoven pattern constituted an essentially static unity, whose focus was found in the spiritual authority of Rome.
59. The most optimistic forecast severely reduced activity in residential property; others expected static house sales until the end of the year.
60. Seymour's report shows that retail markets remained virtually static for the three months.
61. The static roared out from the earphones, stronger than ever.
62. Standards were set within the firm rather than externally and so organisations were essentially static rather than dynamic.
63. A load torque produces a static position error, which can be deduced directly from the static torque/rotor position characteristic.
64. The first extension deals with the static nature of the earlier models.
65. Secrecy sang in the static air, like an old valve radio with the volume turned down.
66. That's my final decision, so don't give me any static.
67. Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
68. To clear static, persevere by taking drastic steps to fight all interference and distraction.
69. During contests he was as jumpy as a schoolgirl and gave off a static charge of nervous energy.
70. His uncompromising attitude is that our revered document is static and not subject to evolution or judicial interpretation.
71. Amelia's unsubtle lust for him darted out of her like static electricity.
72. There was a crackle of static, like a public address system at a church social, then another record started.
73. Reportedly built from the ground up, it includes a static analyser, debugger and performance analyser based on an object-oriented architecture.
74. But as soon as Blanco had dummied past a static defence Lions countered with their second try, in first-half injury time.
75. The Executive Committee have decided that we should be represented and a static display stand has been booked for the five days.
76. One disadvantage, however, is that it acquires static electricity, causing it to pick up dirt easily.
77. With increasing costs and generally static science budgets, international collaboration has become the order of the decade.
78. Except for the marching feet and the static on the field radio, there was a large quiet.
79. Fine for a static Dalek, but totally inappropriate for a mobile machine.
80. If percapita consumption remained static, an increased world population would still need 40 percent more energy by 2025.
81. It presumes that reality is dynamic rather than static, and therefore seeks relationships between ideas, to aim at synthesis.
82. At first we got a little bit of static from nonparents.
83. Both turbine options were in close formation in the static at Farnborough and a superficial look would show little between them.
84. The Hersey-Blanchard model has generated interest because it recommends a leadership type that is dynamic and flexible, rather than static.
85. Example 2 deals with an approach to playing static double stops over chord changes.
86. Static electricity of this intensity is unbearable and I suffered from it before I began machine knitting.
87. In secondary storage there will be a large, static lexicon of anything between 10,000 to 100,000 words.
88. To a world that was flat, static, agricultural and largely illiterate, those books were, literally, a godsend.
89. He added, however, that hardware sales revenue this year would be fairly static as lower prices offset higher volume.
90. Art will move from the static to exploit fully dynamic, changing images.
91. In the five-phase machine, for example, the highest peak static torque is obtained when two or three phases are excited.
92. They tend to be somewhat static, so the contours of phrases can be rather weak.
93. The uncertainty of this metrical contradiction also contributes to the static mood.
94. The very language of this passage breaks all the barriers of a finite and static world.
95. A similar recognition process is carried out for static input.
96. Tradition, quite clearly, becomes static repetition without the continuing discrimination of re-creation and re-synthesis on higher levels.
97. Before a virus particle is prepared for the electron microscope it must be made static.
98. However, he also acknowledges that any actual legal system synthesizes the static and the dynamic principles.
99. To test these comparative static predictions, we carry out a similar exercise on the actual data.
100. There is a static display showing work and photographs, also possibility of the purchase of small hand forged items as mementoes.
101. He felt spooky and luminous, felt as though he were wrapped in cool fur that was full of static electricity.
102. It gives a dynamic picture of science rather than the static account of the most naive falsificationists.
103. Libraries are also being targeted and static displays are being used to highlight road safety.
104. This concept of structuration provides a bridge between our static models of class and the complex dynamic reality of changing inequality.
105. Within this more or less static total,(http:///static.html) catalogue mail order credit has been expanding fairly fast.
106. As a way of tackling the major problem of making something essentially static into something always forward-moving, I offer this tip.
107. Phenomena such as exon shuffling imply that genomes are constantly being rearranged, and are not mere static repositories of information.
108. He realized the need for a static locomotive-testing plant where detailed scientific investigations could be made.
109. I envisioned play would be a static simulation of the boisterous on-the-floor rivalries I shared with my siblings.
110. There is the danger that the plan becomes fossilised, static and unresponsive to new intelligence or other changed circumstances.
111. Economic dominance can not be viewed in a static framework but as a dynamic process with a continual shifting of dominance.
112. Yet so strong was the belief in a static universe that it persisted into the early twentieth century.
113. Cypress now plans to concentrate on static RAMs, programmable logic devices and its high-performance niche product lines.
114. There have been no problems in staffing the committees and the membership has remained relatively static.
115. However, the criminal law is not fixed and static, it varies over time and from area to area.
116. A major problem with such economists' models is that they are essentially static.
117. The fish-scoop occurs when the object lying on the ground is very static.
118. In the low and middle income countries, life expectancy remained static at 68 years.
119. Static electricity - that was the only explanation - although from his bland expression he had felt no similar spark on contact.
120. Surely a flashing red light would be far more visible in a tunnel than a static light?
121. The telephone line from San Antonio to Boston is crackling with the static of an ideological rift.
122. It must be stressed that the foregoing budgeting system must be viewed as dynamic rather than static in nature.
123. This is most evident in those provisions relating to the policing of static assemblies and marches and processions.
124. Secondly, because the £75,000 limit is not a static figure but is revalued every year in line with price increases.
125. Overhead, lightning flickered frequently as the static electricity accumulating in the ash cloud discharged.
126. Walsh produced a static listing at first, updating it once a month.
127. They begin to live with the illusion that their performance is static, in a holding pattern.
128. Their good combination football made Hammer look static, particularly in the second half when the home team scored four times.
129. In this sense, images are thought to be symbols. During preoperational development, images are primarily static.
130. It can be used as a forced air convection oven alone - forced air being faster than conventional static hot air.
131. The pull-out torque at low speeds can be expressed in terms of the peak static torque using the methods described in Section 4.2.
132. It goes without saying that you should practise safe upgrading by observing all precautions to prevent damage by static electricity.
133. Employing organisations within this sector are a mixture of local and international companies competing within a relatively static market.
134. The birds are mostly static, and still shown in profile - a single figure on each page with no background.
135. The first point is that Ramsey pricing has advantages both in terms of static efficiency and also arguably in terms of equity over cost-based pricing.
136. Postural tremor-present primarily on static posturing, i. e.(/static.html), with the arms outstretched but not moving. 3.
137. Like bursts and blips against the static of the radio.
138. Marx and Engels never explicitly defined nor adhered to a static interpretation of the Asiatic mode of production.
139. An example from this lexicon is as follows: This lexicon should not be seen a static repository of data.
140. Nevertheless, to conceive of parents as utterly static in the child's psychological life is likely to distort the picture grossly.
141. He held the receiver, hooked up with the general static.
142. This discussion illustrates the limitations of a static model of human behaviour in social research.
143. Don't take a static view of things.
144. Static electricity will ignite gasoline vapors.
145. Rebind applications that use static SQL after using RUNSTATS so that the query optimizer can choose the best access plan given the new statistics.
146. Static study of context is of atomistic way of thinking, and excludes the dynamic generation and mutual relevance of the elements in context.
147. Eliminating electrostatic method is to increase the humidity or use static quenching agent.
148. The difference of static contact angles measured by the dynamic measurement technique from static measurement technique was interpreted by this model and the previous hysteresis tension model.
149. OTN VCAT static support bit-synchronous mapping mode and asynchronous mapping mode based on scenarios, for optimizing resources and scalability design.
150. Culture, as and static entity, has great influence on both international communication and language learning today.
151. A BIST of 512 bits static RAM by using Concorde Compiler is designed and simulated.
152. According to the use of static eliminator and calculation of safety level, it is a conclusion that the static eliminator should be used with counter-blower cooperatively.
153. As an important parameter of steam turbine governing system, the dead band property was generally taken from the static characteristic curve.
154. You can even create a login script that would add these static entries to your PCs as they boot.
155. The measurement of pressure was carried out by using semiconductor silicon piezometer. With the static pressure in inlet of pipeline and theoretic analysis we could get the total pressure of MPT.
156. The results indicated that the steady-state performance of dry gas seal was influenced unusually by roughness and static stator misalignment.
157. The paper focuses on the key and difficult technical problem of crest overflow of concrete face rockfill dam, analyses and researches spillway on dynamical and static stability.
158. In spray region, the effective pressure drop is mainly dependent on the static pressure drop due to liquid holdup on the tray, its value is not affected by hole gas velocity.
159. While partitions were once static storage regions, thankfully, we now have a proliferation of PC repartitioning tools (PowerQuest's Partition Magic product is one of the most popular).
160. The study of the Chinese grammar requires static analysis as well as dynamic analysis.
161. The results show that the variation of static hydraulic pressure does not significantly affect the deformation and sound absorption performance of the structure with compound cavum.
162. Since the static files are typically stored outside the portal system on HTTP servers or proxy caches, we will concentrate here on the "real" HTML markup size.
163. This paper presented a mathematic fitting analytical modeling method which depends on all the static magnetizing feature to fit an analytical flux linkage model.
164. Usually the Dirac equation with zero static mass is regarded as the wave equation of neutrino.
165. He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked./static.html
166. The continuum functional relationships among system efficiency, blade angle, static head and flow rate of pumps are established based on the performance curve surface fitting method.
167. Others have done a collision map, camera, fonts, static model.
168. Anti - static: The fabrics are provided with the function of electrical conductivity , anti-pollution , anti - static .
169. The page is a static page, so you can simply copy it to the public directory of your Rails application.
170. This routine is dynamic but static, ups and downs, with Qi and strength, solidness and softness, it feels agile but vigorous.
171. It is generally divided into dynamic balance and static balance.
172. In this paper the optimal design problem of the diffusion-fission cross section for a dynamical reactor is considered on the basis of the simple energy static diffusion approximation equation.
173. The optimal static characteristic and its several improving methods are discussed emphatically by using those formulas.
174. Since the CLR does not support static locals, the Visual Basic compiler must do additional work to make the program successful.
175. In this paper the graphic calculation, CBL system and force sensors used to measure the maximum of static friction between two objects are introduced.
176. The identification result of the gyro misalignment angle in inertial platform is unsatisfactory for the static multiposition test scheme.
177. The existing reducer design causes the reducer to vibrate and to make a noise usually, when considering of only static characteristic but neglecting of dynamic performance.
178. When in work, the outer labyrinth cycle rotates together with a gyratory part,[] and the inner labyrinth cycle is fixed with a shell and stays in a static state.
179. The duplex transmission of data for dynamic static mixed algorithm is proposed in the paper.
180. If it doesn't, you'll get a black screen, or possibly brightly-colored static.
181. Permanent magnetic device. as a new type patent device, is used to ensure the hydroelectric generator to start its static excitation more reliably and more quickly.
182. Tom helmet's display fuzzed with static, then popped and went black.
183. The result of static characteristic test and disturbance test on follower system in factory demonstrates that this system has excellent static and dynamic performance.
184. Is given the equilibrium solution of the model, is analyzed the model by the method of static state analysis and dynamic analysis, are put forward the policy suggestions finally.
185. At present, the main device of reactive power compensation are synchronous compensator and static device, their price is very high and it is difficulty to maintenance.
186. The static state models of an EGO sensor were obtained by using piecewise polynomial method and nonlinear regression analysis method based on available experimental data.
187. Creates a new dynamic test from the selected static test.
188. Under the condition of microcarrier suspension culture, the adipose derived stem cells grew more productively, and the production of cell was higher, which were superior to those under static culture.
189. We studied and compared the static and dynamic games of two oligarchic enterprises on second-degree price discrimination under the condition of linear demand functions.
190. Furthermore, it introduces the experience of static load test for large - sized T - beam.
191. During the adjust of the process instrument, the function of the calibrator is very important for the uncertainty, which is about the dynamic parameter the static parameter etc.
192. Again, in terms that the BSD UNIX world used to view things, static and journal file systems relate to the way in which the UNIX File System (UFS) organizes and secures files.
193. Instance of static loading test of 30m T beam, actual stress and deflection of structure tested is analyzed and capacity of bearing load for structure tested is evaluated.
194. In this article, the effects of the small magnetic field perturbation on the equilibrium of plasma are discussed (the problem of the static stability of plasma).
195. Because of the combined of static and dynamic storage structure, the speed of the simulation is improved, so that the PC can carry out this etching simulation.
195. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
196. A static phase advancer is an on - the - spot compensating device for a large - scale or medium - scale induction motor.
197. It is proposed clearly that the interaction between simazine and CAT has been verified as consistent with static quenching procedure and the quenching mechanism is related to the energy transfer.
198. In our method, we combine the static program analysis and code instrumentation to implement it.
199. The static charge often results from when a passenger rubs their clothes against the upholstery of the seats on getting in or out of the vehicle.
200. Established three-dimensional model of spindle box and slide by three-dimensional software. Carried out static and modal analysis of slide.
201. Based on interval analysis and displacement finite element method, the static displacement response analysis of structure comes down to solve the interval finite element control equation.
202. Using magnetic fluid dynamics and thermodynamics theory, a study on the results of axial bearing pressure ability of rotation axis magnetic fluid static seals was introduced.
203. RAM can be classified as Static RAM and Dynamic random access memory.
204. Credit index system was constructed with being classified into static index and dynamic index.
205. The pureQuery XML capture file can be bound into static packages using the StaticBinder.
206. The Kelvin solution to the static linear elastic problem is used as the weighted function to derive the boundary integral equation for steady-state vibration problems.
207. Subsequent executions, of course, will benefit from the result of patching the code so that the instance or static field, or method target, is more directly referenced.
208. The usual means include running dynamic routing protocol or configuring static default route.
209. In this paper, the static strength and the fatigue life of spring for seal flake in radial face on rotary engine is analyzed.
210. Accord to analysis of the work theory, the static and dynamic characteristics of the magnetic particle brake, we resolved the problem of its fast-speed.
211. Established three-dimensional solid model of ball end mill , and which is imported into ANSYS software, a static analysis and modal analysis are finished with the ball end mill.
212. Mark it Static and provide a simple verbalization (Figure 11).
213. Contactless Mobile Power Supply (CMPS) system is a novel power supply system which can realize power transfer by magnetic couple between static power system and mobile electric facilities.
214. All the protocols such as IPSTB, HSRP and VRRP provide the function of redundance for static route, but they don t provide load balance well.
215. It is the opposite of static, laze , and passivity.
216. Firstly, false paths in static timing analysis and the algorithm to sensitize paths are presented, and then some factors affecting gates and interconnects delay are discussed.
217. Thus, the program call flow can be drastically obscured to prevent static analysis.
218. Absolute static state does not exist in the universe. The nature of money is motional.
219. Some lawless users often peculate other's IP address in methods of static , dynamic and reworking them.
220. As you saw earlier, the code for a static field initializer executes inside an implicit type constructor.
221. One side anti - static gelatine coating substrate ; Used for producing graphic arts film and inkjet film, etc.
222. Pluralize the names of classes that group related attributes, static services, or constants.
223. A good example of this was Einstein, who called the cosmological constant, which he introduced when he was trying to make a static model of the universe, the biggest mistake of his life.
224. The results indicate that GPS static positioning technology can reach the precision of milli-meter, and fully meet the requirements of high-precision deformation monitoring.
225. You can wire two events together in a static page by explicitly defining a ReceivedEvent in the target widget's micro format.
225. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
226. Using the incomplete information static game theory, the telecom universal service fund allocation mechanism was studied.
227. In addition to specifying the field order, the static constraints block also lets you put some validation rules in place.
228. This is more crucial for static linking than dynamic, because a non-static identifier will be globally visible.
229. A bus frame FEM model is built up with shell and beam elements, which is proved to be accurate by static electrometric tests.
230. Credit risk management turns from the static state to the dynamic state etc.
231. The design of sensor network for home care is unique in three aspects – co-existence of static and mobile sensors, variety of data types, and mission-criticalness of data for elder care.
232. In chemical enterprise, integrated circuit and microelectronic device are adopted for most of the instruments. However, the integrated circuit is subject to lightning and static electricity.
233. Because these patterns occur so frequently, we've developed a class entitled Functor to encapsulate them as static Closures.
234. CAE model was utilized to analyze static stress, calculate and validate torsion stiffness.
235. These strategies lead to good dynamic and static behavior of the proposed system.
236. Within a class, you define a static method for each DLL function you want to call.
237. The dynamic modulus of elasticity is closer to the static modulus of elasticity of the fiberboard which ratio of density or length and cross- section area ratio is bigger.
238. Firstly, in accordance with the materials of the vertical static load test of the single pile, the author analyses the laws of the axial force, lateral friction and end resistance of the piles.
239. This paper researches on the static stability of the AC/DC power system.
240. Nowadays, a lot of problems produced by static discharge have a great influence on the normal performance of electronic equipments.
241. " Einstein, "according to study molecular motion of suspended particles in the liquid static movement" in the text, to explain Atomism " Brownian motion.
242. This paper mainly introduces a test method of altitude measurement in a static state for a new type of a pulse radar altimeter installed in a CK1E target drone model.
243. The advantages of the structure are slinky sculpt, light in weight, good in integrity and easy in construction. The static behavior of the structure is analysed by use of the software ANSYS.
244. STATICST 104 Ais a device which produces maximum air volume in benchtop static eliminator series.
245. One of the essential and full conditions for squeeze-forming from liquid metal in static condition is the plastic deformation.
246. Guideline 1 can be ensured by type checking and throwing an error message if there is any static storage declaration in the function.
247. When you see Batman inside the cockpit, that is a static set.
248. PZT micro -force sensors were calibrated by bimorph and electronic balance in static state and by bimorph and charge amplifier in dynamic state, small signal was tested by amplifier.
249. The applications of ACO to static and dynamic COPs, such as traveling salesman problem, quadratic assignment problem, network routing problem are reviewed.
250. This error occurs if you apply code changes or invoke Edit and Continue with a debug command after renaming a global or static variable.
251. In traditionally static and deterministic parking models, the time dependence and stochasticity of road networks is ignored.
252. Rather than defining a generally accessible global object, a class can define a class static member.
253. This paper will describe and compare three static rollover threshold estimation metrics:Static Stability Factor (SSF), Side Pull Ratio (SPR), and Tilt Table Ratio (TTR).
254. Using I-DEAS software, finite element analysis of static strength of low-sided weathering steel gondola car body is carried out.
255. In 1923, Soviet - American plot Ziwa Li Jin Faming static storage type camera tube.
256. And its main rotor pump rotating parts should be static balance and dynamic balance test.
257. And it's especially ugly if you want to use member functions as the event handlers, as opposed to static extern functions.
258. In a Java program, a root is a reference to an object held in a static variable or in a local variable on an active stack frame.
259. High effective positive ion active formula, soften and smoothen clothes, reduce static electricity of fabric, eliminate harmful germ, leave sweet well. Apply to towel.
260. Loyalist cries of "U. S. A. " tried to drown out the dissent. -Please, please don't be diverted by the ground noise and the static.
261. Its equipment is formed from fan, flammable gas source, combustor, feeder, spouted bed, cyclone separator, static dust-remover, condensator, flowmeter, thermometer and control device.
262. Notice that every time an instance of class C is allocated, the static field member is reset.
263. First, it uses the lexicon tree, which saves the static storage space and increases the dynamic speed in finding words from syllable sequences.
264. He would have liked stronger static type checking of template arguments.
265. Thus the carcinogenicity of static magnetic fields to humans is not at present classifiable (IARC, 2002).
266. When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply.
267. It provides the static storage management and dynamic procedure management for the enterprises'product data.
268. JP-4 is a nonconductive liquid, prone to build up static electricity when being moved through pipes and tanks.
269. A static or mobile thermally insulated container designed to contain liquefied or cryogenic gases. The gas is removed in gaseous or liquid form.
270. Thus, strong and static architecture has been metamorphosed into delicate and varied architecture.
271. The toxic effects of fluoranthene on two marine diatoms were investigated using the static method.
272. The spliter is an important parameter in designing the static gas wave refrigerator.
273. For best results in measuring static pressure, a piezometer ring should be used.
274. Second, we present SCUD adaptive component allocation method—RIT, achieving the static configurable middleware adaptation during the component assembly and deploy.
275. The scale inhibition performance of PASP ATMP compound was studied using static scale inhibition method.




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